Sid Roth - It's Time To Possess Your Healing
Sid Roth: Here I am in Jerusalem, Israel at one of the neatest places on the planet, the empty tomb. And it's because the tomb was empty, it's because the Messiah rose and defeated death and sin, and the devil, that we have a victory, THE victory, in every arena in our life. And the question that many of you are asking is, by the way, I don't know if you can hear the birds chirping, it is, I mean, it's great to be alive. The question that many people are asking: who is the author of sickness? I mean, if God is doing this to teach me a lesson, if God's doing this because I'll have a great ministry to people that are, have the same affliction that I have, I'm not going to fight it. Well Kynan Bridges, I think this is one of the big problems. When someone gets sick, why do people just play dead, they just go along with it?
Kynan Bridges: Well the main reason is because many people don't believe that sickness is the oppression of the devil. But we know based on scripture, Acts 10:38, the Bible says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost who went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with him. So the first step people have to know based on the testimony of scripture, that sickness is oppression. Why? Because it prevents us from fulfilling our assignment of advancing God's kingdom. God doesn't want us in a hospital bed. He doesn't want us confined to hospice care, because as long as we're there...
Sid Roth: But wait. Is it always God's will you be healed? Always?
Kynan Bridges: Absolutely. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus comes into the coast and the Bible says, "They brought all their sick to him". And the Bible says, "He healed them all". Now I did a word study on the Greek on the word "all". And in the Greek, the word "all" means all.
Sid Roth: Did you get that great scholarship? Now Kynan, you're provoking me to jealousy. You're minding your own business at your bed, and at the foot of your bed, who's there?
Kynan Bridges: The Lord Jesus himself.
Sid Roth: What did he say?
Kynan Bridges: Well I was sleeping and I get this wake-up call, if you will. And this is the first time I have this kind of visitation. And he's literally standing at the edge of my bed, and he calls me by name, and I look up. He's wearing all white. It's so brilliant. It's almost like you couldn't see his face. And he begins to call out to me, and he says, "Wake up". And I begin to wake up, and I kind of arise, like I'm sitting up out of my body, and I'm looking at him. And then he does the most interesting thing. He reaches into his heart and he takes his heart, and he extends towards me. Now this is not a gruesome thing. It was a spiritual thing. He extends his heart toward me, and his heart was beating at a certain frequency. And he said to me, "This is my heart for the nations". And as he did this, Sid, it was almost like I could hear and feel his heart, and it was weeping. And he said to me, "Son, many of my people believe that I am the one causing them sickness and pain". He says, "But that is not my will. I paid the ultimate price for them to be healed". And his heart was broken for the nations because many don't know the price that he paid for them. And I just began to weep when I saw this experience. And for the first time, I saw how Jesus feels when we mischaracterize him.
Sid Roth: And how do we mischaracterize him?
Kynan Bridges: We blame him for our sickness. We blame him for our oppression. We blame him for the things that happen in our life. We feel, well this is God teaching me a lesson. God put this cancer on me to humble me. You know, the Bible says that, "He works all things together for the good of them that love him and call according to his purpose". And I call Jesus the Great Invader. You know why?
Sid Roth: Why?
Kynan Bridges: He can invade any situation and turn it around for his glory.
Sid Roth: Okay. Shortly thereafter, you have another visitation.
Kynan Bridges: Yes.
Sid Roth: Tell me about that.
Kynan Bridges: So this time, the Lord tells me, "I want you to go into your prayer closet and commune with me there". And I literally come, and I'm laying in my prayer closet, and I get into a fetal position, and I just begin to pray in the spirit. And as I do, it's as if my spirit leaves my body, and I'm shooting throughout the stratosphere, like I can't even describe how vast I was going. It was like at the speed of light. And all of a sudden, I come to a screeching halt. And in this encounter, I look across and I see what is the holy city, the heavenly Jerusalem, and it's beautiful. It's the most brilliant thing I've ever seen. There are golden clouds and the streets are paved with gold. And I wanted to come closer and see it. But as I try to come closer, I couldn't. It was like it was still blurry. I said, "Lord, what is going on"? And the Lord spoke the most humbling convicting words to me. And this is what He said. He said, "It is because of the condition of your heart". Now here's the amazing thing. I knew that the Lord was not just speaking to me, but He was speaking to his body. I was a representative of the church. And he wanted me to convey this message, because the Bible says, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God". Now that seeing God is not just talking about in the hereafter, but the church has been crying for healings, miracles, deliverances, and they've been wanting to see these things. And the sooner we align our heart with Heaven's frequency, the sooner we will be able to experience the miraculous power of God.
Sid Roth: I want you to hear something that was life changing for Kynan and caused his faith to jump stratospheres, miles in the Heavens, when we come back.
Sid Roth: So my guest went a whole new level in healing when he learned something from a woman that was unable to speak. Tell me about that.
Kynan Bridges: Well it was an amazing story. We were holding a healing school where people come from all over the world to these meetings to receive their healing. And there was a lady there brought up by a friend who couldn't speak and she couldn't use her right arm, really the whole right side of her body. And I was teaching on the law of expectation. Now this is so important for the church to really understand, because what you expect is what often manifests. And so here I am teaching on this law of expectation, and this lady comes up and she can't speak at all. There are thousands of people watching this and I have to, you know, move forward in this, and I'm like, Holy Spirit, please don't leave me out here to dry. And this lady comes, and the interesting thing is this. I prayed for her and guess what happens?
Sid Roth: What?
Kynan Bridges: Nothing. So I'm praying for her and I begin to pray over her vocal chords, and I begin to loose things, and nothing is happening. So I keep praying and I keep pressing through. All of a sudden as I persist in this miracle, the boldness of the Lord fills me and I stick the mic in her face, and I said, "Say hallelujah". And she's nothing but gibberish is coming out. She can't talk. And I said, "Say hallelujah". And as I keep pressing forward, finally I said, "Say hallelujah". The woman's vocal chords are loose. She screams, "Hallelujah" and the faith level just rises in that congregation. Not only that, but she received the restoration of the right side of her body. She's completely healed, she's speaking and it just, it was amazing.
Sid Roth: You could have given up so easily.
Kynan Bridges: Yes.
Sid Roth: Not only would she not have been healed, but were other people healed when they saw that?
Kynan Bridges: Yes because it was contagious. And you know what happened through that miracle?
Sid Roth: What?
Kynan Bridges: God took my faith and my boldness to another level. You know, the Bible says, Sid, "From faith to faith and from glory to glory". God's design is that we progress in our knowledge of Him and our boldness to walk in the revelation of His word. So the more we step out and do it, I tell people, the more you're going to experience God's power, and the more you experience His power, you more you're going to be able to trust Him for greater manifestations of His glory.
Sid Roth: Now one of the reasons, and there are multiple, people are not human, is unforgiveness. And you know, Kynan, I had a misunderstanding personally about unforgiveness. I thought that if you offended me, I'll forgive you in a New York second if you ask me to. And what I found is I suffer the consequence if I walk in unforgiveness, whether he asks me and humbles himself or not.
Kynan Bridges: Yes.
Sid Roth: But that was a misunderstanding I had. Tell me about a woman that got healed when she dealt with unforgiveness.
Kynan Bridges: Praise God. There was a woman that came to one of our meetings. And here I am, I'm teaching the Word of the Lord about healing and miracles, and God's will to heal, and the atonement. And an amazing thing is happening. People aren't really responding. And the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said, "You're preaching the wrong message. You're not teaching what I want you to teach right now". He said, "What I want you to teach on now is forgiveness". And all of a sudden there's a shift and I begin to teach on letting go of resentment, bitterness and unforgiveness. And do you know what happens when I do that?
Sid Roth: What?
Kynan Bridges: The altar is full of people with chronic diseases, chronic ailments, such as rheumatoid arthritis. And one lady in particular comes down, and she went through a nasty divorce in which she had hatred in her heart toward her husband, resentment toward him, and we prayed a prayer of release. And I want to say this to someone. You know, there's someone listening right now and you're saying, I can't forgive that person. But guess what? Forgiveness is not for them. It's for you. The sooner you release, I believe you're going to experience a breakthrough in your healing. And that's what happened for this lady. The moment she released her husband, she was supernaturally healed of rheumatoid arthritis, went to the doctor and they couldn't even find rheumatoid in her blood. She was taken off all medication and was completely healed by the power of God.
Sid Roth: Now that's normal. Isn't it time we operate normal, and that's normal as defined by the Bible. Kynan, you said when you do three things miracles erupt. What are they?
Kynan Bridges: The first thing that you must always do and that I've learned is to proclaim the Kingdom of God. Jesus preached the Kingdom of God, and he went about really just advancing the Kingdom. And as he did that, the kingdom of darkness was dismantled. So whenever we proclaim the Kingdom with Jesus being king, the kingdom of darkness is literally demolished. That's what the Bible says, that Jesus demolished the kingdom of darkness. What happens when the kingdom of darkness is demolished? People get healed. Blind eyes are open. People get delivered and set free from their oppression. That's what happens to the Kingdom, because the Kingdom of God is greater than the kingdom of darkness. Number two, you must develop a culture that's sensitive to the Holy Spirit. You know, the Bible the spirit leads us into all truth. He testifies of the risen Christ. He empowers us. Jesus said to his disciples, "Wait until you receive the power of the Holy Ghost". So when you cultivate an atmosphere conducive to the Holy Spirit, signs and miracles, signs, wonders and miracles are the new normal.
Sid Roth: Briefly, how do you cultivate that atmosphere?
Kynan Bridges: One, you have to develop a sensitivity to the spirit. You have to get to know the Holy Spirit. You have to invite him. You know, so many of our church services and ministries, we have pushed the Holy Spirit out and we've substituted the Holy Spirit with theatrics, with human reason and logic, and philosophy. But when we invite the Holy Spirit to take its role...
Sid Roth: You know what I'm thinking? Those theatrics, the lighting, the special effects, they're so wonderful. They're such a wonderful production. But when you bump in to a spirit of infirmity, a demon, all the theatrics in the world aren't going to help. And a lot of sickness is caused by the demonic, and you don't even pray for healing of the demonic is involved. The first thing you do is you cast out that demon. We're going to find out about that when we come back. Get ready to receive your breakthrough, your miracle, your healing. Stay tuned as Kynan teaches you how to be an instrument of the supernatural.
Sid Roth: Kynan said when he does three things, miracles erupt. One, proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven. Two, create the atmosphere. The atmosphere of the Holy Spirit is welcomed. And number three?
Kynan Bridges: The third and one of the most important keys to seeing healing manifest is a "D" word called "determination". And what that means is that we must keep pushing into God until we see manifestation. Too many people give up before their miracle manifests and right when they're about to receive their healing, they quit. The Bible says, "Don't cast away your confidence. It has great reprehensive reward. For you have need of endurance, determination, persistence in order to see the miraculous".
Sid Roth: You know what I believe, Kynan? Those lying symptoms will hang around as long as they think you're eventually give up. And once they realize that you're not going to give up they find someone else that's willing to give up.
Kynan Bridges: Absolutely. Satan is a bully. And like all bullies, the only thing a bully responds to is brute force. And you have to learn how to really, really stand your ground and tell the enemy, you're not going to have my health, you're not going to have my body, you're not going to have my mind because it belongs to God, and I'm going to fight for it with every fiber of my being. Until you get to that place, the enemy will keep attacking and he will keep disturbing your health. But when you make a decision and say, no more, I will not tolerate it anymore, and keep pressing, you'll wear down the enemy and he'll have to flee.
Sid Roth: Okay. Many times Jesus cast out demons and people were healed. Other times, he prayed for the sick and people were healed. So there's a distinction. Kynan, in your experience, what type of illnesses have you seen that the first thing you look for is to cast the demon out even before you pray for someone to be healed?
Kynan Bridges: Well the first and most common one is cancer. I believe, along with many of those that have gone before me that cancer is a manifestation of the demonic spirit of death, also mental illness: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder. You see this throughout the New Testament. Jesus cast out spirits of insanity. Things like arthritis and things that deal with the bone are often times manifestations of spirits of infirmity in people's body. We have to use discernment to know how to identify these demonic spirits.
Sid Roth: Now you talk a lot about sin can literally be a portal for the demonic.
Kynan Bridges: Demonic spirits have a legal right to enter. When people are involved in pornography, adultery, watching demonic movies, the new age, and there are so many involved in the new age that, you know, many people don't realize it, but these things are allowing the enemy to have a stranglehold on believers without their being aware of it. And so you got to understand that the first thing, if you really want to, let's say you're not experiencing healing and you've been dealing with prolonged infirmity, the first thing you've got to identify is are there some open doors or demonic portals, and through the power of the spirit you need to collapse those portals. And when you do, we've seen many people supernaturally healed just by breaking the power of the demonic.
Sid Roth: Now what do you exactly mean, "would collapse the portals"?
Kynan Bridges: What I mean is we have to take authority through the name of Jesus and close those doors. It's just like in the natural, it's like imagine a tunnel that an enemy is traveling through. Many times during wars, there would be secret tunnels where spies and enemies would come through and the first thing it would do is take a stick of dynamite, and they would collapse that tunnel, and it would block off the passage to those enemies. And the same way in the spiritual realm, we have to take the dynamite of the Holy Spirit, the dynamos of God, and we have to release the power of God that will break and cut off that demonic entrance.
Sid Roth: Do that right now, especially cancer.
Kynan Bridges: Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, there's someone watching me that's been dealing with Hodgkin's lymphoma. There's another person dealing with melanoma of the skin, another one with leukemia. And right now in the name of the Lamb Jesus Christ, Yeshua, we collapse, we break the power of every demonic portal, every demonic entrance that has been opening the door to sickness and infirmity, right now. If you'll just stretch your hands right now, I believe that the Holy Spirit is even healing you now. We cancel the assignment of the devil in Yeshua's name. Amen.
Sid Roth: Did you catch what Kynan said? The devil is a bully. But the devil comes like a roaring lion, but all he's doing is roaring, and you give him no place. Why? Because greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world. I tell you, there is more power in the resurrected Jesus. I tell you the grave is empty. The tomb is empty. He's alive. I tell you he's alive and he can live inside of you. Just ask. Say, Jesus, I make you my Lord. Do it now, right this moment, out loud. Ask him to forgive you of your sins, be your Lord and live inside of you. Now. Get ready to receive your breakthrough, your miracle, your healing. Stay tuned as Kynan teaches you how to be an instrument of the supernatural.