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Sid Roth - Nurse Sees Something Amazing at Patient's Last Moment

Sid Roth - Nurse Sees Something Amazing at Patient's Last Moment

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth: welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest Melanie Hemry was a registered nurse. And as a registered nurse, she happened to be one of these backslidden Christians, but she saw things that were unexplainable. Imagine, a lot of doctors, a lot of nurses see these things. Melonie, what did you see?

Melanie Hemry: Well, I saw a judge that was brain dead with 3 flat eeg's whom God touched, and not only was he healed...

Sid Roth: Whoa, whoa, whoa-one flat eeg, you're brain dead. He had 3...

Melanie Hemry: He had 3, he was...

Sid Roth: So he was dead, dead, dead...

Melanie Hemry: Yes, nobody was home.

Sid Roth: Okay...

Melanie Hemry: And God touched him and raised him up. And he not only lived, but he went back to try hundreds of cases on the federal court circuit.

Sid Roth: Mm. And then, you saw someone that actually died before your eyes.

Melanie Hemry: I did. I was taking care of a patient who had a brain stem stroke. She was in intensive care and, no didn't respond to any kind of stimulus. And while I was at her bedside, she had a cardiac arrest, and her heart stopped. So, a brain stem stroke, her heart's not beating, she's clinically dead. I saw this woman sit up in the bed.

Sid Roth: After she's dead?

Melanie Hemry: After she's dead, and I saw a look on her face, like someone they loved, and she went, "Jesus". And then she floated back to her pillow, and she was gone.

Sid Roth: What effect did that have on you?

Melanie Hemry: I turned back to God real quick.

Sid Roth: Now listen, I have your book here, "Anointing for healing". I love it.

Melanie Hemry: Thank you.

Sid Roth: And the thing I love about it so much, is in most of the cases, it wasn't an instant miracle. It was literally, a fight of faith. And most people aren't aware of this. They can fight, they don't have to give up. They don't have to throw in the towel when they don't have their instant miracle.

Melanie Hemry: That's the truth. Most people think if it doesn't come instantly, that God didn't heal them. But that's not true.

Sid Roth: Well, let's talk to one of these people in the book: Wendy Moore, who had Lou Gehrig's disease. Hello Wendy, are you there?

Wendy Moore: Hi Sid, I am here.

Sid Roth: Tell me about, take me from the time you found out you had Lou Gehrig's disease, and what you did about it.

Wendy Moore: Well, I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease April 17, 2001. My youngest son was only 4 weeks old.

Sid Roth: Wow, how tragic.

Wendy Moore: Yea, it was a devastating. And I had a 4-week old baby and a 2-year-old little boy, and I didn't know that my children would ever grow up to know who their mother was. But after the university of Michigan hospital told me I had 2 to 5 years to live, that I should quit my job, and basically go and die.

Sid Roth: I have had friends that have died from Lou Gehrig's disease, does anyone survive?

Wendy Moore: No, it is a fatal disease: it's always fatal. Your nerves die off and would supply your muscles with the ability to function, and your muscles waste away. And it's a tragic and terrible death.

Sid Roth: But you had an aunt that told you something you had never heard.

Wendy Moore: Yup, she told me that there were promises in God's word for my healing, and that, "I was going to live and not die, and declare the works of the Lord". And I went to Bible college and started learning what exactly God's word had to say concerning God's healing. And that healing was for me, and that Jesus was no respecter of persons. And if he healed one person, he would heal me too.

Sid Roth: Now, I understand, even though you didn't have your balance and you're literally coming apart at the seams, you determined to go back to work, working on an ambulance. Tell me about that.

Wendy Moore: Well, I just decided you know that "Faith without works is dead" and if I was going say that I was healed, and know that Jesus healed me, that I was going to have to act upon that. And that faith that I was saying with my mouth. And so I decided to go back to work full time, and everybody at work stood with me along with my wonderful family, and I didn't want a pity party, I wanted everybody to agree with me that the ramifications and the manifestations of the healing would come. And that's exactly what I did. I carried out my life like normal.

Sid Roth: 2 years later, what happened to you?

Wendy Moore: It was actually like 2 years later. I consistently went down to the university of Michigan, for about 6 months. And they would always check me out. But the last time I went down which was in August, of 2003, they called me back, and they said, "Will you come back down in October for a repeat EMG, with the same doctor that did your original EMG"? And so, I agreed to do that. And in October 20, of 2003, I went back down for a repeat EMG. And the doctors were walking in and out of the room, and in and out of the room, asking a lot of questions.

Sid Roth: I can picture that scene.

Wendy Moore: Yeah, and they said, "Did your mother ever have polio when she was pregnant with you"? You know, they were just asking me questions, and they said, "You know Wendy, you don't have ALS. We don't know what's happened here, but your nerves-they are trying to repair themselves". They said, "That I look like my nerve endings look like somebody that had polio 50 years ago, but they were not dying off anymore". And that's what ALS is: it's the nerves are actively dying off. And when they made the original diagnosis, they saw nerve death within 14 days of the test. And when they did the EMG almost 3 years later, the nerves stopped dying off.

Sid Roth: So what did the doctors have to say about this?

Wendy Moore: They had to leave us alone in the room for about 30 minutes because we were just in awe. I had never felt so close, felt God's presence so over: it was an overwhelming feeling. Like God had answered our prayers exactly how we asked him to answer them. You know, we stood in faith. We trusted him. We acted upon his word. And he...

Sid Roth: But what did the doctor's say?

Wendy Moore: They said, "It's a miracle"! They said they have-the doctor came in and told my mom and dad, "You just got your daughter back! We have never been able to tell anybody this, but you just got your daughter back"! And, they were crying. They were absolutely devastated that the never came back to anyone...

Sid Roth: But Wendy, don't you understand that the disease you had is a death sentence?

Wendy Moore: Absolutely, I do and I've seen so many people that have since died from Lou Gehrig's disease and I know, I'm here today for proclaiming the works of the Lord.

Sid Roth: Do you believe everyone can experience healing that follows what you had to follow?

Wendy Moore: Absolutely...

Sid Roth: I am so glad Wendy, that you're in the book. I'm sorry because of time, that I have to say goodbye to you right, now, but melonie, there are so many stories like this, and so well documented.

Melanie Hemry: Thank you.

Sid Roth: I can't wait to get to some of the others. We'll be right back after this word.

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here with, Melanie Hemry, and I'm so excited about these documented miracles. For instance, I've got 23 pages here of a man by the name of Desmond Ooman. And Desmond was a 4-year-old boy. Listen to this medical report. How would you have liked to be his parents? "He has a grave", and that's the word in the medical report, "A grave form of autism, absolutely no involvement to the world around him". And then it goes on to say, "He must learn to live with it. This will never be able to heal again". Melanie, this is such an amazing story, and there are so many people that have either hopeless situations that are watching us right now or children with autism. What type of bazaar activity did he do?

Melanie Hemry: He was uncontrollable. He rarely slept, he banged his head against the walls for hours at a time. He had obsessive: he didn't speak much, but he would go obsessively, "I am Desmond, I am Desmond". He would scream, he would spit his food. The stress of trying to raise this child almost destroyed the family.

Sid Roth: And we have like the before and after as he's grown up young man right now. And I want in his own words for him to describe what it was like to have this disease.

Desmond Ooman: You must know that I couldn't really control what I was doing. It was something like, a human being with no purpose just doing what it was told. (something like that.)

Sid Roth: And his mother got a hold of what the Bible had to say about healing, and she did, Melanie, the most amazing thing. Rather than her son just repeating for hours, and hours, "I'm Desmond, I'm Desmond". What did she have him do?

Melanie Hemry: She taught him to say, "I'm healed, I'm healed, I'm healed" for hours on end.

Sid Roth: And you know, the healing wasn't instant. Again, it took a while, and one day he went on the school bus to his special needs children. And he was coming home, and what happened?

Melanie Hemry: Well, when he went to school that morning, he had been totally autistic. And when he came home from school, he walked up to his mother, looked in her eyes, and said, "Why am I going to school with those strange children"?

Sid Roth: I like that word, "Strange children". He's saying those children are strange in his own words as he remembers this. Let's find out what happened on the bus.

Desmond Ooman: I was sitting on the bus, and in the meantime, I was like an autistic child, and all the time, I was thinking like a normal person. And the first thing I mentioned was, "Strange children": people laying on the ground because they have some kind of physical attacks you couldn't see: very strange. And I was thinking about myself. "Well, why am I sitting in that school? I don't have such problems". I think that I was heavily autistic, but nevertheless, I was healed. I think from that moment on I was stepping out of the bus. I said to my mother, "Mother, why are there all the strange children at my school"? And my mother was very happy, and yes, I was too I guess. For the first time in my life, I had a social talk with my parents.

Sid Roth: I don't know about you, but to your knowledge, have you ever heard of someone with autism being healed?

Melanie Hemry: I've never heard of it a single time. That doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but I've never heard of it. And it's become rampant in our society. This young man lived in Holland, and his mother got a hold of the Word of God and refused to let go of believing that by Jesus' stripes, he was healed.

Sid Roth: I want to see a clip of his mother. His powerful mother.

Annet Ooman: Everything he couldn't do before, like riding a bicycle, like keeping his balance, like making friends and keeping friends and have a good social life, he can do anything now, because of God. There is total healing for every disease, whatever it is. And you know, it's not only for Desmond, it's also for everyone who is watching, who is in need of a miracle.

Sid Roth: And you've heard the phrase, "All things are possible". Well, this fellow with severe autism, do you know where he's enrolled right now?

Melanie Hemry: In law school.

Sid Roth: Did you get that? In law school! So no matter how, in fact, you told me the Spirit of God told you, there were people watching that have hopeless situations. Would you speak to them right now?

Melanie Hemry: There are people watching the show, who the doctors have told you the facts. And the facts are, you're dying. But the truth of God's word is that by Jesus' stripes, you're healed and don't let go of that. In the spirit, it looks like the grand canyon, and you're standing on the edge of the abyss, about to step over. And God's saying, "Come away with me". Step back, you don't have to die prematurely. You don't have to die prematurely. God wants to know you intimately, and his promises are available to you as much today as it was when Desmond was 10 years old, and he was healed. And there's also someone who's feeling very helpless and despairing of life and that darkness is like a ball of twine. But God knows which one to pull to unravel the whole thing. Don't give up. He's there for you.

Sid Roth: And that's the message of your book, don't give up. Tell me about that fellow that was dying, it was from Africa, a form of lymphoma. In fact, I think a lot of those records you have are on him.

Melanie Hemry: These are his medical records.

Sid Roth: Tell me what happened to him?

Melanie Hemry: His name is Brian wills, he was 22 years old. A professional tennis player, and he was diagnosed with burkitt's lymphoma which is one of the fastest growing cancers in the world. Primarily occurs in African children. Nobody knows why this man got it. But it sometimes kills children in a day.

Sid Roth: So, I mean this was, about as hopeless a situation.

Melanie Hemry: Right.

Sid Roth: As you can get.

Melanie Hemry: He was diagnosed Friday with a tumor the size of a golf ball, and on Tuesday, when they admitted him to the national institute of health, it was 10 inches across, and he was given, his kidneys had shut down, and he was given 10 hours to live.

Sid Roth: It doesn't get much worse than that. We'll be back after this word,

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here with, Melanie Hemry and we're talking about a young man that had everything. Everything to live for, where he's starting the professional tennis circuit, and all of a sudden, out of the blue, he has a form of lymphoma, not just lymphoma, but from Africa. A very rare variety, and what, he was given 10 hours to live.

Melanie Hemry: 10 hours to live.

Sid Roth: Tell me the rest.

Melanie Hemry: He went to the Lord, and said, "What can I do"? And the Lord said, "You have to follow my steps". And he said, "What are they"? And he said, "The Lord told him first and foremost, that he had unforgiveness about somebody". And unforgiveness, Sid, is one of that will hold disease in its place.

Sid Roth: That is a cancer.

Melanie Hemry: It is a cancer!

Sid Roth: Unforgiveness.

Melanie Hemry: It is, and the Lord showed him this. And Brian said, I don't even know how to reach that person to repent to. And a phone number marched across his mind. He dialed it from the hospital room at the national institute of health. He didn't tell the person, "I'm on my deathbed", just apologized. Got things right, and his kidney started working. I have the record right here, Sid, where the doctor says, "His kidneys have opened up".

Sid Roth: You've got the medical records.

Melanie Hemry: Medical record-and they couldn't understand why that happened. And he didn't die in 10 hours, and he was still alive 2 days later. So they did another ct scan of his entire body and came and told him, he was in ed, I've got that on his record.

Sid Roth: What does that mean?

Melanie Hemry: "No evidence of disease".

Sid Roth: I like that, ned ñ no evidence of disease.

Melanie Hemry: By this time, when he had this ct scan, it was in his liver, his lungs, all his bones and his kidneys.

Sid Roth: Mm.

Melanie Hemry: And he forgave. And the Lord showed him, he had been lax in paying his tithes, and he paid his tithes. Everything started working, and there was no evidence of disease. The burkitt's lymphoma, they could find no evidence of it anywhere in his body.

Sid Roth: But then they were doing an experimental chemo on him, why did they do that if there's no, ned, no evidence of disease?

Melanie Hemry: The doctors used fear, I think to try to get his parents, like if 1 cell is left somewhere in his body, it could come back and kill him so quick. And we're doing this research, and it will help other people if he would go through it. So we recommend that he stay here and have this chemotherapy. And he finally convinced him to do it, and Brian stayed and had this new protocol of chemotherapy for about 8 months and went through horrible side effects. Lost his hair, lost weight, fell out of bed, was too weak to get up. The incredible things, but his family did what winnie Moore did and some of the other people in the book. They got the Word of God, and they just clung to it. They pasted scriptures to his wall: he confessed those scriptures.

Sid Roth: You know in Judaism, what we're supposed to do is put scripture on the doorpost of our home, and under the new covenant, we should put it on, the mirror: so that every time we go, so I got to go in and shave, I see God's word about healing.

Melanie Hemry: That's exactly what they did. They put it everywhere. And he eventually lived, while everybody else around him was dying. And when he went back for a 6-month checkup. They told him, "We had never tested that drug before, and we now know that the drug is lethal. Everyone that took that drug, died from the drug except you".

Sid Roth: Everyone died.

Melanie Hemry: Everyone.

Sid Roth: Why didn't he die?

Melanie Hemry: Because he hung on to the Word of God that said, "By his stripes, I am healed". And they kept praying and confessing the scripture, and the power of God's word was so alive, it did more good then the medicine could do damage.

Sid Roth: That's quite a mouthful. Tell me about this book. What kind of feedback are you getting?

Melanie Hemry: The feedback we've gotten is that people are getting hope. People, because most people think, if they don't get an instant miracle, God didn't heal them. That's not the case. And the people reading the book are learning that if you hang on to the Word of God's promises, and in the back of the book are all the healing scriptures you can stand on. And if you hang on to those, that God's faithful to just don't give up. That's the message. Don't give up. Don't ever give up.

Sid Roth: Maybe you should change the title to "Don't give up".

Melanie Hemry: That should probably be the title of the book.

Sid Roth: Now, something that you talk about a lot it the partnership': and that's the key operative word. The partnership' between God and man'.

Melanie Hemry: Right, we've all got a part. Everybody's got a part. Isn't it amazing? We're a 3-part being, and we're made in his image. And we're like, we become his children and he wants to impart to us his authority. When Yeshua left earth, he gave us, the believers the authority and we can use that authority for our self or other people, but literally, God's word, the Bible is so full of life. The scripture is healing: the Bible says, "Healing to your bones, in your marrow". Well, Brian wills didn't have any marrow left after all that chemo, but the Word of God healed him. There's literally tangible power in the Word of God in the scripture.

Sid Roth: Tell me one more story from the book. I mean these stories are so wonderful, I think they should be read to children at night. You should read them to yourself and night. Tell me one more that comes to mind.

Melanie Hemry: Well, actually she's a friend of mine in here. Anita Siddiki who at age 26 was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. You know any?

Sid Roth: I've interviewed Anita. Go ahead.

Melanie Hemry: And Anita had been a classical pianist, and she lost the ability to play the piano. She became blind in one eye, paralyzed on one side. She couldn't hold her baby, she couldn't see her baby, she couldn't feel his face. And the enemy, she would just be bombarded with pictures in her mind of her funeral, and her 2 sons, infants and her husband by her graveside and she would die. And she determined to hang on to God's word, and she forced to change the channel in the mind. So every time that scene of her funeral would come, she would make herself see herself playing tennis, playing piano, playing with her kid. And it was just like other stories. There was never one day that she was instantly healed. But after about 2 years of this, all of a sudden she realized that gradually, one tiny increment at a time, she was well.

Sid Roth: So the story is, how can two walk together, unless they be agreed. So she had pictures in her mind that were in disagreement with the promises of God's word, and she just blinded her thoughts with God's word.

Melanie Hemry: And one of the things, that was hard for me was, her mother was a Christian, and died of cancer. She had prayed, and a lot of people had prayed. And so Anita's like, "Now, I've been given a sentence". The doctor said when she was 26: "All we can give you is a wheelchair and a Catheter". So she had to climb over the doubt and unbelief about her mother and get in the word for herself to hang on to it. And when that happened, the power of God just healed the nerves in her body. And they said, "Well, you can never have another child". Well, she did, and he's a teenager today.

Sid Roth: You know, healing is sort of like the game of baseball. You know, 3 strikes, and you're out. That's what most people think. But, new rules: kingdom rules. You can keep swinging at the ball until you hit your home run. The only way you're out is if you take the bat, and you throw it out, and you give up. But God says, "All things are possible". And that's a pretty inclusive promise. "All things are possible to those who believe". There are even people that are deaf right now and the blockage is coming out of your ears. But the greatest partnership between man and God is to have the life of God inside of you, and that means he will never leave or forsake you. And when you die, you just shed your earth suit, and you're in the arms of Messiah. And when you live, you walk in your earth suit, in a healthy earth suit. And you fulfill kingdom principles. You must make Jesus your Messiah and Lord. Just, my favorite prayer. I prayed it as a Jewish man. Didn't know my left hand from my right hand. Here was my prayer, "Jesus help". Except there was a whole lot more emotion than that: "Jesus, help"!
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