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Sid Roth - How I Ascend to Heaven and Get Prayers Answered

Sid Roth - How I Ascend to Heaven and Get Prayers Answered

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural! My guest, Katie Souza was a career criminal. It's hard to believe Katie, you were in movies, in television and modeling. And got into the fast crowd, got into drugs, in what, but what I don't picture is these high speed chases with guns? I mean that's Bonnie and Clyde stuff.

Katie Souza: Definitely...

Sid Roth: How did, how does a nice girl like you get into this?

Katie Souza: You know I had grown up around guns my whole life. I had been a tom boy so when I got into drugs and it totally turned my, my already volatile personality into somewhat of a terrorist personality. So it was natural for me to go that direction, to start doing collections on other drug dealers and to start forcing people to pay drug debts at gunpoint.

Sid Roth: Just out of curio, so you're forcing people to pay their drug debts, aren't you concerned that they might have a gun and they're crazy from drugs anyway and your life is going to be over?

Katie Souza: You know right at the moment, I never actually like thought about that. I just went in head first to do it. But it did actually grow some very dangerous entanglements later on because as I would collect on bigger, on bigger clients like biker clubs, they would start actually putting contracts out on my life and try to take my life many, many times and.

Sid Roth: And then maybe, did you get greedy or what was it? You started your own meth lab.

Katie Souza: Well, I got tired of buying and selling drugs, that's a real hassle. And so I said, "Well you know, if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right. I'm going to be the top dog. I'm going to start manufacturing my own speed so that I can do good dope and I can sell dope and be treated somewhat like a rock start because if you're, if you're a meth cook that's what you get, that's the kind of treatment that you get".

Sid Roth: So did reality really set in in 1999, when they finally got you, they finally were going to send you away for what? 11 1/2 years?

Katie Souza: 12 1/2 yup, they did. They caught me, they apprehended me, federal marshals did and my first year in lock down I spent in and out of the hole because I was fighting everybody and I ended up actually attacking an officer and so I was completely out of control like I was out on the streets and one day God walked into that cell and he arrested me himself!

Sid Roth: Whoa, wait a second. Wait, God walked into that cell! What really happened, between you and me?

Katie Souza: Okay, so I had found out that my co-defendant was going to testify against me and that, I was looking at up to 20 years in prison.

Sid Roth: Ouch.

Katie Souza: Right. So we go up.

Sid Roth: That would sober you I would think.

Katie Souza: A yah, hmm mmm. And it made me really mad at the same time as I wasn't walking with God yet. And so I went out to the yard and me, her and her girlfriend actually threw down and a had a fight over it. So we got taken to lockdown and while I'm in lockdown and this is like my umpteenth time in the hole. I'm in a cell that covered with urine and feces and vomit and it's freezing cold and I just, all of a sudden it hit me, wow I am tired. I have been doing this for 10 years on the streets, now I'm doing it in here. And now I'm looking at all this time in prison and I just felt like I was at the end of my rope. And i, at that point, I had a diabetic seizure and when I woke up I was done. I was completely done and I said, "You know what, I completely give up, I surrender". And that was what God was waiting for, Sid.

Sid Roth: And then you actually, you had Bible studies and then you started, what did you call it? A God pod? In prison?

Katie Souza: Ya! When we, in my unit we got so involved in God that we started doing the Bible studies and worship and praying for people and baptizing people in the shower.

Sid Roth: But you started hearing God's voice and God said to you, you would get an early release. How specific was he?

Katie Souza: Well, I was meditating on God one night and he came and said, you know I'm going to do a jail break, I'm going to get you out. And then he even gave me the exact date he was going to do it. So I run out to the whole facility the next day and I tell everybody what God told me and at the end of the day I've got 1200 woman, and they're laughing at me.

Sid Roth: I can imagine.

Katie Souza: Right. And then my counselor gets wind of it and she's like, so you think you're leaving on that certain date. And I was like, I don't think so, God told me. She picks up the phone Sid, looks me in the eye, picks up the phone and calls the guards to come an escort me to the facility psychiatrist. Then I get to the facility psychiatrist and she's told that I'm hearing the voice of God so she wants to put me in suicide watch. But 6 months later, I won a case that I had in federal court and the exact date the Lord gave me came to pass.

Sid Roth: What impact did it have on the prisoners that knew you walked, that you were so crazy they sent you to the physiatrist because you knew the exact date and told everyone you were going to get out so early?

Katie Souza: It was a massive impact on everybody and it was, it was great because even the unbelievers were like, wow! Now we have something to believe in. Now we can see that God is real. And even my counselor, I can remember her calling me, paging me after she found out what happened. She paged me into her office and she said, "My fish are dying, would you please pray for my fish"?

Sid Roth: Your faith must have been zoom, skyrocketed.

Katie Souza: Absolute.

Sid Roth: But you know what's so amazing to me is as fanatic and that's the word. I mean if fanatic is a good term for football, why not for God? You know? As fanatic as you were for crime, you're that fanatic for the Lord.

Katie Souza: Yes.

Sid Roth: And why is he showing you principles that, or keys if you will, that speed prayers up supernaturally? Why you?

Katie Souza: Why me? Because we're doing a prison ministry now, we have an international prison ministry, and those people need everything God has. They need healing, they need deliverance, they need acceleration. They need to be discipled quickly. Everything needs to move at a faster level because God's kingdom is coming in such an accelerated matter, we got to keep up.

Sid Roth: You go and, she goes and speaks in prisons now and everything happens almost instantly. It's a whole acceleration, but it's a tool that Katie has been downloaded that will speed up your prayers in an amazing fashion, give you supernatural information in an amazing fashion, don't go away. We'll be right back after this word.

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here with Katie Souza. And Katie, I am so excited that there is a supernatural way to speed up prayers that might have taken 20 years, things that you've been contending with and contending and battling. It's all been compressed, I think because the Messiah is coming soon.

Katie Souza: Amen.

Sid Roth: Now tell me about this tool that you call it, called ascending and descending.

Katie Souza: Right. Well ascending ís not just meant to be a supernatural carnival ride, it's a powerful tool and it can cause acceleration. Because when you can ascend up into heaven, because we have the legal right to do so, you can get whatever is in heaven and bring it back down to earth and cause the promises that God is speaking in your life to happen in an increased and accelerated manner. And we see the example of that in the Jacob and the ladder. Remember that story?

Sid Roth: Yes.

Katie Souza: Jacob sees a ladder right? It's going from heaven to earth. And at the top of the ladder, God is standing there and he's speaking these promises over Jacob. Okay, and as God's doing that, the angels are ascending up the ladder then descending back down. Okay, that's kind of a strange order, you would think they would descend first, right?

Sid Roth: Sure, they're coming from heaven, they come ascend.

Katie Souza: Right, but Hebrews said...

Sid Roth: Descend I mean.

Katie Souza: Hebrews 1 says that angels are ministering spirits sent to minster to us. They're already, there's angels already down here, they are already helping us. So that day when Jacob saw that, what happened was this, as God was speaking promises over Jacobs life, the angels that were already down here at work did what angels do. The scripture says that angels hark into the voice of the Lord. So they heard God speaking the promises, they ascended up into heaven, got the stuff that they needed to make the promises for Jacob's life come to pass and then brought them back down to earth and released them.

Sid Roth: Okay, how does that affect me? Those are angels doing it. Are you telling me, I can do that?

Katie Souza: Yes! We're seated in heavenly realms with Christ. Seated is past tense, meaning we are already there. Christ already won the right for us to be there. And men in the Bible ascended into heaven. You saw Moses and Aaron and the 72 elders. They went up. They ate and they drank which tells me they went up in their bodies too. Paul talks about the man that went up into the third heavens. Whether in the body, out of the body, he didn't know. And John, John the revelator went up into the heavens and he got all the downloads for the Book of Revelation. So you can see that they went up and they got these encounters with God and they also got Revelation and enablements and brought them down again here to earth.

Sid Roth: Alright, give me an example of how you ascended and got information. Tell me about that, those farmers.

Katie Souza: Okay, so I'm on tour in Oklahoma city. And it's harvest time and I'm staying at some wheat farmers house, right? And they had, all the farmers in that area had lost their harvest for the 5 years previous, right at the end when they were about to harvest. It's harvest time again and suddenly this huge storm comes and there's torrential rain and 60 mile an hour winds and hail was on the way which all destroys the crops.

Sid Roth: So they're going to miss another harvest...

Katie Souza: Another harvest. Okay, so I sitting, we're all sitting on the back yard looking at the wheat fields going I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, bind the storm, we muzzle the storm, be quiet in the name of Jesus and it's not working. And as we're doing this, the Lord speaks to me and says why are you trying to battle something that's originating in the second heavens from underneath it? You don't even know what's going on. Why don't you go and ascend up there and find out what the strategy is of the enemy so you can have the victory? So I excused myself, I went inside the room and I said, "Lord, you just told me to go so I am believing you are going to take me right now". And I was there Sid, I was there in a second and I saw the strategy of the kingdom of darkness.

Sid Roth: What did you see?

Katie Souza: I saw two dragons, a red one and a black one. Now I looked up those colors later on and to be in the red means to be owing, to be indebted to be in the black means an area blackened with drought. You see the assignment of the enemy all those years was to let those farmers put all their energy and their time and their water and their fertilizer and everything into their crops and then cause them to loss their harvest right at the end. So that they would be in the red, owing. So they'd be an area blackened with drought. And so there was the strategy of the enemy and so now I could see it because I knew how to use the tool ascending. And so I'm up there and I look down and without even asking, God has supplied me with a sword. That's just how it works in the realm, you have everything you need. And I took it out and I only needed to take like 3 or 4 strikes at this red dragon and he went down. I turn around and I take 1 strike at the black dragon and he went down too. Now think about that. They harvested that year. In 20 minutes.

Sid Roth: But wait a second. All the storms and everything were coming toward them.

Katie Souza: And they, the storms stopped, the field dried up enough to where they could get their harvest in after all those years, a major breakthrough and it happened in 20 minutes of ascending. Ascending is a powerful, powerful tool.

Sid Roth: But it also helps you with physical things. Tell me about your skin condition.

Katie Souza: Okay, that is with the glory cloud, so can I go into that?

Sid Roth: Sure.

Katie Souza: Your buddy, David Herzog talks about that. Years ago he had a teaching about how God uses the creative power of the glory cloud to cause, to create the whole world. In Genesis 1, the earth is void and then the Spirit of God, or the glory came down and hovered over the void of the earth and then God spoke into that void, into the cloud and said, "Let there be light" and bang there's light. So there's creative power in the glory. Okay, so I one height, I'm in my worship time with God and in our worship, God's presence or his glory will become manifest and become tangible because that's what the scripture says. So as I'm worshiping, the glory just exploded. It exploded so much that my arms felt like they weighed 200 pounds, I was pinned to the bed, I had burning tangible glory on my face and what happened was this, was a few days before that I had found a patch of melanoma skin cancer on my leg. And I prayed for it, I put my hand on it and I didn't feel anything and nothing happened. But now in the glory, in the presence of the glory which has light in it too, because the glory cloud has lig. I began to command that patch to die in Jesus' name. 3 days later Sid, it dries like a flaking piece of skin and I just literally flicked it right off my leg and it was healed.

Sid Roth: You know what's kind of interesting to me? Is that the latest things in skin care is to use lasers which are light. How much more, the light of God? But we'll get into that on another show, but what I'm, what I'm interested is there is supernatural banking in the glory. Well there's a bank crisis in the United States of America and many other countries. How about supernatural banking in the glory? Don't go away, be right back after this word.

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here with Katie Souza. So Katie, what is this banking in the presence of God? Banking in the glory, what do you mean by that?

Katie Souza: Well in this time of famine in the United States, boy we need all the help we can get.

Sid Roth: Sure.

Katie Souza: So we need tools in the natural and tools in the supernatural too. And there is creative power in glory cloud so we can utilize that to begin to create finances and provisions for us. And I've got a bunch of stories so I'll just share one with you.

Sid Roth: Oh, I'd love it! Tell me about this $21,000 debt. You think you've got problems, tell me about that katie.

Katie Souza: Okay, so here we are this fledgling ministry and we've got, we've accrued $21,000 worth of debt. So I put my whole team on a 21 day fast and I said, "Lord, you gotta give me keys to be able to break this debt". And so during the fast, he gives me Psalm 100 which says we enter into his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. He said this is one of the ways that Jesus opened the heavens to get the glory cloud to come and cause a multiplication of provisions. And I'm like okay, where's that? And he says, I want you to read the story in Luke 9 about the multiplication of the fish and the, and the bread. So I go to Luke 9, Jesus is feeding 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fishes. And I saw it. I saw exactly how he did it Sid. It said that quote, Jesus took the 5 loaves and 2 fishes and looking up to heaven praised God and gave thanks. What's going on? Jesus knows I've got to feed a bunch of people with this little bit. I need the power, the creative power of the glory cloud so that's why he first quote "Looked up to heaven". He's looking for the open heaven to get the cloud to drop. And then the next thing it says is then he praising God gave thanks. What's he doing? He's doing a Psalms 100. Entering into his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. There's gates in heaven. They're open, you can open them with your thanksgiving and the glory cloud will fall and our praise, God's presence or his glory will inhabit our praise. So he's looking up to heaven and he's saying, okay, now I have to get it open, I'm using my thanksgiving and praise. He gets it open, the cloud drops and the next thing it says is this, then he spoke, he spoke a blessing over the bread. What's he doing? He's doing what God did in Genesis 1 when God created the . God had his glory cloud there and he spoke into the cloud and he said, "Let there be light". And there was light. Jesus gets the presence of the glory, he lifts the little bit of bread he has up into it and he speaks a blessing over the bread. He's literally commanded it to prosper or to multiply and it does in the creative power of the cloud.

Sid Roth: Okay, that's well and good. That is Jesus. You learn these tools if you will, how does it play out with Katie who's $21,000 in debt?

Katie Souza: Okay, so I see this Revelation and I'm like, that's how he did it, I can do it too! So I did the exact same thing.

Sid Roth: But you really have a child like faith don't you? Well you do.

Katie Souza: Well if the Bible says it, I just believe it.

Sid Roth: And you also get Revelation teaching. You're not like a normal teacher, you teach by Revelation.

Katie Souza: Ye.

Sid Roth: Jesus fast, you had, I want to go back to the $21,000, but this Jesus, you have a fast, you call it a Jesus fast. What is that?

Katie Souza: Totally focusing on Jesus. Just worshiping, you know doing songs that are about him. Reading all the gospels, reading all the prophecies, reading everything about Jesus. Spending our time mediating on him, speaking with him in our heart and just doing that in an elongated period of time and what happens is you begin to carry him and birth him when you do that.

Sid Roth: Okay, you owe $21,000, what do you do?

Katie Souza: So here I am, I see the, I see it. I'm like, wow that's how Jesus did it. Oh my gosh I can do the same thing, right?

Sid Roth: Right.

Katie Souza: So I began to do exactly what Jesus did. I had $3,000 to pay on my $21,000 debt. So I took that little bit of money, like Jesus took that little bit of bread and fish and I began to do a Psalms 100. Enter into his gates of heaven with thanksgiving and his courts with praise and I just pressed and pressed and kept my focus and kept praising and thanking . And when I felt the atmosphere change, I felt the burning of the glory, I felt the heaviness on my shoulder, I knew the tangible presence of the glory with there and I had creative power. So I lifted, I did what Jesus did. I lifted up my bread into the cloud and I spoke into the cloud a blessing over it. I commanded it to multiply. Well the day after the 21 day fast ended, we got a check for $21,000.

Sid Roth: Katie, as you're sharing this story, the atmosphere is changing.

Katie Souza: Yes.

Sid Roth: I believe that, I don't know what you want to pray for those that are watching, but I believe with this atmosphere changing, you should move into this right now and pray.

Katie Souza: It's not only to break your debt, because you can do that first then you can also cause finances to multiply for you. I took, I went, ascended up into heaven and I got a diamond that my husband had. My husband had been out of business for 9 months and we needed, we needed financial income. I ascended up to heaven, go the diamond, came back down and God said, now command it to manifest in the glory. I did, and we got a $250,000 miracle. You can do the same thing.

Sid Roth: But wait, the diamond though, was a, it wasn't a real diamond, it was a, you saw it in the spirit?

Katie Souza: I saw it in the spirit and God says, I said, what is that? And God said it represents what I have for you in the glory.

Sid Roth: And then you prayed for it to manifest as in heaven on earth and how much money came in?

Katie Souza: Quarter of a million dollars.

Sid Roth: It's, now a lot of people are having difficulty believing this, but the truth of the matter is, you have found a supernatural key. Now if we are going into an economic crisis worldwide and the Bible talks about the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous, there will be a wealth transfer. I believe that God has given you a key towards the wealth transfer.

Katie Souza: Yes, once you learn how to cultivate the glory and speak into the cloud, then you can use this all the time for any situation. To break a debt, to cause an increase in financial income, it's, it's, once you have the tool, you can use the tool over and over again. We've had so many financial miracles, $100,000, $32,000.

Sid Roth: Alright, very briefly, give us a jump start on how we can ascend up into heaven and get our answers to our prayers and bring them back to earth, just like the angels did for Jacob.

Katie Souza: Well, use your faith, use your faith. It says that by faith that Enoch was translated into heaven without dying.

Sid Roth: Pray that for us right now.

Katie Souza: Okay, right now, I just want to break off anything that's on you that would hinder you from believing that you have the legal right to ascend into heaven and get everything you need to cause your promises to come to pass in an accelerated manner. So I pray for you now, just receive it right now. I command everything that would hinder you from ascending into the heavenly realms to be gone, right now, right now, in the name of Jesus. And for you to by faith be able to go into the heavenly realms and bring back everything you need to live life and life abundant. And I decree an open heaven for you that you would become knowledgeable about the glory, how to cause it to manifest in your house. How to bring it in, how to open the heavens and have a tangible manifestation of the glory cloud coming into your home so you can begin to write your monthly bills and your checks and speak a, command a blessing over them so every time you pay your bills you're going to have a multiplication, I decree that for you. Right now in Jesus' name.

Sid Roth: Katie, you know right now when you're talking about ascending and descending, I'm thinking about one day very soon, a shofar, a ram's horn is going to blow and we are going to ascend. But we're not going to ascend to get something to come back, we're going to ascend to be with Jesus. And I can almost hear that ram's horn, that shofar blowing right now. I don't know about you, but I am getting ready to ascend especially with the glory level that's on this show with, as I'm talking with Katie. But in order to ascend, you have to be a spirit being. Your spirit has to have control over everything in your life. First you need the life of God in your spirit. You need your sins just as Katie when she was in prison had and gave up, it's time for you to give up and make Jesus your Messiah and Lord. I'm not talking religion, I'm talking about intimacy with the living God, because he loves you, you are special. Believe it. Believe that Jesus died for your sins and your sins are washed away. You've repented of them and asked Jesus to live inside of you and be the Lord of your life. Do it now. Now.