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James Meehan - What Will You Do Almost Anything For?
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James Meehan - What Will You Do Almost Anything For?
James Meehan - What Will You Do Almost Anything For?
Well, what's up, Bible Nerds? My name is James Meehan, and today we are talking about the idol of desire in conjunction with our ongoing Wednesday night message series, Tear Down the Idols. What we're going to look at today is a story from the Old [...]
James Meehan - Do the 10 Commandments Apply to Me?
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James Meehan - Do the 10 Commandments Apply to Me?
James Meehan - Do the 10 Commandments Apply to Me?
Today on Bible Nerds, we are answering the question do the 10 Commandments still apply to me? And this is a really big question because like honestly this throws so many people for a loop. So hopefully what we'll be able to do today is provide a [...]
James Meehan - Do I Need to be Baptized to be Saved?
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James Meehan - Do I Need to be Baptized to be Saved?
James Meehan - Do I Need to be Baptized to be Saved?
Well, today on Bible Nerds, we are talking about baptism, that thing where somebody gets dunked underwater by somebody else, and it's all for the name and glory of Jesus, and people go crazy, that's what we're talking about today, and you're [...]
James Meehan - 10 Facts About the Resurrection
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James Meehan - 10 Facts About the Resurrection
James Meehan - 10 Facts About the Resurrection
"And if Christ has not been raised then all our preaching is useless and your faith is useless". Huston Smith, author of "The World's Religions" wrote Christianity is basically a historical religion that is to say it is founded [...]
James Meehan - I Am the Resurrection and Life
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James Meehan - I Am the Resurrection and Life
James Meehan - I Am the Resurrection and Life
Well, hello and welcome to this episode of "Bible Nerds". We are continuing in our series, "Who is Jesus?" where we've been exploring the seven I am statements that Jesus makes in John's gospel, seven statements that illustrate [...]
James Meehan - I Am the Good Shepherd
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James Meehan - I Am the Good Shepherd
James Meehan - I Am the Good Shepherd
How many of you have ever been afraid of the dark? Like maybe you actually still are? Well, I've got good news and I actually have better news. We'll start with the good news first. You are not alone. Being afraid of the dark is one of the most [...]
James Meehan - I Am the Light of the World
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James Meehan - I Am the Light of the World
James Meehan - I Am the Light of the World
Well, welcome to this week of Bible Nerds where we are continuing our series, "Who is Jesus"? We're exploring the seven I Am statements that Jesus made in John's gospel and the goal is to help us better understand who he is and how we can [...]
James Meehan - Who Is Jesus?
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James Meehan - Who Is Jesus?
James Meehan - Who Is Jesus?
It's been said that history is written by the winners. But if that's true, then how is it that this nobody from Nazareth, executed in disgrace, has left more of a mark on history than any king, queen, emperor, president, poet, or scientist? You see, [...]
James Meehan - What Do We Mean When We Say "God"?
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James Meehan - What Do We Mean When We Say "God"?
James Meehan - What Do We Mean When We Say "God"?
Well, what's up Bible nerds? Today we're talking about God, which is basically what we do every week but normally we do it by focusing on different words, passages or stories from the Bible. But this week we're gonna zoom all the way out and do our [...]
James Meehan - The Reason for the Season
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James Meehan - The Reason for the Season
James Meehan - The Reason for the Season
Well, what's up Bible nerds? Christmas is less than one week away and I am so excited for it. Food, family, fun times, relaxing in my PJs, playing a whole bunch of video games. Yes and amen. But why do we really celebrate Christmas? What makes this [...]
James Meehan - Why Does Grace Matter?
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James Meehan - Why Does Grace Matter?
James Meehan - Why Does Grace Matter?
Well, what's up, Bible Nerds? James Meehan here for another edition of Words of the Bible. This time, we're talking about the word grace. Grace is a big deal in the Bible. And it's a big deal in our lives as Christians. But because the word gets [...]
James Meehan - Peace That's More Than Peace
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James Meehan - Peace That's More Than Peace
James Meehan - Peace That's More Than Peace
Well, hello, and welcome to Bible Nerds. My name is James Meehan, and today we're talking about shalom. It's a Hebrew word that means peace, but it means so much more than just peace. For most of us, peace is what we call it when there's not any [...]
James Meehan - Too Good To Be True
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James Meehan - Too Good To Be True
James Meehan - Too Good To Be True
Well, what's up Bible Nerds? Today we are closing out our three part mini-series titled Jesus versus the devil, the flesh and the world. Now throughout this series, we've been studying the story of Jesus being tempted by the devil in the wilderness [...]
James Meehan - Can Reading the Bible Change My Life?
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James Meehan - Can Reading the Bible Change My Life?
James Meehan - Can Reading the Bible Change My Life?
Well, what's up Bible Nerds? James here. And today is the final installment of our Bible Nerds 101 series, where we have been walking through the basics of how to read the Bible wisely. And to close everything out, today, we're talking about how the [...]
James Meehan - How To Read the Weird Parts of the Bible?
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James Meehan - How To Read the Weird Parts of the Bible?
James Meehan - How To Read the Weird Parts of the Bible?
Well, what's up Bible nerds? Here is my question for you today. What do Harry Potter and a cookbook have in common? If you guess that they are both books, you are correct. Now, what is different about them? If it's that one is about a young wizard [...]
James Meehan - The #1 Mistake When Reading the Bible
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James Meehan - The #1 Mistake When Reading the Bible
James Meehan - The #1 Mistake When Reading the Bible
Well, what's up, Bible Nerds? In this episode of Bible Nerds 101, we are continuing our conversation about how to read the Bible wisely by remembering that Jesus is King and context is everything. Last week, you got to hear from a fellow Bible Nerd, [...]
James Meehan - Did God Really Abandon Jesus On The Cross?
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James Meehan - Did God Really Abandon Jesus On The Cross?
James Meehan - Did God Really Abandon Jesus On The Cross?
What is Bible Nerds? This is a show all about answering your questions to different parts of the Bible so that together we can read the Bible more wisely to see it as this unified story that leads to Jesus and invites us to become like Jesus. We [...]
James Meehan - Why Did God Ask Abraham to Sacrifice His Son?
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James Meehan - Why Did God Ask Abraham to Sacrifice His Son?
James Meehan - Why Did God Ask Abraham to Sacrifice His Son?
So when I first became a Christian I knew reading the Bible was really important. The problem was I had no idea how to read the Bible or even where to get a Bible so I did what I did when I was looking for a book I drove to Barnes and Noble went to [...]