Sid Roth - If You're Seeing This, God is Healing You
Sid Roth: The Holy Spirit is welcome here. Go and flow. My guest, Dr. Rebecca Murray, was not born into a Christian family, yet she had such a God hunger. She walked to church herself at age four. Four? Tell us about your childhood.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: Well, we lived in this community where it was a dead end street, and there were a few houses, and then there was a church. And I would see people going to the church. And I would ask my parents, "Can we go to this church"? And my parents didn't go to church at that time, they were not Christians. But I begged them to let me go. So they would get me dressed, and here I would go. And they let me walk by myself. That was a different day back then. And I remember the very first time I walked in there. I walked in there all proud like I was grown, at four years old. And I walked in, opened the door, and I went and I sat on one of the pews. But the thing that ministered so much to me was the way people loved the Lord in that church.
Sid Roth: But then at six, someone that intrigued me immensely, you started watching on TV.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: Yes. At six years old, we had moved to another house by then, and there was a lady that would come on TV, her name was Kathryn Kuhlman. And I was so mesmerized by her, that I would sit in front of the TV, and... I'm telling you, my face was this close to the screen. And I saw her as she prayed for people, and they were healed. And I so desired to do what she was doing. But at that age, you know, I thought, "Well, that's only for the big people". You know, only people like her, people on TV, they're the only ones who do that. But there was something down on the inside of me that I just wanted to jump through that TV and be right where she was.
Sid Roth: Now next turning point was at 10. I guess your mother took you to this new church, but there were some strange things going on there.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: At this time, my mother decided that we were going to go to church. My father didn't go at the time, but my mother did. And she took us to this little country church. When we walked in, there was a wire that was hung across the platform. And on this wire were braces from people who had been healed of polio, there were casts that had been cut off, there were eyeglasses, there were all these things sitting near the post of the church, there was, like, pillars inside the church, were wheelchairs. And I saw all of these things. And I was, like, "What is this? What are these things that are here, and they no longer needed them"? So they brought them and hung them as a testimony to what the Lord had done. And it was in that church that my mother was healed. There was an evangelist that came by, and he had a word of knowledge. And he called my mother out. And he told her that she had cancer. She hadn't told any of us, she hadn't even told my father, because she had just found out. And she had this tumor on the inside of her stomach, and it was bulging. It was big, but, you know, the clothes covered it up. So this evangelist called her out. And he said, "God is going to heal you tonight". And this was her first experience with healing. I had been listening to it and hearing messages on healing, but this was her first time. And he laid hands on her and prayed for her. And Sid, I'm telling you what happened at that moment, it was a flash of lightning that went through that church, I mean, it was as if it came through the window of the church and lit up the whole church. And instantly, my mother was healed. As soon as she got home, she checked for the tumor, and it was completely gone. There was no cancer in her body any longer. Here again, I'm seeing the healing power of God. And I so desired this. But I felt like I was just this little girl, you know, what can I do, because I'm just a little girl.
Sid Roth: So as life goes on, you find yourself working with young people. Tell me briefly about that.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: Well, over the course of time, we have brought in 27 young people into our home to stay.
Sid Roth: Wow.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: These were young people that have been on drugs, alcohol, they've been involved in gangs, and I would work with the courts, and they would call me and say, "Can you take this teen? They're in trouble, they need help". So the court knew that Jesus was the answer, and that's why they would call us. So as these young people would come to stay, their lives would get transformed. Some would come for a few weeks. The longest came for six years. And the Lord would do tremendous things with them.
Sid Roth: You had a couple of kids that were witches, living in your house! Are you a little meshuga? That's crazy... did you know they were witches?
Dr. Rebecca Murray: Well, I did not know.
Sid Roth: Okay.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: So what they did is, they brought their little suitcase and their boxes in, and they were, like, the ages of 13 and 15. I showed them to their room. And I was letting them get unpacked while I went around the house and did some other things. I came back in and they had the table set up with all of these candles and all of these little witchcraft things that they did, and I saw that, and I'm, like, "Oh no, not here. In this house, we don't do something like that". So I said, "Gather it all up, it has to go". Now, they stayed, but we did make them get rid of all those things, because... and we explained to them, "We don't do that here, and let me tell you why". And then I was able to really minister the gospel to them. And that's what was so important. So many of these young people were saved, they were baptized, they were filled with the Holy Ghost.
Sid Roth: And you actually started a Bible study that really grew.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: It grew. So these children, teens, were coming to the house, and we started this Bible study with six kids. It would be three of our own and three of their friends. And it grew to 168 young people coming to our house, but lives were being changed. And prayer requests were being answered. They would, as we went down to the basement where we have it, there was drywall on the basement steps, they would write their prayer request. And they would write everything. And we would go, I even took pictures of it when we moved from the house, because it meant so much to me, that they would write their prayer requests, believing God was going to heal their grandmother, believing their mother was going to come out of addiction. And I would always tell them, "When the Lord answers this prayer, I want you to come back. I want you to circle that prayer request on that wall, and I want you to write the date that the Lord did it". And we had many circles on those walls of these young people, seeing the power of God, and how He answers prayers.
Sid Roth: Now, I have observed the Glory of God surrounds you, is in you. Can anyone access this Glory of God?
Dr. Rebecca Murray: Absolutely. It is for everyone. When we think about this, we ask the Lord to come into our life. We say, "We want You, we want You, Lord". And when we receive Him as our Savior, think about this: whatever He has, all that He possesses, He comes into our life and we have His Spirit in us. So we understand that we have the ability to have the glory of the Lord just come through us, because our Messiah has made it available for all of us.
Sid Roth: When we return, Dr. Rebecca is going to teach you about remote healing and demonstrate. Be right back.
Sid Roth: My guest is Dr. Rebecca Murray. And what are you playing with a stray cat? Tell me that story.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: Oh! Well, we were preparing to go to a church service, and it was about an hour from our house. We had this little stray cat that showed up. And I didn't want it, so we had a farmer that said, "Hey, can you bring the cat over to us"? "Sure. We'll do that". So I'm trying to catch this cat to put it in a little cage, and it was, like, this big. It was small. When I picked it up, that little cat bit me and clawed my hand. And so I got it into the cage, took it over to the place, washed out my bite marks, and just put a little bandage around my hand, and went on to the church service. So I'm in the church service. After the service they say, "We're going to have a meal for you. Come on over, and everybody just join in and eat". And my daughter was with me, and she said, "Mom, how's your hand doing? You know, where the cat bit you"? I said, "I don't know, I haven't even looked at it. Well, when I looked at it, I had blood poisoning".
Sid Roth: Ooh.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: I had two red streaks going up my arm. And there was a number of people that had come with me to this church service. And my daughter's, like, "Mom, you have to go to the hospital, because you have blood poisoning, and it is traveling towards your heart". So I go to the hospital. I get in the hospital, and they look at me, the doctor looks at me, and he said, "You have a very aggressive infection, and we have to do surgery. So we're calling the surgeon in". So this, by 4:00 in the morning, I'm still in the ER waiting for a bed, because now they're admitting me. Everybody had gone home. And I'm sitting there and I'm looking at my arm, and I got mad. And I said, "Why am I taking this? Why am I putting up with this? A cat bit me, but the Lord has healing power, and I'm not taking it anymore". And I spoke to my arm, and I said, "You will go no further, because in the Name of Jesus, I am healed"! And I let it go. They take me to the room, and about probably 8:00, a surgeon comes in. And then he says, "Let me see the arm". So he comes and he unwraps it, and he said, "There's nothing here". He said, "I don't know", he said, "I don't know why they called me". I said, "I don't know why they called you, either".
Sid Roth: Wait, wait a second, now. You were believing for it. But at the moment he said, "There's nothing here," what was going on inside of you?
Dr. Rebecca Murray: But see, I believed that it happened when I said, "You will go no further. You're healed". That's when I believe it happened. And so he said, "I don't have to do anything. I can release you, and you can go home". And that's exactly what happened.
Sid Roth: Tell me about Janice's nephew, who has a coma. You don't know the young man.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: No. I didn't know him, I knew his aunt.
Sid Roth: Okay.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: And he was in his 40s. And this is where I got in trouble. We go to the hospital to pray for him, he's in ICU. And he's in a coma. They said he'd been paralyzed on his left side, he could not, you know, he couldn't move anything. So I go into the ICU room, and he's hooked up to all these machines. And Janice, who is his aunt, sweet, precious little lady that loved the Lord. And I said, "We're going to pray for him right now". I laid my hand on his stomach, and I began to speak to his body. I began to say, "Body, in the Name of Jesus, I want you to respond to the healing power of God, to the Word of God". So I'm praying for him. I'm telling you, if you could have been in that room, his arms and legs started, he was going like this. His arms and legs were going like this. All of these alarms start going off on these machines. The doctors run in, the nurses run in, and they look at me, and they said, "What did you do to him"? I said, "I just prayed"! They said, "Ma'am, you have got to leave now. We are telling you, you cannot be in this room, you have to get out". So I got kicked out of the hospital. Well, the next morning, I wanted to go see him again. So I go up and I'm thinking, are they going to let me in ICU? Probably not, but I was going to try. When I got to ICU, they said, "Oh no, we moved him to a room". I walked to his room, I stood in the doorway. He was sitting up, he was alert. He was talking, and he yells at me. He's, like, he's, like, "Hey, hey teacher, look what I can do"! And he lifted up the paralyzed arm, and he said, "I can praise the Lord"!
Sid Roth: This actually happened at a meeting you had in Africa. You're minding your own business, so to speak, doing the meeting in Central Africa, and a woman shows up, I guess, on a, was she on a blanket, or...
Dr. Rebecca Murray: She was on a mattress.
Sid Roth: On a matt...
Dr. Rebecca Murray: Her daughters had carried her in on a mattress. She had been in bed for three years, could not walk, could not get up. So they carry her in. I'm up ministering. They carry this mattress in, set it down right in front of me. I had been on the radio earlier in the day, and these people lived in a different nation, they lived in Equatorial Guinea. And I was in Gabon. But they drove. They put their mother in the back of their car on this mattress, because when I was on the radio, I said, "If you have anybody sick, I want you to bring them to this meeting". So by faith, they drove and they got her to this service. They lay her down. And I'm just, I'm listening to the Lord, always. I'm always listening to what the Spirit of the Lord would say to me. And so the Lord told me, "Sit her up". So I go over, I kneel down by the mattress, and I said, "Let's just sit her up". So we sat her up on her mattress. And then I said, "Get a chair. We're going to put her in a chair". They help lift her up, they get her to a chair. And I said, "God is going to heal her, and she's going to walk". And so of course, everybody, you know, when you talk about miracles, everybody's got their phone out because they want to see what God's...
Sid Roth: Of course.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: know, is this really going to happen? And we got her up. And we were holding her up a little bit. And I just said, "Come on, mama, we're going to walk". And so she just barely shuffled her foot, we were really helping her, you know, helping hold her. She began to shuffle her feet a little bit. And the more she shuffled her feet, the more her steps got normal, until we didn't have to hold her up, we just held her hand because she was walking. And the miracle of her getting from being bedridden for three years, she had liver cancer, and many, many other diseases wrong with her. And she walked, and she walked back. But the next night, she walked into that church all by herself. Not one person helped her, nothing.
Sid Roth: Hey, we have this on video. I want you to look at this.
Sid Roth: You've been involved in a lot of supernatural miracles. But there is one miracle, you call it "remote healing". What is that, and give me some examples in your life.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: Well, if you remember during the pandemic, we had remote work...
Sid Roth: Right.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: ...remote school, remote doctors, everything was remote because we couldn't get to certain places. And there was a woman who called me who said her mother had cancer. She got a diagnosis of cancer. So the Lord says to me, "I want you to do remote healing on her". And I'm, like, "What is that"? Because we all pray for people in different, around the world, we pray.
Sid Roth: Right. But this is different.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: This was different. The Lord said, "I am going to take you there in the Spirit". And she lives in California, I'm in Virginia. So I go and kneel down, I said, "Okay, I've got a couple of other people," I said, "We're going to do remote healing". Never done it before, but this is something the Lord said He wanted to do. So we began to pray. And as we're praying, it is as if we accessed a realm of the Spirit where we were literally in the room with her. Now, we were still kneeling in Virginia. But we were in this room, and we just began, I began to take my hand at her bedside, and just begin to move it like this, up and down her body, just releasing the declaration of what He has already finished, what He has already done. And just prayed over her, we were there for, like, 30 minutes, just speaking over her, so much that we saw the color of the bedspread that was covering her up. It was a white bedspread with blue flowers. A couple of weeks go by, and I get a message from the daughter, and she says, "I just have to tell you, she just came from the doctor's, and there is no cancer. Nothing, nothing, nothing that's there".
Sid Roth: And this has happened to you a number of times. I would like you to pray a prayer for those that are viewing, pray that they be healed. Pray for an impartation of the gift of miracles, as God directs, right now.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: So right now, I am releasing to you, such as I have, I'm giving to you, that Father they would have the revelation of the healer that is already in them. And Lord, whatever is going on in their lives right now, no matter what the report is, because the report is just a report. But Jesus is truth. And we release the truth of the healer in your life right now. And may you know that you can do the same thing that I do. It's not for "the big people," it's for the Body of Christ. So we release it to you now. Receive it. Be open and say, "Yes, Lord, I believe it. I receive it right now, in Jesus' Name".
Sid Roth: Do you know that many people watching us right now that are being healed because God is a good God.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: Yes.
Sid Roth: But you've never had the greatest healing by the greatest Healer. The greatest healing is to have God, the Creator of the universe, living inside of you. That is the great, and the greatest Healer is Jesus. I pray right now that you would say with your mouth, do this right now, out loud, "Jesus, come and live inside of me. I make You my Lord and Savior. And now that I'm clean because Jesus has died for every one of my mistakes I ask You, Jesus to live big within me. Let me heal the sick. Let me set the captives free. Let me tell everyone about Your goodness. Amen". So be it.
Dr. Rebecca Murray: Yes.