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Samuel Rodriguez - Look What The Lord Has Done

Samuel Rodriguez - Look What The Lord Has Done

Let me land right here. This guy, right here, don't settle for trees. He said, "I see people, I can't see them clearly, they look like trees". First, the fact, the man said, "I see people, but they look like trees". It's about catching up. Watch this. Jesus takes his DNA, he does the same thing, spits into the eyes of this guy. And I see, they think it's not clear here. His mind had yet to catch up to his new reality. Sometimes we don't see clearly because we view the new via the prism of the old. Do not permit yesterday's wounds to hamper today's worship. Do not permits yesterday's drama to obstruct today's destiny. Do not permit what you went through to define where you are going to. Stop seeing what God has for you today with the lens of what you went through yesterday. In other words, even if you get upset, for the love of God, stop saying, "Look what the devil did," and start shouting, "Look what the Lord has done".

I dare you to touch your neighbor and tell them, "Look what the Lord has done". Touch your other neighbor and tell them, "Look what the Lord has done. I shouldn't be here right now but look what the Lord has done. The enemy attempted to take me out but look what the Lord has done. All hell came against me but look what the Lord has done. I've walked with my mess but look what the Lord has done. I survived the valley of the shadow of death but look what the Lord has... Look what the Lord has..." We're done. Lift up both hands. We're done. He could have settled. This guy could have easily have settled with this, "At least, at least, even though I can't see clearly, but at least I see something". And he didn't. Why would Jesus ask him?

I submit to you for your prayerful consideration the following supposition. What if Jesus was intentional in his query? What if it was all set up? What if Jesus asked the man, "So, tell me, can you see"? Why would he? Look at other biblical moments of miracles, encounters of Christ. He never asked, "Is it working"? On this occasion, he goes, "Is it working"? What if Jesus was finding out whether or not this guy would settle for trees? You'll get this by tomorrow morning. We have to many people, even in the church, who have settled for trees. Settle for trees. He could have settled for, at least something is better than nothing, but he didn't. When you are in the presence of Jesus, you don't settle for half. You don't settle for a portion. I'm preaching now. Don't settle for anything less than everything that God has for you. I'm gon' do that one more time.

In life, in your pursuit of righteousness, in your relationship with Jesus, never settle for trees. Do not settle for Ishmael when God gave you an Isaac! Don't settle for manna in the desert when there is milk and honey waiting for you in the Promised Land. Don't settle for surviving when Jesus resurrected so you would thrive. In other words, somebody is gon' get upset at this. Never settle for a partial healing. Never settle for only half of your members in your family getting saved. I'm gon' prophesy now. There is a generation rising up that loves Jesus, filled with his spirit that will never settle for anything less than everything that God has in store for them. If you commit yourself to never settling for trees, lift up one hand. If you will never settle for anything less than everything God has for you, raise both hands.

What does God have for you? "He has salvation," Romans 10:9. "He has deliverance, complete freedom," 2 Corinthians 3:17. "Mind, body, soul, and spirit he has healing," 1 Peter 2:24. "By his stripes we're already healed". What does he have for you? "Eternal life," John 3:16. "Abundant life," John 10:10. "New life," 2 Corinthians 5:17. What does he have for you? A holy, healed, healthy, happy, humble, hungry, honoring life. And with that life, you will change the world. I dare you to open up your mouth and declare, "I will not settle for trees". Repeat after me, "I will not settle for half of my family getting saved. I will not settle for partial healings. I will not settle for a portion of the breakthrough. As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord. As for me and my house, we shall occupy all of God's promises. As for me and my house, we will be light in the midst of darkness. We will preach the word in and out of season. We will worship God in spirit and in truth. As for me and my house, we will experience complete restoration and we will see everything that God has ordained". Somebody shout like you will never settle, praise.

Lift up your hands. We're done. Stand with me. You are standing. I'm reading it. "And Jesus laid his hands again on him," stop for a moment. He laid his hands on him but he did not spit again. He did not spit again. This man already carried his spittle. He already had what he needed for his miracle. Jesus touched him again to activate what he already placed upon him. Stop asking Jesus to save you again, you're saved. Stop asking him to give you his Holy Spirit, he already did. For the love of God, act like it, walk like it, praise like it, worship like it, occupy like it, lead like it. Somebody get a breakthrough right about now. He already did it. It's already done. John 19:30, he said, "It is finished". Hebrews 10:10, "Once and for all". He did it once and for all. Lift up your hand. Open up these gates. The king of glory.

Somebody shout, "It's already done". Don't settle for anything less than complete restoration. I see, I see it. Open up your eyes. I see nations embraced by the father, redeemed by the son, and primed to be filled with the spirit. I see people at the brink of revival. I see communities ripe for signs and wonders, healings and miracles. I see young men and women leading in the awakening where righteousness and justice emanate every sphere of society. I see God's children getting ready for the coming of the Lord. I don't see failure. I see victory. I don't see victims. I see conquerors. I'm gonna be honest. I don't see Pharaoh, Goliaths, Jezebels and Herods.

I see 21st century Elijahs and Elishas, and Deborahs and Joshuas, and Peters and Pauls. I see prophet evangelists, pastors, teachers, exhorters, and miracle workers. I see doctors, and lawyers, and politicians, and businesspeople, and societal architects, and culture reformers. I see children casting out devils! I see young men and women prophesying. I see the emerging generation having visions. I see the older generation having dreams. I see the name of Jesus lifted high. I see the creation of content that will lead to conversations, that will lead inevitably to cultural reformation. We open up our eyes to the new things, the new you. But we all gonna shout, "I was blind... But now... I see". Here it is. Let's do it. Come here. At the count of three, you remove this, Mr. Tree guy, and you wash this off.

At the count of three, you're gonna wash it off, and we're all gonna open up our eyes with the spirit of expectancy that we're about to see the glory of Christ. More people will come to Jesus, more signs, wonders, healings, God will have the final word in every circumstance, in every family, in every home, in every situation. And by the time you get home, wherever there was a mess, you will find a miracle. Wherever there was a mess, and you will never ever settle for anything less than what God has already ordained in your favor. You will never settle for trees. Are you ready? When I count to three, they're gonna open up their eyes, and you're gonna give God the biggest, absolute shout you've given him in the past 5 years. One, two, three. Somebody open up their eyes and say... Open your eyes. Open your eyes to the glory. Open your eyes to the fullness. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Open your eyes.

Let's do it with your hands raised. If you need a mess in your life to become God's miracle today, whatever it may be, this is that day. If you need God's original plan for your life to be fully activated, if you need his DNA via the conduit of his spirit to permeate and inundate every aspect of your life when I say, "Now," run out of your seat and join me up here. And if you have settled for trees in the past, but after this message, you are making a covenant with God that you will never settle for trees. You will never settle for anything less than everything God already purchased for you on the cross. So, if that's you on the count of three, jump out of your seat and join me. This is the day that your mess becomes God's miracle. One, two, three, come. Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run. Hey! Don't settle for trees. Don't settle for trees. Don't settle for trees. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Yeah, yeah, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, hey, hey! Don't settle, don't settle. The mess becomes a miracle.

With your hands raised. Get ready to see the glory of Jesus. Don't settle for the old when he's doing a new thing. Don't settle for excuses when he gave you his spirit, empower you to occupy his promises, to be light in the midst of darkness, to change the world for his glory. Don't settle for trees. Don't settle, with your hands raised. You can open up your eyes, and you're gonna see the fulfillment of God's purpose in you, with you, for you, and through you for his name's sake. More people are gonna to him through your testimony in this year like no other year before. You're about to shine cause you're not gonna settle. You gonna see complete restoration. You gonna see clearly. You won't settle for trees with your hands raised. If you have seen generational bondage and curses, you're about to see multi-generational blessings. You're about to see righteous Christ purchased identity. You're about to see spiritual intimacy with him like never before. You're about to see integrity. You're about to have and see influence. And you're about to have innovation to have new ideas that will change your world and the world around you.

With both hands raised, you're about to see the glory of God in you, in your family, and the ones you love cause you will never settle for trees. I sense the Lord. Don't settle. Everyone, look up here for a moment with your hands raised. We have options this year. The world is spiraling down the proverbial rabbit hole of ludicrous, and chaos, and anarchy. Right now, we live in an age of relativism. Relativism without exception always leads to perversion. More relativism leads to moral perversion. We're living in that era. Nevertheless, we're about to see the king of glory come in. I'm gon' do that one more time for the hearing impaired. Let not your heart be troubled. We are about to see the king of glory. One more time. We are about to see the king of glory come in... сause we will not settle.

This is how we're gonna conclude this time. You have options. All I want you to do now that your eyes are open. Your eyes are open. You have options. So, everyone with me just do me a favor, look down. Now, look around you. Look around. Do me a favor. Look back. And then, do me a favor, look up. Lift up your hands. Lift up your head, open up your gates and the king of glory will come in. You will not, this year in 2024, you will not look down. You will not look down with shame and condemnation. You will not look down, "What I wouldn't do," uh-huh. You're not gonna look around and try to find the answer somewhere around you and try to live as somebody's drama. And for sure, everybody look back one more time. That's the last you look back in 2024 because the posture... This year, look up. Look up. Lift up your heads. Open up your gates. Don't settle for trees, and the king of glory will come in. Somebody shout like it's you.

I'm gonna pass the baton. I'm gonna ask you, if you make a commitment right now in the presence of God and the witnesses of the saints that you will never settle for trees, raise one hand. If you're never gonna settle for anything less than everything that Christ purchased for you on the cross and that means everything, eternal, new and abundant life to occupy all of his promises, lift up both hands. If you will no longer live life based on your old DNA and the old blueprint but you will live life according to God's original plan for you and your family, lift both hands and a foot. And if you are about to see the glory of Christ shine in you, with you, for you, and through you for his name's sake like the world has never seen before, give him your biggest shout of praise!

If you know me, we've done this for x number of years. If you know we were gonna finish up the way that we usually like to wrap up. Now, even though it's the first night, I get it. It's the first night, but we're gon' do this. If you can right there where you're at, go down, squat, go. Oh Lord. Work those calves, baby. When I say, "Now," I want you not just to casually get up in some sort of religious motif. I want you to jump up like every life of the enemy that held you down will never be able to hold you down again, like a rocket, like you're about to reach a level with a place in Christ that you've never ever reached before. This will be a year, write this down, this will be a year where you would not settle for trees. It will be a year of fresh oil of holy fire and new wine for you and your family.

I'm prophesying now. This will be a year of fresh oil. There's a new anointing coming your way. Holy fire and new wine. Fresh oil, holy fire and new wine. So when you don't settle for trees at the count of three get up. Whatever held you down will never be able to hold you down again. You're not who you used to be, and you are not where you used to be because you are not who you used to be. Here we go. Are you ready? One, two... By the way, work those calves, baby. You may want to text somebody and say, "Hey, if you're gonna look for me where you last saw me, I have news for you, you won't find me there. If you're looking for me, lift your head. God is taking me from glory to glory". One, two, three.