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Peter Tan-Chi - Make Your Life Count
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Peter Tan-Chi - Make Your Life Count
Peter Tan-Chi - Make Your Life Count
What’s the message today? Make your life count. Turn to your neighbor. Tell your neighbor, «make your life count». You know, I have this nice picture of a sand castle. How many of you have tried building something in the sand? Is this a nice sand [...]
Allen Jackson - Nominated for Assignment - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Nominated for Assignment - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Nominated for Assignment - Part 2
I would submit to you that serving the Lord is an expression of gratitude and a display on our part of an awareness of his glory. Now, I wanna go back to the Moses narrative because God provides Moses with all the tools that he’s going to need for [...]
Allen Jackson - Nominated for Assignment - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Nominated for Assignment - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Nominated for Assignment - Part 1
We’re in the midst of a short series under the general theme of «Leading With our Faith». But it’s really targeted towards this unique season of the year and the opportunities it presents. You know, there’s some world class leaders that gather on [...]
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 4
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Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 4
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 4
The goal of it ultimately for us is that we would become conformed and transformed to the image of Christ. That we would become more like Jesus. And it's in those places where you feel contained, where you feel like you are trapped, where you [...]
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 3
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Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 3
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 3
And the Lord says, "Sometimes I call you to do hard things, but my presence will be with you. My power will be with you. My anointing will be with you. My grace will be with you". So do you want comfort without the presence of the Lord or [...]
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 2
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 2
What is the divine assignment that God is calling you to do today? What is the simple act of obedience that if you say yes today could open up doors of opportunity in your tomorrow that you never even imagined? I am so excited that you've [...]
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 1
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 1
We want God's grace, we want God's mercy, we want God's forgiveness. But if someone has done something that you or I think, well, that's unforgivable, that's inexcusable, that's unredeemable. And then God extends [...]
Leon Fontaine - Your Assignment
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Leon Fontaine - Your Assignment
Leon Fontaine - Your Assignment
My topic and my message today is your assignment should you choose to accept it. In 1 Peter 2:9, it says, "But you are a chosen generation, a chosen people, a royal priesthood with constant access to God Himself. You are a holy nation, citizens [...]