Sid Roth - Lost and in Danger. Ana Werner Sees An Angel. Find Out What Happens Next
Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest says that the veil between Heaven and Earth is getting thinner. That's why we're hearing of so many people having visitations to Heaven, so many people seeing the invisible world, seeing angels, so many people being able to understand the invisible world. And she says she can teach you to see into this invisible realm. Anyone interested? Me, too. You know, as I read the Tanakh, the Jewish Scriptures, I see a term there called "seer" and it's always intrigued me no end. Ana, you are a New Covenant seer. Explain what a seer is exactly.
Ana Werner: So a seer, that term, it's not a wackado term. It's been in the Bible, it's been there for all times. But a seer is somebody that hears from the Lord, they get wisdom from the Lord primarily through the gift of sight and they prophesy or discern into a situation with that gift.
Sid Roth: Now you see things sometimes over people. Give me an example of where you saw something over a person and it resulted in them being helped.
Ana Werner: Sure. Often, because I work in healing ministry a lot, so sometimes when I'm praying for someone or someone comes for a prayer I will see an area of their body highlighted. Like one time I was praying for this lady and I saw her shoulder and it was highlighted in a different color. It just looked purple. And she did not actually ask me for a prayer for that. But I said, "Hey, is your shoulder hurting? What's going on with your shoulder"? And she said, "Yes, it is hurting". So I prayed for, our team and myself, prayed for this lady. And as we were praying I could see the presence of the Lord come over her shoulder and I could see a literal color change. And I said, "Well what's going on now because your shoulder looks better. I'm healed. God's on it. What's going on"?
Sid Roth: You have an unfair advantage over the devil. That's pretty cool. I like that. Do you ever see words over people?
Ana Werner: Yes. So I will see words also where sometimes sickness gets locked in our body because we've got hurt or wounds, or other things.
Sid Roth: Unforgiveness.
Ana Werner: Unforgiveness, bitterness, things that we hold on to. So sometimes I might see the word, like "unforgiveness" or "bitterness" over someone and I'll know that's the root, that's where the enemy has got them, that's why sickness is on them. So we'll go after that. We'll pray together, is there something going on in your life where you can't forgive somebody. And through that then they get healed as I'll walk them through that forgiving that person. Then they receive healing.
Sid Roth: When was the first time you could remember seeing in the invisible world?
Ana Werner: When I was five years old, I was playing in my room and an angel walked in.
Sid Roth: Were you afraid?
Ana Werner: I wasn't.
Sid Roth: Good.
Ana Werner: Isn't that weird? You would think stranger, danger, I would be scared. But it wasn't like. It was like my best friend just walked in the room, and he was really warm and friendly. And we played together, and he told me his name was Timothy. I asked him, "What's your name"? Kids just ask whatever they want. So I said, "What's your name"? He said Timothy. He told me he's my guardian angel and I asked him, "Can I touch your wings"? He said, "Sure". So I got to touch his wings.
Sid Roth: What does his wings feel like? I've never touched an angel's wings.
Ana Werner: It was really gentle, like soft, but also very firm and strong.
Sid Roth: Tell me about the next time you saw an angel.
Ana Werner: I was a missionary in Brazil and I was working in the drug trafficking slums, and I had gone with a bunch of my friends went to our other friend's house that evening. So I was very naïve, very ambitious, but very naïve, and I thought, I'm going to go walk home on my own. And I hadn't been in the country very long, and I didn't speak Portuguese at the time. So I started walking. I got completely lost. Very quickly, I was lost. It was very scary. I'm not going to lie. It was very scary because all around me I could see drug traffickers.
Sid Roth: You were in a bad area of town.
Ana Werner: I was in bad area. I was in a slum and I could see men carrying guns and there was also children, little boys like seven years old carrying guns. And they were approaching me. It's like, you don't belong here, and they were coming closer and closer, and closer. So little woman of faith that I am here, I got down on my knees and I just started crying, and I said, "God, I need your help. I need your help. I am so stupid and naïve to do this on my own, and I am lost. I need help and I need help now". My life was really in danger. And I heard the Lord's voice and he just said, "Ana, look up". So I looked up, looked down. The blocks go like a zig-zag, and I looked down the block and I saw an angel, and he was staring at the end of the block, and waved, picked a flower and dropped it, and then took off. So it didn't take me a second to think what I was going to do. I didn't have another option. So I just went, I'm going to get that flower, chase that angel. So I ran to the end of the block, picked up the flower and then looked down the next block, and there he was at the very next block, and he did the same thing. So I ran to the next block, picked up the flower, and this kept going on and on, and on. It was like an hour and a half of just zig-zagging through, until the very last flower he dropped was at my doorstep, and I was back home.
Sid Roth: And Ana told me she actually pressed one of the flowers to always remember it, and you have it right there.
Ana Werner: I did. I brought it.
Sid Roth: Can I see it?
Ana Werner: Yes. It even says the day I was lost and I followed an angel home. I brought it.
Sid Roth: Wow! That is neat. You'll always remember this and you'll always remember not to walk in a country where you don't speak one word, alone, in the drug traffic area. When we come back, I want Ana to pray for you to have your eyes opened to see angels. Be right back.
Sid Roth: Ana, how did you start developing this seer gift?
Ana Werner: So when I was 22 and I started seeing, the Lord taught me some things to train in it. I would be very intentional. I'm very intentional every day to spend at least ten minutes a day, and now it's more than that. But at first, ten minutes a day, and to ask the Lord to encounter me with just my senses, and I would pray always, Lord, open my senses to experience you. I would shut my eyes. The Lord would start showing me a picture. I would ask the Lord, show me a picture, either the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, whoever, to encounter me. Because sometimes the Lord would encounter me as God the Father or sometimes Jesus, or sometimes Holy Spirit would come, but encounter me. And I would see a picture, whether it be just, it started like footsteps. I'd just see footsteps and that was it. And then I'd say, and that was it, footsteps. Okay, what do I do with that. So I would write it down in my journal, and then I'd say, okay God, take me back there. The Lord would show me more. Next time it would be like I would be walking following the footsteps, and the next time I would feel the grass under my feet, and then the next time I'd smell the grass. So seers use all of their senses. It's not just about sight. We could taste, we can hear, and then every time I would ask for more and more, and more, until it became going to Heaven and I'd get to experience and walk in Heaven with the Lord, and see things. And I'd always ask, can I come back, God, take me back.
Sid Roth: I asked you on the telephone, what was one of the most profound things that you observed when you were in Heaven, and you came right out with it: his eyes. Tell me about that.
Ana Werner: There is nothing like the Father's eyes. He's taken me to Heaven and there's times where I've gotten to just look right into his eyes and they're alive. There's so much, it's so hard to describe what God's eyes are like, but it's like the sovereignty and power, and authority come through his eyes. You could see fire, but at the same time, they're warm and gentle, and full of so much love. It's like he would look at me, and all in my impurities, who am I, little Ana. But he would just look at me and just the amount of love that would come through those eyes, there's just nothing like it.
Sid Roth: You pray for people often to be healed. Tell me about this woman that you must have had tremendous compassion for, 17 years of chronic pain and a lot of other stuff. What happened?
Ana Werner: Recently, a lady came in to our healing rooms and she had 17 years of issues going on in her body, pain and autoimmune system problems, and chronic fatigue, and doctors just couldn't pinpoint it, what was going on. They'd run her through test after test. So she comes in and she starts telling us her story, and on her body, as a seer, I could see. So on her body I could see little holes, looked like little wounds, and I could see them oozing. And so I said, "Would you mind if we could pray for any emotional wounds. I just feel that's where the enemy might have his hand. He might be working over you, and that's why maybe you're sick. Is there anything going on"? And then our team got a bunch of words they heard from the Lord about certain things. And as we prayed for those she got healed. She got healed. As she got healed emotionally, we could see sickness come off of her. But as we prayed, one by one, by one thing just melted off of her, and she got healed. It was amazing.
Sid Roth: Now when you got to Heaven, many times you're taken to specific rooms. My producer said be sure to ask Ana about the mailer room. What is that?
Ana Werner: I love the mailer room. One day God took me to Heaven and I walked into this room, and I could see, as far as my eyes, I could see shelves and I could see these little packages on the shelves, and it was like as high up as I could see and as far as I could see. And I could see angels, and it was a busy room. There's just angels bustling all about the room and I could the Lord. I could see Jesus right in the center of the room, and I could see these angels go and look, and take a package, and tuck it in there, and then go down. And they get their instructions from Jesus. And then certain angels weren't moving though, and like some of them were just standing still at the shelves and waiting. I asked Jesus, "What's going on here in this room"? And he said, "These are my messengers and they're bringing answers to my saint's prayers and these ones are waiting for the prayers to be released". So they're waiting for people to pray and they are just waiting to bring that answer.
Sid Roth: So it's a two-way relationship.
Ana Werner: Yes.
Sid Roth: The angels respond to us asking. If we don't ask, we don't get. Sounds like Scripture.
Ana Werner: Yes. It's my whole idea of that has been changed since that moment.
Sid Roth: Okay, this is what I know. There are some angels with packages from Heaven and they want to deliver it to you. You ask and you shall receive. We'll be right back.
Sid Roth: So Ana, you're just minding your own business and you look out, and you see floating in the air someone's spinal cord. Explain that.
Ana Werner: I was doing healing ministry and I saw this angel one time, walking, carrying a spinal cord. My dad is a chiropractor, so I know what a spinal cord looks like. And he had been carrying this spinal cord, and I thought, I want to follow that angel. So I said to my team, "Let's go follow that angel. I think God is on something. He's up to something". So we followed the angel. Went to this lady who was sitting there, she was in a wheelchair, and we came to her and we said, "Hey, we've got great news. There is an angel here hold a spinal cord, standing right behind you. Can we pray for you"? So we went, we laid hands on her, she got healed.
Sid Roth: How long had she suffered?
Ana Werner: Like more than 20 years. She had partial paralyzation in her body. There was an auto accident that happened, so she had to have a spinal, like it hit her neck, so it had partially paralyzed the left side of her body. And so as we prayed I could see the angels, like it was almost like transposing, I could see the spinal cord in his hand being placed over her spinal cord. And then I said, "Okay, let's have you test it out. How do you feel"? And she said, she looked at me kind of reluctantly, like she's been, you got to be kidding me, who are you to have me to do this stuff? "Just try. Come on, let's just try". She stood up and she's like, I've been healed! I've been healed! Woman: I'm healed! I'm healed! Thank you, Lord!
Sid Roth: Speaking of being healed, is God telling you about anyone being healed right now? Speak it out.
Ana Werner: Yes. I just feel like that as I've been talking about spinal cords, there's someone here who is listening to this, who needs their back healed. You've had an injury that's been ongoing for years. You've probably gone to seek many help, much help from different doctors, and it just hasn't released. And you've got, it's like a pinched nerve that just shoots pain down your back. And the Lord is healing you right now. Even in this moment, the Lord is healing you and wants you completely set free. So in Jesus' name, I just declare healing for your spine, from head to toe, that that pinched nerve will be completely healed right now. Thank you, Father.
Sid Roth: And get up and bend over. You'll walk right into your healing. Now Ana, you had an image appear when you were preparing for this television show. Tell me about that image.
Ana Werner: Yes. So the Lord took me up to Heaven and I was seated with Jesus up above in Heaven, and I could see myself with him. And we looked down, and he said, "Ana, extend your hand. Extend your hand". And so I said, okay. So I reached my hand down and I could see people grabbing my hand, and I would just pull them up with me. I would just pull them up into Heaven. And so that's what I love to do, is just train people, and I'm excited for people to get these encounters, too.
Sid Roth: I volunteer. How about you, anyone at home do what I'm doing? I mean, faith without corresponding action is dead. Would you pray for me and for everyone else right now.
Ana Werner: Yes. In Jesus' name, I just, God, we just love you. We love, this is all about you, God. We want to encounter you. We want intimacy with you, Jesus. It's not about having a supernatural encounter just for a crazy experience, but God, it's about getting to know you and having intimacy with you. So Father, right now, I just pray for just the ability to see in the Spirit just to be released right now to everyone in this room, to everyone that's watching this or hearing this message, that you would be able to open, God, you would open all of our senses that we could see you with clarity, see your angels, see the heavenly things with clarity, Father. Come with your presence, God.
Sid Roth: When she talks about the love of Jesus, which she experienced in Heaven, people get healed. Get ready. Tell me about the love of Jesus from Heaven.
Ana Werner: One day God, I had a real hard day with my daughter. And I said, Lord, would you just take me to Heaven, please. I need an encounter with you, God. So he took me to a room and God, sometimes it's like the Lord will go with me in a room and then other times he won't. So this room, I stood outside the door and I was with God, and I said, "Are you going in with me"? And he said no. And so I put my hand on the doorknob, and when I put my hand on the doorknob, the presence of God was so strong. Sometimes I'm allowed to go in the rooms and sometimes I'm not, and I can just see what's on the other side of the door, and that was one of these encounters. The power of God was so strong, I could not go in the room, but I could see what was on the other side. So he showed me, and I saw, I could see Jesus on the cross. I don't have the theology to explain that. I'm just telling you, Sid, what I saw. I could see him on the cross and it was the most beautiful, horrific sight I've ever seen because I could see him in his broken state with all the blood, with all the wounds, everything, his flesh torn back, I could see it. I turned to God and I said, "I want to go in there. I want to go in there with Jesus. Why can't I go in"? And he said, "Ana, you don't know my love". And I got offended. I said, "What do you mean, I don't know your love. This is Christianity 101. I know that you love me and I love you. What do you mean"? He said, "You don't know my love like that". And I was undone by that. At that point, I just let go and I just crumpled on the floor, and I was just crying and crying, and crying because it's like I just realized how much of the Father's love I still had yet to really understand and experience. And then Jesus then, after some time I cried and cried, and cried, Jesus came to me. He came and it was like he was off the cross. His body was healed in his glorified state. He came and he picked me up, and he held me, and he just rocked me back and forth, you know, like you rock your children, he just rocked me. And he said, "Ana, you don't have to stay like this any longer". And then out of nowhere I started laughing. I mean, it's like, why would I laugh. I started laughing and he said, "There you go. There you go. In my presence there's fullness of joy". And I felt the joy of the Lord just being released. I mean, I felt so much joy in that moment and so much freedom. And so that's the love of the Father. That's the best.
Sid Roth: I pray that you have experiential knowledge of Jesus, that you have your own experience and experience the pure undefiled, holy love of the Father.