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Skip Heitzig - Luke 21
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 21
Skip Heitzig - Luke 21
Father, we approach your Word with the utmost reverence, with the respect that says this Book is not just another book. These words aren't like words we may have read in the newspaper, or online today, or like a novel we picked up last [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 20
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 20
Skip Heitzig - Luke 20
The story that we find ourselves in tonight in Luke, chapter 20, has many similarities, just like we're meeting in a courtyard of a building that has been devoted to the worship of God, so the setting in the gospel of Luke, chapter 20, is in [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 19
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 19
Skip Heitzig - Luke 19
Lord, even as we approach a meal, and we always want to say thank you, Lord, for this food and bless our bodies with this meal, we pray that as we open up your Word. I think of the words of the prophet who said, "Your words were found, and I [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 18
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 18
Skip Heitzig - Luke 18
So we're in Luke, chapter 18, and we're going to try to make it through the entire chapter tonight. There is a poem I remember reading. I came across it. And let's see if I can come up with it. It's called the prayer of Cyrus [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 16:19-17:37
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 16:19-17:37
Skip Heitzig - Luke 16:19-17:37
Father, we-we are so thankful, first of all, that you know all about us. Nothing in our thought processes, or our activity, nothing in our humanity takes you off guard. You are Sovereign God and we are told that "God so loved the world." [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 16:1-18
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 16:1-18
Skip Heitzig - Luke 16:1-18
Lord, we have a very interesting and difficult chapter before us. The material that Jesus gave on that day that he gave it was no doubt a shock to his audience. It was meant to be thus. And because of the material that has covered the subjects that [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 14:15-15:32
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 14:15-15:32
Skip Heitzig - Luke 14:15-15:32
Turn in your Bible's, please, to the gospel of Luke, chapter 14. And as we're about to partake of the Lord's Table or the Lord's Supper, as we call it, we find ourselves in this chapter at another supper. And it is a supper to [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 13:10-14:24
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 13:10-14:24
Skip Heitzig - Luke 13:10-14:24
Father, thank you for the opportunity as a family to gather and to sit and to linger. Lord, we don't have to worry about another service after this one. And we're just so grateful that you've given us a little place of rest and [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 12:22-13:9
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 12:22-13:9
Skip Heitzig - Luke 12:22-13:9
Father, I am trusting, as I have prayed and continue now, that you would speak a word in due season through your already revealed Word, as we consider together the works, and the words, as well the wonders of the Jesus that we love and have [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 11:29-12:21
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 11:29-12:21
Skip Heitzig - Luke 11:29-12:21
If you remember back, or you want to make reference to it right now, in chapter 9, verse 51, we're told by Luke that "Jesus set his face steadfastly to go to Jerusalem." This is his last march. He has a few months left to live as he [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 11:1-28
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 11:1-28
Skip Heitzig - Luke 11:1-28
Father, you've heard our prayer in the songs that have led up to this study. Here's our heart, Lord, we give you our very heart. We give you the heart of who we are. You know who we are. We're not hiding anything from you. And we [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 10
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 10
Skip Heitzig - Luke 10
Now in chapter 9, in verse 51, we're told that Jesus set his face steadfastly to go to Jerusalem. From chapter 9, verse 51, to chapter 19 is the travel log of Jesus on his way to Jerusalem. This is Luke outlining and expanding what Jesus said [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 9:18-62
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 9:18-62
Skip Heitzig - Luke 9:18-62
Father, in this place and at this time we confront you, our Father, the living God on the pages of the living Word. We call it that because the writer of Hebrews said, "The Word of God is living and powerful; it is sharper than any two-edged [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 8:40-9:17
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 8:40-9:17
Skip Heitzig - Luke 8:40-9:17
Father, we are hungry to know more. We're hungry to build upon our faith and to know what it is we know, what it is we believe. No matter how long we have walked with you, Lord, our roots always need to go deeper. And so, Father, we pray that [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 8:1-39
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 8:1-39
Skip Heitzig - Luke 8:1-39
Father, we gather together with a variety of experiences that we have had throughout the week. Some have been horrific and heartbreaking. Some have been wonderful, filled with your blessing, the evidence of your touch. And so we are here tonight [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 7:19-8:3
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 7:19-8:3
Skip Heitzig - Luke 7:19-8:3
Luke, chapter 7. The most important thing about you, I believe, is what you think of Jesus. The most important thing about anyone is what they think about the identity of Christ. You remember Jesus said to his disciples in Matthew 16, "Who do [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 6:17-7:23
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 6:17-7:23
Skip Heitzig - Luke 6:17-7:23
Father, around us right now, around us are men and women of a variety of backgrounds, ages; those that have fears, those that are filled with hope and anticipation of something maybe that's going to happen this week, and so they're filled [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 5:27-6:19
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 5:27-6:19
Skip Heitzig - Luke 5:27-6:19
Luke, chapter 5. I'm always impressed with and amazed at the people that God chooses to do his bidding, to do his work. I love watching the people, the variety with which God builds his kingdom. Look around at this bunch, how different we are [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 4:16-5:26
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 4:16-5:26
Skip Heitzig - Luke 4:16-5:26
Would you turn in your Bibles to the gospel of Luke, chapter 4. I was unable to make it through chapter 4 last week. By God's grace we will do so this evening before we take the Lord's Supper. Luke, chapter 4. I'm just curious; do we [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 4:1-29
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 4:1-29
Skip Heitzig - Luke 4:1-29
Father, you know the needs, you know the hearts, you know deepest thoughts of every one of us, and we commit everything in our lives, Lord that concerns us. You know our concerns; we commit them to you. And, Father, we lay our lives down before you [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 3:23-38, The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 3:23-38, The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
Skip Heitzig - Luke 3:23-38, The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
Okay, so we're going to have a Bible study right now and even though we're outside...and outside always has the potential to be a little more, you know, it could be distracting, because it's just so beautiful and a bird might fly by [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 3
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 3
Skip Heitzig - Luke 3
Father we are about your business. And as we sit here tonight in this large living room that we call our fellowship, it is your church, it is our fellowship, we want to begin knowing, Lord, that we have a very unique setup with you, a deal going [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 2
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 2
Skip Heitzig - Luke 2
Thank you, Father, that you've included us in your plan, and you so loved the world, and we who are part of it in this current generation are so grateful for the hope that we have in the world in which we live. The reason we can sing these [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 1:26-80
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 1:26-80
Skip Heitzig - Luke 1:26-80
Father, we now pause, we just sort of lower the volume and the thought processes, and we direct our thoughts and our words toward you. We know that as prayer. We know that when we pray, we're not just saying words in the air that we can listen [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 1:1-25
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 1:1-25
Skip Heitzig - Luke 1:1-25
Good evening. Great to be with you tonight outside. Now is the time to have a seat. Now is the time to turn off Instagram and Twitter and Facebook and open your Bibles, even if it's on your phone or iPad, open it up to the gospel of Luke, [...]
Skip Heitzig - Hallelujah (Psalm 150)
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Skip Heitzig - Hallelujah (Psalm 150)
Skip Heitzig - Hallelujah (Psalm 150)
Let's turn to Psalm 150 as he begins. I'm going to ask you to do me a favor; could you stand to your feet? We're going to put the words of the psalm upon the screens and we're going to read this psalm together. It says in the [...]
Skip Heitzig - Roar (Psalms 140-141)
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Skip Heitzig - Roar (Psalms 140-141)
Skip Heitzig - Roar (Psalms 140-141)
You know, your tongue is one of the most important parts of your body. It's small, but you depend on it, and so do we. Because without your tongue, you wouldn't be able to speak, and we wouldn't be able to know what you're [...]
Skip Heitzig - Home (Psalm 127)
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Skip Heitzig - Home (Psalm 127)
Skip Heitzig - Home (Psalm 127)
For decades the America dream has included owning your own home. That's for years what was said, that you would have your own house, so many cars in the garage, etcetera, etcetera. Today the American dream is more like being able is to keep the [...]
Skip Heitzig - All of Me (Psalm 100)
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Skip Heitzig - All of Me (Psalm 100)
Skip Heitzig - All of Me (Psalm 100)
Would you turn to Psalm 100, Psalm 100. If you had to live your life over again, what would you do differently? When I asked that question last night, somebody up front shouted out, "Everything"! If you had to live your life all over [...]
Skip Heitzig - Radioactive (Psalms 42-43)
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Skip Heitzig - Radioactive (Psalms 42-43)
Skip Heitzig - Radioactive (Psalms 42-43)
We're about to read the lyrics essentially of an ancient worship song. That's what the psalms of David and the other psalms in this book were used as. They were used as part of the corporate, public worship of ancient Israel. But what is [...]
Skip Heitzig - Safe and Sound (Psalm 23)
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Skip Heitzig - Safe and Sound (Psalm 23)
Skip Heitzig - Safe and Sound (Psalm 23)
Father, we're grateful for your care for us, your love for us, and we celebrate that in this Psalm. I just pray that we would push aside all distractions and thoughts of what this week is going to bring us or might bring us, and we would [...]
Skip Heitzig - Say Something (Psalm 19)
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Skip Heitzig - Say Something (Psalm 19)
Skip Heitzig - Say Something (Psalm 19)
I trust that you brought your Bible this morning, so would you turn to Psalm 19. There was a couple that was married. They had been married for sixty years and they loved each other deeply. They shared everything together. They kept no secrets from [...]
Skip Heitzig - Happy (Psalm 1)
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Skip Heitzig - Happy (Psalm 1)
Skip Heitzig - Happy (Psalm 1)
It's an honor to be with you this morning. Before we get started, let's start... well, before we get into the Word, let's get started the right way, as we always do, and let's talk to the Lord about what we're going to hear. [...]
Skip Heitzig - A Rock-Solid Finish
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Skip Heitzig - A Rock-Solid Finish
Skip Heitzig - A Rock-Solid Finish
Father, we turn our hearts toward you. We know this is essentially a Bible study and we believe you to be the inspired originator of the text. Though you used human authors with their own styles and personalities, nevertheless, you superintended [...]
Skip Heitzig - Lion Alert
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Skip Heitzig - Lion Alert
Skip Heitzig - Lion Alert
This is week 28 of our series Rock Solid in a study in First Peter, and I've discovered we're having a hard time ending it. And it's Peter's fault, he keeps saying stuff, and we find that some of the stuff we have to really kind [...]
Skip Heitzig - Profile of A Good Shepherd
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Skip Heitzig - Profile of A Good Shepherd
Skip Heitzig - Profile of A Good Shepherd
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to First Peter, chapter 5; First Peter, chapter 5. I love the rustling of iPads. You used to be able to hear it, now it's just quiet. First Peter, chapter 5, let's pray together. Father, as always we [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Dos and Don'ts of Suffering
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Skip Heitzig - The Dos and Don'ts of Suffering
Skip Heitzig - The Dos and Don'ts of Suffering
You can imagine how puzzled some were in the community when they opened up the newspaper and saw in the little want-ad section, the lost and found section of want ads, an ad that read the following: "Lost dog with three legs. Blind in left eye. [...]
Skip Heitzig - Living Like There's No Tomorrow
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Skip Heitzig - Living Like There's No Tomorrow
Skip Heitzig - Living Like There's No Tomorrow
First Peter, chapter 4, we're going to begin in verse 7. But let's begin at the beginning, let's pray together. Father, we count it a privilege to be able to examine carefully and reflect meaningfully on the words of a man who walked [...]
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 32-34
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Skip Heitzig - Numbers 32-34
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 32-34
Father, thank you that we have an opportunity where we in this country can have a freedom of assembly, and we have a privilege, as well as a right, to gather in the name of Jesus. We are, as of yet, free in our worship. We can worship according to [...]
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 30-31
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Skip Heitzig - Numbers 30-31
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 30-31
Father, we are reading the very text that was the Bible for Jesus and Peter and James and John in the early church. It's all they knew in terms of Scripture is what we call the Old Testament. And so it behooves us to have at least a basic [...]
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 28-29
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Skip Heitzig - Numbers 28-29
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 28-29
Father, this is a unique evening where you call us to remember, to remember a sacrifice that was done so long ago on our behalf. Father, I pray that the Holy Spirit of God would bring things to our mind that maybe we need to deal with or confess [...]
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 26-27
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Skip Heitzig - Numbers 26-27
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 26-27
Our Father, we submit now our hearts to you. Some of us are encumbered with thoughts that distract us, thoughts about family or finances or maybe even spiritual issues or questions or doubts, temptations, anger, a lot of stuff we carry with us as [...]
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 24-25
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Skip Heitzig - Numbers 24-25
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 24-25
We're doing what I believe the early church did when in the book of Acts it says, "They devoted themselves to the apostle's doctrine," the apostle's doctrine. If you think about it, the apostles didn't have a Bible like [...]
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