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Jack Graham - The First Freedom
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Jack Graham - The First Freedom
Jack Graham - The First Freedom
One of the most important issues of our day is that of religious liberty; freedom of religion. And you need to know that freedom of religion, the freedom to practice our faith, to live our faith. The reason I'm calling it "The first [...]
Jack Graham - God's Law and Order
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Jack Graham - God's Law and Order
Jack Graham - God's Law and Order
I see this battle between right and wrong heating up, Christ and antichrist. And it is so essential that we be spiritually prepared for this battle. America is in chaos! The streets of major cities are filled with mobs. Police and law enforcement [...]
Jack Graham - God's Grace for Every Race
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Jack Graham - God's Grace for Every Race
Jack Graham - God's Grace for Every Race
Love those Lion's eyes! DON'T BLINK is our series. We are staring down the lies of the enemy and preaching God's truth! Amen? The title of today's message is "God's Grace for Every Race". I'm actually today [...]
Jack Graham - Truth Matters
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Jack Graham - Truth Matters
Jack Graham - Truth Matters
Take your Bibles and turn with me to 2 Timothy, chapter 3. This is our series DON'T BLINK: Focusing on Truth in Today's Culture. That's what we call a world-view, and we'll define it even more in just a bit. We are facing [...]