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Sid Roth - This Revelation on the Four Winds Will BLOW You Away

Sid Roth - This Revelation on the Four Winds Will BLOW You Away
Sid Roth - This Revelation on the Four Winds Will BLOW You Away
TOPICS: Revelation

Sid Roth: Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Dr. Francis Myles, recently wrote a book about the wind of God. Few have ever been taught this wind revelation. Explain the Biblical understanding of wind. I've never heard of books being written on this, an entire book you wrote on this. How did you even determine to write a book on the wind?

Dr. Francis Myles: Oh my God, Sid, listen. I mean, the Holy Spirit spoke to me. He said to me, "I want you to study the winds, because I've never done anything without wind. I've begun the creation with wind, and I'm going to end the age you live in with wind. So you'd better understand the wind of the Lord".

Sid Roth: Okay. I need you to explain the Biblical meaning of... I mean, this is fascinating, wind as the divine instrument serves multiple purposes, such as...?

Dr. Francis Myles: When it comes to wind, the wind itself comes from the Hebrew word, "Ruach," which literally means spirit, air, and wind. And under the dimension of wind, we have two classifications of winds, Sid. The first wind is the most powerful of them all, it's the wind of the Holy Spirit. Right now as we're sitting on this program, I can feel that wind of the Holy Spirit penetrating people all over the world. I believe that people feel like the ministries are not going anywhere. I believe as we are talking, Sid, the wind of the Holy Spirit is about to invade those ministries with rival. But then the word "wind" also has another classification; it's the four winds. And under the four winds, that's where we get the North, the South, East and West Winds. And these are powerful winds in the Bible that God designed, created to represent the all-powerful Spirit. You know, they winds, they represent God's unpredictable nature, Sid, that at any given moment, like wind, He can move in one way or another. You can never put God in a box. Like wind, you can't hold it. You can only ride the wind. That is what we are dealing with in this powerful revelation. You know, the wind also represents the God sovereignty, Sid, and God is sovereign in the affairs of man. There is nothing He cannot do. Everything God has ever done, Sid, has been significant in the Bible, and wind was involved. Remember, Jesus would tell his disciples, He said, "Don't go anywhere until you are endued with power". But how did that day of power in the church, or in the world of man arrive? On the day of Pentecost Sid, the rushing wind, the voice of the rushing, mighty wind, and it was the wind of the Holy Spirit. Since that day there's been signs and wonders and miracles all over the world, so wind is very important in the economy of glory. So that's why I'm so excited to be able to say that people are about to understand how to cooperate with the wind at the higher level.

Sid Roth: Now, you mentioned the Bible refers to four different types of winds. Let's take two of them, and just briefly explain.

Dr. Francis Myles: Yes. The Bible talks about the four winds, and the four winds correlate with the four corners of the earth, of the four quadrants; North, South, East and West. Let me talk about two of my favorite winds. The East Wind. The East Wind is one of the most powerful winds in the Bible. Sid, these four winds were given a divine administration, in other words, each wind is different in divine administration, but collectively, they represent the Almighty Holy Ghost. You know, the East Wind is the East Wind of judgment. Every time the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham and Isaac, is about to judge a nation of people, He would send the East Wind. I'll tell you, the Bible, the East Wind is called the "Desert Wind," because it comes, it's ferocious. It comes to judge, but, you know, the judgments of God are right. So when God wanted to bring judgment, for instances, when God is telling, through Moses, "Let My people go," it was the East Wind that God sent to judge the entire cultural sector of Egypt to make Pharaoh know, "These are My people. You are going to let Israel go". It was the East Wind. So it's a powerful wind, that God is going to use in the last days to judge governments, judge people, and move things around, that's a very powerful wind. The second wind is the North Wind. You know, the North Wind, Sid, every time in the Bible you will see the North Wind is connected to something you love very much, the greater glory. It is the wind that is connect...

Sid Roth: North Wind, come!

Dr. Francis Myles: Hallelujah! I mean, if somebody's out there and you feel dry, you need to call on the North Wind of God. The North Wind is the wind that carries the presence and the glory of God. In Job 37:22, the Bible says, "And the Lord, God, comes with majesty from the North". So the North Wind is the Wind of the glory and the supernatural. You know, every time you see the North Wind, it's dealing with that particular administration. Plus the North Wind is also the wind of supernatural promotion.

Sid Roth: Now explain the Valley of Dry Bones.

Dr. Francis Myles: Oh, my God. You know, the Valley of Dry Bones, Sid, you know, really has three connotations to it. Two of them have to do with the Jewish people. In the valley, Ezekiel is still in the Valley of Dry Bones because God wants to show His people Israel, and then through that vision, show all of us what He can do with our Valley of Dry Bones. No matter how bad things look like, God can recreate whatever bad situations, where He can bring to life whatever has died in our life that should not have died. The first embassy of it is the restoration of the Jewish nation.

Sid Roth: Now, now and let me just explain, for those that aren't familiar about it, Ezekiel has a vision, he literally sees bones all over the place. And God said to Ezekiel, "Can these bones live"? And God blows His wind, and guess what happens. Go ahead.

Dr. Francis Myles: When the Wind of God blows, the dead valley becomes the mighty nation of Israel. And I believe this is how God supernaturally mobilized the Jewish people to see that after 2,000 years of not having a homeland, that's the first thing that God was able to gather them from all over the world. In 1948, a decree was made, and the Jewish came from nowhere had a nation from not having a nation. But I also believe that it also, the Valley of Dry Bones is speaking about how God is going to mobilize Israel once more time before the coming of Yeshua. But for all of us, the Valley of Dry Bones means this: Whatever has died in your life can come to life if you mobilize the four winds, because Sid, when I was studying the Bible, the Lord showed me when the four winds are mobilized and they are working together, they bring a gift we all need; the breath of God.

Sid Roth: The breath.

Dr. Francis Myles: And when the breath of God comes on your business, if it's dead, it'll come alive. When the breath of God comes on your cancer, it has to die. When the breath of God comes on your marriage, there's going to be resurrection power. So that is the Valley of Dry Bones.

Sid Roth: Okay. What about people that have had, you mentioned it, untimely deaths in their family? Can they pray that that not happen to them? Is that what you're saying?

Dr. Francis Myles: Yeah. This is so powerful, I mean, this is to bring to life what is dying in the moment. Now they can also rebuke, because in my book, I actually even talk about the fact that these winds, even though they are the winds of the Lord, they can be weaponized by Satan through the Children of Man who are not saved in the Lord. And therefore, in my book, I actually teach people how to rebuke the evil winds, these are winds that are weaponized by Satan to come against those people. But for the most part, those right now who are watching us, who are going through dead situations, or dreams that have died, or relationships that are about to die, you know, you can command the four winds, and command the breath of God to come from the four winds on that situation that you are facing right now, and see miracle happen instantly. And Sid, we have seen this happening around the world.

Sid Roth: In the Book of Acts, Paul was caught in a violent storm. How does that apply? That's the wind.

Dr. Francis Myles: Yes. I call that the "evil wind". This is the evil wind that has got the malicious demonic engineered intent behind it. You know, Paul is caught up in there, but thank God, he was fasting and praying, and God told him how to bring his dominion over the situation. And the wind that should have destroyed everybody, he survived it. Well, we see the same thing, Sid, of surviving the evil wind, when Jesus is crossing over to the other side on the Sea of Galilee. A violent tempest is rising, Sid, to try to destroy the boat that Jesus and the disciples was on. They were afraid, they thought they were going to die, until they woke up the Messiah. And they woke up, and Sid, he showed us that we have authority to rebuke the wind. He spoke to the wind, and the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. So in my book on mobilizing the four winds, I actually teach believers how to silence evil winds, that some of our followers are actually silencing tornadoes.

Sid Roth: You know, few people have no idea of this. When we return, Dr. Francis will pray a dangerous prayer. Be right back.

Sid Roth: Dr. Francis Myles has another new book called "Dangerous Decrees that Destroy Strongholds". Dr. Myles is seeing supernatural results with these prayers. Define, what are dangerous prayers?

Dr. Francis Myles: Well, Sid, a dangerous prayer is simply a prayer designed in such a way, Biblically speaking, that when you pray it, you are going to get immediate divine answers to prayer, and in real time, and we are seeing this happening all over the world.

Sid Roth: I'll tell you, we're in a culture of, we want everything fast. And normally it's not that fast with prayer. But I think we're coming into a new season. The winds are blowing, for good or for bad. And in this new season, when we use these dangers prayers, instant, I love it, instant results.

Dr. Francis Myles: Instant miracles.

Sid Roth: Okay. Teach about what is a decree, and the power of decrees.

Dr. Francis Myles: Yes, the Bible says in the Book of Job, you shall decree, Job 22:28, "You shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto you". See, the Lord of believers will pray, and the only prayer they understand the most is Prayer of Petition. The Prayer is Petition is a priestly prayer where you go before God and you're asking the Lord, "Lord, I want You to do this," "Lord, I'm believing You, God, I'm believing You for this," and there's nothing wrong with that. But there's a higher realm of prayer called the Realm of Decree where God says, "Why are you asking Me when you can simply make a decree, because I've also made you a king". You see, we are kings and priests under God. So the realm of decrees is where you release by, is where you make a decision, a prophetic decision by faith because you know the will of God over the matter has already been revealed. And then you make a decree as a king, because God has called us to be kings and priests. I'm telling you, Sid, we are seeing supernatural things happening when people are beginning to operate in this decree, because the Bible gives us a promise, you shall decree. God wouldn't do it for you.

Sid Roth: What are, or how do we pull down strongholds? The Bible says there's "strongholds". What's a stronghold, and how do we pull it down? Maybe give a few examples.

Dr. Francis Myles: Yes. A stronghold, really, is a demonic encroachment against your God-given rights, but it's also a demonic infiltration of thoughts in your mind that exhort themselves above the knowledge of God. But here's the good news: We have supernatural weapons in the Word of God to deal with strongholds. You know, the Blood of Jesus is one of those. The Word of God, my God, the Word of God is powerful in dealing and pulling down strongholds. And also, this powerful prayer of decrees are very powerful, Sid, in bringing down demonic strongholds. We have seen people literally doing this, Sid, and beginning to see miracles in real time, you know, they're truly cancelling debt because they spoke, they believed the Word of God and began to speak the thing that in the book I've written, but also just understanding that they have God-given authority that has been given to us as all believers by the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Sid Roth: I'm just curious. You said "debt cancellation". Would you make a decree of debt cancellation for the viewers and those in the audience right now?

Dr. Francis Myles: Right now, I make a decree, recently, Sid, there was a degree, and $40,000 of a student loan was cancelled just like that. So I make a decree right now for the debt cancellation supernaturally in your life, and wherever you are, you'd better give God a shout, because it just happened to you now.

Sid Roth: Now you have a book filled with testimonies.

Dr. Francis Myles: That's right.

Sid Roth: And you also help us by writing decrees in various areas. What are some of the areas you teach we can decree on and change?

Dr. Francis Myles: Yeah, we can make decrees that release the glory. There are decrees that release miracles. And then there are decrees that break witchcraft, you know? And there are decrees that destroy...

Sid Roth: You know, most people don't understand that witchcraft is alive and well throughout the world, and you can make a decree and totally obliterate that witchcraft.

Dr. Francis Myles: Oh, yes you can. You know, the Bible actually does, good news of the Bible is it talks about it. The Bible recognizes recognize the reality of witchcraft, the good news is that we have authority over it. And these decrees are very powerful. And we already have people making those decrees, and witchcraft they have suffered for years just disappears, Sid.

Sid Roth: Let's give some examples and testimonies of teaching on the wind. Tell me about Diana and Hurricane Helene.

Dr. Francis Myles: Oh, that. Dr. Diana is an oncologist out of Tennessee that got the revelation on the four winds, that she heard it from me. Then she had to, literally the revelation saved the home of her son and a home in the mountains of South Carolina. So she spoke against that tornado touching her son's home, her son's home was right in the path of the tornado. Sid, when following every house in the neighborhood where the son was, was devastated. There was not even a shingle of the roof of the house of her son. Then right after that, Sid, then Helene came, that destroyed much of North Carolina, Asheville and different places, her house in the mountains, and it was coming. And she's in Tennessee, "What do I do? I'm not there. My house is right in the mountain, it's heading right for the house". Again, she stood in Tennessee and began to speak the prayers that are in the book on Mobilizing the Four Winds. Again, in the mountains, every house, trees are falling, fences have been taken away, glasses have been broken. She said, not even a shingle. She was the only property in the mountains with nothing done to it. How do you explain that, except something supernatural is happening when people speak to the winds?

Sid Roth: You have so many of these. But I'll tell you what, there is a wind that is evil, and that Francis described was evil, the hurricanes, et cetera.

Dr. Francis Myles: Right.

Sid Roth: But there are winds that are very, very good. You talked about the Wind of the Glory.

Dr. Francis Myles: Yes.

Sid Roth: Tell me about that.

Dr. Francis Myles: Oh man, I am in the office of a Jewish chiropractic doctor in Long Island, Sid, and he says, "I've expanded my practice, but I need patients to match my practice". I said, "Why won't we mobilize the Wind of Glory," you know? And in his practice, we commanded the four winds to blow in new customers and signs and wonders. Sid, within three days, he could not deal with the traffic coming to his practice in Long Island. He didn't even know where they were coming from. He called me, "What did you do to my practice? I need to hire more employees, because I can't handle the traffic". And then signs and wonders began to happen as people are on the table being adjusted.

Sid Roth: When people see the demonstration of the Presence of God, the wind, the Ruach, the Holy Spirit of God, that's when people flock to the Messiah. And I believe, and you believe, that their prayers will be just as dangerous as your prayers if they read those prayers and believe them and say them.

Dr. Francis Myles: Amen, Sid, because that's why I wrote them that way. So in both books, Sid, I wrote the prayers to make sure that when people speak the prayers by faith, they get the results I'm getting. And that's what I'm saying is going to happen; that's why there'll be miracles all over the world, Sid, miracles, signs, and wonders are about to happen.

Sid Roth: All right. I'm going to speak a prayer over you, and you repeat it out loud with me right now. Say, "Dear Jesus, I've committed many sins which I'm so sorry for. I believe Your blood washes away my sins and I'm clean. Jesus, come and live inside of me. Amen". Pray a dangerous prayer right now.

Dr. Francis Myles: Hallelujah. Well, look at me right now, God's about to move in your life like never before. I'm about to pray very dangerous prayer. I'm about to mobilize the four winds and make some decrees over your life. Are you ready for your miracle? Here we go. Heavenly Father and righteous Judge, Creator of the universe and the four winds, I step by faith into the courts of heaven in Yeshua's Name. Heavenly Father, in Genesis 1:26, and Psalms 115:16, you give mankind dominion over the earth and over all elements of nature, including the four winds, in Yeshua's Name. Heavenly Father, I now activate the authority You have given me over the four winds, and I command the breath of God to come from the four winds and breathe upon every death situation that your people are facing right now, in Yeshua's Name I pray. I command and I mobilize the East Wind to blow the righteous judgment of the Lord, against every wicked scheme of Satan that is oppressing Your people, in Yeshua's Name. I command the East Wind to part any Red Sea that is standing between Your people and the promised land of destiny and breakthrough in Yeshua's Name. I command and I mobilize the North Wind of God to blow and release greater glory in the lives of all of Your children who are watching this program in Yeshua's Name. I command and I mobilize the West Wind to blow away every Satanic locust that is plundering the harvest and resources of Your people, in Yeshua's Name I pray. I command and mobilize the South Wind to release God's supernatural power in abundance in the lives of God's people right now, I pray. I now decree and declare that all four winds are now released in Your people's lives to destroy every stronghold of darkness in Yeshua's Name, and release miracles, signs and wonders!

Sid Roth: So be it, in Yeshua's Name.