Samuel Rodriguez - Timber
I'm gonna say that one more time "Don't let anyone disrespect the glory of God in your family, in your children, in your house, in your life". Are you with me? Somebody shout, "Respect the glory". Respect the glory. Oh, the Dagons in the world. Here it is, two objects cannot occupy the same space. Your past and your future cannot occupy the same space. Your dream and your nightmare cannot occupy the same space. Complacency and conviction cannot occupy the same space. truth and lies cannot occupy the same space. Hatred and love, sin and holiness, forgiveness and unforgiveness, belief and doubt, faith and fear cannot occupy the same space. Something has to go. There's a battle going on for your space. The battle right now is not primarily between the donkey and the elephant, it's between the serpent and the lamb. The battle is between chaos and order, deception and truth. The battle right now is between feelings and facts. But how many here know, not hope, not feel, how many know the battle has already been won?
1 Corinthians 15:57, "Christ is my victory, let nothing move me". Oh, here it is. So, I'm gon' tell you, this is gon' be a quick one here. They put 'em right next to, the point number three is when the glory stands firm, darkness will collapse. This is, they put the glory and they left and then the next day, the next day, they found, ohhh. Wherever the glory of God is present, everything that is anti-thetically threatening the counter narrative to the glory of God, to the righteousness of God, to the power of God, to the truth of God. Every spirit of the anti-Christ, every vestige that is anti the fullness of the glory of the risen Christ has no other choice but to collapse. John 1:5, "Light shines in the darkness," and people stop there but the next part is fire. "And darkness will never overcome the light".
So, here's the word, is this gonna be look, it's, you're already accustomed to this. You know I'm a little bit crazy. When I count to three, I want you to fall, Dagon. I want you to fall, but I'm gonna just, let me Hebrew exegetically extrapolate the passage of it. Dagon, the Bible doesn't say, "Dagon fell". It says, "Dagon fell in front of". Let me get that phrase in Hebrew. He didn't fall to the side. He didn't fall back. He fell in front of. It is the same identical phraseology that appears in Psalm 97:7, where it says that, "Every false construct, every false idol will bow and worship the true and living God".
So, we're gonna illustrate this. I'm here to say this and I want you to hear me. This is no joke, no hype. I've seen it even in the past few months. I'm here to speak to you prophetically in the name of Jesus. Every single Dagon occupying your space, not some of them, not the majority of them. Even the Dagons occupying this space. Every Dagon occupying every Dagon occupying your family. Every Dagon attempting to occupy the space of the people you love. Before this service is over, every single Dagon, pastors that are here, when you go back to your churches, go back to your cities, the Dagons occupying your space, they will no longer occupy your space. If you really believe that, I need you to shout, "Timber". Timber. High five your neighbor and tell 'em, "It's coming down". Tell them like you believe it. "It's coming down. It's coming down. It's coming down".
Every lie of the enemy is coming down in the name of... Lift up your hands. Every negative, medical report is coming down. I said, every negative medical report is coming down. Every bad financial report is coming down. If you believe it, lift up one hand. If you truly believe the power of God is so great, the glory of the risen Christ fully made manifest in your life that every vestige of darkness, every Dagon will have no other choice but to collapse. I'm here to tell you everything here, here and here you're about to work out of that overflow anointing, you're about to operate from your overflow. You're gonna operate for your overflow. But every single Dagon is coming down. Every multi-generational Dagon will collapse today.
I don't know if you're getting this. Every Dagon that occupied your family name for generations before you is about come down once and for all, and you and your house will become the house of Obed-Edom carrying the glory of the risen Christ. It's coming down. If you really believe, are you ready? Alright, lift up your hands. The Dagon attempting to deconstruct our Judeo-Christian value system is about to fall down. No, y'all not hearing that. They are Dagons in America today. The enemy is celebrating, thinking that he won. There's a Dagon attempting to indoctrinate our children. There is a Dagon coming after our children. There is a Dagon in our school system. There is a Dagon in our culture. There is a Dagon trying to sexualize our children. And before we go any further, we have enough people full of glory that we are about to show off the glory of God. "Hey Dagon, get your hands off our children". Somebody shout, "It's coming down. It's coming down. It's coming down".
Alright, let's do this. Every Dagon, every Dagon, every Dagon, this conference is not just an annual conference, it's a prophetic gathering. It is a prophetic gathering in a pathetic time. It has the power to shift the atmosphere. Faith changes everything. The victory is our faith. If you truly believe, it's no hype, no joke, every Dagon must come down, raise one hand. How about this? Not every Dagon must come down, could come down. How many, in this house, we don't say, "Could, should, may". In this house, how many know every Dagon... The Dagon that was standing in front of the door that God ordained for you is coming down as we speak. How many are ready to see every single Dagon collapse? The Dagon of spiritual, physical violence will come down. The Dagon of depression will come down. The Dagon of anxiety will come down. The Dagon of fear will come down. The Dagon of unbelief will come down. He'll come down...
Alright, lift up your hands. Lift up your hands. I'm gon' tell you, "Be on guard: stand firm in the faith: be courageous: be strong". 1 Corinthians 16:13. That's how we know, that's how we can reassured that Dagon will come down and, alright, let's do this. Let's do this. Let's, musicians, come up here quickly. I sense an anointing. The Dagons, right there in your neighborhood are coming down as we speak. I just, lift up your hands. From California to New York and all points in between. Right here in chi town in between every major city, every major city, every area. Wherever the glory of the risen Christ, that 2 Corinthians 3 glory, well described by the apostle Paul. Romans 8:30 glory.
Wherever that glory is present every lie of the enemy must collapse. Every construct, every ideology, every teaching, every spirit, every power, every principality, every vestige of darkness has no other choice but to collapse. At the count of three, you're coming down. You represent every, I sense the glory of God. We're about to see more Dagons fall in our generation than any other generation in human history because there are people of faith full of the glory of the risen Christ. It's coming down. Look up here. Ready for this? What happened when the door closed? 'cause preachers could make stuff up.
Some people say, "Oh, the lid came off and the rod of Aaron came out and like a ninja stick, whipped him". No, man. "The Ten Commandments flew around and", no. Here's what we know. I'm gonna show you what the ark of God did. I'm gonna show you what it did. Don't miss it... No, you missed it. Imma do it one more time. This is what the ark of God did that if you do it, every lie of the enemy around you will collapse. One of the greatest powers you could ever demonstrate as a believer, this is what the ark of God did... You missed it again. Hell wants you to panic. Hell wants you to freak out. Hell wants you to start doubting. Be still and know that God is... be still. Be still and know that I am God. Are you ready?
Alright, at the count of three, you're coming down. You ready? It's coming down. Coming down. One... Two... Take every thought into captivity. Whoooo. It's coming down. Isaiah 45:2, "I level the mountains. I, the Lord, break the bronze gates and I crush the iron bars". It's coming down. One, two... Chicago, every Dagon coming after our young men is coming down. Every Dagon of violence in our communities will come. One, two, three, go... Somebody shout like you know it. Somebody praise like you know it. Somebody worship like you know it. Somebody pray like you know every mind of the enemy must come down. Somebody shout, "Timber. Timber. Timber".
...To address because we are afraid of losing followers and likes and people attending. Should I rip it? Should I rip it? Then, why do some people live like some of the pages are missing. Then, why do some Christians give like some of the pages are missing? Then, why do some believers live like, if we are to see every Dagon collapse, we gotta preach the whole word and nothing but the word. Lift up your hands. Give like none of the pages are missing. Pray like none of the pages are missing. Live like none of the pages are, preach, worship, preach the word in and out season. When pastors stand up and preach the truth about holy sexuality and gender, every Dagon will collapse in the name of Jesus. Is that too much? When pastors stand up and speak the truth about occupying all of God's promises, the Dagons that keep communities stuck, these Dagons will collapse in the name of Jesus. Dagon coming down.
If you receive this word, lift up your hands. This is what they found. This is, where are my Philistines? Philistines come up. Citizens of Ashdod. Stay right there. They came up and they, I'm not making this up. They saw this. Ready? They literally saw this. They saw the ark of God, Dagon there and the ark of God what? I need you to look at your neighbor and tell 'em, "I'm still standing". You have no idea what you're saying. I need you to shake somebody and tell 'em, "With all the hell I've been through, I'm still standing. With everything, everything that came my way, I'm still standing". If you've tested and you're still standing, shout like you're still standing. "I'm still standing. I'm still standing. I'm still standing".
If in the past, if in the past three years you've been tested and yet you're still standing, lift up one hand. If everything came against you to take you out and yet you're still standing, raise both hands. If you're not who you used to be three years ago, two years ago, one year ago, because the glory of God did not decrease, it increased in your life, shout like you're still standing. Somebody praise like you're still standing. Worship like you're still standing. Rejoice like you're still standing. Your house is still standing. Your calling is still standing. Your purpose is still standing. Your joy is still standing. Your anointing is still standing. Your ministry is still standing. Your testimony is still standing. Your dreams is still standing. Your purpose is still standing. Your promise is still standing.
We're done. We're still standing. I said, we're still standing. The church of Jesus Christ is still standing. We are still standing. We're still standing because he is faithful. He is faithful. Hebrews 10:23, "I've rest, I've rest in the certainty that he is faithful to keep his promise". He is faithful. Ready? Pick him up. I'm gon' hand over the baton, this really happened. This is crazy. Pick him up and put him back where, hold on. I just wanna... Go ahead, pick him up. Put him right next to me the way he was.
Now, go back citizens of Ashdod, thank you. This really happened not making it up. They picked him up. By the way, who's they? It wasn't demons... It wasn't legions. It wasn't principalities and powers of darkness. It was people because there are people that love to resurrect what God has already crucified. You gotta get rid of people around you that love to bring up your past, bring up the stuff that God already knocked down. Even the people that remind you of the hell you went through, no, no, no, no, no. Don't crucify what God resurrects and don't resurrect what God has crucified. And they left. But this time, if a conversation would have taken place, it would have sounded like this "If I were you, I would've stayed down because this time, I'm gon' make certain you never occupy my space again".
I'm gon' give a word for someone right now. There are things that look, that feel in the past that looked like it was reemerging. Even a medical report, I'm here to tell you, it's not that God is punishing you, no. God's about to bring this thing to closure that it will never occupy your space ever again. Here we go. Now, this time I need the head to come off. Yeah. The Fabio hair, that one, yeah. It's gonna come, you're gonna come, you're gonna collapse again. The head cut off, the only thing that was left was the trunk and everything else was left at the entry point, how did he get there? In other words, when you walk in this time, you're gonna see that this time, you can't put it back together. Here's the two words, I need you to hear the words prophetically.
Somebody shout, "Never again". You have no idea what you just shouted but you will in a second. That thing that occupied your mind, your heart, your atmosphere. That occupied your church and ministry, it's been unlit, it's been a Dagon. Not only is it collapsing today, never again will it occupy your space. I need somebody to have crazy faith to shout, "Never again". That thing that came after your family will never again have influence or dominion or power. Somebody shout, "Never again. Never again. Never again". Ready? At the count of three, at the count of three you collapse and you're never gonna come back and occupy that space again. One more time. That thing is coming to permanent closure. Permanent closure.
I dare you to shout, "Closure". I dare you to shout, "Permanent closure". That is a redundant phrase indeed. It's permanent. It's closure. It's done. It's John 19:30 the finished work. It is finished. Never again will it occupy your space. Even in your calling, even in the people that surround you, never again. So, this time you come down. When I count to three, he's coming down, he's not coming back up. And I want you to give God not your religious praise. Not even a cohesive praise. I want you to give God the kind of praise that says, "Never again will Dagon occupy my space, my family, my children, my calling, my church, my generation. It all changes today". There's a harvest waiting for me. There's overflow waiting for me. Everything changes now. Ready, one, two, three, go!