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James Meehan - The Surprising Secret Formula to a Blessed Life
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James Meehan - The Surprising Secret Formula to a Blessed Life
James Meehan - The Surprising Secret Formula to a Blessed Life
So what does it actually mean to be blessed, though? That's like a pretty important question. And I think if we were to ask like 100 people in your school, we would get a whole lot of answers that sound something like, "Blessed are those who [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be a Peacemaker
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be a Peacemaker
Peter Tan-Chi - Be a Peacemaker
We are talking about a series about (legit) true happiness. God wants us to be truly happy. It's just that we are looking for happiness in the wrong places. Let me quickly share with you the background of this series that we have been talking about [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 8
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 8
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 8
You know, since its inception, this church has always been on the side of the persecuted. We stood by the persecuted, we supported the persecuted, we encouraged the persecuted, and we prayed regularly for the persecuted. I had the joy, prior to the [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 7
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 7
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 7
Peace. Peace, peace is the cry of millions. It's a longing of untold numbers around the world. It's that delusion that is pursued by all of humanity; and yet, the reason why this longing for peace is not attained by so many who seek it is because [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 6
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 6
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 6
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God". I want you to know, right at the outset, this sixth beatitude caused me an enormous heartache as a young Christian. It really did, because I took pure in heart to mean sinlessness. I [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 5
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 5
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 5
Mercy is not natural. Mercy is not natural. In fact, I can tell you the absolute truth from personal experience, firsthand experience, it is not natural. And that is why Jesus did not begin the Beatitudes by, "Blessed are the merciful, for they [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 4
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 4
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 4
This fourth beatitude is literally smacked in the middle of the series of messages. The beatitudes that Jesus gives on the Sermon on the Mounts are a superstructure. They were not a bunch of blessed are you, blessed are you, that Jesus threw out [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 3
We have been looking at the superstructure which we call the Beatitudes. Jesus did not call them that, we call them the Beatitudes. Jesus, when he said, "Blessed are you, blessed are you, blessed are you," he didn't just pluck some [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 2
We have begun this new series last message entitled "Happiness is in You". It's not something you just strive for it, Jesus said it's in you, you've gotta figure out where it is and how you get it. Happiness is in you. Turn with me please [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 1
Happiness, who wants it? Who is not pursuing it? Who is not craving it? And who has found it? Just about all surveys have indicated that lots of people are pursuing happiness, but they're pursuing it in all sorts of things and all sorts of ways. But [...]
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
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John Hagee - Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
Note the brilliant sequence of the beatitudes. There are eight steps toward happiness and they are exact steps with exact consequences. Notice that the first four deal with man's relationship to God. And the last four deal with man's relationship to [...]
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Merciful
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John Hagee - Blessed Are The Merciful
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Merciful
Consider the miracle of mercy. We all love mercy, especially when we're receiving it. The story of mercy behind Psalms 57 is this: David is fleeing for his life from king Saul. David ran from king Saul almost ten years, living in caves because Saul [...]
John Hagee - The Meek With A Good Appetite
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John Hagee - The Meek With A Good Appetite
John Hagee - The Meek With A Good Appetite
The third beatitude, "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth". Doesn't that sound absurd in our generation? What is "Meekness"? The meek are those who quietly submit to the authority of God. The meek are those who [...]
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John Hagee - Poverty that Makes Rich
John Hagee - Poverty that Makes Rich
Today we begin a series of sermons taken from the greatest sermon that was ever preached by the greatest preacher who ever walked the face of this earth, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The sermon on the mount represents the moral principles of the [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Beatitudes, Eight Keys to Joy and Peace - Part 3
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Doug Batchelor - The Beatitudes, Eight Keys to Joy and Peace - Part 3
Doug Batchelor - The Beatitudes, Eight Keys to Joy and Peace - Part 3
In the beatitudes we've been looking for, I just wanted to reemphasize this was not a smattering of ideas and teachings but it is a progress. First step, of course, is you come to the place where you're poor in spirit, you realize that you're [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Beatitudes, Eight Keys to Joy and Peace - Part 2
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Doug Batchelor - The Beatitudes, Eight Keys to Joy and Peace - Part 2
Doug Batchelor - The Beatitudes, Eight Keys to Joy and Peace - Part 2
We're going through a series, if you are here for the first time, just to give you some background, we're talking about the Beatitudes that you find there in the Sermon on the Mount, and it's in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 5, the first 12 verses. [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Beatitudes, Eight Keys to Joy and Peace - Part 1
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Doug Batchelor - The Beatitudes, Eight Keys to Joy and Peace - Part 1
Doug Batchelor - The Beatitudes, Eight Keys to Joy and Peace - Part 1
I read that a few years ago, the magazine "Psychology Today" did a survey and they asked 52,000 Americans, "What will it take to make you happy?" And most of the answers that were varied basically said their happiness would [...]
John Bradshaw - Great Chapters of the Bible, Matthew 5
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John Bradshaw - Great Chapters of the Bible, Matthew 5
John Bradshaw - Great Chapters of the Bible, Matthew 5
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Few transformations in American history have been quite as dramatic, and like so many great changes in people's lives, this one was brought about by tragedy, by the brutal interruption [...]
Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 5
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Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 5
Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 5
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". And you know what? That's exactly what Jesus wants us to do. He wants us to have an abundant life that we can enjoy. He wants us to have joy overflowing so it'll bubble [...]
Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 4
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Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 4
Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 4
Well, thank you for being with me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". All this week I've been teaching about, "The Beatitudes," or what is referred to as, "The Sermon on the Mount". And they're really about different [...]
Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 3
Well, welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life". And I pray that what you hear today will help you enjoy every day of your life more and more. I'm talking about, "The Beatitudes" or what we call, "The Sermon on the Mount," [...]
Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 2
Well, welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life". I'm glad that you have decided to share this time with us. And I pray, right now, that what I say today, will be a blessing in your life. In Matthew chapter 5, there's what we call, "The [...]
Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Beatitudes - Part 1
Well, welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life". I'm glad that you've joined us, and I believe that what you're gonna hear today will help you enjoy your life more. In Matthew chapter 5 there's a sermon or group of sermons called, "The [...]
John Hagee - The Eight Blessings Of Jesus
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John Hagee - The Eight Blessings Of Jesus
John Hagee - The Eight Blessings Of Jesus
Saint Paul said that the Word of God was the unsearchable riches of the kingdom. Today, I'm going to open the Word of God and to show you the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ as he shared the eight blessings from the sermon on the mount that [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Be-Attitudes
Joyce Meyer - The Be-Attitudes
Well, welcome to the program today. We're gonna be studying today from the book of Matthew. We have some people here in our studio that I can preach to while I'm also preaching to you. And if you've been watching the program for very long, you know [...]