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Sid Roth - If This Miracle Wasn't Caught on Film, No One Would Believe It

Sid Roth - If This Miracle Wasn't Caught on Film, No One Would Believe It
TOPICS: Miracle

Sid Roth: Hello! Sid Roth here with David Herzog. And David is known as someone that has launched into a realm called 'the glory realm'. And the 'glory realm' is the presence of God with such a tangible presence that it's almost like you could reach your hand if your hand is missing a thumb, let's say, you reach your hand in that glory realm and the thumb would grow out! It's the most wonderful things happen when you enter that glory realm! You see when you speak words they have an influence on everything! But it's slooow! I mean it could be 10 years, 20 years, 30 years before these words come to pass. But if you speak words in the glory realm it's instant! Now David, you have had people that are bald get their hair back. You have had people that lose instant weight loss. How many pounds is the maximum that someone has lost?

David Herzogl: We had a guy in Jackson Tennessee lose 70 pounds in one meeting.

Sid Roth: 70 pounds!

David Herzogl: 70 pounds.

Sid Roth: That's almost hard, I mean he was almost not there anymore.

David Herzogl: No, well he's still there cause he was still pretty heavy. But, but still he was like huge. He ran around. I said someone here you're about to lose a lot of weight! Get out of your seat and run. The guy takes off running. It was like a mack truck was coming through the room everyone moved out of the way. And when he grabbed his pants there was so much space in between. He weighed himself. 70 pounds. We had another guy 60 pounds. But then a few weeks later he went to get his trucking license. Had to get a physical. And by the time he had lost the 60, four weeks later he had lost actually a hundred! They said no sir, you've lost now a hundred pounds so it kept going off after the first weight loss.

Sid Roth: Well I've been at one of your meetings and before my eyes I saw a woman's hair change color! Why do these such unique things happen in your ministry?

David Herzogl: Well I noticed one thing. I asked the Lord years ago, Lord how come we don't see more creative miracles? Everyone's in a healing ministry but where are the 'body parts' being recreated? And God told me because my people don't see me as the Creator, they don't preach me as the Creator I don't manifest creative miracles! But if they would see me not just as the healer but as the Creator, that I'm still the Creator I would manifest as Creator! If we would see him as Creator, worship him as Creator and preach him as Creator he'll confirm that word with the accompanying creative miracle signs.

Sid Roth: Well as you and I were discussing before we went on the air, the 'glory realm' is like the highest realm of God. I wanna find out how David got into that glory realm. You and your wife Stephanie graduate Bible college and you both have the same vision. Tell me about it.

David Herzogl: Yeah. I met my wife and we were gonna get married and we both had the exact vision to go to France which is amazing. You know who wants to go to France, right, besides vacation? So she says I'm called to France. I'm supposed to minister there. So I said so am I. And so long story short we go there...

Sid Roth: Wait. How much money did you have?

David Herzogl: Not a lot. A few hundred dollars, maybe. Not much money!

Sid Roth: That's uh, I've been using this word a lot lately, you should know it by now. That's 'chutzpah'! That's Jewish nerve.

David Herzogl: That's 'meshugana' too!

Sid Roth: Well that's 'crazy'. Go ahead.

David Herzogl: And we go over there and you know nothing was working for us. The first year it was hard. No one was getting saved. There was no money. And then I fasted for 3 days which was pretty easy to do with no money!

Sid Roth: Like a forced fast, you know! Right.

David Herzogl: So I fast. I say God how do I win this country, this nation, this continent? And he shows me Romans 11. He said if you will reach my people, the Jewish people and Israel I will give you the nations. Paul was called to Europe, the Roman Empire. And God says here is your key to reach Rome. Reach the Jew first and I'll give you the Roman Empire.

Sid Roth: Okay. So you and your wife leave. It wasn't too difficult, France cause you had nothing going for you. You had no money. You go to Israel and you wind up in of all places the upper room. What happened there?

David Herzogl: I get in the upper room and we're worshipping God and I get knocked out by the power of God on the floor. I'm weeping uncontrollably. And an African-American girl from our team prophecies to me and says 'now today your ministry begins'! And I'm thinking no, I've ministered before but in the Lord's eyes it's to the Jew first! Now you're touching Israel for the first time. Now your ministry begins. It's like in heaven it was like everything before that was practice but now it's serious cause you're touching my people! And we led 13 people to the Lord on that trip!

Sid Roth: Okay. So now you and your wife Stephanie return to France.

David Herzogl: Yes.

Sid Roth: Where you have no money. Nothing going for you. And what happens?

David Herzogl: We go to France. We're there for about a month or two. Then we go to Toronto and we go to some crazy meeting where people are getting touched and crying and laughing and I thought it was a little weird. But I got prayer. I left and suddenly this new anointing comes on my life. People are getting healed, saved, demons are coming out and the joy is hitting them. People are just full of joy uncontrollably wherever we go. And that lasts for a couple of years. Then we keep hitting multiple revivals. Then a holiness revival breaks out. I show up in a church and unsaved people and believers run up to be saved! Such conviction and a 6-month revival breaks out!

Sid Roth: What, what actually occurred in France as a result of that catalyst of going to Israel first the same way Paul went to Rome first?

David Herzogl: Yeah. Because the Lord said because you reached my people Israel I'm gonna give you now the nation you're in. I get back to France. Within a couple of weeks I'm in this new move of God for 5 years non-stop every week! Doors are opening. Signs and wonders. Salvations. Immediately from nothing to full-blown like I'm like one of the top 5 evangelists in the country now! And then ending in the 5th year in a 6-month revival, the longest running revival in 50 years just from one trip to Israel where we got Jewish people saved!

Sid Roth: What type of miracles did you see during that period?

David Herzogl: Hah! During that revival I remember the first weekend a girl was picked up off the floor. 13 centimeters off the floor. What some will call it she 'Levitated'. I just call it she 'arose'. Isaiah 60. She was weeping for souls and people starting lifting off the ground.

Sid Roth: You know by the way anything in the new age is a counterfeit. You can't have a counterfeit unless you have the authentic. And what David is talking about is the authentic.

David Herzogl: Yeah. So this girl is praying and weeping for souls and she lifts up off the ground 13 centimeters off the ground. I guess someone had a ruler or something to measure it. No but it was about 13 centimeters and she flipped over like a pancake in the air came back to the ground and people around her freaked out. A few of them took off running but others were just amazed. It was a very special time. When she went down souls ran up to be saved. Just French people running up weeping.

Sid Roth: You see these signs and wonder don't just happen for no reason. There's a reason behind it. It's for people to see a demonstration of the Kingdom of God and then wanna know the king. I want you to move in such signs and wonders! I want you to move in the 'glory realm'. Be right back after this word!

David Herzogl: I think it, you know what? It's still growing right now! Put the camera on his head. The hair is growing right now! You're watching hair growing right now as we speak. Hahhh!

Sid Roth: Hello! Sid Roth here with David Herzog and we're talking about entering the most wonderful realm. The glory, the manifest presence of God! I love that realm! It's more important to be in that realm than anything this world has to offer! And so David despite of all the wonderful things he was seeing he was hungry for more of God! That's what happens when you get in this realm. You just can't get enough of God's presence! And so a mutual friend of ours, Ruth Heflin, was known as someone that would sing and get people to enter the glory. So you went to her camp to learn more. And what happened?

David Herzogl: Yeah, after the 6-month revival I was so hungry for even more of God's glory and God told me go to Ruth and go to her meeting. So I show up there on January, I think it was the 1st or 2nd 1999, and I'm there to receive. And she says to me oh David, glad to meet you. Heard about you. I want you to preach tonight.

Sid Roth: Huh!

David Herzogl: I said no, no, no. I've been preaching for 6 months straight. I came here to receive what you have. She says no. I'm a prophetess of God. God told me you're supposed to speak tonight! I had no desire whatsoever to speak. I wanted to receive something fresh. So I go and I obey. I mean she's a prophetess of God and God tells her. So I go to speak and when I get on the pulpit to preach the power of God hits me, the glory of God hits me in a way I've never had before. I end up singing 2 chapters of the Bible!

Sid Roth: Well did you read it and sing or just from...

David Herzogl: I was singing. My message was Isaiah 60. I end up singing Isaiah 60 and 61 as my message. As I was singing in the power of the Holy Spirit completely in this euphoric glory the power of God started hitting the place. Healings, deliverances, signs and wonders are happening. It was like and I felt like was on 'cloud 9,' like I had died and went to heaven! The level of glory I felt that stayed with me all week from that one night was just so out of this world. I said God I'm gonna do whatever it takes! I'm gonna go for the glory of God. That's gonna be my main message above miracles, above anything else I want your glory, Lord! Because this is like I feel so close to you. I had known the glory but I didn't realize that level of the glory. There's different levels of it where I thought I had known it. And okay the glory, the anointing, goose bumps, and electricity, fire. But this was different. It was such intimacy. It's like I was in heaven on earth! I can't explain it.

Sid Roth: Huh. You've explained it! You know David I've been in your home and I've met your wife and your daughters and you are a blessed man.

David Herzogl: Thank you.

Sid Roth: But one of your daughters who happens to be at this TV shoot, her name is 'glory' and there was something very unusual about her when she was born.

David Herzogl: True! After that Ruth Heflin thing about 4 months later my daughter was born. And the word was she will be a sign and a wonder. So we kept that word and God gave the name 'glory' to my wife for her. Shannon glory. So we were in the hospital and the baby comes out and it was amazing. I didn't feel a thing when that baby came out. I had no pain whatsoever. No, that's a joke. You can laugh.

Sid Roth: Okay. Sorry about that. I'm thinking about what you're, what you're about ready to say.

David Herzogl: And my wife is so faithful at every birth of every child she's been right by my side, she's so good. So we're there...

Sid Roth: Are you changing your profession? Are you gonna become a comedian? Or are you a poet and don't even know it? No, I'm just teasing! Go ahead.

David Herzogl: You're good! So the baby comes out and they clean the blood and they look, these French doctors, and she's covered in gold! Gold, whatever you wanna call it. Gold. Glory dust, gold dust. She's covered in gold and she had no make-up kit in her womb at birth. She didn't have a little make-up kit in her pocket.

Sid Roth: Of course!

David Herzogl: She's born covered in gold. And at that point I was kinda like okay, I'm not skeptical about the gold, but I'm not excited about it. But I just want souls. I don't understand it. What does it have to do with anything? Where is it in the Bible? All I know is my daughter was full of gold and the glory of God was so thick in the operating room, not in the operating room, in the maternity ward, and the Lord began speaking to me saying don't limit any of my signs and my glory because I wanna touch people with signs and wonders!

Sid Roth: Speaking of signs and wonder he was recently in Sri Lanka and what happened to that Buddhist priest?

David Herzogl: Well we had a lot of people come in Sri Lanka. You know they had a 30-year war. The war ended and this is one of the first meetings where so many souls unsaved came into the meetings and we had every kind of from government leaders, mafia, underworld people. A lot of religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Muslims, kind of gurus that move in the supernatural, 'other' supernatural.

Sid Roth: It sounds like a picnic!

David Herzogl: Oh, it was really exciting! And this guy, a Buddhist priest, front row. Buddhist priests do not go to meetings where Jesus is preached. It just doesn't happen!

Sid Roth: So why'd he come?

David Herzogl: Cause they didn't know it was a Christian meeting.

Sid Roth: Oh, okay.

David Herzogl: Because the billboards that were put out just said 'do you believe in miracles? Come'. That's all it said. Nobody knew. So they all come. Front row. He's just excited and he, I forgot what his sickness was, he was sick with something and he had gotten healed. And when it came time for the altar call people were rushing to be saved and he received the Lord and that caused quite a stir in the city. Everyone started talking about the Buddhist priest who came and received Jesus as Lord and Savior so it caused some controversy but it caused a lot more people to come that were Buddhist and Hindu to check out what God was doing.

Sid Roth: I want to take a look at a Buddhist woman that was, had a great miracle and you watch this and tell if me whether you feel in your heart this is authentic. And you have to be a 'bissel mishuga,' a little crazy, not to realize how authentic this is!

Sid Roth: Hello! Sid Roth here with David Herzog. And David, there's some new things that are happening in the glory realm. People with metal rods in their back and other things. Tell me what's going on.

David Herzogl: Yeah, we're seeing quite a few people now they've got metal plates, metal rods, screws and pins, nails that the doctors put in their body completely disappear, dissolve or turn back to bone where they're just not there. Just creative miracles like that that God's doing!

Sid Roth: And blind people?

David Herzogl: Yeah. Blind eyes. Blind eyes opening up. People that could not see either in one or both eyes completely eyes opening up. We had, we just had a trip to Asia last year. Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia. In each of those countries we had blind eyes open up!

Sid Roth: Huh! Now David's father is Jewish and David tried and tried to share the Messiah with him. No success at all. But one day when David had pretty much given up you had an encounter about your dad. Tell me about that.

David Herzogl: Yeah. I was at this youth camp and the man there said let's pray for a burden for souls. How many would like a burden for your relatives. I said oh, that's me! I'm tired of praying for my dad. 8 years. He doesn't want it. I don't wanna bother him with it. I don't wanna have to pray and have a burden. So I come up to pray anyway. Okay, God. Give me a burden, a bigger burden for my dad. And then I get taken to hell. I see hell. I see him burning in hell, flames burning his body non-stop but he doesn't die. He looks at me in the vision and says 'David, why did you stop praying for me? I was almost there'!

Sid Roth: Hmm!

David Herzogl: And I was weeping. I felt so heavy and then a voice said to me 'pray for him right now cause he may not have long to live if he doesn't get saved'! The devil will try to take him. So I began weeping and crying for his soul. God please save my father! You know. Dad come to Jesus! Come to Yeshua! You know whenever I was praying I was just it was like intercession, travail, groaning. That hour a lady, a little lady knocks on the door of my dad's house and leads him to the Lord! While I was getting a vision of hell simultaneously he received the Jewish Messiah!

Sid Roth: And speaking of his dad, David just had some meetings in Hollywood and what happened to your father's hair?

David Herzogl: My dad's hair, besides the fact that he brought people, Jewish people every night of the three nights Jewish people got saved, the one's he brought, his hair, he was bald on top. His hair began to grow and his white hair began to turn black!

Sid Roth: Talking about a sign and wonder! But I'm seeing the same thing that you just described. And when I was a brand new believer in the early 70's I saw that! I saw a genuine Jewish revival! I saw Jewish people coming to the Lord every week at our Messianic Jewish congregation and then after a couple of years it just stopped. What do you sense is going on?

David Herzogl: There is a total shift right now in the spirit worldwide in the USA, in Israel, around the world. I've never seen Jewish people so wide open to the Lord! Even relatives that I've known for years that just never would budge, 30-40 years, suddenly they're wide open begging for God to visit them and Yeshua visits them. They get saved. Jewish lawyers. People in Hollywood. There's a huge hunger now to know the Jewish Messiah!

Sid Roth: And you know something else that when David talks about the glory many times people have visitations to heaven. But the one that happened in Israel! I mean with 2 people. Tell me about that.

David Herzogl: We've had that several times. We went to Bethel and the Bible says in Genesis 28 'this is the gate of heaven'. So we like going there because it's an open gate and we lay on the floor. Someone plays worship and we close our eyes and just see if God will visit us or show us a picture or a vision and many people begin to weep and they have been taken to heaven corporately in the spirit realm. Their bodies were there but they saw heaven when they were closing their eyes and as if they were there. And 2 people said well I went to heaven too. And I talked to one girl. What did you see in heaven? Oh, Jesus talked to me. In fact she, that that girl over there, was with me! And what did you talk about together in heaven? What did Jesus tell you? I said hold on. Then we interviewed the other girl and same exact story. They hadn't talked to each other. And it was a real thing. They both went to heaven. Both had a visitation with Jesus and they both came back. So it was amazing to hear that people could not just get a heavenly encounter but corporate heavenly encounters!

Sid Roth: Hmm! Now I'm going back to your dad with his hair. I think that is so phenomenal. I know this happens often. Have you ever seen hair grow almost before your eyes?

David Herzogl: This week we saw it Sunday night. Hair began to grow right there in the meeting in Florida. A guy comes up and he's crying and he can hardly talk and you could see a little of the hair that had begun to grow and a guy runs up and shows me this before picture, cause someone actually took a picture of his head as they were looking to see if he would get hair. And it was bald. I mean the scalp. And all of a sudden afterward he runs up and as we're watching. Oh yeah, we can see some hair. We're watching it grow more and more and more. Everyone starts screaming oh my gosh! Look! The hair is growing! And everyone was just freakin' out in a good way. He had hair growth. We got to watch it while it grew! It was amazing. This man, and I have a before and after picture, it's just amazing. No hair at all on his scalp and hair begins to grow!

Sid Roth: You know David, I believe that if David prays for you right now wherever you are because there's no limits in this glory realm, there's high and medium and low and low, low, low, but wherever you are right now I'm going to believe that you are gonna take a 'mega-jump'! David, would you pray for people to experience the glory of God?

David Herzogl: Sure!

Sid Roth: And then if God directs you maybe even to physical healing?

David Herzogl: Okay, great. Well I'll just pray for those watching right now if you're hungry for God's presence, his glory, the supernatural just close your eyes right where you're at and just ask the Holy Spirit to just come in and as i, you do that I pray right now God, open up the windows of heaven over everyone watching, believers and non-believers, visit people that are watching. Come God in your glory, fill them, saturate every fiber of their being, their mind, their body, their spirit, their emotions. Just fill them right now with the thick, heavy, heavy presence of the glory and presence of God right now. Just open yourself to it and God will come. And as we're in that glory I just see healings, miracles, body parts that need to be created. I release through creative miracles right now in Yeshua's name teeth that are missing grow! Hair that's missing grow! Cartilage that's missing grow! Cataracts being healed! Blindness being healed! A right arm that's paralyzed I see strength coming back! Anything on your body that you need a healing just even lay hands on it right now and I declare miracles and healing! And start to move that body part and see if you can tell a difference. God's healing a lot of people right now! Especially creative miracles on body parts but healings as well!

Sid Roth: David, as you're sharing about the glory the presence of God is getting so strong I wanna speak something to you! Do you remember David's father where he had the vision of his father in hell and his father saying 'why did you stop praying for me? Well that vision could be for you! Do you know the Messiah? Do you know that he died for your sins? Do you know that if you ask for forgiveness your sins will washed away and nothing will be separating you from the love of God? Do you know that if you speak out loud that you believe in your heart that Yeshua, Jesus rose from the dead that his life will enter you? And he says I will never leave you? I will never forsake you. There is a peace which is the opposite of what's going on in the world that is waiting for you. It's as if he is knocking on your door through me right now. And he's saying I love you. I don't want you to keep going through the hard things you're going through. I wanna take your burden. Give me your burden. Make Jesus your Lord! Say Yeshua, forgive me. I make you my Lord. Enter me! Live in me! Now!