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Sid Roth — Seven Biblical Feasts

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. I just love the rarified air of Heaven, the supernatural of God, the presence of God. I have a question for you. Why are the Jewish feasts removed from Christianity? Let me pose it a little differently. They are Jewish feasts, but they're not just Jewish feasts. They're biblical feasts. But God says in Leviticus, it calls them "my feasts." So they're God's feasts. So why were the Jewish biblical God feasts removed from Christianity? It's a question to ponder. Now there's only one person that benefits for these being removed if, as you're about ready to find out, they clearly show what is going to happen in the End Times, in mystery code, just as the first few feasts that are God's feasts show the whole first coming of Jesus, the last feasts show the return of Jesus. Who benefits by keeping believers [unintelligible]. I have Perry Stone here and, Perry, the last time that I interviewed him he brought someone with him, his father, who is now in Heaven. And his father operated in all nine gifts of the spirit, and I asked Perry the last time I spoke with him, did your father have a prophetic word just before he died, and you answered?

PERRY: He said the Lord spoke to him, and this was about a month before he passed, that in the last days as we come closer to the time of the end, believers were going to come under a stress, a lot of Satanic temptation. And he said, some of this will be temptations that people have ever dealt with, he said, godly people, he said some will be sexual temptations with thoughts in their mind to do things that they've never thought of doing. He said, he was crying when he told me this. And he said, "Please tell them that the Lord said they have to pray excessively in the Holy Spirit. They have to use the prayer language of the Spirit, and when they're under temptation, don't try to fight it by rebuking it in your natural tongue. Fight it by praying heavy in the Spirit of God to get your mind renewed." That was one of the last things he said.

SID: I have to tell you, Perry, I feel like I don't want to go out in the world unless I've prayed for about an hour in tongues. And I've been doing this now for the last few years, and I've been urging everyone else.


SID: But I didn't know that prophetic word. Okay. Perry has spent 80,000, listen to me, 80,000 hours studying the Word of God. Perry is one of the pioneers of what is known as the Jewish roots movement. Perry comes from, is it three generations?

PERRY: Four generations.

SID: Four generations of people in ministry. He has something that you must understand. Tell me how you first got interested in Israel and even the Jewish roots. Because if you come from the background that I think you do, you didn't even hear a lot about the Old Testament.

PERRY: The only thing I heard growing up was Pentecost, because that was the background of our group. I didn't know anything about Passover. I didn't know, I probably didn't hear about unleavened bread until I was in my 20s. And the, what triggered me was a trip to Israel, the very first trip I made. And I saw some things that I won't have time to go into detail with, the earthquake fault line on Mt. of Olives, the giant birds that were repopulating up in the Bashan area. And I realized this is all in the Bible, but it wasn't being reported here, you know. It's kind of like they knew it there, but it wasn't being reported here. So I started going to Israel. When I would go, I would take a photographer to take slide pictures and I would come back to the States and begin to show, I call it UpdateI of Israel. And I would begin to show the pictures along with the teaching that the Lord had given me, and it just absolutely became the most popular teaching of the whole week. The largest group of people to attend would come and they would bring unsaved people. A lot of people came to know the Lord because they realized what's written in the Bible is happening. Number one, that makes God's work real. It makes God real. Number two, it means we're coming into the last days.

SID: Feasts. Where does that fit into it? When did your eyes open up to why the feasts in the Bible are so important?

PERRY: It was probably, you know, I started preaching when I was 17. Probably in my 30s when I really started doing, digging in deep into the Hebraic roots, and I realized that the seven festivals of Israel, the Moedim, the seven festivals of Israel called the feasts, are convocations of God, but they are appointed seasons. If you look at some of the wording in Hebrew, but also one of the translations in the English Bible will tell you, "these are my appointed times." Now what really got my interest was that Jesus came as the lamb, but is coming back as the lion of the Jews. So there's two natures here in one man: the suffering Messiah and the ruling Messiah. Now those of you may be watching the program from Israel and you have a rabbi, one of the things the rabbis teach is there is a Messiah coming, but there's two Messiahs: Messiah, son of Joseph, the suffering Messiah and Messiah, son of David. And they even believed that in Jesus' day. But the thing you have to understand is in the scripture he's the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first, the last. The first time he came, he came to fulfill Isaiah 53, the suffering Messiah. But the second time he comes back, he comes back as the son of David to rule on the throne, Mashiach, the son of David. And so if we understand that, then we can better understand that the feasts are divided up into three sections. There's three spring feasts are fulfilled through Yeshua, through his resurrection, death, burial, etc., his appearance to the disciples during [unintelligible]. Pentecost was the birth of the, what we call the New Testament church, the [unintelligible], the called out ones on Pentecost. But we've not yet quite gotten to the three fall feasts yet. That's Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles. And when I started really studying this, I said, wait a minute. They're not preaching to me, they're not sharing with me that these three fall feasts are all in prophecy and have not yet happened. Why are we not studying this? And that's what triggered me into studying, is you realize three of the fall feasts hadn't totally taken place yet.

SID: Well you know, Perry mentioned a word in Leviticus 23: "convocation". In the Hebrew that could be translated: "rehearsal." Now if you saw the rehearsals for the first coming of the Messiah and they came out to the decimal point, I mean, it's uncanny. God is so magnificent how God could do this. Wouldn't you like to know what the last, the fall feasts are all about, which will show you to the decimal point everything you need to know about the return of the Messiah? I'll be right back.
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