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Sid Roth - Why Is Sid Holding This Strange Face?

Sid Roth - Why Is Sid Holding This Strange Face?

My guests say you can be free of pain, sickness, poverty and fear from ancient recipes. Ancient recipes! Next on this edition of It's Supernatural.

Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth your investigative reporter. I'm here with Betsy and Chester Kylstra. Have you ever felt that there is something holding you back? There is like almost an invisible enemy that is stopping you from fulfilling your destiny, from fulfilling your potential, and you don't mean to be paranoid, but there are certain fears within. You don't even know where they're coming from. There are certain insecurities. You have no comprehension. You know they're there. You're working on it. You're being a positive thinker. But it's been almost haunting you all of your life. Well my guests are experts from ancient, ancient recipes on setting people free so you can be who you were created to be, so you can have some happiness in this life, so you can have some purpose, you can have some meaning. I mean, have you ever felt within, I know there's something more for my life, but I'm in prison. I'm trapped. Chester, you were trapped. You had a father that left your family at an early age.

Chester Kylstra: Yes. He actually left by dying. My dad died when I was two years old.

Sid Roth: And what does a two-year-old make of that?

Chester Kylstra: Well I can't really go back and analyze my thinking. But I know the consequences on my life were that I grew up feeling that I was abandoned and rejected, and acted that out. I think the strategy that I developed was if I avoid other people they'll probably leave me alone. And I became very good at that, and I lived my life, I would say, well others probably didn't know I was a recluse, but inside I was. I really withdrew.

Sid Roth: You probably had to force yourself when you were with a crowd of people at a party.

Chester Kylstra: Yeah. I was the one who stood in the corner and avoided other people. And someone came and talk to me, I would talk to them, but I didn't seek out other people.

Sid Roth: Tell me the one defining moment, and I know it's a series of things, but the one defining moment that changed that in your life.

Chester Kylstra: Well there was a defining moment and there were a series. But probably the one I'd like to share with you is Betsy and I were married. And one day we were driving over to the beach from our home and God had begun to draw us back into his family, into his life and draw me out of my shell. And I was laying in the back of this van that we had, we had a bed there, and I would just pray, and I was learning how to pray. I really didn't know what I was doing, but I was praying. And suddenly the God of the universe, God our Father, came and revealed himself to me as my father. I was about 40 years old by now, so I had lived all my life without a father, and now suddenly I had one.

Sid Roth: Tell me. I'm very interested in this.

Chester Kylstra: Okay.

Sid Roth: What did he exactly do? What did he say?

Chester Kylstra: Well I wish I knew what he had exactly done. All I know is I felt this love and this acceptance, and it was like I suddenly had a father and I just started wailing. I mean, it was like years of grief and anger.

Sid Roth: Were you the type of person that would cry at the drop of a handkerchief?

Chester Kylstra: I'm in a shell. I don't do things like that, of course not. But I just wailed. I mean, I don't know for how long, five, ten minutes, something like that, and it was like all these buried things just, you know. It wasn't a total healing, but it was a major, major change in my life.

Sid Roth: How did it feel to know that God loved you?

Chester Kylstra: Oh it just radically changed everything. I mean, I think I relaxed for the first time in my life. It was like suddenly I knew that God loved me and I didn't have to earn it.

Sid Roth: Betsy, how different was he after that experience?

Betsy Kylstra: He was radically different. I was driving as this was happening in the back seat. I never heard him cry about anything and I felt a deep impression to keep my mouth shut while this was going on. And he began to relax, to be loving, to be affectionate, to reach out to me and the family, first of all, and then to other people. So it was sort of like one of those dividing lines between night and day.

Sid Roth: So he became from a hermit to a social human.

Betsy Kylstra: He became a social human who liked people.

Chester Kylstra: When the process started, I wouldn't say it was completed, but it was the turning point that made it.

Sid Roth: All right. Betsy, interesting enough, you two have similarities in your background. You were an orphan.

Betsy Kylstra: I was an orphan, Sid. I was born in a Salvation Army shelter to a mother who had chosen to keep me and had just turned 17. And deep inside of myself I had a very deep sense of not belonging. I had a deep sense that I wasn't good enough and lots of fear and intimidation.

Sid Roth: Did you feel like you were a colossal mistake?

Betsy Kylstra: I felt like I was a colossal mistake. That's a good term for it, a big mistake, and I would feel things like, excuse me for breathing your air. I shouldn't be here and I don't have any rights in this universe, so anything I do makes me a burden.

Sid Roth: That's got to be an awful prison to be in.

Betsy Kylstra: It was a prison. And as I began to understand that things came down the generational line, the fear and intimidation, and being a burden, and some of the other things I struggled with, I began to recognize as I read the Bible that those things actually came down as sins of the fathers in curses, which of course is found in the Ten Commandments in Exodus, in the Book of Exodus, the 20th Chapter. And I began to see that there was a way that I could begin to get free of that.

Sid Roth: Hold that thought. Did you hear what she just said? That this ancient book called the Bible had a recipe that these curses can pass from generation to generation, but so can blessings. Let's find out how she reversed the curse. We'll be back right after this word.

Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth your investigative reporter here with Betsy and Chester Kylstra, just an average, all, Heinz 57 type everyday type of couple. But hidden beyond the facade that they have on the outside is a past that haunts them until they find a way to be free. Now Betsy, you said that your mother decided to keep you, but you were eventually adopted. Explain that.

Betsy Kylstra: Well in 1940, there was a great deal of pressure on people to not bring shame to the family and to have an abortion, so she strongly considered that as an option due to family pressure and growing up in a small town. But she made the decision that two wrongs don't make a right, and so she decided to keep me and give me up for adoption, and so I was adopted by a wonderful family.

Sid Roth: But if you had this wonderful family, how come you still felt like a colossal mistake?

Betsy Kylstra: Well, you know, those wounds had already taken place and I had already felt this pain of rejection. And it wasn't until some years later when I began to read in the ancient recipe in the Bible that said that God was there and he was the one that knit me together in my mother's womb, and I hadn't been an accident. I realized for the first time I wasn't an accident, that he watched over that whole process and he formed me, and it was the beginning of feeling a sense of purpose.

Sid Roth: You actually had, I believe it was almost a vision of this. Tell me about it.

Betsy Kylstra: I had a vision when I didn't know that God gave people visions, didn't know anything about it. And one day I was with a friend and we began to pray, and I saw this picture of a little girl being born, and then I saw Jesus pick up this little baby and just look at her with this incredible adoration and love, and say, "I am so glad you are here. I have such a wonderful purpose for your life". And it wasn't until that minute I realized that was me and I began to weep, but receive the love and the sense of purpose for my life that I had not had up until that point. And so that was another one of those key moments of healing when all the enemy would like to have done to shut down my destiny, God began to bring forth.

Sid Roth: Now the two of you have a teaching that you have developed of four major barriers, if you will, that keeps us prisoner. Do you want to be set free? I know you do. Is it an accident you're watching right now? Absolutely not. You know why? Because God is interested in you as a person. Now the question that I have is tell me what these four barriers, if you will, are.

Betsy Kylstra: Okay. Well you begin with the very first one, which is we call generational sins and curses, where the sins of the fathers are passed down to the next generations, and it's like this cloak. This has got different words on it: prisoner, pride, fear, anger. These are characteristics of some of the things that come down our generational line. And because Jesus became a curse for us so that we could have the blessings of Abraham, then as we begin to appropriate or apply the power of what he's done for us in our lives, these can be broken off.

Sid Roth: Depression can be broken off.

Betsy Kylstra: Depression can be broken off.

Sid Roth: Anxiety.

Betsy Kylstra: Anger, fear. What happens, as these come down the generational line, let's say that you're born into a family that has a lot of anger, that family treats you with anger and this creates hurts or wounds in your life where your heart breaks, and so that heart needs to be healed. Now as our heart is broken, out of our hurts we develop our belief system. It comes out of what our parents tell us and what happens when we get hurt? We decide, I'm not good, nobody cares, I'll always be rejected, and those beliefs become like something we wear over our heads that cloud our hold vision of the world. I can't see you real well.

Sid Roth: I don't belong. I'll be rejected. God doesn't care. I will fail. People love me for what I do.

Betsy Kylstra: Yes. That's one of the things you feel. When you get wounded and the only times you get praised are when you do something good.

Sid Roth: So you learn that as a child.

Betsy Kylstra: So you learn that as a child. So we have this, the generational sins and curses, the wounded heart, these, what we call ungodly beliefs. And out of all those then the enemy has a right to come in and harass us, and this just represents that torment from the enemy.

Sid Roth: And then you said we end up getting married.

Betsy Kylstra: Right.

Sid Roth: And we end up, it seems almost diabolical, we marry someone that pulls those same problems out of us and amplifies them.

Betsy Kylstra: Exactly.

Chester Kylstra: That's right. We like to use these magnets as an example. It's almost like we attract to us not only the mate we can love, but also the one that stirs up all those hurts, all the beliefs that we have and the demons.

Sid Roth: Betsy.

Betsy Kylstra: Yes.

Sid Roth: Give me an example of how all four of these work together against us.

Betsy Kylstra: All right. Let me give you an example, because this is one a lot of us will relate to, of somebody who grows up in an alcoholic home. In an alcoholic home, we know that one of the sins that comes down in a sin of addiction and alcohol is a form of that. The statistics are amazing. Four out of five children of an alcoholic will be alcoholic. So in that alcoholic home that child is yelled at and screamed at, and left, and that child develops wounds in their hearts. And they soon begin to say, I don't matter, I can't really count on anybody, nobody will be there for me when I have a hurt. And so all of this belief system develops, and then of course, the enemy comes and whispers in your ear, "That's right, you really are no good". And so when we get that person free we want to break the power of the generational sins and curses, pray for this heart to be healed, address these lies that have come in through the hurts and get rid of any oppression from the enemy.

Sid Roth: Well that's what we're going to do. We're going to get rid of this. Don't go away. We'll be right back.

Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth investigative reporter here with Betsy and Chester Kylstra. They are people like you and I that had big time hindrances towards achieving their destiny. But they've been able to identify four areas in which we get trapped, we get imprisoned and how to get set free. Now Chester, tell me one person that comes to mind that was set free.

Chester Kylstra: Well I'm thinking of a time when we were teaching in a Bible college in Russia. And so we were working through translators and all that. But we worked the people through the four areas. We taught on them and then did group ministry. And we got near the end and we were praying for the healing of the heart, and this one fellow just sort of fell out of his chair and onto the floor, and he was just laying there, and obviously God was ministering to him.

Sid Roth: What caused him to fall?

Chester Kylstra: Well I don't know. We're assuming just the presence of the Holy Spirit just, and maybe some of the pain that was being stirred up, and it was being worked on much like I shared when God was showing himself to me as a father. But and so we finished class. He went home and he came back the next day, and he gave this testimony that he had had a broken collar bone for 21 years. And when he looked in the mirror at home that evening his collar bone was straight because it had healed crooked. And so all he knew is that somehow it had straightened while God was also ministering to his inner pain, his inner healing.

Sid Roth: When we can receive the love that God has for us, we literally, the barriers to physical healing disappear.

Chester Kylstra: That's right.

Sid Roth: You tell me about one person, Betsy.

Betsy Kylstra: I'd just, I'd like to tell you about a doctor who came and his name, I'll just call him Dr. Ray, and he had tremendous back problems, and he had eye problems. He had to wear dark glasses because his eyes were so sensitive. And he came in to a prayer session, and as we broke generational sins and curses in those that were ministering with him and dealt with his heart, the next day, he just had a first prayer session, the next day he came back without his dark glasses and he said that the light no longer hurt his eyes and that his back had not hurt for the first time in about five years.

Chester Kylstra: Now this is just after dealing with the ancestral sins and curses.

Betsy Kylstra: Sins and curses.

Chester Kylstra: We hadn't even dealt with the other three areas yet.

Sid Roth: Okay. Let's do that right now. Why do we have to deal with this? What does the Bible say?

Betsy Kylstra: Well the Bible says the sins of the fathers are visited upon the third and fourth generations of them that hate him, and that means those that are disobedient to him. And so, and but the Bible says that can be broken.

Sid Roth: Would you do that right now.

Betsy Kylstra: Okay.

Sid Roth: Look right in the camera.

Betsy Kylstra: Okay.

Chester Kylstra: Let us do it together.

Betsy Kylstra: All right. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

Chester Kylstra: We just thank you, Lord, for those who like me suffered a lot of rejection and isolation. And Lord, we just ask you to give them grace right now that they can confess the sins of their fathers, which is what God asked us to do. When we acknowledge the fact that our fathers have sinned and rejected, and been abandoned, and then we acknowledge that as our own sin, then God can move into his place of mercy. And so we just do that now. Lord, we ask you to move into that place of mercy as we acknowledge that we come from a family of broken people who isolate each other, who reject each other, who abandon. And of course, the extreme part of that is when fathers abandon their children. So we acknowledge that. Lord, we forgive those people and release them. We're not going to blame them or hold them accountable any longer. And now Lord, we ask you to forgive us. I ask you to forgive me for the ways I have received that abandonment, but then also abandoned other people or rejected other people, or isolated other people. Thank you, Lord, for just setting us free of that curse and showing us the way to move on to get healed of the hurts that come from that abandonment and rejection, to get free of whatever demonic oppression there is and to get our minds renewed to expect you to love us and accept us right where we are, but not be willing to let us stay here. We thank you, Lord that you love us too much to let us stay here. But you're going to move us on to become more and more like Yeshua.

Sid Roth: I notice that you said to almost identify with the sins of your fathers.

Chester Kylstra: Right.

Sid Roth: What did you mean by that?

Chester Kylstra: Well again, in the Book of Leviticus, God mentions for the first time how to get free of this curse. And he says if you'll acknowledge or confess your sins and the sins of your forefathers, and if you'll bury your punishment, and if you will humble yourself, and it takes humbling if we're going to confess all this, he says, "Then I'll remember my covenant with Jacob, with Isaac and with Abraham, and I'll remember my covenant with the land". And that's the only place, Sid, in the Bible that we've been able to find where God mentions the patriarchs in reverse order. Usually he says, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But at that point it's like he's going back up the family line, acknowledging the fact that they were not perfect. It's not that we're blaming them, but we're acknowledging that they broke God's laws and that God had a right to release the consequences of that.

Sid Roth: Betsy, very quickly, look in the camera and pray for someone that says, I identify, I feel like a mistake. Very quickly.

Chester Kylstra: Thank you, Lord.

Betsy Kylstra: Lord, I just thank you for your plans and purposes that they were established for each one of us for the foundation of the world, and I thank you that you watched over each of us as we were knit together in our mother's womb. And I break the curse of being a mistake off of every person who will receive that right now. We break it in Jesus' name and I thank you. We release the original purpose and eternal purposes that God has always had for your life. Amen.

Sid Roth: You are not an accident.

Chester Kylstra: Amen.

Sid Roth: You are not a mistake. You are loved. Before you were conceived in your mother's womb God knew you. He knew your name. He called you. He has a wonderful purpose for your life. But the only way you'll achieve that purpose is to repent, turn from your sins, tell God that you're sorry, believe the blood of Jesus washes away all of your sins and then make him your Messiah and Lord. Say out loud: Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all of my sin. Against you and you alone have I sinned. I believe your blood washes away my sins. Come inside of me. O God, I want to know you. I want to know THE Father. I've had imperfect fathers. I want to know THE Father. I want to know you. I really need to know you. I really need to experience your love. That's him right now. He's there. He's there.
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