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Jack Graham - When Hope Turns to Sight
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Jack Graham - When Hope Turns to Sight
Jack Graham - When Hope Turns to Sight
Stephen was the first Christian martyr, the first one to give his life, to die for faith in Jesus Christ. Many others would follow, including the apostles and the fathers of the church early on and through the centuries, and to this very day there [...]
Jack Graham - When God Says Go
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Jack Graham - When God Says Go
Jack Graham - When God Says Go
Jesus is a fighter; He's a warrior. At the cross He conquered sin and death and hell. And he has now commanded us and called us into this battle. Now think of Jesus as a warrior. Consider this picture of Jesus when He comes again. We're going to put [...]
Jack Graham - Hope for the Hurting
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Jack Graham - Hope for the Hurting
Jack Graham - Hope for the Hurting
Begin finding in your Bibles the third chapter of the book of Acts, and my topic today is "Hope for the Hurting". We are living in a broken world. As a result, people are broken, people like you and me. Because we're all broken, all of us! [...]
Jack Graham - All In
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Jack Graham - All In
Jack Graham - All In
Where there is life in Christ from time to time we need to be revived. And, of course, daily we're renewing our faith and our commitment to Christ, but there are seasons in life and seasons in the church that I believe God wants to do a new work, a [...]
Jack Graham - Burning in My Soul
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Jack Graham - Burning in My Soul
Jack Graham - Burning in My Soul
We're asking the fire to fall and we're expecting God to do beyond what we've seen in days gone by. People on fire, a church on fire is a mighty weapon in the hand of God. Because when revival comes and the fire gets started, the church goes. In [...]
Jack Graham - Uprising
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Jack Graham - Uprising
Jack Graham - Uprising
God bless you today as we open God's Word to the book of Acts, chapter 1. We're beginning a series called ABLAZE from passages in the book of Acts. We're asking God to set us on fire; that the fire would fall. We're praying for revival. Now what is [...]