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Jentezen Franklin - The Seventh Sacrifice
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Jentezen Franklin - The Seventh Sacrifice
Jentezen Franklin - The Seventh Sacrifice
In Genesis 7, "The Lord said to Noah, 'Come into the Ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation.'" Now watch this, "'You shall take with you seven.'" How many? [...]
James Meehan - Do I Need to be Baptized to be Saved?
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James Meehan - Do I Need to be Baptized to be Saved?
James Meehan - Do I Need to be Baptized to be Saved?
Well, today on Bible Nerds, we are talking about baptism, that thing where somebody gets dunked underwater by somebody else, and it's all for the name and glory of Jesus, and people go crazy, that's what we're talking about today, and you're [...]
Mike Novotny - Jesus' Baptism = My Power Source
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Mike Novotny - Jesus' Baptism = My Power Source
Mike Novotny - Jesus' Baptism = My Power Source
Let's start with a show of hands. How many of you who are here in church today, or how many of you who are watching out there at home, hands nice and high, how many of you have been born? Just as I suspected. Alright. Another easy question. How many [...]
Adrian Rogers - Bible Baptism
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Adrian Rogers - Bible Baptism
Adrian Rogers - Bible Baptism
Would you be finding Matthew chapter 28, very familiar verses, verses 19 and 20? This has been called the Great Commission, but alas and alack, many times it is the great omission. We need to find out what the Lord Jesus Christ gave to the church [...]
Mike Novotny - Does Baptism Save You?
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Mike Novotny - Does Baptism Save You?
Mike Novotny - Does Baptism Save You?
Does baptism save you? The other day in church I was talking about the blessings of baptism, reading certain Bible passages. And someone texted me the question, I want to get it word for word, they said, "Salvation comes through your [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Take A Leap
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Jentezen Franklin - Take A Leap
Jentezen Franklin - Take A Leap
Thank you so much for joining us today on Kingdom Connection, we have a very special program for you. I recently had the honor of baptizing people at Free Chapel, and I'm telling you, this service was so powerful. You're gonna at moments laugh and [...]
Allen Jackson - Spirit Baptism - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Spirit Baptism - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Spirit Baptism - Part 2
So I want to take the balance of our time, and we have a bit, and talk a bit about the why, why does Spirit baptism matter. Because if you understand that, I think it will perhaps give you a willingness to consider it for yourself far beyond my [...]
Allen Jackson - Spirit Baptism - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Spirit Baptism - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Spirit Baptism - Part 1
Well, we have been doing a study on spiritual things. And I want to continue that, God willing, we'll have this session and two more. And then we'll change topics at least for a season. I don't think we have exhausted this but there's some other [...]
Doug Batchelor - A River of Life
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Doug Batchelor - A River of Life
Doug Batchelor - A River of Life
Did you know that when a human baby is born, about 78% of its body is made up of water? Our water ratio drops somewhat as we age, but water remains an essential part of our survival. In fact, a mere 2% drop in body water can cause fuzzy short-term [...]
John Bradshaw - Baptism, the Rapture and Time of Trouble
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John Bradshaw - Baptism, the Rapture and Time of Trouble
John Bradshaw - Baptism, the Rapture and Time of Trouble
John Bradshaw : Thanks for joining us. This is "Line Upon Line" brought to you by "It Is Written" with Eric Flickinger. I'm John Bradshaw. We have a great program for you today. We're gonna be talking about the spirit world, and [...]
John Bradshaw - Bible Resources, Baptisms and Bad Habits
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John Bradshaw - Bible Resources, Baptisms and Bad Habits
John Bradshaw - Bible Resources, Baptisms and Bad Habits
John Bradshaw : Welcome to Line Upon Line, brought to you by It Is Written. This is where we get to answer your Bible questions. Thanks for submitting them. And let me tell you right from the get go that if you'd like a Bible question answered, [...]
Allen Jackson - Instructions For Baptisms - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Instructions For Baptisms - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Instructions For Baptisms - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're working on a study trying to establish a firm foundation so we can flourish in the middle of a world of turmoil. In this session, we're gonna look specifically at Spirit baptism. Here's my suggestion: Make [...]
Allen Jackson - Instructions For Baptisms - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Instructions For Baptisms - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Instructions For Baptisms - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. We're working on establishing our foundations, not just being superficial people of faith, but having a foundation that will withstand the turmoil of the world we're living in. We don't have to fear the storms if [...]
Joseph Prince - Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
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Joseph Prince - Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
Joseph Prince - Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
The Bible says, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God". You know, if we don't go around saying that, "I wish I had more faith or stronger faith," the Bible says faith comes. When you don't have faith, faith [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Blood, The Cloud and The Sea
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Jentezen Franklin - The Blood, The Cloud and The Sea
Jentezen Franklin - The Blood, The Cloud and The Sea
Now, I want you to see in 1 Corinthians 10, we'll go there in just a moment, but lemme set this little message up. And I'm gonna call it "The Blood, The Cloud, and The Sea", and it'll take me about 20 minutes to teach it to you. But I feel [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Origins of Baptism
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Rabbi Schneider - The Origins of Baptism
Rabbi Schneider - The Origins of Baptism
Welcome and Shalom, beloved ones. My name's Rabbi Schneider. This is a very important episode today of Discovering the Jewish Jesus 'cause I'm gonna be taking you inside the land of Israel. Specifically today we're going to the Jordan River. Now [...]
Derek Prince - Who Baptizes In The Holy Spirit
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Derek Prince - Who Baptizes In The Holy Spirit
Derek Prince - Who Baptizes In The Holy Spirit
Now it’s very interesting that the introduction to each of the four gospels specifically states that Jesus Christ will baptize in the Holy Spirit. I think far too little attention has been given to this. I want to read the four passages in each of [...]
Derek Prince - Why Was Jesus Baptized?
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Derek Prince - Why Was Jesus Baptized?
Derek Prince - Why Was Jesus Baptized?
Now we want to come to Christian baptism, which is the word that I use, what it means to be baptized as a believer in Jesus I would have to say that this is a far more important thing than the average Christian today realizes. Even the Baptists, [...]
Derek Prince - Why Wait To Get Baptized?
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Derek Prince - Why Wait To Get Baptized?
Derek Prince - Why Wait To Get Baptized?
Now, I’m coming to something that I was referring to before. Teaching for baptism need not take a long time. See, I went through this in the mission that I was with. They would take six weeks to teach the converts and then baptize them. What they [...]
Derek Prince - The Spiritual Significance Of Baptism
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Derek Prince - The Spiritual Significance Of Baptism
Derek Prince - The Spiritual Significance Of Baptism
Now, then. Let’s look at the spiritual significance of baptism. Very briefly, it’s already stated in Romans 6, we’ll just turn back there for a moment. Romans 6, beginning at verse 3. Do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ [...]
Derek Prince - The Requirements For Christian Baptism
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Derek Prince - The Requirements For Christian Baptism
Derek Prince - The Requirements For Christian Baptism
We’ve studied the requirements for John’s baptism, let’s study the requirements for Christian baptism. Jesus said, first of all, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them. So, a person who is to be baptized, must have heard the Gospel of [...]
Derek Prince - The Correct Meaning Of The Word 'Baptism'
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Derek Prince - The Correct Meaning Of The Word 'Baptism'
Derek Prince - The Correct Meaning Of The Word 'Baptism'
I need to say a little first of all... Well, let me just mention briefly the three particular baptisms. Number one, John’s baptism, the baptism of John the Baptist. Number two, Christian baptism which is not the same. And number three, the baptism [...]
Derek Prince - The 3 Requirements Of John's Baptism
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Derek Prince - The 3 Requirements Of John's Baptism
Derek Prince - The 3 Requirements Of John's Baptism
As I’ve already said, John’s baptism was into the forgiveness of sins. He was a dispensational link between the law and the prophets and between the Gospel. Jesus brings this out in Matthew 11:13, speaking about John, He says: For all the prophets [...]
Derek Prince - John's Baptism Invalid After Pentecost
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Derek Prince - John's Baptism Invalid After Pentecost
Derek Prince - John's Baptism Invalid After Pentecost
Now, there were limitations to the baptism of John. It only took people a certain distance. First of all, it did not produce the new birth. Matthew chapter 11:11, Jesus says of John the Baptist: Assuredly I say to you among those born of women, [...]
Derek Prince - Baptism Is Your Death Sentence
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Derek Prince - Baptism Is Your Death Sentence
Derek Prince - Baptism Is Your Death Sentence
I used to be a teacher of African students years ago, training them to be teachers. And basically I told them this. People remember thirty percent of what they hear sixty percent of what they hear and see and ninety percent of what they hear, see [...]
Derek Prince - The Doctrine Of Baptisms
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Derek Prince - The Doctrine Of Baptisms
Derek Prince - The Doctrine Of Baptisms
Well, most of you will not be surprised that we’re going to begin by a proclamation. And furthermore, we’re going to let you share in the proclamation, in due course. This one is taken from 1 Corinthians 6:11, which starts with but such were some of [...]
Jentezen Franklin - It's Your Funeral, Enjoy It
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Jentezen Franklin - It's Your Funeral, Enjoy It
Jentezen Franklin - It's Your Funeral, Enjoy It
Mark 1:9, “And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan, and immediately coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting, and the Spirit descended upon Him like a dove. Then a [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Just Add Water
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Jentezen Franklin - Just Add Water
Jentezen Franklin - Just Add Water
Thank you so much for joining us today. I really appreciate you joining us for this special telecast today. Recently I preached a message called "Just Add Water", and it's a reference to water baptism. After you've given your heart to [...]
Derek Prince - Is the Baptism in the Spirit a Goal?
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Derek Prince - Is the Baptism in the Spirit a Goal?
Derek Prince - Is the Baptism in the Spirit a Goal?
In our last session we spoke about the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the supernatural seal of speaking with other tongues. I believe that in the purposes of God, the baptism in the Holy Spirit is intended to be merely a doorway. There has been [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - What Is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?
Kenneth Copeland - What Is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?
Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Father, thank You today. We give You praise and we honor You for your presence. "Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world". And we boldly declare that [...]
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Joyce Meyer - What Is The Baptism With The Holy Spirit?
Joyce Meyer - What Is The Baptism With The Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is a major part of our journey with Christ, and it's such a gift. He is something that I would not want to go a single day without because he helps on so many levels. But understandably, there is some confusion. He's difficult to [...]
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Charles Stanley - Baptism: The Clear Teaching of Scripture
Charles Stanley - Baptism: The Clear Teaching of Scripture
Jesus was a man of authority. In fact, He said, "All authority has been given unto Me both in heaven and in earth". When He spoke the people said, "This man speaks with authority". He gave His disciples authority. People [...]
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Robert Morris — Does He Baptize?
Robert Morris — Does He Baptize?
This weekend, you're going to love this message. The question is, does He baptize? Because many people have heard of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Many refer to it incorrectly as the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and I'll explain to you, it is the [...]
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Sid Roth — Baptism of Love
Sid Roth — Baptism of Love
Leif Hetland received a baptism of love from Heaven and now this love leaks out wherever he goes. The atmosphere gets so powerful over a million Muslims have supernaturally experienced Jesus. And money can't buy it. [...]
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Patricia King — The Baptism Of Fire
Patricia King — The Baptism Of Fire
Patricia King shares insights the Lord has given her about a massive coming revival that will be marked by the fire of God. Are you ready for the greatest move of God the earth has ever seen? [...]