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Watch 2022-2023 online sermons » Tag cloud » battle with good and evil
Allen Jackson - Without and Within - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Without and Within - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Without and Within - Part 2
I mean, I'm amazed at our ability and our adeptness at dancing away from actually having to live out in obedience and intentionally the invitations of scripture. You know, the church pattern is: ready, aim, let's form a committee. We need more [...]
Allen Jackson - Without and Within - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Without and Within - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Without and Within - Part 1
Previous session, we began a study on "The Battle with Good and Evil". It doesn't take much imagination to recognize that something like that is happening around us. In fact, it's happening on a global basis. It's confusing, the speed at [...]