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Charles Stanley - Why The Cross?
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Charles Stanley - Why The Cross?
Charles Stanley - Why The Cross?
Well, I see them hanging in automobiles in front of the windshield. Then I see them oftentimes on the wall. Sometimes I see them around people's necks. And then I oftentimes see it in a hymnbook. Sometimes people have them on their rings. Sometimes [...]
Charles Stanley - The Supreme Moment in Human History
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Charles Stanley - The Supreme Moment in Human History
Charles Stanley - The Supreme Moment in Human History
What is the supreme moment in human history? Well, if you were to ask people that, for example, if you were to ask a historian or a philosopher or a scientist, probably all of them would give you something different. In fact, if you asked most any [...]
Charles Stanley - A Call to Repentance
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Charles Stanley - A Call to Repentance
Charles Stanley - A Call to Repentance
How many times have you been to the Lord confessing the same old thing over and over and over again? And how many times have you told Him each time how very sorry you were? And how many times, having told Him how very sorry you were, you told Him [...]
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Joy
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Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Joy
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Joy
Is your life exciting or would you have to say like many people say, Not really, I don't really have any real joy in my life, any real happiness in my life. Would you have to say that life has become more of a drudgery than a delight? More of a [...]
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Confidence
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Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Confidence
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Confidence
Our emotions have a powerful influence upon our life. Either they're gonna control us or we're gonna control them. Usually, when our emotions are controlling us, they're negative emotions. And many people wake up every morning and live in bondage, [...]
Charles Stanley - Standing Before God's Open Door
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Charles Stanley - Standing Before God's Open Door
Charles Stanley - Standing Before God's Open Door
This is the most exciting time in human history to be alive and serving the Lord. When I think about the awesome, unparalleled door of opportunity that stands before us, to make an impact on the entire world for the gospel of Jesus Christ, I could [...]
Charles Stanley - Lessons I Have Learned
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Charles Stanley - Lessons I Have Learned
Charles Stanley - Lessons I Have Learned
Do you live by principle or by the pressures of the moment? Do you find yourself making decisions based on immediate feelings or rather by the principles of the Word of God? Are you more influenced by your environment around you or by the Holy [...]
Charles Stanley - A Gift From The Father
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Charles Stanley - A Gift From The Father
Charles Stanley - A Gift From The Father
Of all the gifts that you've ever received, which one stands out above all the rest? Is it something of great value to you today? Has it brought you lots of pleasure? How would you really compare it with all the rest of the gifts? Well, what I've [...]
Charles Stanley - Jesus, The Son of God
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Charles Stanley - Jesus, The Son of God
Charles Stanley - Jesus, The Son of God
Who is this man called Jesus? What difference does it make? And besides, who cares? And you and I might ask, well, what do other people think about Him? And I want to ask you, what do you think about Him? Who is this man called Jesus? We hear all [...]
Charles Stanley - Encouragement for Every Season of Life
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Charles Stanley - Encouragement for Every Season of Life
Charles Stanley - Encouragement for Every Season of Life
When you're confronted with a decision to make to either obey or disobey God, what is your response? You say, "Well, most of the time I do, sometimes I don't". Why do you obey God? You say, "Well, what difference does it make as long [...]
Charles Stanley - Reasons To Obey
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Charles Stanley - Reasons To Obey
Charles Stanley - Reasons To Obey
Just as we have changing scenes and seasons in nature, we have changing seasons in our own life. And if you'll think about it, we have spring and summer and fall and winter, and all of them have different characteristics. We don't have one long [...]
Charles Stanley - Developing Patience
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Charles Stanley - Developing Patience
Charles Stanley - Developing Patience
Patience is one of those qualities all of us need in our life. And yet, it's one of those qualities that oftentimes is very, very difficult for us to live out and to exercise. It's not only a quality we need, it is one of the most powerful qualities [...]
Charles Stanley - Expressing Patience
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Charles Stanley - Expressing Patience
Charles Stanley - Expressing Patience
Have you ever found yourself working on something that just wouldn't work? For example, some of the pieces aren't there. They got left out. One piece just won't fit. And then to make it worse, when you're just frustrated about it, somebody says, [...]
Charles Stanley - The Powerful Attribute of Patience
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Charles Stanley - The Powerful Attribute of Patience
Charles Stanley - The Powerful Attribute of Patience
I wonder how often you and I may miss the promises of God in our lives somehow. If you and I would just think back how many times God has told us to wait, we felt we ought to wait, but somehow deep down inside, we didn't wanna wait, and we just [...]
Charles Stanley - Praying With Confidence
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Charles Stanley - Praying With Confidence
Charles Stanley - Praying With Confidence
Do you sometimes find yourself being a little impatient with God because you've been praying and He hasn't answered your prayer exactly when you expected it? Or do you find yourself sometimes maybe feeling even a little bit angry at God because [...]
Charles Stanley - Things That Cannot Be Shaken
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Charles Stanley - Things That Cannot Be Shaken
Charles Stanley - Things That Cannot Be Shaken
What would it take to shake your faith. You may have been a Christian a long time or a short period of time. What would it take to shake your faith in God? Well, for some of you it may take a great deal before your faith could be shaken. But for [...]
Charles Stanley - Our Life After Death, Leaving A Godly Legacy
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Charles Stanley - Our Life After Death, Leaving A Godly Legacy
Charles Stanley - Our Life After Death, Leaving A Godly Legacy
When your life here on earth is over physically, how do you want to be remembered? What do you want people to say about you? What difference will it have made that you even lived? And what will you leave behind that has any lasting value? What will [...]
Charles Stanley - He Will Show You His Will
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Charles Stanley - He Will Show You His Will
Charles Stanley - He Will Show You His Will
My father died when I was about nine months of age, and so those were pretty tough years for me because I was sorta pushed around to this one and that one for somebody to keep me while my mother worked. I don't remember anything much about those [...]
Charles Stanley - All Our Anxieties
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Charles Stanley - All Our Anxieties
Charles Stanley - All Our Anxieties
Anxiety is not just a mere emotion, sometimes it's a very painful emotion, and sometimes, unless dealt with, can become very destructive in a person's life. And yet, all of us know what it means to feel anxious, and we feel anxious about different [...]
Charles Stanley - The Gift of Freedom
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Charles Stanley - The Gift of Freedom
Charles Stanley - The Gift of Freedom
If somebody should ask you, "Are you a free person?" what would you say? More than likely you would say, "Why, sure I am"! And if I should ask you, "Well, what's the basis of saying that you're free"? You more than [...]
Charles Stanley - Why Our Needs Remain Unmet?
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Charles Stanley - Why Our Needs Remain Unmet?
Charles Stanley - Why Our Needs Remain Unmet?
How often have you carried your needs to the Lord in prayer and asked Him to meet some specific need in your life and yet, He didn't meet it? How did you respond when that need remained unmet? Did you question the fact that when He said He'd meet [...]
Charles Stanley - The Origin of Our Needs
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Charles Stanley - The Origin of Our Needs
Charles Stanley - The Origin of Our Needs
God has an answer for all of our unmet needs. If they are material needs, He has a material answer. If they are physical needs, He has a physical answer. If they are emotional needs, He has an emotional answer. And if they're spiritual needs, He has [...]
Charles Stanley - When Things Seem Impossible
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Charles Stanley - When Things Seem Impossible
Charles Stanley - When Things Seem Impossible
What makes this book such an absolute treasure to us? Somebody says, "Well, because it's the revelation of God about Himself and about the way He deals with people". Well, that's true. And there are many other wonderful things about this [...]
Charles Stanley - Walking Through Dark Times With God
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Charles Stanley - Walking Through Dark Times With God
Charles Stanley - Walking Through Dark Times With God
When you go through dark moments in your life and you don't understand exactly what's going on. You can't figure out why things are happening the way they are. You look around you, you don't see any real reason or purpose for it. Or you may even [...]
Charles Stanley - The Unconditional Love of God
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Charles Stanley - The Unconditional Love of God
Charles Stanley - The Unconditional Love of God
If you'll listen to this message very carefully, here's what will happen to your life. You'll be able to exchange your anxiety for a sense of real peace, your depression for genuine joy, and your fear for a great sense of confidence. Now, you may [...]
Charles Stanley - The Thrill of Obedience
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Charles Stanley - The Thrill of Obedience
Charles Stanley - The Thrill of Obedience
When somebody starts talking to you about obedience, do you have a negative or a positive attitude coming on? Secondly, when somebody starts talking about obedience to you about your life, do you think in terms of success or failure? And then a more [...]
Charles Stanley - The School of Obedience
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Charles Stanley - The School of Obedience
Charles Stanley - The School of Obedience
It's not always easy to obey God, but it's always the wisest thing to do and it's always the best. And it's interesting that throughout Scripture, God continually reminds us of how important it is to obey Him. And over and over and over again He [...]
Charles Stanley - Looking Beyond Our Disappointments
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Charles Stanley - Looking Beyond Our Disappointments
Charles Stanley - Looking Beyond Our Disappointments
When you experience disappointments in your life, how do you respond? Do you respond by suddenly, immediately blaming yourself? What did you do wrong? If I'd-a this, or if I'd-a that. Or do you look around to see somebody else you can blame? [...]
Charles Stanley - Finding Clear Guidance
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Charles Stanley - Finding Clear Guidance
Charles Stanley - Finding Clear Guidance
When you face those major decisions in your life, how do you feel? Sometimes you feel a little frustrated, maybe a little fearful. You feel sorta uneasy. Maybe you're not quite sure, little unassured about making the right decision. In fact, it may [...]
Charles Stanley - Discovering Our Real Needs
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Charles Stanley - Discovering Our Real Needs
Charles Stanley - Discovering Our Real Needs
Do you have unmet needs in your life? Well, you're not alone because everywhere you turn, you're Well, you're not alone because everywhere you turn, you're gonna meet people who will say, "Yes, I do have unmet needs in my life". In fact, [...]
Charles Stanley - Life's Number One Priority
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Charles Stanley - Life's Number One Priority
Charles Stanley - Life's Number One Priority
Do you often feel the tension between doing what you want to do and what you feel like you should do? Well, what areas of your life do you feel that tension the most often? And how do you respond? That is, which one wins over the what you want to [...]
Charles Stanley - Understanding Those Guilty Feelings
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Charles Stanley - Understanding Those Guilty Feelings
Charles Stanley - Understanding Those Guilty Feelings
When you violate your conscience, how do you feel? You say, "Well, I feel guilty". Well, do you ever have those guilty feelings when you haven't violated your conscience? Well, oftentimes people do. They just feel guilty and you ask them, [...]
Charles Stanley - A Time For Courage
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Charles Stanley - A Time for Courage
Charles Stanley - A Time for Courage
Fear can grip the heart of a person or it can grip the heart of a whole nation. It can be created by what we know and what we don't know, motivated by false information or true information. It can either drive us or paralyze us. It depends on how we [...]