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Charles Stanley - Behaviors That Bind Us
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Charles Stanley - Behaviors That Bind Us
Charles Stanley - Behaviors That Bind Us
Why are so many people so unhappy, anxious, disturbed, unsettled, and full of discontentment? No matter what they have, who they have, what their position, what their prominence, what their status is in life, they're still discontent. Now, a lot of [...]
Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Sinful Behavior - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Sinful Behavior - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Sinful Behavior - Part 2
The real you is your what, spirit, soul, or body? The real you is your spirit. Your spirit never desires to sin and will never sin. This is who we really are, but we treat that like, "Oh, well, that's just a fantasy. That ain't the truth," [...]
Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Sinful Behavior - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Sinful Behavior - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Sinful Behavior - Part 1
This morning I want to talk to you about victory over sinful behavior. We talked about some things last week, it was pretty radical, but now we do wanna focus in on the action piece and show you why and how to gain victory over it. Let's begin this [...]
Levi Lusko - My Trauma Is Not My Template
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Levi Lusko - My Trauma Is Not My Template
Levi Lusko - My Trauma Is Not My Template
You've chosen to not let your trauma be your template. And I said, I never thought about it that way, but I sure as heck am going to steal and preach that this weekend because that's exactly what these people have done. They have allowed their [...]
James Merritt - On Your Best Behavior
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James Merritt - On Your Best Behavior
James Merritt - On Your Best Behavior
Let me begin by telling you a story. During the 1970s, there was an informal prayer meeting that started off in the White House. It was just kind of a spontaneous thing that different believers, mainly Christians got together and decided that they [...]