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Robert Barron - What Happens After We Die?
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Robert Barron - What Happens After We Die?
Robert Barron - What Happens After We Die?
Peace be with you. Friends, last week we looked at the twentieth chapter of Saint John's Gospel, one of the great Resurrection appearances. And this week, on the Third Sunday of Easter, we have a passage from that magnificent twenty-fourth chapter [...]
Marcus Mecum - Easter 2024
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Marcus Mecum - Easter 2024
Marcus Mecum - Easter 2024
If you got your Bibles, turn with me to John 1. I'm gonna read one verse and then we're going to do our best to walk through the primary plot line in the Bible. If you could find a theme in the Bible, we're gonna do our best to look at that [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Intentional
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Intentional
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Intentional
Blessed happy resurrection. Sunday go only gold Easter Sunday. Do you know how they celebrate resurrection Sunday in Eastern Europe? The pastor will usually say Jesus is recent. And then the congregation will say yes in did he is risen. Indeed. [...]
Robert Barron - Evidence of the Resurrection
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Robert Barron - Evidence of the Resurrection
Robert Barron - Evidence of the Resurrection
Peace be with you, and a very happy, very blessed Easter to everybody. So, we come to the climax of the Church's year, we come to the feast of feasts, we come to the very reason for being of Christianity. St.Paul said, "If the Lord has not been [...]
Marcus Mecum - Three Gifts Everyone Needs - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - Three Gifts Everyone Needs - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - Three Gifts Everyone Needs - Part 2
And so, the shipmaster this Easter is wanting to ask you some hard questions. "Are you on the run today? What's this last season been like to you? What happened"? Jonah says, "When the ship master says 'you're not gonna sleep through [...]
Marcus Mecum - Three Gifts Everyone Needs - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - Three Gifts Everyone Needs - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - Three Gifts Everyone Needs - Part 1
Matthew 16, and I want to show you why it's appropriate to look at the story of Jonah on Easter. Jesus is dealing with a religious crowd in Matthew 16 that want a sign from heaven. They're really looking for him to clear up who he is through some [...]
Kerry Shook - Come Alive
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Kerry Shook - Come Alive
Kerry Shook - Come Alive
We're celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and we're gonna celebrate today. It's a party, it's a celebration service not a funeral service, so we're gonna celebrate. Jesus Christ is alive, and when Jesus rose from the dead 2000 years ago, [...]
Kerry Shook - Breakthrough of Easter
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Kerry Shook - Breakthrough of Easter
Kerry Shook - Breakthrough of Easter
Chris Shook : Happy Easter, Woodlands Church. Are you ready to celebrate? Yeah, Jesus Christ is alive. You can be seated. Without Easter, there would be no reason to celebrate, but Easter turns our sadness and mourning into celebration because [...]
Robert Barron - Three Lessons of the Resurrection
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Robert Barron - Three Lessons of the Resurrection
Robert Barron - Three Lessons of the Resurrection
Peace be with you, and a very blessed, very happy Easter Sunday to everybody. Hey, listen, the Resurrection of Jesus is the be all and the end all of the Christian faith. If Jesus didn't rise from the dead, all bishops, all priests, all Christian [...]
Robert Barron - Awaiting Resurrection
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Robert Barron - Awaiting Resurrection
Robert Barron - Awaiting Resurrection
Peace be with you. Friends, I love how all three of the readings for the Second Sunday of Lent call to mind the mystical, the strange, the transcendent world that's the goal of all of our religious striving. Our first reading from the book of [...]
James Meehan - What Did God Do on Easter?
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James Meehan - What Did God Do on Easter?
James Meehan - What Did God Do on Easter?
Well, welcome to part two of our Switch Easter mini-series, "Light in the Dark". In this two part series, we have been looking at the two most significant events in all of history: the death of Jesus on Good Friday and his resurrection [...]
James Meehan - 10 Facts About the Resurrection
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James Meehan - 10 Facts About the Resurrection
James Meehan - 10 Facts About the Resurrection
"And if Christ has not been raised then all our preaching is useless and your faith is useless". Huston Smith, author of "The World's Religions" wrote Christianity is basically a historical religion that is to say it is founded [...]
Allen Jackson - Easter, The Cast of Characters - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Easter, The Cast of Characters - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Easter, The Cast of Characters - Part 2
2020 was an episode of tremendous shaking. It was presented to us as a great threat to our health. We heard about a virus coming our way from Wuhan. Except when we first heard about it, we couldn't say "Wuhan". I stood on this platform and [...]
Allen Jackson - Easter, The Cast of Characters - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Easter, The Cast of Characters - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Easter, The Cast of Characters - Part 1
You know, I always think Easter weekend is a bit challenging. You know the story before you get here. It's not like we have resurrection part B, but I always find the Lord ministers to me as I prepare these Easter weekend messages, and I've asked [...]
James Merritt - Grave Significance
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James Merritt - Grave Significance
James Merritt - Grave Significance
New York Times bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book called "The Tipping Point", sold over 2 million copies. Great book. The basis of the book is really simple. Here's what Gladwell said. He said, "Drastic change happens at [...]
Robert Barron - What Does the Resurrection Actually Mean?
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Robert Barron - What Does the Resurrection Actually Mean?
Robert Barron - What Does the Resurrection Actually Mean?
Peace be with you. Friends, for this third Sunday of Easter, I'm going to harp on something. I'm going to harp on it because: the Bible harps on it a lot, and because our culture, I think, often misses it. What I'm going to harp on is the very [...]
Andy Stanley - Easter, No One Saw It Coming
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Andy Stanley - Easter, No One Saw It Coming
Andy Stanley - Easter, No One Saw It Coming
Light of the world lamb, that was slain lion who rose mighty to save the emblem of death. That became the emblem of our faith. It's unbelievable. You know, if you read the New Testament, or if you're familiar with, with the story of the gospel, [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Easter and Passover Differences
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Jonathan Bernis - Easter and Passover Differences
Jonathan Bernis - Easter and Passover Differences
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. We are so glad that you're joining us today. I'm Jonathan Bernis. Today we're gonna be talking about both Easter and Passover. Now, many of you watching at home probably celebrate Easter and [...]
Greg Laurie - A New Day Dawning
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Greg Laurie - A New Day Dawning
Greg Laurie - A New Day Dawning
So I heard about a man who went with his family on vacation to Israel, including his ever-nagging mother-in-law. Now, there's a lot of great mothers-in-law, okay? But this mother-in-law nagged a lot. And sadly, while they were in the Holy Land, she [...]
Robert Jeffress - Three Reasons The Resurrection Matters
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Robert Jeffress - Three Reasons The Resurrection Matters
Robert Jeffress - Three Reasons The Resurrection Matters
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Someone has wisely stated that Christianity stands or falls on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Disprove it, and you've disposed of Christianity forever. [...]
Robert Jeffress - Grave Matters
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Robert Jeffress - Grave Matters
Robert Jeffress - Grave Matters
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Over the years, I've met well-meaning but very misguided people who told me this. They said, "When Jesus died, I believe his Spirit went to heaven, but I don't think [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Easter, The Live Experience
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Jentezen Franklin - Easter, The Live Experience
Jentezen Franklin - Easter, The Live Experience
Hello, and welcome to a very special edition of Kingdom Connection. My wife Cherise and I wanna wish you a very happy and blessed Easter. We recently had an annual Easter production, and we saw thousands and thousands of people come together to [...]
Creflo Dollar - Resurrection Benefits
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Creflo Dollar - Resurrection Benefits
Creflo Dollar - Resurrection Benefits
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 15, beginning at verse 12 in the NLT. I'm gonna read verse 12 through 26. 1 Corinthians 15 in the NLT. Verse 12 says this. "But tell me this, since we preach that Christ [...]
Steven Furtick - Something In Between
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Steven Furtick - Something In Between
Steven Furtick - Something In Between
Hallelujah! You can feel it, right? God is up to something today. Welcome. Happy Resurrection Sunday, everybody. All over the world, we greet you in the name of Jesus, the name above every name…Jesus who is seated at the right hand of God, Jesus who [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Last Supper Before The First Easter
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Robert Jeffress - The Last Supper Before The First Easter
Robert Jeffress - The Last Supper Before The First Easter
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. When God delivered the Israelites from Egypt, He established an annual feast to commemorate this monumental moment called the Passover. 1400 years later and the night before Christ [...]
John Hagee - The Two Resurrections
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John Hagee - The Two Resurrections
John Hagee - The Two Resurrections
Here is the resurrection story. Late Thursday night, 2,000 years ago, following the Passover meal with his disciples, Jesus of Nazareth was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Just outside the Eastern walls of Jerusalem, his disciples slept as [...]
Craig Groeschel - Does God Still Love Me?
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Craig Groeschel - Does God Still Love Me?
Craig Groeschel - Does God Still Love Me?
Well, today we celebrate the tomb is empty. Our Savior has risen from the dead and I wanna express my praise to God and my love to all of you. Happy Easter. You guys look better than normal. I mean, you look good. You look Easter good. Touch the [...]
Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane
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Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane
Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane
I want to talk to you today about Grace for Gethsemane. The word Gethsemane means a place of pressing. It was an olive garden in Jerusalem, workers would put olives into a press. They were squeezed, and under that pressure the oil would come out. [...]
Steven Furtick - God Will Restore You
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Steven Furtick - God Will Restore You
Steven Furtick - God Will Restore You
This is an excerpt from: Found Fishing God sent me to speak to somebody this Easter. You're waiting for God to reveal to you what he has next for you. You don't really know what that is. You know he has risen, and you know he's real. You believe in [...]
Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, My Victory Over Death
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Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, My Victory Over Death
Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, My Victory Over Death
Resurrection Morning. Jesus conquered death, amen? A man has been raised from the dead. You know, the Resurrection of Jesus that we celebrate today is not like when he raised Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus was to wear those linen clothes, those [...]
Mike Novotny - Jesus' Empty Grave = My Immortality
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Mike Novotny - Jesus' Empty Grave = My Immortality
Mike Novotny - Jesus' Empty Grave = My Immortality
So, I was thinking about it, this past week, and it kind of hit me that I feel bad for Easter. They say that there are two "don't miss moments" in the Christian faith: Christmas and Easter. The birth of the Savior who came to rescue us and [...]
Rick Warren - Expecting a Resurrection When Life Falls Apart
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Rick Warren - Expecting a Resurrection When Life Falls Apart
Rick Warren - Expecting a Resurrection When Life Falls Apart
Happy Easter, everybody. I'm Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, author of "The Purpose Driven Life," and teacher for the Daily Hope Broadcast. I wanna welcome all of you who are watching this very special global Easter service [...]
Mike Novotny - My Best Life Possible
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Mike Novotny - My Best Life Possible
Mike Novotny - My Best Life Possible
You do not have to say it out loud but when you woke up this morning did you feel like you know despite all the flaws and imperfections that everyone deals with that you had relatively good, meaningful, purposeful, worth living life. As you think [...]
Michael Youssef - The Imperatives of the Resurrection
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Michael Youssef - The Imperatives of the Resurrection
Michael Youssef - The Imperatives of the Resurrection
Hello, my friends, and welcome to Resurrection Sunday, the day that changed the world, and the day that set Christianity apart from all those other religions because it is the resurrection power of Jesus Christ that gives us hope not only in this [...]
Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 3
Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 3
In the last two messages, we have been studying the folly and the power of the cross. The Bible said that those who are perishing, to them the cross is foolishness, it's folly; but to those who are being saved, to them the cross is none other than [...]
Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 2
Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 2
Every human being that is born anywhere in the world, every one of us, every human being of the 7 billion in the world today or the ones before us or the ones after us, everyone was born with a spiritual debt around our neck which we could never [...]
Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 1
Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 1
I think most of you will agree with me that in our lifetime, certainly I know in my lifetime, there has been no time when the cross of Christ has been more abused and misused, have been undermined and ignored, has been rejected and despised; yet, [...]
Michael Youssef - Easter in the Middle East
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Michael Youssef - Easter in the Middle East
Michael Youssef - Easter in the Middle East
Blessed Palm Sunday. I am so glad you tuned in because you are in for a treat. It's a very special program, "Easter: The Resurrection" from the heart of the Middle East. You will love the music by one of the great maestros and also a [...]
Mark Batterson - Easter Celebration at NCC
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Mark Batterson - Easter Celebration at NCC
Mark Batterson - Easter Celebration at NCC
I own a sport coat, see! Ah, what a joy to be together? Aren't you grateful? God gives us two families, biological family, and a spiritual family. And I wanna say just a happy Easter to our family, and it's an open invitation. If you're a guest, [...]
Mark Batterson - The Uncertainty Principle
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Mark Batterson - The Uncertainty Principle
Mark Batterson - The Uncertainty Principle
In 1932, a theoretical physicist named Werner Heisenberg won the Nobel prize for a groundbreaking discovery in the field of quantum mechanics. For hundreds of years, physicists believed in a clockwork universe that was predictable and measurable and [...]
Mark Batterson - Run to the Tomb
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Mark Batterson - Run to the Tomb
Mark Batterson - Run to the Tomb
Over the course of 1500 years, 40 human authors inspired by the spirit of God. They were farmers and fishermen. They were poets and politicians. They were doctors and tax collectors and kings. They wrote 66 books, in three languages, on three [...]
Chris Hodges - He's Still Making Appearances
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Chris Hodges - He's Still Making Appearances
Chris Hodges - He's Still Making Appearances
Come on, one more time, let's give Jesus our praise, everybody. Come on, you can do better than that. It's Resurrection Sunday! Oh, yeah. That's awesome. And how about a good hand for our worship teams on that song, everybody, come on. I know, so [...]
Chris Hodges - The Resurrection Paradox
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Chris Hodges - The Resurrection Paradox
Chris Hodges - The Resurrection Paradox
So good to see everybody here today. Who's glad to be in church? Who loves Jesus with all their heart? Come on, give him some praise. He's awesome. Oh, it's so good to see you. And let me look into the camera and say hello to all of our campuses. We [...]
Chris Hodges - Believing Thomas
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Chris Hodges - Believing Thomas
Chris Hodges - Believing Thomas
Now give Jesus some praise for getting out of that grave. Come on, somebody. It's so awesome. Well, what a joy it is to be with you, today. Happy Resurrection Sunday, and a big hello to all of you who are here at Grants Mill. Let me look into the [...]
Adrian Rogers - What If There Had Been No Easter?
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Adrian Rogers - What If There Had Been No Easter?
Adrian Rogers - What If There Had Been No Easter?
Take God's Word and find if you would First Corinthians chapter 15. An unthinkable question; what if there had been no Easter? What if Jesus Christ stayed in that tomb? What if death had conquered, if there'd been no Easter? Well, the apostle Paul [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Dress Rehearsal for Calvary
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Adrian Rogers - A Dress Rehearsal for Calvary
Adrian Rogers - A Dress Rehearsal for Calvary
Take God's Word, find please if you would, the book of Hebrews chapter 11 and in a few moments we're going to look at verses 17 through 19. Now as you hold your Bible in your hand may I tell you, look at me, may I tell you there is no book like the [...]
Adrian Rogers - Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs
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Adrian Rogers - Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs
Adrian Rogers - Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs
Would you be finding Romans chapter 8. In our journey through Romans we've come through chapter 8. We've called Romans the constitution of Christianity. I was in Washington, D.C., and saw the original Constitution of the United States. And in the [...]
Adrian Rogers - Let's Celebrate Passover
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Adrian Rogers - Let's Celebrate Passover
Adrian Rogers - Let's Celebrate Passover
Be finding First Corinthians chapter 5, First Corinthians chapter 5. Let me tell you what I'm going to do today. I'm going to call you today to a celebration. Let's celebrate. You know sometimes we have the idea that salvation is a funeral. It is [...]
Mike Novotny - Easter From the Holy Land, Where Death Lost Its Sting
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Mike Novotny - Easter From the Holy Land, Where Death Lost Its Sting
Mike Novotny - Easter From the Holy Land, Where Death Lost Its Sting
In early 2020, I got to explore Israel. "I'm sitting literally in the place where Jesus' feet touched". I saw some amazing places. "The old city of Jerusalem, the Garden of Gethsemane, beautiful Nazareth, and the Mount of Beatitudes, [...]
Michael Youssef - The Resurrection... And You
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Michael Youssef - The Resurrection... And You
Michael Youssef - The Resurrection... And You
I have a simple message. It's a two-word message. Two words. Only two words is gonna be the message today, so I want you to focus and concentrate. And if you're taking notes, take them down. Two words you will never forget. These two words are part [...]
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