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Samuel Rodriguez - But It Happened On The Sabbath

Samuel Rodriguez - But It Happened On The Sabbath
TOPICS: Miracle

John 5, «Afterward, Jesus returned to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish holy days. Inside the city near the sheep gate, was the pool of Bethesda with five covered porches. Crowds of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, lay on the porches waiting for a certain movement of the water. For an angel of the Lord would come from time to time and stir up the water. And the first person to step in would receive healing. One of the men lying there», we’re gonna illustrate this. George, I pay you well. You’re a great man of God, indeed.

That’s George, stand up for one second 'cause people don’t know and understand they need to see you. Does anyone here know who Denzel Washington is? If you do, raise your hand. I’m not gonna make this awkward. Okay. George, if you want his autograph do it afterwards. George grew up with the neighbor of the friend of the cousin of the uncle who was the mechanic who lived next-door to Denzel’s second cousin. Don’t get autographs, that’d be awkward, just wait afterwards. And go ahead, George. Thanks a lot. That’s it. Actually, he looks like Sammy Davis junior. But back, back, back. «One of the men lying there had been sick for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him and knew he had been ill,» 38 years. «When Jesus saw him and knew he had been ill for a long time, he asked him, 'would you like to get well'»?

To all the preachers in the house, do your biblical exigent in the Greek, Jesus was actually asking him, «Do you want what I have for you? 'i can’t, sir, ' said the man». Look at this. Jesus asked, «Do you want what I have for you? Do you wanna get well»? And he says, «I can’t». That’s called grammatical incoherence. «'i can’t for I have no one to put me into the pool when the water bubbles up. Someone else gets there ahead of me. I always miss my turn'. So, Jesus told him,» alright, after the man pushed back, Jesus said, «Stand up, pick up,» and by the way, the stand up is actually the exclamation point. It’s, «'stand up! Pick up your mat, start walking'. Instantly, the man was healed! He rolled up his sleeping mat and began walking»!

But here’s the clincher on the message. «But this miracle happened on the sabbath». The word but is a conjunction and it means it’s a grammatical interrupter. It wasn’t supposed to happen on the sabbath, but this miracle, it doesn’t say, «And this miracle,» but this miracle happened on the sabbath. I’mma speak to you what God told me to share with you and I’mma do it. The title is called, «But it happened on the sabbath. When God makes it happen when it’s not supposed to happen». And the subtitle would be, «You are next». But we call this holy harassment in my church in California. Look at your neighbor, the one you like the most, and tell 'em, «You are next». And tell your other neighbor, «You are next». A matter a fact, turn it around and just personalize it and tell someone, «I am next». But point to yourself, say, «I am next».

Now, can you dear, can you, there’s so much prophetic anointing here. Can you dare to just be prophetic and say, «I am next to see my entire family saved». Alright, I am next. But it happened on the sabbath. I want you to hear this, a story that, I mean, again, by the grace of God we produce movies. This is one of couple. We actually do, we have two already in production and we have a couple more already that we’re gonna be launching in the next couple of years. But to me, this is a movie, because you have a man who was paralyzed. You have Jesus, a man who was so close to his miracle, literally right there at the edge of his miracle. He’s seen other people experience their breakthrough in miracle and he misses it 'cause he’s depending on someone else. He’s paralyzed and he’s paralyzed.

And by the way, he was paralyzed because he was depending on someone else. I’mma say that one more time. He said it, verse 7, «I’m waiting for somebody. Every time that the waters bubble up, I think it’s my turn someone else gets there ahead of me 'cause no one is there to put me into the water 'cause I’m paralyzed. I’m lame». So, he was depending on someone else. Some of us depend on others and that’s why we’re paralyzed. We depend on others for our joy, and for our breakthrough, and our healing, and our faith walk. And we can’t live vicariously, spiritually speaking, through someone else. That when you depend on others more than you depend on God, perpetual paralysis will define you. You have to learn to depend on God.

The Psalmist said, Psalm 62:5, «I depend on God alone». Are you with me right now? So, paralysis. And to be paralyzed is to lack mobility and action, to be in a perpetual state of stagnation. And every single person here has suffered from paralysis. Maybe not physical, but spiritual, emotional, financial, relational, paralyzed integrity, paralyzed faith, paralyzed dreams, destiny, paralyzed family members, paralyzed ministries, believe it or not, paralyzed anointing, paralyzed joy, peace, paralyzed future, paralyzed worship, paralyzed by what? Paralyzed by sin, by failure, by fear, the past, shame, religious condemnation, self-pity, erroneous thoughts, abuse, broken relationships, unforgiveness, and unbelief. These things paralyze us.

Some people are paralyzed by the constant need to be validated. Like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like. You’re defined by the likes. Ladies and gentlemen, you are not defined by the likes of many. You are defined by the love of one. Paralyzed by fear, a fear of windows, of what you see in the outside world. Fear of mirrors, of what you see within yourselves. Paralyzed by permitting others to define you, by embracing descriptors that do not emerge from either the spirit or the Word of God, by other’s opinions of you, the epitome of grace, truth, and love desires to paralyze our future by definitions of the world, by nomenclatures, and descriptors assigned to us that do not line up with God’s prophetic purpose and destiny.

Oh, there is paralysis. So, you have to ask yourself. In order for you to go back and push back on this vestige of paralysis, especially the paralysis of identity, you have to ask yourself what defines you, who are you, what makes you, you? Are you defined by your past? Are you defined by your circumstance? Are you defined by what others say about you? Here’s the great news from what took place on the cross. Jesus defines you. I’m gonna say that one more time. Christ defines you. I’mma do that one more time. Christ defines you.

I wanna say this for the hearing impaired. Culture does not define you. Government does not define you. An idea does not define you. Jesus Christ defines you. The blood of Jesus defines you. The word of Jesus defines you. You’re not defined by what surrounds you, you’re defined by God’s spirit inside of you. You’re not defined by your circumstances, you’re defined by his covenant. You’re not defined by the hell you’re going through, you’re defined by the heaven you’re going to. You’re not defined by your failures, you’re defined by his forgiveness. To all the religious folk. You’re not defined by what you do for God, you’re defined by what God already did for you. It’s the cross, the empty tomb, the upper room. You’re defined by it. You’re defined by Galatians 2:20, «My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me». That’s what defines you.

And this is gonna be a little bit edgy but I am privy to conversations, not just in America but at the U.N. Across the world as it pertains to let’s just say an attempt to define who we are corporately as the Ecclesia. Let me explain. There is an attempt to divide us. There is an attempt like never before to define, how can I put this? There are external forces attempting to tell the followers of Christ who we are. That’s it. That’s the struggle right now. And not only who we are, but what part of the public sphere we should occupy. There is an attempt to marginalize us in a little corner of the box, and as long as we get together on Sunday mornings in some sort of perpetual echo chamber of affirmation, they are not bothered.

As long as Sunday morning we do the whole kumbaya and if you’re charismatic or Pentecostal you do the shake, the quake, and the bake, whatever it may be. But as long as we stay here, they’re all right. The moment we step out of there and we begin to speak prophetically into society and into culture, and into all realms, then there is some, you know, there is a glitch in the proverbial matrix. So, they’re telling us what we are. They’re telling us, «Oh, but you are just another religious idea. There’s nothing special about you». We need to know who we are. I said, «We need to know who we are».

One more time. We need to know who we are. Are you just another institution in society? Are we another religious faith narrative competing in the marketplace of ideas? Are we a feel-good apparatus for the spiritually impaired? Are we an antiquated conduit for a set of irrelevant values no longer applicable in the world of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube? How this generation responds will determine whether or not in the 21st century light will once again overcome darkness. Who are we? Hey, kingdom city, it’s time for us to man up. And I know that’s gender incorrect. Man, women, or whatever. It’s time for us to really… What does that mean? With truth and love, we need to respond with truth and love. Not out of ranker, not out of anger, but we gotta just, we have to stop walking like this and we gotta start walking like this. Are you with me right now?

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus. I am not ashamed of being a born-again Christ follower. I am not ashamed of gospel. Are you with me right now? When it’s time for us to really, we need to respond. It’s time to respond. We’ve been quiet for too long. We’ve been sacrificing truth on the altar of political expediency. We care about whether or not people like us rather than caring about whether or not we are loving God and pursuing righteousness. So, so, woah, woah. Perth, this is our response. You’re gonna respond like this.

«Who are we? We, kingdom city, we are the light of the world. We are a city on a hill. We are people of the word. We are salt and light. We are prophetic and not pathetic. We are disciples, witnesses, and Christ followers. We are apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors, and teachers. We are children of the cross, fruit of the empty tomb, and product of the upper room. We are the redeemed of the Lord. We are the sheep of his staff. We are forgiven, free, and favored. We are called and chosen. We are warriors and we are worshipers. We are the righteousness of God. We are world changers and we are history makers».

And let me tell you what we are not. We respectfully, respectfully, we are not Google. We are not Microsoft, we are not ford, and we’re not, this breaks my heart, we’re not even Starbucks. We are the church of Jesus Christ, and the gates of hell shall not, will not, may not, cannot, nowhere, no how, prevail against us. If you believe that, give God a shout. Are there any worshipers in the house? We are the church. High-five your neighbor and tell them, «We are the church». We are the church. We are the bride of Christ. We are the church. You’re not just anyone. We are the answer to this broken world. We are the answer to this broken world. We, we, we, we. For the sake of your children, my children, your children, and your children’s children, we have to repudiate this attempt.

I was asked recently, «What’s the number one problem in the world? Is it the darkness»? I said, «No». «You said no»? I said, «No». The darkness is not, «Is it moral relativism»? «No». «Is it cultural decadence»? «No». «It’s not? What’s the number one problem in the world»? And I said, «It’s a lukewarm church». Because if the church stands up, and I don’t mean the kind of church that’s obsessed with darkness. That’s awkward. Instead of taking, 'cause if you go into a dark room and you rebuke the darkness, pray for the darkness, fast about the darkness, why don’t you just turn on the light? I’mma prophesy now. Kingdom city, you are about to turn on the light not just in Australia, not just in Asia, but all over the world. You are about to turn on the light.

Wherever there is kingdom city darkness will flee. Wherever there is kingdom city the atmosphere will shift towards righteousness and justice. Wherever there is kingdom city, the name of Christ will reign supreme over all. Somebody, give God a praise. Hey, we gotta hurry. We gotta hurry. So, he was paralyzed. He was paralyzed. But on the sabbath, be aware of paralysis. But on the sabbath and so, he looks at him, «Do you want what I have for you? Do you want what I have for you»? And he says crazy stuff, it makes no sense. 'Cause it makes no sense. «Dude, do you want what I have for you»? And he says, «I can’t». It makes no sense. No, spiritually, of course, but even grammatically, if I asked you, «Do you want something»? It’s just yes or no. You said, «I can’t». Yeah, I didn’t ask you if you could, if you, obviously, you can’t.

If you could, you wouldn’t be here in the first place. The problem is, you’re full of yourself. Not only is your body paralyzed, your mind is paralyzed, your thinking is paralyzed, your language is paralyzed, your spirit is paralyzed. You think it’s about you. «Hey, sunshine, it’s not about your ability, it’s about my anointing. It’s not about your potential. It’s about my power». Are you getting this right now? Alright, alright. Now, wait. Let’s wrap up right here. Ah. Ooh. He says, «I can’t». This is, I was there 'cause I lived this. He says, «I can’t». This is what Jesus did. This is how Jesus responded to that incoherent, inappropriate response. Jesus could have said, «Oh, you can’t, I’m out of here. Because you can’t, you just, you’re not gonna get this». But he didn’t.

Jesus looks at him, the next verse, read it. This is what he says. He looks at him and says, «Stand up». No, you missed it. He totally ignored and bypassed the nonsense that came out of his mouth. No, I’mma do this one more time. Like, read it. He goes, «I can’t». Jesus said, «I don’t care, I’m still gonna tell you to stand up. I’m gonna ignore the foolishness that came out of your mouth». I don’t know about you but I’m thankful for every single time God ignored the foolishness that came out of my mouth. How many are grateful to God for every time you said something silly, God said, «I’m still gonna use you. I’m still gonna bless you. I’m still gonna lift you up. I’m still gonna turn you around. I’m still gonna show you my glory».

Alright. So, we’re gonna do this. So, here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna tell you, George, to stand up. When you stand up, I’m speaking prophetically. When you stand up, this will be the last day any person in this place in the name of Jesus by the authority of the Holy Spirit, this will be the last day your dream, your faith, your family, your future, your integrity, your holiness, your worship, your praise, your love, joy, and peace, patience, meekness, goodness, gentleness, temperance, mercy, faith, it’s the last day you will be paralyzed for the rest of your life. I don’t know if you know what’s about to happen in this place. What is it 8:37 PM, 8:37?

So, 8:37 we gonna just by, you put this down on your iPhone, Samsung, whatever you have, android, because at 8:30, it’s 8:30, yeah, we’re gonna go 8:38. It’s 35 seconds, 36 seconds. It will be the last minute, the last second you will never be paralyzed again. I’m prophesying. Your faith will be, whatever paralyzed you before will never be able to paralyze you again. Whatever paralyzed your praise, and your worship, and your joy, and your dream, and your holiness, and your righteousness, and your integrity, and your grace walk. Are you ready? So, when I count to three, paralysis will come to an end. Alright, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy. Somebody, lift up your hands. Oooh. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh.

Alright. He, Jesus, looked at him, and here it is. Let’s do it. Jesus, I’mma count to three and you’re gonna sit, Jesus looked at him and told him to stand up. Please, do your due diligence, your biblical due diligence. When Jesus told him to stand up, it wasn’t a recommendation. It wasn’t a suggestion. It wasn’t a hypothetical, it wasn’t even theoretical, and it wasn’t this, «At your discretion. With great due deference, if you’re inclined to engage in a posture of standing up of being erected, please do so at your discretion». No. If you do the Greek, the wording that appears there is a mandate from a general. It was an order. In other words, I’m not asking you to stand up. I’m ordering you to stand up. You missed it. He already said he couldn’t. He already said he couldn’t, but Jesus said, «I’m not speaking to the man. I’m speaking to my purpose inside the man».

So, it’s not, the body said, «No,» but God’s nefesh, the breath of God, the breath of God that was in there because he’s created in the image of God, the soul of man. God spoke to the inner man and said, «I don’t care what the outer man may say. I’m not even asking you permission. I am ordering you to stand up». Sometimes, oh ho, sometimes your outer man says, «No,» but the inner man has, when God says, «Stand up,» even if you don’t want to, you… So, here we go. On the count of three. He said it. He said, «I always miss my turn. Every time I think it’s me, someone else gets there ahead of me».

I’m gonna have to ask, if you’ve ever missed your turn in life at least one time where you knew that was your turn, but you missed it, maybe you were distracted, maybe you weren’t paying attention. For whatever reason you… If you missed at least one turn in your life, raise one hand. If you’ve missed a couple of big turns and you look back and go like, «Yep, I missed it,» raise both hands. If you’ve missed so many turns that if right now, I mention your name to my iPhone, Siri automatically says, «Rerouting».

So, I’m gonna give you what God told me to give you. Are you ready for this? You will never miss your turn again. You think that’s a… no, you don’t get it. I’m gonna say that one more time. You pursue righteousness. You are in Christ. Christ is in you. You will never miss your turn again. That means you are next. You missed it, that means you are next. You are next to see your family saved. You are next for the healing. You are next for the breakthrough. You are next for the harvest. You are next for unprecedented favor. You are next to see the glory of Jesus in you, with you, and through you, like you’ve never seen before. You are next. Somebody, shout, «I am next. I am next. I am,» are you ready? One, two, ooh, ah.

Ezekiel 2:1 says, «Stand up and I’ll speak to you». The moment you stand up, God speaks to you. It’s about a prophetic posture. It’s about repudiating paralysis, stagnation, mediocrity, complacency. Stand up. Acts 2:14, «And Peter stood up and raise his voice and began to prophesy». So, when you stand up God will speak to you, but when you stand up God will speak through you. You are about to stand up. Ready, kingdom city? Oh, 8:42. So, you’re gonna have to say it. 8:42 on your iPhone for integrity purposes.

That was the last moment you were paralyzed for the rest of your life. I don’t know if you really get this. Yeah, I’m telling you, your faith will never again be paralyzed. Your future will not be paralyzed. The favor of God will never be paralyzed. Your dream will never be paralyzed. Your joy will never be paralyzed. Your integrity in him will never be paralyzed again. Are you with me right now?

One, two, three. Stand up, man. Stand up! Alright. Are there any questions? John Smith is the name, fell in the ice. His two friends came out immediately. They picked him out. He was under for 15 minutes, dead. It was winter, the water is freezing hence the ice, dead. They picked him up, try to reach first responders, nothing. Ambulance, nothing. Get to the hospital one hour and eight minutes. He’s dead. «Mom,» called her up. Mom gets to the hospital, emergency room. Mom gets to the room, this is the only medically verifiable, I have given away the punchline here if I tell you this.

It’s the only medically verifiable outcome I’m about to share with you in modern history. A matter of fact, it’s the only one that’s medically verifiable. There’s other stuff that has happened in other countries. It’s just the medical professionals never say this is true. Every single medical profession said, «100% true. This is what happened». That’s why it’s 20 century fox sign onto it. The doctor’s program on the secular television. Alright. Eight minutes. Mom walks in. This is what mom does. «Ma’am, we’re sorry to report that your son has been dead for an hour and eight minutes. We tried our best». He’s a kid.