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Louie Giglio - The Birth of Christ and the Death of Death
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Louie Giglio - The Birth of Christ and the Death of Death
Louie Giglio - The Birth of Christ and the Death of Death
We’re in this Advent season. And in the season of Advent, we’re thinking about expectation as we’re waiting to celebrate the arrival of Jesus. And that’s what Advent is all about. It’s remembering that in the wait God will arrive at the right time [...]
Robert Barron - Have You Wandered Away from God?
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Robert Barron - Have You Wandered Away from God?
Robert Barron - Have You Wandered Away from God?
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the second Sunday of Advent and there's a lot of talk about building highways. Now, what is going on there and why is that being used as a spiritual symbol? Well, first of all, remember the importance in [...]
Robert Barron - Three Dimensions of Advent
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Robert Barron - Three Dimensions of Advent
Robert Barron - Three Dimensions of Advent
Peace be with you. We come to the first Sunday of Advent, New Year's Day. The new liturgical year commences. And so once again everybody, we get back to basics. We start preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ. Adventus in Latin means just [...]
Robert Barron - He Will Rule Forever
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Robert Barron - He Will Rule Forever
Robert Barron - He Will Rule Forever
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the fourth and final Sunday of Advent, falling this year on the very day before Christmas, and the Church invites us to think a lot today about David. Now, as I've said many times to you, you can't [...]
Robert Barron - The Voice of One Crying Out in the Desert
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Robert Barron - The Voice of One Crying Out in the Desert
Robert Barron - The Voice of One Crying Out in the Desert
Peace be with you. Friends, for this Third Sunday of Advent, the Church asks us to focus on John the Baptist, who of course is one of the great Advent figures. I might've shared this with you before, but my mind always goes back to one of my [...]
Robert Barron - You Can't Save Yourself
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Robert Barron - You Can't Save Yourself
Robert Barron - You Can't Save Yourself
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to this first Sunday of Advent to the liturgical New Year. And I've said this before, but advent's a time to get back to basics, like an athlete returning to the basic training. Some of the most [...]
Robert Barron - Go Meet John the Baptist
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Robert Barron - Go Meet John the Baptist
Robert Barron - Go Meet John the Baptist
Peace be with you. Friends, on the Second Sunday of Advent, the Church gives us the great Advent figure of John the Baptist. Can I give you an image now to meditate on during Advent? Go online and look up "Chartres Cathedral north porch statue [...]
Robert Barron - An Advent Challenge
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Robert Barron - An Advent Challenge
Robert Barron - An Advent Challenge
Peace be with you, and Happy New Year's Day. We come today to the beginning of the liturgical year, the First Sunday of Advent. What is it about Advent? I've always loved it. To me, it's a very spiritually powerful season. And it [...]
Beth Moore - Between Two Advents - Part 2
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Beth Moore - Between Two Advents - Part 2
Beth Moore - Between Two Advents - Part 2
Jesus said that the kingdom is near us and that the kingdom is in us, and yet our feet are not yet in it. So if you ever wonder why it is we are strangers in this world, well, because our citizenship is in a different place and here we are and very [...]
Beth Moore - Between Two Advents - Part 1
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Beth Moore - Between Two Advents - Part 1
Beth Moore - Between Two Advents - Part 1
Turn with me please to the book of 1 Peter and chapter 1, 1 Peter and chapter 1. You're going all the way deep in your New Testament, and I'm going to start reading at verse 1 through verse 13. Let it sink in as we go. "From Peter, an [...]