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Joseph Prince - The Secret to Exercising Faith: Speak!
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Joseph Prince - The Secret to Exercising Faith: Speak!
Joseph Prince - The Secret to Exercising Faith: Speak!
Are you ready for God’s Word? I wanna touch on something that only believers have, and it’s called the faith of God, the God kind of faith. Say it, «The God kind of faith». Now, many of us, we grew up in the word of faith circle, so we have heard [...]
Joseph Prince - How Words Shape Your Future
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Joseph Prince - How Words Shape Your Future
Joseph Prince - How Words Shape Your Future
Romans 10 is a very beautiful passage of Scripture. It tells us even how to be saved. Not only that, it is a message for believers and unbelievers as well. It starts with verse 4, «Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who [...]
Joseph Prince - Believe It, Speak It, See It
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Joseph Prince - Believe It, Speak It, See It
Joseph Prince - Believe It, Speak It, See It
I have a question to ask all of you and this is the question, ready? «Do you want to really live? Would you love to live a long happy life»? This is from the Bible, I love this translation because it brings out the Hebrew. In the King James’s days, [...]
Joseph Prince - What You Speak Could Change Your Life
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Joseph Prince - What You Speak Could Change Your Life
Joseph Prince - What You Speak Could Change Your Life
Faith is very simple. In the greatest gift of our salvation, it says in Romans chapter 10, verse 8, «What does it say? The Word is near you». Where? «In your mouth and in your heart (that is the Word of faith which we preach): that if you confess [...]
Joseph Prince - Speak Victory over Every Situation
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Joseph Prince - Speak Victory over Every Situation
Joseph Prince - Speak Victory over Every Situation
There is no sin that God cannot forgive. There is no pain that God cannot touch, no disease that he cannot heal. Amen? He’s above it all. Where sin increase, grace super abounds. In a world where people are so conscious of sin, shortcomings, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak the Name of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Speak the Name of Jesus
I’m instructed by the Spirit of God this afternoon to go to the book of Romans, chapter 10. «Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved». Now, it is the word «sozo». It means saved, soundness. It means [...]
Charles Stanley - The Confession of Our Sin
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Charles Stanley - The Confession of Our Sin
Charles Stanley - The Confession of Our Sin
One of the most familiar verses in all the Bible is found in First John, the little epistle toward the back of the Bible. And one of the reasons it is so familiar is because it is something we have to deal with every day. It goes like this: If we [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Spoken
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Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Spoken
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Spoken
Are you stirred up about this? I am stirred up, I'm telling you! January 24th, January the 24th, I will have been doing this 58 years! And I'm more stirred up about it now than I ever have been in my whole life! December the 6th, I'll [...]
Michael Youssef - Confess and Be Free
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Michael Youssef - Confess and Be Free
Michael Youssef - Confess and Be Free
Perhaps more than any time in my lifetime, I'm hearing more and more the statement, "victim's mentality". So many individuals and so many groups are claimed to be victimized. The problem with trivializing victimhood, is that real [...]
Derek Prince - Humble Yourself By Confessing Your Sins
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Derek Prince - Humble Yourself By Confessing Your Sins
Derek Prince - Humble Yourself By Confessing Your Sins
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel Point number nine about prayer, don't tell God what to do. Have any of you ever done that? All right, let's turn to Isaiah 40 for a moment, just a short passage from Isaiah 40... Isaiah 40, [...]
Derek Prince - Confession, An Essential Part of Effective Payer
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Derek Prince - Confession, An Essential Part of Effective Payer
Derek Prince - Confession, An Essential Part of Effective Payer
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel The third suggestion I have applies both to Jews and to Gentiles. It is confess your sins against one another to the Lord. You see, the true intercessor is one who has come to confess sin before the [...]
Derek Prince - God Honors Faith's Confession
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Derek Prince - God Honors Faith's Confession
Derek Prince - God Honors Faith's Confession
We're in Hebrews 11:28. This is still part of the record of the accomplishments of Moses by faith. We stopped last time because we ran out of time in the middle of the record of what Moses accomplished by faith. So now we come to verse 28: By [...]
Kenneth Copeland - How To Speak Healing Words
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Kenneth Copeland - How To Speak Healing Words
Kenneth Copeland - How To Speak Healing Words
You're supposed to be healed today. You're supposed to be well. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Mark 10:46, "They came to Jericho and as they went out of Jericho with his disciples, a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of [...]
James Merritt - Confession. Start At The Epicenter
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James Merritt - Confession. Start At The Epicenter
James Merritt - Confession. Start At The Epicenter
Something happened at my house and it probably happened at your house. On a Friday night, February 14th, 2014, and something that I never thought would happen, and I hope and pray will never happen again. And many of you experienced the same thing [...]
Doug Batchelor - A Cold Confession
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Doug Batchelor - A Cold Confession
Doug Batchelor - A Cold Confession
I'm going to be sharing something very personal with you and making a confession. You've heard it said before: confession is good for the soul, but very bad for the reputation; and that may be the case today. But your pastor was addicted [...]
Doug Batchelor - Sincere Confession
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Doug Batchelor - Sincere Confession
Doug Batchelor - Sincere Confession
Now I always like to use a story as a springboard, and I'm going to turn to one that I think you'll find familiar, it's in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 15, verse 11. And Jesus said, "There was a certain man that had two sons. And [...]
John Bradshaw - True Confessions
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John Bradshaw - True Confessions
John Bradshaw - True Confessions
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. And welcome to New Zealand. New Zealand, in the South Pacific Ocean, down near the bottom of the world. The original inhabitants of this country, the New Zealand Maori, named it [...]
Robert Jeffress - Fess Up To Your Mess Up
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Robert Jeffress - Fess Up To Your Mess Up
Robert Jeffress - Fess Up To Your Mess Up
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. No one likes to admit when they're wrong or when they've made a mistake, and that includes me. However, admitting your failure is actually an essential first step to [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Power of Confessions
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Creflo Dollar - The Power of Confessions
Creflo Dollar - The Power of Confessions
I thought that tonight that we would do a teaching on "The Power of Confession", or the ability, the word "power" is the ability to get results. And I believe that when you confess the Word of God, it's like pulling a [...]
Joseph Prince - Is Confession Of Sins For The Believer?
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Joseph Prince - Is Confession Of Sins For The Believer?
Joseph Prince - Is Confession Of Sins For The Believer?
Are you all ready for God's Word? There is no doubt that we are living in the end times. The imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ can take place at any time. I'm so glad when Jesus splits the clouds and comes back for us, Hollywood or [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Must I Confess My Sins To Be Forgiven?
Creflo Dollar — Must I Confess My Sins To Be Forgiven?
The application of any Scripture is gonna be based on the context that that Scripture appears in. So, let's read verse 9, first of all, 1 John 1:9. He says: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins, and to [...]
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Bill Winston — The Law of Confession
Bill Winston — The Law of Confession
God created this universe with the words that He spoke and likewise, you were made to manifest every word that you speak. There is power in your words and you will have what you say whether its good or bad… so watch your mouth. [...]