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Steven Furtick - The Prayer You Need Right Now
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Steven Furtick - The Prayer You Need Right Now
Steven Furtick - The Prayer You Need Right Now
This is an excerpt from: The Prayer That Repairs My sermon is about the prayer, not that prevents, not that prepares, but the prayer that repairs. This is for all of you who weren’t ready for it. This is for all of you who didn’t see it coming. [...]
Jack Graham - How to Pray the Jesus Way
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Jack Graham - How to Pray the Jesus Way
Jack Graham - How to Pray the Jesus Way
Take your Bibles and turn to Matthew chapter 6. Now prayer is the most basic of religious practice. All religions, every religion that I know prays in some way. But the question is: Who is the God who hears our prayers? And if there is a God who [...]
Steven Furtick - The Prayer That Repairs
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Steven Furtick - The Prayer That Repairs
Steven Furtick - The Prayer That Repairs
Thank you, Lord, for breath in my lungs today. Thank you, Lord, for waking me up this morning. Thank you, Lord, for feeding me. Thank you, Lord, for keeping me. Thank you, Lord, for loving me. God is so good. I want to call your attention to a few [...]
Joseph Prince - How the Gospel Changes Your Prayer Life
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Joseph Prince - How the Gospel Changes Your Prayer Life
Joseph Prince - How the Gospel Changes Your Prayer Life
How many of us, we pray, the moment you say, «Father,» you know God hears your prayer? You have the conscience, I have to be careful what I pray because God hears my prayer, he will answer it. Do you feel that way, or do you feel like, «Father? [...]
Joseph Prince - The Key to Praying Bold Prayers
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Joseph Prince - The Key to Praying Bold Prayers
Joseph Prince - The Key to Praying Bold Prayers
There’s a woman of Canaan… say Canaan. Jesus went up to the north, near the sea coast, near the Lebanon area, where Tyre and Sidon was. The Bible says Jesus went to the regions of Tyre and Sidon. Tyre and Sidon are two very famous cities, and a [...]
James Merritt - Prayer 301
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James Merritt - Prayer 301
James Merritt - Prayer 301
If you Google the word, list, and I’m a Google guy, but if you google the word, list, you’ll find the most popular list on Google or what is called top 10 list. And that really shouldn’t surprise you in a way because in a way, if you think about it, [...]
James Merritt - Prayer 201
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James Merritt - Prayer 201
James Merritt - Prayer 201
I wanna begin by showing you a picture of a wall that you may recognize. It’s an ancient wall, dates back about 2,000 years. It’s the most famous wall, the most visited wall in the world. Matter of fact, it’s kind of strange to think that people go [...]
Jentezen Franklin - What Are You Hungry For?
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Jentezen Franklin - What Are You Hungry For?
Jentezen Franklin - What Are You Hungry For?
If you have your Bibles, you can open them with me. I wanna show you one of the most powerful chapters in the Bible on fasting. It’s there over, and over, and over. Two men are highlighted in it, and we see in Acts 10:1, «There was a certain man in [...]
James Merritt - Prayer 101
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James Merritt - Prayer 101
James Merritt - Prayer 101
I want you to imagine something, I want you to imagine you have a son that plays basketball. And I want you to imagine that Michael Jordan comes to you and says, «I’ll voluntarily teach your kid how to play basketball». You’d be so excited. Or [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Pray, Hope, Wait, Pray
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Peter Tan-Chi - Pray, Hope, Wait, Pray
Peter Tan-Chi - Pray, Hope, Wait, Pray
Today we will discuss «Unleash God’s power» How? Persevere in prayer. Say that with me. Persevere in prayer. What is the meaning of the word persevere? You know, the tendency is for us to give up, especially when your prayers are not answered. How [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Feeling Anxious? Turn to Prayer!
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Peter Tan-Chi - Feeling Anxious? Turn to Prayer!
Peter Tan-Chi - Feeling Anxious? Turn to Prayer!
How should we pray? God first, right? Focus on God. Okay, focus on God. Higher, everybody. When you focus on God, that means you don’t focus on your problem. You think of your relationship with God. He is our Father. And then, you can now pray for [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Unleash God's Power, Pray
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Peter Tan-Chi - Unleash God's Power, Pray
Peter Tan-Chi - Unleash God's Power, Pray
«Unleash God’s Power, Pray». Now, why is this topic so important? We all believe God is powerful. Yes or no? You all believe that there are things in your life that you need God’s divine intervention. Yes or no? We all believe that God is Almighty. [...]
Jeff Schreve - A Picture of Prayer
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Jeff Schreve - A Picture of Prayer
Jeff Schreve - A Picture of Prayer
Do you desire for closeness and depth in your relationship with the Lord? I’m Pastor Jeff Schreve, and today we’ll learn that it all starts with prayer that honors God and draws us closer to Him. We’ll be in Ruth chapter 3 today in a message titled [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Don't Stop Praying
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Jonathan Bernis - Don't Stop Praying
Jonathan Bernis - Don't Stop Praying
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to a special, post-election episode of Jewish Voice. Thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined once again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Today, we're gonna navigate the [...]
James Meehan - Transform Your Prayer Life With This as a Guide
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James Meehan - Transform Your Prayer Life With This as a Guide
James Meehan - Transform Your Prayer Life With This as a Guide
Question for you. If you are trying to get to know somebody better, like, you wanna strengthen your relationship with them, what do you do? I would suggest that it boils down to like two main things. You spend time with them, and you talk to them. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The LORD’s Prayer Is a Command Prayer
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Kenneth Copeland - The LORD's Prayer Is a Command Prayer
Kenneth Copeland - The LORD's Prayer Is a Command Prayer
— Now, back at the same time in Hereford, Texas, that victory in salvation, victory. And the ministry of the prophet came across. And I said, "No, no, no, no, no. I'm not going to announce that I am a prophet". I just forgot about it. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Ephesians 1 Prayer, Receive the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding
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Kenneth Copeland - The Ephesians 1 Prayer: Receive the Spirit of Wisdom and
Kenneth Copeland - The Ephesians 1 Prayer: Receive the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding
— Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland and this is Thanksgiving Day. Our family gets together. It's quiet large now, and the first thing we do, is we pray and we give thanks that everyone in our family, all of them, are born-again [...]
Robert Jeffress - A Prayer For All Seasons
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Robert Jeffress - A Prayer For All Seasons
Robert Jeffress - A Prayer For All Seasons
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Let me begin today with a question: what or who is at the top of your prayer list today? Our Heavenly Father invites us to lay our request before his throne, request [...]
Robert Jeffress - Paul's Power Prayer
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Robert Jeffress - Paul's Power Prayer
Robert Jeffress - Paul's Power Prayer
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Whenever you think about prayer, what comes to your mind? Maybe you imagine a formal recitation or a desperate plea in times of trouble. Well, today, we're going [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Develop The Habit of Prayer
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Peter Tan-Chi - Develop The Habit of Prayer
Peter Tan-Chi - Develop The Habit of Prayer
Our title for this coming series is Why do we connect habits with life transformation? I'm reminded of this quotation from Craig Groeschel. This is what he said: Do you notice the keyword: successful people do consistently, habitually, [...]
TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer
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TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer
TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer
In our text today, the king of Syria and his army are at war with the king of Israel. They're at war. This is kingly stuff. God is dealing with kingly stuff, not common stuff. Stop bringing God down into common stuff when God wants to deal with [...]
Charles Stanley - The God to Whom We Pray
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Charles Stanley - The God to Whom We Pray
Charles Stanley - The God to Whom We Pray
Is the God whom you worship big enough to handle all the challenges you bring to Him in life? All of us bring Him all different kinds and they come from all different avenues and often times they come suddenly. Sometimes we can see them coming a [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Choose to Rejoice, Give Thanks and Pray
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Rabbi Schneider - Choose to Rejoice, Give Thanks and Pray
Rabbi Schneider - Choose to Rejoice, Give Thanks and Pray
"Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus". Pray without ceasing. In everything, give thanks, for this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus: to rejoice [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Praying Church
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Adrian Rogers - A Praying Church
Adrian Rogers - A Praying Church
We've been talking about the kind of church that we ought to be, the kind of church that I've tried to teach you to be in these years that God has given me the wonderful privilege of being your pastor. This morning, I want you to open [...]
Greg Laurie - The Sinner's Prayer
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Greg Laurie - The Sinner's Prayer
Greg Laurie - The Sinner's Prayer
Father, you've said when two or more are gathered together in your name, you're there in the midst of them. Now, as we open up your Word and talk about matters of eternity, the meaning of our lives, I pray that you will speak to [...]
Chris Hodges - Daily Time With God
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Chris Hodges - Daily Time With God
Chris Hodges - Daily Time With God
Come on, give God all the praise, everybody, and let me say thank you to you as well for the difference that we all get to make together. Let me look straight in the camera and say hello to all of our campuses across Alabama and Georgia, to the [...]
Allen Jackson - Prayer Warriors
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Allen Jackson - Prayer Warriors
Allen Jackson - Prayer Warriors
Our theme for the year has been "Let's Pray", and for this particular portion of it, we're gonna take a couple of weeks and look at this notion of being prayer warriors. Prayers being more than a passive response to life, or an [...]
David Jeremiah - A Prayer for Inner Strength
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David Jeremiah - A Prayer for Inner Strength
David Jeremiah - A Prayer for Inner Strength
Dean Karnazes stumbled as he reached the front porch of his San Francisco area house. He had just spent an evening celebrating his 30th birthday, and he was really drunk. He had a successful job in corporate America, but he didn't know what his [...]
James Merritt - Carpe Diem Praying
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James Merritt - Carpe Diem Praying
James Merritt - Carpe Diem Praying
Not long ago, I came across this statement and it convicted me. You see how you respond to it. You could tell what a person likes by what they do, you could tell what a person thinks by what they say, but you can tell what a person is by how they [...]
James Meehan - Will God Answer My Prayers?
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James Meehan - Will God Answer My Prayers?
James Meehan - Will God Answer My Prayers?
We are talking about prayer, which is simply having a conversation with God. But the reason why we're talking about this is because how we think about prayer and how God responds to our prayers has the potential to make or break our faith. How [...]
Sid Roth - This Video Will Change Your Prayer Life Forever
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Sid Roth - This Video Will Change Your Prayer Life Forever
Sid Roth - This Video Will Change Your Prayer Life Forever
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow! My guest, Mark Morozov, is proclaiming good news worldwide. He comes from a strong lineage of ministers and prominent prophets that have planted multiple congregations in Russia and Ukraine. Mark's [...]
Allen Jackson - National Day of Prayer - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - National Day of Prayer - Part 2
Allen Jackson - National Day of Prayer - Part 2
Hey, prayer changes everything. Well, this session today was built out of a service we did a couple of weeks ago around the National Day of Prayer. I wanted to give the congregation some tools to take prayer to their workplace, or their homes, or [...]
Allen Jackson - National Day of Prayer - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - National Day of Prayer - Part 1
Allen Jackson - National Day of Prayer - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. And we just recently did a Wednesday evening service in preparation for the National Day of Prayer. And the goal was to help the people that could participate to have prayers to share with others on the [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Effectual Prayer
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Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Effectual Prayer
Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Effectual Prayer
Be finding please Romans chapter 11 and we're going to spend most of our time this morning in one verse, verse 36. We're talking today about, "The Secret of Effectual Prayer". Now I don't know why we like to put the word [...]
Chris Hodges - Keep on Praying
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Chris Hodges - Keep on Praying
Chris Hodges - Keep on Praying
All right, so good to see all of you here today. Who's glad to be in church today? Anybody else? C'mon, put your hands together and give Jesus some praise today. That's awesome. And a big hello to all of our locations that are joining [...]
Chris Hodges - The Prayer of Jabez
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Chris Hodges - The Prayer of Jabez
Chris Hodges - The Prayer of Jabez
All right, who's glad to be in church today, everybody, everybody? Is that all? Who's glad to be in church today, everybody? Oh, it's good to see you guys, today. Welcome to week number three of the series that we're calling, [...]
Chris Hodges - Tabernacle Prayer
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Chris Hodges - Tabernacle Prayer
Chris Hodges - Tabernacle Prayer
All right, who's glad to be in church today? Anybody, anybody? All right, you do. Oh, good to see you, everybody. Welcome today to week number two of the series based off my new book called, "Pray First". We're so glad that you [...]
Chris Hodges - In the Beginning God
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Chris Hodges - In the Beginning God
Chris Hodges - In the Beginning God
All right, who's glad to be at church today? Anybody, anybody? I know. Me, too. Oh, it's so good to see you. Welcome today to week number one of a brand-new series that we're gonna call "Pray First". We'll tell you more [...]
Chris Hodges - Worship and Prayer
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Chris Hodges - Worship and Prayer
Chris Hodges - Worship and Prayer
Praise the Lord. Does anybody love Jesus, at first Wednesday? Amen. We have dedicated tonight as a night of prayer and worship for our nation and for God to move in a powerful way at Easter time. Can I hear a good "Amen," everybody? And so [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - Delirious, Chattering Prayers
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Frankie Mazzapica - Delirious, Chattering Prayers
Frankie Mazzapica - Delirious, Chattering Prayers
Thank you for tuning in today. The title of the message is "Delirious, Chattering Prayers". I don't know if you've ever been there. If you haven't been there, this message is something that you'll probably need in the [...]
Derek Prince - The Secret Power Of Fasting
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Derek Prince - The Secret Power Of Fasting
Derek Prince - The Secret Power Of Fasting
In this session I'm going to continue with some of the secrets of answered prayer. In fact, I'm going to deal with one specific, major key to effective praying. And although this key is clearly presented throughout the Bible from the Old [...]
Derek Prince - Powerful Prayer Of Deliverance
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Derek Prince - Powerful Prayer Of Deliverance
Derek Prince - Powerful Prayer Of Deliverance
This is an excerpt from: How To Expel The Enemy Now we have done marvelously well with regard to time and I want to end on a very practical note, thank you so much. This is optional, I want you to understand, nobody is compelled. But if there are [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Treasury of Snow
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Jentezen Franklin - The Treasury of Snow
Jentezen Franklin - The Treasury of Snow
Job 38:22, this is a revelation that I want you to never forget. Listen to this, verse 23, "Have you entered the treasury of snow, or have you seen the treasury of hail," which is rain that is frozen into ice, "Which I," this is [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Agrees With The Word
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Agrees With The Word
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Agrees With The Word
The prayer of agreement is the most versatile prayer. And the 18th chapter of the book of Matthew is, in my opinion, and the way it's ministered to me over the years, so complete. It is a complete teaching compound in that one chapter. And it [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer for Loved Ones To Be Saved
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer for Loved Ones To Be Saved
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer for Loved Ones To Be Saved
So, Mark chapter 11, if you come around to the fourth verse, "They went their way and found a colt tied by the door", and so forth, just like he said. "Certain of them stood there and said, 'What do we do to loosen the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Receives Answers From God
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Receives Answers From God
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Receives Answers From God
Welcome, everybody, to Friday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. I'm Kenneth Copeland. And here's where I've been working all week. We'll get through this today. Now, notice here, I want you to go [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Holy Spirit Prays for You Every Day
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Kenneth Copeland - The Holy Spirit Prays for You Every Day
Kenneth Copeland - The Holy Spirit Prays for You Every Day
Welcome, everybody, to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. For those of you that don't know, I'm Kenneth Copeland. And this is a time we're spending learning how the Holy Spirit of God manifests Himself. So let's go [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is a Vital Part of the Christian Life
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is a Vital Part of the Christian Life
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is a Vital Part of the Christian Life
Hello, everybody. Now, before I start in today, it's good for you to know, but for this radio and television audience, this is what we do at Kenneth Copeland Bible College. This is what the Lord has directed us to do. The Lord said this to [...]
Kenneth Copeland - How To Access the Power of God Through Prayer
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Kenneth Copeland - How To Access the Power of God Through Prayer
Kenneth Copeland - How To Access the Power of God Through Prayer
Father, we thank You again today. We praise You for the honor and the privilege of having You to invite us to approach You on the throne of grace, to approach You in prayer and communicate with You. And we thank You and praise You for it again [...]
James Meehan - How Do I Pray Through Something Hard?
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James Meehan - How Do I Pray Through Something Hard?
James Meehan - How Do I Pray Through Something Hard?
Whitney : That's a big yell. Let's get into a big question we have this week. James Meehan : Oh gosh, that was so good. Whitney : We're talking about how do I pray through something hard? James Meehan : What a wonderful question. So [...]
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