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Watch 2024-2025 online sermons » Tag cloud » Derek Prince's Life Story
Derek Prince - Home To Jerusalem
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Derek Prince - Home To Jerusalem
Derek Prince - Home To Jerusalem
While I was at Kiryat Motzkin, a corporal in the Royal Army Medical Corps the Lord spoke to me very directly and personally. I spoke in an unknown tongue and then God gave me the interpretation. He said, I have called thee to be a teacher of the [...]
Derek Prince - Lydia and Ruth
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Derek Prince - Lydia and Ruth
Derek Prince - Lydia and Ruth
I came to the point where I felt I had to make a decision. I could go on being a local pastor or I can help the people that needed help, but I couldn't combine the two. So I retired from my pastoring with a very good relationship between the [...]
Derek Prince - Deliverance
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Derek Prince - Deliverance
Derek Prince - Deliverance
Well, so we took up residence in Minneapolis and I became for awhile an associate pastor with my friend in this Assembly of God church. I began to make contacts and invited to speak in various places. Then I received an invitation from Seattle, [...]
Derek Prince - Refugees and Africa
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Derek Prince - Refugees and Africa
Derek Prince - Refugees and Africa
I had mentioned previously that the four oldest girls went ahead of us. They were evacuated by the British military. It just shows God can do anything when He gets the British army working for you. They arrived in England without, I mean where were [...]
Derek Prince - Escape From Jerusalem
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Derek Prince - Escape From Jerusalem
Derek Prince - Escape From Jerusalem
During the actual war itself, there was comparative peace in Palestine between the Arabs and the Jews. When the war finished, that’s when tension began and during the years of the war the family had lived, although they were nearly all Jewish, in an [...]
Derek Prince - Appointment In Jerusalem
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Derek Prince - Appointment In Jerusalem
Derek Prince - Appointment In Jerusalem
After a year in the Sudan I was drafted back to Cairo, and because I’d been three years in deserts I applied for a more humane posting, and eventually I was sent to what was then Palestine. So I was posted to a little place called Kiriat Motzkin on [...]
Derek Prince - When Derek Received The Holy Spirit
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Derek Prince - When Derek Received The Holy Spirit
Derek Prince - When Derek Received The Holy Spirit
Shortly after my personal encounter with the Lord our unit was sent overseas. We were Number One Lightfield Ambulance, attached to Number One Armored Division. They never told us where they were sending us. And we were nearly two months at sea. We [...]
Derek Prince - Conversion
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Derek Prince - Conversion
Derek Prince - Conversion
When World War II broke out I was aged about 24. I was 24 when I was elected into a Fellowship at King’s College, Cambridge, and about the same time I was called up. Taking the stand of Conscientious Objector, I agreed to do non-combatant service. [...]
Derek Prince - Childhood
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Derek Prince - Childhood
Derek Prince - Childhood
It shall be like a little stream, the little stream shall become a river, the river shall become a great river, the great river shall become a sea, the sea shall become a mighty ocean, and it shall be through thee. How thou must not know, thou canst [...]