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Sid Roth - Bride of Satan Meets Jesus! Then This Happens

Sid Roth - Bride of Satan Meets Jesus! Then This Happens
TOPICS: Occultism

Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest has been on it's supernatural! Previously, Darren Wilson. He comes from a nice evangelical, non-supernatural background. And he filmed from all over the world the most supernatural film you'll ever see. It's called finger of God. And, and, you know, I'll never forget, what was it your, was it your aunt that got the old tooth?

Darren Wilson: Yeah. My aunt and uncle.

Sid Roth: At that time in your paradigm of what is Christianity, that must've rocked your world.

Darren Wilson: Yeah. I didn't know what to do with it. And I still, I still, to be honest with you, I still don't know what to do with it. I mean, I think anybody, and I think they're still kind of shocked.

Sid Roth: If I was going to cast someone in the roll of filming the supernatural, it'd be you! God did a good job.

Darren Wilson: Well, thank you. Thank you.

Sid Roth: And, and, and, I love the story. I mean, here's this guy. Doesn't even believe in the supernatural. So, his whole family goes out to the Toronto airport church where there's a move of God's spirit. And, as, and he goes reluctantly, and a guy gets up, and he starts saying, 'there's an angel inside this auditorium'. What did you think?

Darren Wilson: I thought he was either crazy or lying. I thought, you know, when are they going to pass the basket to give, to give this guy money. And it was just one of those things where I just, I'm like, this is, this is why I don't like this place. This is why I don't like, you know, this type of Christianity, or whatever. I just wasn't comfortable. And I didn't, I just didn't think it was true.

Sid Roth: But then what happened?

Darren Wilson: Then I met him. I met this angel who, about five minutes later, I had my eyes closed, and the angel passed right by me. And I opened my eyes. I didn't see anything. Closed my eyes. There he is. And he came up to me, and he spoke to me. And, he, he asked me three times, 'are you ready'? And I didn't really know what he was talking about. I knew that, about five months before I was, I was, I had kind of gotten this idea to make this weird little movie about the, the strange things that Christians believe. And, he said, 'are you ready'? Three times. And, I said, 'yes'. Not knowing exactly what I was saying yes to. And the third time I said, 'ready for what'? And he said, 'make that movie'. And, that was kind of what pushed me out the door to... I thought I was making a, a little short film, and it turned into something bigger.

Sid Roth: And, and I have to tell you. I saw that movie. I loved that movie. In fact, I'm in that movie. But, I expected the next movie to be the same type of movie. And, and, actually, when I heard the title, I said, 'hmm. Furious love. I wonder what Darren is up to'. And, so, you met a mutual friend of ours, Heidi Baker, and she prophesied something over you.

Darren Wilson: Yeah. That's what started this one. I was, actually, had just finished filming finger of God.

Sid Roth: Mm-hm.

Darren Wilson: And we were in Istanbul, turkey. And, I was just worried about how I was going to put this finger of God together. The last thing on my mind was any kind of a sequel, or follow-up, or anything. And so she started to pray for me, because I was starting to kind of freak out a little bit. Because I had this, all this footage, and I didn't know what to do with it. So she's praying for me, and right in the middle of her prayer she gets, gets really uncomfortable. And I'm not used to seeing HeidiHeidi uncomfortable. She's usually pretty confident and knows what she's doing. And, and she was just, she was, obviously, she was seeing something in the spirit that was making her a little, a little wary. And she finally said, 'I'm just going to tell you what I see as I'm praying for you. I see you filming the occult'.

Sid Roth: That's the last thing I would think you'd want to be doing!

Darren Wilson: I don't want to, my first thought was, 'uh oh, is that a good thing or is that a bad thing'? And she said, 'I see you, you have to, you, I actually see you filming the demonic'. And, I'm, I don't know exactly how to take that. And then she said, 'this is what the Lord says, "you have to go into the darkness to show the light"'.

Sid Roth: But you didn't really understand this prophetic word till you went back to that crazy church, the Toronto airport church. And you're sitting there minding your own business. And what happened?

Darren Wilson: I'm in the middle of worship. The last thing I'm thinking about is anything relating to film. And, literally, I get pushed back into my seat. And I thought, I was thinking, looking back now I think it was like the Lord, really, 'I want your attention'. So I was like, literally, this force just kind of pushed me back into my chair. And he, and he spoke really, really clear to me. And, he said, 'you need to do two things. You need to show that there is a war and that it's real, a war between light and darkness. And then I need you to show that the only way we can win this war is through love'. And that's all he told me. And, and, as soon as I heard that, I understood what HeidI's prayer meant. And I understood what my Marching orders were for this next film.

Sid Roth: Your Marching orders were?

Darren Wilson: To go make a film about love.

Sid Roth: But how do you make a film about something called love?

Darren Wilson: Well, that's the question. And I kept getting that over and over again. Or I'd say, 'we're making a movie about God's love'. And they said, 'well, how do you film that'?

Sid Roth: Yeah!

Darren Wilson: You know. And my, and my wonderful answer to them was, 'I don't know'.

Sid Roth: Okay. He goes out to the place I think about, where witchcraft, with the trials and everything, the Salem, Massachusetts. He, he goes to a new age occult type of, witchcraft type of festival. Why did you go there?

Darren Wilson: Because I thought it'd be a good idea. And I wanted to go pick a fight, basically. Because I figured...

Sid Roth: You're, you're a believer in the Messiah! Why did you want to pick a fight? You're a nice evangelical.

Darren Wilson: I'm also a film maker. And so I wanted...

Sid Roth: Okay.

Darren Wilson: I figure I'm making this movie about the, the clash between light and dark. Let's go to this place, and, let's go to this place, you know, where they celebrate the darkness. And let's just go in there with our cameras blazing. And I'll go with Jason Westerfield who was in, a friend of mine who was in my first movie. And let's just go see what God does. And I'm thinking what's going to happen is it's going to be manifestations everywhere, and they're going to get really angry and try to kick us out. It's going to be great.

Sid Roth: Well, listen. Listen. I have seen Jason in operation. And this man walks in tremendous prophecy, and signs and wonders. And all day long, nothing. He's praying for people. Nothing. You even put it on film. But then a man and a, a couple of his buddies in a red hood comes there with, you had set, set up your, what was the purpose when he walked up to you?

Darren Wilson: Yeah. Well, what we, what we'd done, you have to understand, what we had done all day, we were praying for people. And we're, we're sneaking around. Okay. I'm using the word, we're hiding the camera, and all this other stuff.

Sid Roth: Right.

Darren Wilson: And we're, we're trying to like sneak up on people. And it's just not working. And God's not answering any of prayers, and nothing, nobody's getting healed. Nothing. And so we realize we're doing something wrong. And so we had to, we said, 'let's just make a spectacle of ourselves and put the camera in the middle. And let people come to us. And that's exactly what we did. And so one of the first people that came to us...

Sid Roth: Let's say this person with the red hood, this guy's a witch! Imagine what's about ready to happen. Don't go away. Be right back after this word.

Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here with Darren Wilson. Darren is commissioned by God to film love. His big question is, 'how do you film love'? So, he goes to a witchcraft occult festival in of all places Salem, Massachusetts to, as he says, to pick a fight. Hidden cameras, and be, be able to photograph this, and the confrontation. And all day long nothing is going on. So he says, 'what have I got to lose. I'm just going to put my cameras in the open. He, he, he's with an evangelist that moves in signs and wonders. And, he starts taping a witch in a red hood. What happened?

Darren Wilson: Well, we start to pray for this guy. And, everything, what was happening at that point is everybody that Jason was praying for when we're in the middle of this, this festival. They're all afterwards, they're all coming to, to my crew, and they're saying, 'that, that guy's better than any psychic we've ever gone to in our entire life. Like, he knew stuff about us nobody knows. And, so, he starts in on this, on this witch, and I'm thinking, literally, as I'm filming, I'm thinking, 'finally'.

Sid Roth: The confrontation.

Darren Wilson: Here we go. This is what I've been waiting for. Because this guy's, obviously, into the occult. And, so, Jason starts to pray. And every single thing out of his mouth is a word of love. Everything that he's saying. He's like, 'I know this about you, and I know this about you, and I know this about you. And I know that you love this. I'm going to bless this. And I'm-' and all this, everything that's coming out of his mouth for like fifteen minutes are words of love. And the guy's just staring at him. And I'm staring at, at the witch. And I'm filming. And as I'm filming I always know if something's going to be in the movie when the Lord speaks to me while I'm filming. And the Lord spoke to me so clearly. And he said, 'do you see? I did not come here to pick a fight. I came here to love'. And when I understood that, I understood, it changed the whole film. Because, because that's when I realized what I was trying to do, which was, you know, have a showdown, that's not what the Lord wants at all. And I don't think he wants it for anybody. He doesn't want to, to fight with you. He just wants to love you.

Sid Roth: And, and the thing that was overpowering is when the witch took off his hood.

Darren Wilson: Yeah. Jason said, 'I want to pray for you now, like an actual prayer of, kind of, blessing. And, and he said, 'hold on, I want to, let me uncover my head'. Because for them that was a sign of respect. And, and, that was one of the most powerful things I've, I think I've ever filmed.

Sid Roth: I'll tell you something else that is, I mean, the whole film was powerful. But something else, that was amazing to me, is, Darren, went with, a friend, a friend of mine, Jeff Jansen, out to, where, where in Africa was it?

Darren Wilson: In Tanzania.

Sid Roth: In Tanzania. And he sees a little tent behind the main tent. And what did you think that tent was for?

Darren Wilson: I thought, we were at, we were filming a big crusade that Jeff was putting on. And I was there to kind of help him out. And I saw this little white tent. And I thought that it was for the hearing impaired. That's what I thought. And it was not for the hearing impaired.

Sid Roth: What was it for?

Darren Wilson: It was for... Well, I found when we started filming the, when the crusade started, and they started carrying all these people who were manifesting the demonic, they started carrying them into this tent. And I said, 'oh'.

Sid Roth: That's the, that's the deliverance tent.

Darren Wilson: It's the deliverance tent. And, so, I just remember standing outside of the tent with my camera thinking, 'am I seriously going got do this? Do I really go into this place'? And we just, I dove right in it. And it was...

Sid Roth: But, previous to that you had a vision that you didn't understand. Tell me about that.

Darren Wilson: Three days before I left for Tanzania I was, I was waking up one morning. And, I wasn't quite asleep, wasn't quite awake, in a kind of in between state. And I saw this, this picture, vision, whatever you want to call it. I saw it very clearly of this, of this woman, on the floor, kind of screaming and shouting. And then I kind of, like, woke up. And I remember when I went into the tent I was filming some things, and at one point I looked down, and I saw that woman that I had seen in my dream three days ago. And, so, I knew exactly, I'm like, this is, I dreamed about this woman. And, so, literally, I knew exactly where to put the camera, exactly how, how close of a zoom to get. Because I'd seen it all before. And, so, actually, that's one of the first things you see in the movie is this vision that I had three days before. I thought, at first I thought, 'is this how God's going to have me do the whole movie, going to show me with the film'? But it was the only time that ever happened. But it was pretty cool.

Sid Roth: You know, you know, there was another thing that really, I saw this film, and, there's another thing that, I constantly think about this. He went to Thailand. I'd heard about Thailand. There's actually cities that are built around the industry of sex.

Darren Wilson: Yes. The one, one that we went to in particular is called Pattaya city. And, forty years ago it was a little tiny fishing village. And Vietnam hit, and it became the major stop off for all the American soldiers. So, literally, the whole built, the whole city is built around prostitution.

Sid Roth: And there was a woman that represents the Messiah there, that's there to love, all of these people caught up in the sex trade. And she was, she was, talking to a man. And the man said, 'well, look at it this way. The girls are better off than working in the rice fields,' working in the bars, and being prostitutes. And what did she say?

Darren Wilson: Well, she said, 'do you want to know what they tell me'? Because she goes into these bars and tries to get these women out. And she says, 'do you want to know what they tell me? They told, they tell me that it would be better if they died today and went to hell than if they continued doing what they're doing'. But they have no way to escape. Because what, you know, it's different for the man, because the man is paying them to tell them how wonderful they are and how much they enjoy this. But, in reality, they'd rather be in hell. That's how bad it is.

Sid Roth: What affect did going to this area, this city that's built around the sex industry, have on you?

Darren Wilson: Well, it's hard to quantify, like, this spot affected me more than this spot. It's just kind of the whole, the whole process of making it was just, for one, it was eye opening. But two, you just saw, I saw the... I didn't realize how dark the world really is. I didn't realize how like, how much it permeates, and how, how powerful it is. But at the same time I had no idea how much more powerful God's love is, and how we can, literally, obliterate any darkness.

Sid Roth: But you really, took on quite an activity when he interviewed a woman that was bred from birth to be a bride of satan. I know that's hard to believe, but when, when I saw her speaking, I knew she was speaking truth. And some of it, I mean, some, some of the things that she did before she became a believer, don't go away. We'll be right back after this word.

Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here with Darren Wilson. And we're talking about his new film furious love. And in that film you have some amazing footage of a woman that was bred from birth to be a bride of satan. But, some things happened to her along the way. For, for instance, she went to curse, actually, Benny Hinn. And, what happened?

Darren Wilson: Yeah. Well, it was a big stadium, and they went, they went, she and two friends went in and, basically, were kind of on the third level just throwing curses down at him while he's preaching. And in the middle of his preaching he stops, and he points up at their section. And he says, 'you three', she wasn't sure if he said, satanists or devil worshippers. He said, 'you three devil worshippers stop cursing me. I'm a child of God'. And immediately their curses rebounded back onto them. And she started to, kind of, manifest. And she, actually, had to be carried out of the, of the stadium by her two friends, shortly after.

Sid Roth: And, and then, there are, were several, of her friends, and one in particular. Something horrible happened to her. One of her best friends.

Darren Wilson: Yeah. It was her best friend. And, and in, in the world of extreme kind of satanism, which is where she lived, I mean, it's not like, there's no, no loyalty, there's no love, there's nothing. And, so, this was the only friend she really had. And, she, her friend, wanted to get out. She was just sick of everything, of just how dark everything was, and how horrible everything was. And, they found out, the leaders found out, and they, actually, um, beat her to death in front of, the woman that I interviewed. And that was, that was kind of the, the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak, where she says, 'I got to get out, I have to get out of this'.

Sid Roth: Okay. So, she, she did leave. And she went to, a person that you interviewed, that had a ministry to set people free that had, are possessed by demons. And is it true that when she walked in she just moved her hand and the door flung open by itself?

Darren Wilson: Yeah. She said she used to do that all the time. Like where she just, if I wanted that I cup, I wouldn't go grab it. I would just kind of go and it would, like, come to her hand. And, so, yeah, she walked in, and because it was just by habit. It wasn't like a, 'I'm here'. It was by habit she threw the door open.

Sid Roth: And what did the woman say?

Darren Wilson: And the woman took one look at her, and she says, 'I don't think so, I don't think so, babe,' is what she actually said. And, she, basically, they just started, they just started the...

Sid Roth: And her eyes were all black?

Darren Wilson: Her eyes were pitch black. She said there wasn't any, there wasn't any whites in her eyes at all. It was just pitch black.

Sid Roth: Okay. How long did it take this top satanist to be set free with the love and power of God?

Darren Wilson: Well, once they got the angels to hold her down, about twenty minutes.

Sid Roth: Can you imagine this? One of the top satanist in the world twenty minutes? The power of God is furious. But someone that really impressed you was this, Phillip Mantofa.

Darren Wilson: Yes.

Sid Roth: Tell me about him.

Darren Wilson: Phillip Mantofa, easily the most impressive person I've ever interviewed, been around in my life. He's, thirty-three years old when I filmed him. And, he's the head pastor of a mega church of thirty thousand people in Indonesia. And the guy is obsessed with holiness. And he leads big, big crusades. I just, I call him, he's kind of like the Benny Hinn of, of the Pacific Rim.

Sid Roth: So, the top witch doctor in that area, this fellow has chutzpah. That's a Hebrew word. It means nerve. He stands up with some of the members of his congregation every day. And what does he do at this witch doctor's home?

Darren Wilson: Well, he goes to the witch doctor's home. And you have to understand who this witch doctor is. He's the most powerful witch doctor in the entire Pacific Rim. Okay? He would hold festivals every year where he had twenty-seven wives. He would kill, he would slit the throat of one of his wives, and kill her, and then raise her from the dead.

Sid Roth: Hmmm.

Darren Wilson: I mean, this is, this is the kind of power that this guy was walking in. And Phillip would go with, with some of his, his, his people, and they would just stand every day outside his home and point and say, 'repent, or else, in Jesus name'.

Sid Roth: And what happened to this witch doctor?

Darren Wilson: And what happened was, one night the witch doctor had a dream. And in the dream Jesus appeared. He was in white robes. And he said, 'I am Jesus'. And he said, 'I want you to go to that church,' and it happened to be Phillip's church, 'I want you to go to that church, and I want you to, to get baptized'. And he said, 'I'm not going to do that'. He's like, 'I'm more powerful than all of those Christians. Why would i, why would I become a Christian. Like, they don't, they don't have what power I have'. And Jesus spoke to him, and he said, 'you will go, because I am their God. And I am more powerful than you. And to prove it, I'll take your powers away'. And he tapped him on the shoulder. And the guy, when he woke up immediately, and he felt a hand leaving his shoulder when he woke up. And all of his powers were gone. He could do no more magic. And he tried for three days, and he couldn't do anything. And he finally went to the church, and, and he got saved, and got baptized. Died five days later.

Sid Roth: Hmm. Well, Darren, if we could capsulate what you personally learned from doing this film, what would it be?

Darren Wilson: Without question, you know, when I made finger of God, it was about, helping me understand that God is still in the business of doing miracles. With this one, I grew up in the church, and so I always knew that God loves us. I knew that. But I just, I knew it in my head. And the process is that it really went from my head to my heart where I understood that he, he doesn't love us like a hallmark card. You know. He doesn't love us like a, like the kinds of things you find in a Christian bookstore. He loves us with a ferocity, and, like, he will fight for us, and he will battle for us. And he's not going to stop as long as we draw breath he's not going to stop fighting for us, because he loves us so much. And it doesn't matter if we don't even believe in him. He's passionate, passionate for us. That's what I learned.

Sid Roth: You know, I have tasted that furious love. That's how, coming from a traditional Jewish background, that I dabbled in the new age. I just dabbled. And I got problems with demons. And what does a Jewish person do that has problems with demons? I totally surrendered to God. And I prayed a prayer on the most desperate night of my life, 'Jesus help'. And the love of God overpowered the darkness. When the love of God came into my bedroom, darkness couldn't stand. And that love is the purpose of why you're watching right now. That love is going to invade you. When? That's up to God. Maybe now. But the first thing you have to do is come to know love in human form. And that's the Jewish Messiah, Jesus. And the way you know him is get clean. You can't do it by yourself. But he's paid the price for you. And by his blood, by his suffering, every bad thing you've ever done is covered by the blood and washed. You're, you're clean when you believe what the Messiah did for you. And, once you're clean, then you are a vessel that can say, 'I believe that Jesus is my Messiah and Lord. Come inside of me. Take over my life. I yield myself to you'. I'll tell you Darren, the love of God is so overpowering. Tell me the most important, someone just, a witch just recently saw this film. What happened to that witch?

Darren Wilson: The witch came to curse the film. And, by the end of it, they went up to the person who was putting on the movie, he was a pastor, and she said, 'you, you are more powerful, obviously more powerful than I am, and I want what you have'. And he said, 'well, if you want the power, you have to find the source'.

Sid Roth: You photographed the source. Love. He has a name. In Hebrew, Yeshua. In English, Jesus. Get to know him now.