Sid Roth - I Saw Jesus Weeping. Then He Told Me Why
Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest, Chad Dedmon, perhaps you saw the show where I interviewed his father, Kevin... Well, Kevin says that he can mentor anyone into moving into the supernatural. And what better proof than his son, Chad. But, Chad, as a pastor's kid, you didn't like that. You, you felt that life played a dirty trick on you. And you started rebelling.
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. Yeah. I felt like I was born, you know, into this lifestyle. And it wasn't really my decision. And, so, I had a real anger towards God and towards my parents, where I wanted a normal childhood, per se.
Sid Roth: But why did you get into drugs?
Chad Dedmon: I just, I was angry. I wanted to make my own decisions. And I was tired of, you know, of doing what everyone thought I should be doing. And I just went for it. And I started doing drugs. I started liking it. And it took me on a, a real bad road.
Sid Roth: But at night, when no one was there, and you were in your room, you, actually, could see things happening in the invisible world.
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. That's probably the most demonic activity I've ever seen, where I would see demons. But, even more, I would see Jesus in the corner of my bedroom just weeping. And it, and it...
Sid Roth: Didn't that bother you?
Chad Dedmon: For, for a moment. Then I was like, no. This is what I'm doing. I'm making my own decisions. I was just in rebellion.
Sid Roth: And then he said to you, 'you have..'. He actually came and spoke to you. And he gave you a choice.
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. He said, 'you can either be my best friend, or I'm going to hand you over to satan'. And I was like, 'oh. My gosh. Okay. I know that you are the only way. And I want you to be my best friend'. And I know that that meant, if I were to be handed over to satan, that my covering of protection was going to be lifted. And satan was, basically, going to kill me.
Sid Roth: So, what did you do?
Chad Dedmon: I said, 'Jesus, I want you to be my best friend'. And he just began to just wrap his arms around me. And the love of God came into my heart. And all the addiction, all the desire for drugs totally left. It was amazing.
Sid Roth: But what is even more amazing is, he could have an experience like that, being in a home where his father is a pastor. And but he got involved with a young woman. And you were involved in things you should not have been involved in. Just at, what, fifteen years old. And then she decides to ditch you. What happened?
Chad Dedmon: Well, that was probably the only time of my life where I was really depressed. And I was, I didn't know, I put all of my attention towards her, and and she, she, you know, dumped me. And I didn't know what to do. I was not in a good place.
Sid Roth: And your parents were very upset about what was going on with you. You started drinking, and doing things you shouldn't do, and they forced you to go to a, what there was, there was a church called Brownsville in Pensacola, Florida that God's presence just showed up there. And people were having their lives transformed. So, it's kind of a last hope. They send Chad there. And why did you go?
Chad Dedmon: Well, I just came in to my room, and my mom said, 'hey, pack your bags, and we're going to take you to the airport. You're going to this youth conference'. And I was like, 'what's going on there? I don't know these people'. 'well, you'll get to know them when you get on the plane with them at, at the airport'. And, so, I went, and God met me there. I began to weep. I just felt the Holy Spirit come into my life, and I wept for hours and hours and hours.
Sid Roth: But you weren't going for anything to happen.
Chad Dedmon: No. I wasn't. I wasn't going, I didn't expect anything to happen. My parents just said, 'hey. You're going'. This was like a last ditch effort to see my life get totally turned around. And, and I went, and God completely touched me.
Sid Roth: He touched him so much, he got back to his school, and his, his old friends. And what happened at school?
Chad Dedmon: Well, we started, just a group to get together during lunch, and people started getting saved. And we started, you know, it was probably about, normally you'd have about twenty people show up on the high school campus that would say, 'hey. We love God'. But it just started this, this move that, that we started seeing, you know, hundreds of people showing up at lunch to pray, and to ask God to come during lunch.
Sid Roth: Were they coming to the Lord, really? Was it...
Chad Dedmon: Oh yeah.
Sid Roth: I mean, were people getting healed?
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. There, there wasn't so much the healings. But a lot of people were getting saved and transformed, where we would be having prayer meetings late into the nights. And, it was a phenomenal time.
Sid Roth: Well, the thing that, is so amazing to me is the miracles that Chad walks in. Just give me a preview. When you went to Indonesia, what happened?
Chad Dedmon: Well, I went to Indonesia. And I was so tired of reading in the Bible about the God of David, the God of Daniel, the God of Joshua. I wanted to know the God of Chad. I wanted the God that I read about in the Bible to become tangible in my life. And, so, I said, 'okay. Where's the worse persecution happening in the world'? And I saw that it was Indonesia. And, so, I went. I just, I went for it. I was twenty years old. And I just took I sold everything, and went there, and I just said, 'God, show up'. And, so, I was in this little village, and we decided to we washed everyone's feet. And as we watched everyone's feet, all these people started getting healed. And we're talking healed of blindness, deafness, arthritis through their body. And I began to see God show up, and I began to discover why I was alive.
Sid Roth: How about you? Is it time for you to discern why you're alive? His dad wrote a book because he has such a passion for everyone to be normal. The presence of God just, am I right, just pulsates off of this book. And, and, and his, his dad, Kevin Dedmon, is training young people, and old. It doesn't matter what you're age, it's time for you to be normal. When we come back we'll find out the exploits of a normal young man. Don't go away. Be right back.
Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here with Chad Dedmon. And Chad had been dating a young woman, and she dropped him. And he was so depressed. He started drinking and doing things he shouldn't do. And his parents shipped him off to where there was an explosion of God's spirit at a church. That spirit jumped on him. Totally changed him. He goes back to high school. Over a hundred of the students come to believe in Jesus. And Chad, the young lady that you, she ditched you, I guess you found a new girlfriend?
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. Actually, what happened when I encountered God is, God asked me, Jesus asked me, 'will you date me for a year'? And I took that literally. So I would go out on dates with Jesus. And it was before blue tooth was, was around. So, I would talk out loud, and I would expect to Jesus, that Jesus would talk back to me. And I would go out to dinner, and I would order a table for two. And they would be like, 'okay. Where's the other member of your party'? And, 'oh, he's right here with me'. And, and I would order two meals. And Jesus sometimes...
Sid Roth: You, you would order two meals?!
Chad Dedmon: Hey. When you're on a date, you buy your date a meal.
Sid Roth: Okay.
Chad Dedmon: And, so, Jesus wouldn't always eat his food, and, so, I would eat it for him. And, and, but we had some great times where we just talked. And it was a real time of hearing the Lord's voice.
Sid Roth: But what did the waiters think about this?
Chad Dedmon: They thought it was a little weird, a little awkward. But I was okay with that. You know, I was in this place where I wanted to know Jesus.
Sid Roth: Did you spend a lot of time with him privately worshipping him?
Chad Dedmon: Yes. I would have hours on hours of, just in worship. My dad would always be coming into my room seeing if I was going to do the chores. And he'd find me on the floor weeping. And he'd be like, 'I'll go mow the lawn'. You know. Because he saw his eighteen year old son on the floor just a wreck for, for the Lord. It was amazing.
Sid Roth: Okay. So, then he goes back to that church, in Pensacola, Florida. And he was at a men's prayer meeting. And something amazing happened to you, Chad.
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. I just kept on praying, 'God, I want to experience your presence to a whole new level'. And, so, I was in this prayer meeting, and I felt like someone punched me right in the stomach. I went flying back a good five to seven feet. I began to shake so hard under the presence of God that my shoes went flying off. My shirt went flying off. And I was aware that I was in a prayer meeting. I was aware, but it was like a distant reality. And it was like another reality was coming in. And I began to see the glory of God. And I began to, to be taken into the throne room where I saw the father, the king of glory sitting on the throne. And he leaned over to speak to me. He opens his mouth. And I don't hear anything with my ears. And I begin to feel what he's saying. And it was the deepest Revelation of the father's love that I've ever had. And that was what causes me to, to shake, because I was feeling just the waves and waves of the father's love. And this experience happened for over, like, fourteen hours. It, it was, it was amazing.
Sid Roth: It sounds so wonderful!
Chad Dedmon: Yeah! It really is.
Sid Roth: And I understand that, even today, when you reminisce and think about it, you find yourself right basking in the father's love.
Chad Dedmon: Well, this is, this is the key, is that you can experience the father's love every day. And it, it is essential that you have the father's love flowing in your life. If you want to live in the supernatural, you have to have the father's love flowing in your life. Jesus needed the father's love. How much more do we need the father's love?
Sid Roth: And the miracles. I mean, literally, eyeballs materializing! Tell me about that man that fell three, three stories.
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. There was a man in New Zealand. He fell three stories over two years ago. And he fell through a glass roof. He died. The paramedic brought him back to life. But they had to do surgery where they removed his calf and his Achilles tendon. And he had no feeling from his kneecap down. And, so, I prayed for him, his wife was there. I prayed for him, and the first thing I asked him: what couldn't you do. 'I can't touch my heals to the ground'. And he, and I said, 'well, okay. Check it out,' after, after we prayed. He put his heal on the ground. He said, 'I couldn't do this before'. I said, 'well, what else'? He said, 'well, I have no feeling. All the nerves were severed. I have no feeling from my kneecap down'. And, so, I said, 'oh. You wouldn't feel this'? And I began to touch and press on his foot. He said, 'yeah. I wouldn't feel, I can feel that'! And I said, 'well, what else'? And he said, 'well, when I woke up this morning, I said to God, wouldn't it be great if I ran today'? He could barely walk. And I said, 'me and you are running'. And, so, I grabbed his hand, and we began to run from the end of the stage to the other. He ran just as fast as I could. It was amazing.
Sid Roth: Well, I'll tell you what. That's normal. Let's take a look at that actually taking place.
Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here with Chad Dedmon. And Chad you know, your father has I use the word chutzpah, that's a Hebrew word. It means 'nerve'. Oh, well, you have nerve, too. Tell me about this thing in healing on aisle ten.
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. Well, like father, like son. I was just hungry for some Doughnuts, so, we're always being led by the spirit, but I was being led by my stomach.
Sid Roth: It sounds that way.
Chad Dedmon: So, I went in, and we're told that, hey, it's a green light if we see anybody that has a cast or a brace. Go and pray for them. And, so, I saw this lady with hearing aids. So, I approached her and said, 'hey. Can I pray for you? I noticed you have hearing aids'. She said she was ninety-five percent deaf for over thirty years. And, so I had her take out her hearing aids, so that we can see when God shows up. And I began to pray for her a simple prayer. And I said, 'okay now. Just test it out. I'm going to just, repeat after me'. I get about, almost a good, like, thirty feet away. And the checkout girl, who's like, in her early twenties, says, 'I can't hear you anymore'. And, so, the lady that was over ninety-five percent deaf, says, 'I have better hearing now than, than you,' the checkout girl. The checkout girl starts crying. I start beginning to cry, and then I start getting words of knowledge for other people in the grocery store. So I asked the lady, the checkout girl, 'hey, can i, you know, share what else God wants to do in the grocery store'? So, I get on the intercom, and I say, 'attention all shoppers,' and I start calling out words of knowledge.
Sid Roth: They let you do that?
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. Yeah. They let me do that. I mean, this, this, this checkout girl was just weeping, saying, 'hey. This is God'. Of course. Yes. And so, I just began to, you now, shout out words of knowledge. And all these people start coming, about twenty, twenty-five people. Well, this woman in a motorized cart comes up. And she says, 'well, I'm going in for a hip replacement surgery. Do you really think God can heal me'? And I said, 'of course. That's who he is'. So we began to pray together for her. And I say, 'well, now, move it around. Check it out'. She moves her leg, and she goes, and I'm like, oh no. Is she in more pain? And she said, 'I couldn't do this before without pain'. And I said, 'well, do something else'. She jumps up out of the wheelchair, and she starts running around screaming, 'I am healed! I'm completely healed'!
Sid Roth: There must have been a crowd around by this point.
Chad Dedmon: Oh. Oh yeah. Now this man jumped and said, 'will you pray for my carpal tunnel? Pray for my wrists'! And, so, I began to pray for him. He gets moving around. He gets completely healed. And I'm like, well, you know what? The king, the kingdom just showed up. I might as well introduce them to the king. And, so, I began to share about how, 'do you want to be best friends with the Creator of the universe'? And, all these people said, 'yeah. I want to be best friends with the Creator'. It was an amazing time.
Sid Roth: Jesus is your best friend.
Chad Dedmon: He is.
Sid Roth: It's wouldn't you like Jesus to be your best friend? He wants to. The choice, it, it's yours. Now, Chad, you've got to tell me about the person, was this person born without eyeballs? Obviously.
Chad Dedmon: Yes. Yeah, yeah. He was in his upper seventies. And he was born without any eyes. And, so, me and a few other friends, we were praying for him. And we were praying for him for, for quite a while, and for just about, for twenty minutes. And that's quite a while for us. Because we expect God to show up when we ask. And, so so, he'd never opened up his eyelids before under his own power. And after about twenty minutes he opened up his eyelids for the first time. So, we're thanking God. And then we pray again. He opens up his eyes, and he has, he has blue eyes, which, for an Indian man is, is not, like...
Sid Roth: Forget the color! The eyes! You saw eyeballs?!
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. It was, it was amazing! I mean, he had, he had no eyeballs. His, I mean, his eye sockets were...
Sid Roth: Well, what is it like to see an empty eye sockets and then eyes there?
Chad Dedmon: It changes your life forever. It does. I just began to weep. And he wasn't able to see completely. He was, he was able to see forms and shapes, but he wasn't able to colors or far distances. So, we decided, 'hey. God gave him new eyes. Like, I think he'll have twenty-twenty vision. So, let's keep praying for him'. So, we continue to pray for him. He opens up his eyes again, and his eyes changed from blue to brown eyes. And he had perfect vision. It was amazing.
Sid Roth: And, and you found out something about the blue eyes that a doctor told you.
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. A doctor told me about when a baby is born, a baby might be born with blue eyes, and, so and it can't see color, and it can't see far away. And, so, basically, this Indian man got brand new child eyes that got blue, and then it changed color for him to get full vision. It was amazing.
Sid Roth: Well, you know, I see people on television say, 'isn't that cool'? Well, that is cool! How about, the time that you, found a muslim that was dying?
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. Yeah. This was, this was, an amazing time that we saw. We were just doing a meeting on the father's love. And so I just invited him just to experience the father's love. I invited the whole audience to experience the father's love. And, so, he stood up. I didn't know his situation. He had surgery earlier. He had liver cancer. And they opened him up to find the, the cancer spread throughout his whole body. And, so, they had to close him up, because they couldn't remove any of it. And, so, they closed him up, stapled him together, and told him the news. 'medically, we can't do anything for you, so, just go and make peace with your family. You have two weeks left to live'. So this is a week later. His wife brings him to church, and we began to pray to release the father's love. Well, as we do that his staples bust open, and God begins to do so something. And, so, he runs to the bathroom. I mean, revival is messy. And, so he began to just try to figure out what's going on. He comes and approaches me with his overcoat, and says, 'hey. My staples busted open'. And I'm like, 'oh, no'! Like, stuff's coming out. This is not good. He doesn't even tell me he has cancer. So I prayed for him. All the pain leaves, but he goes to the emergency room. They run two different tests on him. And the same doctors that were treating him now run these tests, and they say, 'we, we don't understand this, but the cancer is now dead. And it's fleeing your body, literally. And now this man encountered the love of Jesus, this muslim man. And he decided, 'you know what? I want to give my life to this man. I'm in love with this man, as well'. And he's, he's still going after God to this day.
Sid Roth: Chad, as you started to share that story there was a flood of God's healing power that came right into the studio. And I believe that as Chad begins to pray for you that flood, with his speaking supernatural words of healing, are going to just come together. And there is going to be a creative explosion of healing for you right now. Chad, would you pray?
Chad Dedmon: Yeah. There's a lady that has breast cancer, and you're going to start feeling, there's a heat that's going to be coming onto your body. And God's going to begin to remove the tumors. There's even a, there's somebody that has a, they've had multiple knee surgeries. You're wearing a red shirt. And God's going to begin to come with heat, and you're going to... Just test it out right now. There's someone with metal in their ankle. Your name is Tim. And just begin to move it around. God is healing you right now. There's somebody that, your name is Deborah. You've been in a car accident. You have pain all the way down and up your spine. God's going to begin to release electricity to release healing presence right now. Lord, we just thank you for what you're doing. We just release more, I feel like there's even people that have had injuries with cell phones, where you've been on the phone, and it might be even a car accident, or you might have fallen down the stairs. There's someone that's fallen down the stairs, and you're on your cell phone, and, you, you you hurt your spine. God is touching you right now. And, so, Lord, we just release your healing presence. You know, I have to ask you something. You said you saw someone with a, like a green shirt. Did you see it, or just hear it? Yeah. Actually, I began to see, there's sometimes I'll see things in the spirit. Sometimes I'll hear, it's just a small still voice. It just comes in a lot of different ways.
Sid Roth: Now, can everyone, I mean, you're gifted, but can everyone walk in these gifts? Everyone, really?
Chad Dedmon: Everyone. I mean, you know, Paul told us that we desire all the gifts, we should desire all the gifts. I mean, God speaks to us all the time. His thoughts for us outnumber the sands of the seashore. I mean, he is constantly speaking.
Sid Roth: You know, speaking of God speaking to us all the time, he's speaking to some of you right now. He's speaking to you right now. He's saying, 'I want to give you the same choice I gave Chad. I want to either be your best friend, or you will walk from under my protective covering. And it's not good out there without my love and my protective covering. I want to give you a choice. You can choose me, or you can choose to walk without my protective covering. I mean, I have loved you. I have protected you. But now you must make a choice. You must make a decision, because, yet once more, i, God, am going to shake this earth and those that do not make a decision for me will not be on a firm foundation, and they're going to fall. So, choose this day whom you're going to serve'. And it's so simple. You don't need my help. All you need to do is be honest with God. Tell him that you've committed many sins, and you're sorry. Ask him to forgive you. Believe his blood just washes it all away. And when you are clean he'll jump inside of you and become your best friend. Let me introduce you to your best friend, Yeshua, Jesus, the Messiah, the king of the Jews. And I've got some good news for you! You don't have to be Jewish to believe in the king of the Jews. You just have to love him. He already loves you. Go! Go for it! Go for the gold, right now.