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Sid Roth - Proof of Creation

TOPICS: Creationism, Evolution theory

Sid Roth: Hello. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. I have got a passion to rescue young people that are caught in the lies of the school system to undermine the validity of the Bible. My guest has absolute scientific proof, because he's an outstanding scientist that evolution is not scientific.

Sid Roth: My guest Bruce Malone is a scientist. He was with Dow Chemical for 30 years. He was one of the top 100 inventors. He had 18 inventions that raised millions of dollars. But taking you back when you were in college, you told me God was irrelevant to you. But you had a deadly virus and because of this deadly virus you came to your senses and became a believer in Messiah. But what I want him to tell you, as a scientist that could not possibly believe in creationism, that could not possibly believe that there was a worldwide flood, he goes to church shortly thereafter and he hears a lecture by a creationist. What effect did it have on you.

Bruce Malone: Well it shook my entire view of reality. I mean, everything I had been taught is this earth is billions of years old. And yet, this speaker was showing how fossils could not possibly billions of years old. And the more I studied, the more I realized that's true. I mean, if you think about a fossil, it's a dead animal caught in a rock layer. And yet, a fish that dies in your aquarium, it doesn't turn into a fossil. It doesn't fossilize. It's just eaten up and deteriorates, and turns into food for other animals.

Sid Roth: So what makes a fossil?

Bruce Malone: In order to make a fossil, you have to have something die and be buried very deeply and very rapidly, and then lots of water flush through the rock layers as the sediment is turned into rock. And yet, there are billions of dead things turned into fossils into rock layers covering this entire planet. It's testimony that this entire globe has been deluged by an incredible flood in the fairly recent past.

Sid Roth: And what effect did that have on you?

Bruce Malone: Well I realize what I had been told about world history couldn't possibly be true because the very rocks themselves don't match the characteristics of these huge time periods.

Sid Roth: But you also found out that this whole thing you believe, this theory of evolution was false. Tell me one of the major reasons.

Bruce Malone: Well I'll give you two major reasons. When you go to the bottom of these rock layers that were laid down under water, they were all laid down under water, you find enormous gaps between every very different kind of creature. You'll find single cell organisms in starfish with nothing in between. How do you do that? How do you go from a single cell to a starfish and leave nothing in between? It's like it was created. There are starfish and lobsters, and coral, and different kinds of animals, very different from each other with enormous gaps. Second, we have very recently been discovering dinosaur bones that have totally unfossilized soft, stretchy tissue inside the bones. Now Sid, think about this. If your grandfather's dog died and he buried it in his backyard and you came back 50 years later and dug in that spot, would you find any bones left, any soft tissue left? No, you wouldn't.

Sid Roth: It would all be decayed.

Bruce Malone: All things that used to be alive totally decay. They turn back into molecules that totally disappear. No fossils are tissue that have turned into rock. But inside of that rock we find soft tissue. It can't be there unless those bones were buried very recently. And we have found dozens of these dinosaur bones with soft tissue in Montana, in Siberia, over in Europe, around the world still with soft tissue inside of them.

Sid Roth: So where did we get the earth is a million, a billion years old, or whatever?

Bruce Malone: Well you have to realize what's going on in science. There are only two possibilities to explain everything. I mean, pretend the entire earth is represented by this puzzle, this box.

Sid Roth: Okay.

Bruce Malone: Either the puzzle made itself either all the pieces, which are like the animals we find all over the earth, made themselves or something outside of this box made the box. Science has been defined as only allowing natural processes.

Sid Roth: So what you're saying to me is you're telling me over a billion years that I could throw these pieces like this and they'll all make themselves into a puzzle. You got more faith than I got.

Bruce Malone: Exactly. That's the way science operates. Let's just pretend it made itself. But I'm telling you, the laws of science show us it couldn't have made itself. And the evidence from the rock layers say they were laid down rapidly.

Sid Roth: I'm going to tell you something. The evidence that he has, it's irrefutable. I want you to think for yourself. We're going to come back and you're going to find out something that is as ridiculous as these pieces of puzzle making themselves.

Sid Roth: Okay. Now the earth according to many scientists is billions of years old. We have scientific inventions that help us date how old the earth is. What do you say about the book called the Bible that says the earth is a little over 6000 years old?

Bruce Malone: Well what you're not hearing about, Sid, is that the vast majority of dating methods indicate a very recent creation. But to explain life without God you've got to have enormous periods of time. So they only pick the methods that seem to indicate, well maybe there has been a lot of time. Let me just explain one, radial carbon dating. Everybody has heard about that. And I'll show you why it really supports a recent creation. All of our bodies are made of carbon. A certain amount disappears every so often. So as soon as you die it starts disappearing. Say the carbon in your body is represented by this sheet of paper. After so many years, half of it disappears. After so many more years another half disappears. So many more years, half disappears and the a half more disappears, and a half more disappears. We can measure how fast that happens today. You see what's happening? You get less and less, and less until eventually you don't even have a single molecule of the paper left. So scientists measure how much something has died, they dig it up out of the ground, they measure how much radial carbon is left and they calculate, well then it must have been alive thousands of years ago because there's hardly any left. This is what you're not told. This is what students aren't told. We can dig up dinosaur bones or coal that was supposedly buried hundreds of millions of years ago. There shouldn't be a single atom of radial carbon left. Just like you can't keep dividing the paper over and over again. And yet, we find like this much radial carbon left in those things. It says those dinosaur bones, those coal scenes couldn't possibly be as old as we're told because there's enormous amounts of this radial carbon left in them.

Sid Roth: So could it be what the Bible says, a little over 6000 years old?

Bruce Malone: See, that's what I explain to people when I go out and I teach in churches and in schools, the vast majority of the evidence indicates those things are very young exactly as the Bible indicates.

Sid Roth: Okay. Another subject. Is there any proof that a creature has turned into another creature or the whole evolutionary cycle?

Bruce Malone: There is absolutely no proof for that. What you get is variations within a kind of creature. It's like, you look at all the different kind of dogs we have. We have Chihuahuas and we have Great Danes. But they all came from the information God put within the first wolf type creature. And then you get lots of variation. But a dog has never turned into a cow, and it's never been shown how it could happen. Now what evolution will do is line things up as you see in museums and in textbooks.

Sid Roth: Speaking of lining things up, the American Museum of Natural History has an exhibition of horses. Tell me about that how it lines things up.

Bruce Malone: It's a classic example. You see it in the textbooks and the museums. They'll line up creatures that have three toes and then creatures that have two toes, and the creatures that have a single hoof, it would be a small creature and the a medium size creature, and then a big creature, you see that proves the horse evolved from a different creature. Once again, remember you're not being told the whole story. We have since then became very popular shown, all those creatures have been found in the same layer of rocks. So how could one turn into another?

Sid Roth: But wait. Now you're talking science to me. You're talking scientific fact. That blows that exhibit out of the water.

Bruce Malone: Blows it out of the water.

Sid Roth: Why is it still there?

Bruce Malone: Because you've got to try to pretend that it happened so they'll leave it there.

Sid Roth: Why do you have to pretend?

Bruce Malone: Because the only alternative is that God made horses. One moment there wasn't a horse, the next moment there was. We have lots of variety. Some of these horses have since went extinct. But they were simply horses with lots of variety, just like we have dogs with lots of variety.

Sid Roth: All right. But what about we hear from time to time these missing links, these half, these apes that really look like they're almost human?

Bruce Malone: It's storytelling, Sid.

Sid Roth: How come they find bones? They find bones.

Bruce Malone: I could find a tricycle and a bicycle, and a motorcycle, and a car buried in the ground, and I can line them up and say, see, that proves that that tricycle turned into that automobile all by itself. That's the same thing with the bones. That's how you can think about them. It's a story to try to explain things as if God hasn't done it. It's just bones that are lined up. Doesn't mean one is turned into another.

Sid Roth: As a scientist, I want you to help me. Now this is what doesn't make sense to me. They say, you know, a monkey became an ape, became a human. This is taught as science. So therefore, if that be true, why aren't there some half-apes and half-men walking around?

Bruce Malone: Because half of something doesn't work. A half of a feather can't fly. You can't have a reptile scale fraying and turning into a feather and have both animals be useful in some way. It just wouldn't work.

Sid Roth: Tell me about the bees and the pollination of flowers.

Bruce Malone: Well remember, if you're not going to believe God created different kind of creatures, you got to believe that something turned into something else, that turned something else, and something else. So they'll line them up like the tricycle of a car, except they do it with bones. They find flowers and plants in different rock layers, and they give them certain ages. They pick a dating method that supports their belief system. They believe flowering plants developed about a hundred million years ago. It's a fictitious time. It isn't true. But they find other animals like bees that didn't appear until 20, 30 million years later. How could have plants being pollinated and surviving for 30 million years when there's nothing around to pollenate them? It doesn't make sense. It's one of the many problems with evolution that's just not shown as students.

Sid Roth: I don't know why, but I have to tell you, your story about the frogs in Africa blow me out of the water.

Bruce Malone: Well there's just, God created things to wake us up, so we know He did it. There's a certain kind of frog, and it's actually in South America, where it lays its eggs and then it swallows the eggs. So then it shuts down its stomach acid. The frog goes...

Sid Roth: How do you stop your stomach acid?

Bruce Malone: Good question. How do you do that? Evolution cannot explain this. How could a creature learn to do this? Then the frog goes through its whole development where it loses its tail. It becomes a tadpole, grows arms and legs, turns into little baby frogs. About six weeks later, the mother opens its mouth and fully-grown little frogs crawl out of its stomach. It turned its stomach into a nursery to nurture its young and protect them.

Sid Roth: This begs the question, how does a frog know not to eat the babies as they're coming out?

Bruce Malone: See, creation is not non-scientific. It means the frog was made with those abilities. It was given those instincts so that we would be astounded at the creativity of God. And that's the purpose. All the variety of life is so that we would be drawn to the maker who made it all. And yet, we pretend it all made itself.

Sid Roth: But why didn't you see this as a scientist that said God was irrelevant? Why didn't you see these things?

Bruce Malone: Because if you take young children and from when they're small children watching shows about dinosaurs pour into them this idea of billions of years have always been around and then line up things and pretend that it all made itself, and it's all they ever hear, we could become blinded to any other possibility. That's what's so dangerous about our American education. It's become indoctrination.

Sid Roth: Okay. How about the Grand Canyon. I know that took millions of years to develop. I want to see his answer when we come back.

Sid Roth: You know, my wife is so fascinated by what you're teaching. She's saying, if you lived in Charlotte, she'd go to lunch once a week with you. But what about mutations? Isn't that a way of creating new types of species and things?

Bruce Malone: Well everybody hears about mutations. But mutations destroy information. And DNA, what creates our body is this code and it's like randomly changing the letters in a book. It destroys the information. It won't create a better book. It destroys information. Let me give an example. For about a hundred years, we've taken fruit flies, we put them in a chamber and we added radiation to the, X-rays, and they mutate, and the next generation has mutations. So we think by doing this with millions of fruit flies

Sid Roth: What kind of mutations?

Bruce Malone: It's changing the information on their DNA code. But what you get are fruit flies with different colors, fruit flies with twisted wings, fruit flies with different numbers of bristles, fruit flies with legs hanging out where their eyeballs ought to be. We've never gotten a new creature. We've never gotten a new organ. We've never gotten a new functioning feature. We've never gotten anything that's useful. That experiment shows mutations don't create new kind of creatures.

Sid Roth: So how come we're taught this on TV?

Bruce Malone: Because if you don't want to believe God did it, you just have to make up a story. You got to come up with some way to explain where new information comes from. So they grabbed mutations and they ran with it.

Sid Roth: Okay. Grand Canyon. Magnificent. Millions of years in the making. You say different.

Bruce Malone: The key event in the Bible to explain the world and the way it looks is a worldwide flood. This flood was real. This entire globe was resurfaced. There would have been rapid movement of the continents. As the continents shoved together, it shoved up the mountain chains almost a year after that flood started. The water rushed off the surfaces of this newly laid down sediment and rock layers that were filled with fossils. That's where they came from. That's how it fits into the Bible. Well as this water was rushing away it carved out the Grand Canyon very, very rapidly.

Sid Roth: Give me an example as a scientist of this happening rapidly, that you know of.

Bruce Malone: Well there's a very modern example. In Washington State, in 1980, Mt. St. Helen's blew up. It was a volcano where the whole top of the mountain slid down into the valley. Trillions of pounds of sediment were instantly pulverized and turned into a fluid that flowed down into the valley. When it happened it laid down new layers of rock up to 600 foot deep. Later, water backed up. Months later, it flushed through this area of this newly formed rock layer that it flowed as a liquid, and we see these perfectly horizontal scenes of sentiment formed in a matter of minutes in this layer. It shows how the layers of the earth form. Not over millions of years, but very rapidly during this world restructuring flood.

Sid Roth: Okay. You talk about a flood because the Bible talks about a flood. But certainly there would be records of this flood in different cultures all over.

Bruce Malone: Well and that's exactly what we find. I mean, you can go on the Internet and you can Google flood stories, you'll come up with websites that list hundreds of cultures that have a remembrance that there really was a flood upon this planet.

Sid Roth: How about Native Americans? Tell me what you found out.

Bruce Malone: Well I found just a phenomenal record from the Delaware Indians. They're one of the earliest American Indian tribes that migrated through Alaska down across Canada, and then spread out across the United States. They have a record of where they believe everything came from that exactly parallels the biblical account of creation. The Great Spirit hovered over the waters and then he made mankind, and the evil came into mankind and distorted things, and deceived mankind. But then they talk about a world covering deluge that came and destroyed the entire globe. This isn't the Bible. This is a totally separate culture from the Bible. Now see, all people spread out across this globe after this flood. The Egyptians, the Chinese, the Incas, the American Indians, they spread out after the flood. But they took with them a remembrance of this flood, and that's exactly what we find.

Sid Roth: Tell me about the seashells.

Bruce Malone: We find seashells at the top of Mt. Everest. Mt. Everest is 28,000 feet above sea level, and yet there are fossilized seashells that high above sea level. The reason they're there is because those mountains were pushed up at the end of Noah's flood and they contained all of these dead creatures that have been compacted into new rock layers formed during this flood.

Sid Roth: The Bible talks about, in addition to giving evidence as to how things were created, because the evidence is from the Creator. It talks about in the last days there will be scoffers that won't believe what God says.

Bruce Malone: You're referring to Second Peter 3, Verse 3, it says, "In the last days, scoffers will come. Everything is continued as it has since our father fell asleep". In other words, slow, gradual processes explain everything. That's the days we live in today. We are living in what the Bible calls last days. And then it says, "These scoffers will specifically say, there was never creation out of water," a reference to God created everything as He hovered over the waters of the deep and there has never been an earth flooded by water. The two signs in the last days will be a denial of creation and a denial of a worldwide flood. That's exactly what the academic community is doing to all over our children as we send them through the public education system.

Sid Roth: But God says, in the last days, He'll give us a sign. It will be like the "days of Noah". What do you believe he meant?

Bruce Malone: Well Jesus said these words. He said, "It will be as in the days of Noah before I return". There was a monument to a coming judgment called "Noah's Ark" towering above all mankind in the days of Noah. I believe we are very close to finding Noah's ark locked in ice at the top of Mt. Ararat, a boat big enough to put every species of mammal, bird and amphibian in that boat, locked at the top of one of the highest mountains on this planet. What better sign could there be that these rock layers are not very, very old. They were laid down by this flood only about 4500 years ago.

Sid Roth: And according to information that I have and that you've seen, we're about ready to see that. There's so many sightings.

Bruce Malone: There have been sightings from the early 1900s on up, and we now have satellites that can see through ice, that have seen an object in that ice that looks very much like Noah's ark.

Sid Roth: But how could the ark, I often wonder, how could the ark hold so many animals?

Bruce Malone: Well the better question is, why is there a boat that big locked on top of this mountain, you know 14,000 feet above sea level? It's big enough to hold every species of mammal, every species of bird, every species of amphibian that's ever been alive on this planet in only about half the space of the ark.

Sid Roth: If it was ready to rain and God told you a flood was coming, would you get in an ark? Would you build an ark? I would. You would. The ark has already come. The ark has a name. His name is Jesus.

Bruce Malone: Amen.

Sid Roth: You're either in Jesus or out of him. Choose this day who you will serve. But as for me and my house, we're going serve the Living God. Make Jesus your Messiah and Lord. You repent and the life of God will touch your spirit and it will become alive to God. And God says a miracle will happen. He will remember your sins no more and you will be able to communicate with the Living God. You will hear His voice. This is what you need now.