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James Merritt - Heartthrob
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James Merritt - Heartthrob
James Merritt - Heartthrob
You know the first time I heard that saying that I saw on this sign, I knew I would never forget it. Maybe you've heard this before. "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it". And it reminds us that one of the [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Champion
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Jentezen Franklin - The Champion
Jentezen Franklin - The Champion
Look with me now in first Samuel chapter 17. I'm beginning a series today, and I'll do part one today, and part two the Lord willing next Sunday. But I want you to look with me, I just want to highlight a couple of verses: verse 4, "And a [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Four Seasons of Failure
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Skip Heitzig - The Four Seasons of Failure
Skip Heitzig - The Four Seasons of Failure
Would you please turn in your Bibles to the book of Second Samuel chapter 11, Second Samuel chapter 11. There was a story told a few years ago. It was, I believe, then on ABC Nightly News about a very strange piece of art. It was a chair, and fixed [...]