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Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle

Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle

Open up quickly. So Elijah went, this is the prophetic hour, I kinda just wanna tell you stories of stuff in the past 72 hours that just truly confirmed this. And even the amount of warfare and stuff. And it's just... Just ask the Holy Spirit for translation or download Rosetta stone. 1 Kings 19:19, maybe both things. So here we go. 1 Kings 19:19, so this story you'll get it. "So Elijah went and found Elisha son of shaphat ploughing a field, there were 12 teams of oxen in the field, and Elisha was plowing with the twelve teams. Elijah went over to him," that's Elisha, I'm Elijah in this illustration, "Threw his mantle across his shoulders and then walked away".

I'm gonna repeat that for the hearing impaired. Elijah went and found Elisha ploughing a field. There were 12 teams of oxen in the field and Elisha was ploughing with the 12 team. Elijah went over to him and threw his mantle across his shoulders and walked away. So here's the word of the Lord for you right now. Preserve with power, that's the first title. The second title would be the plough of perseverance will always lead to the mantle of promotion. The third subtext would be this, if you can push the plough you can carry the mantle. Because when heaven starts then hell cannot stop it. Touch your neighbor the one you like the most and tell them, if you can push the plough you can carry the mantle. Tell the other neighbor, the one that really needs to hear it, if you can push the plough you can carry the mantle.

So if you don't know what it is to push the plough, the proverbial plough you may wanna get on ESPN right about now. Because this word is for every plough pusher in the house. Every single plough pusher, if you've never pushed a plough don't expect to carry the mantle. So this message is for every plough pusher in the house. If you know what it is to push the plough in your family, in your home, in your marriage, in your ministry, in your calling, in your community, in your generation, in your nation, in the past 20 months. If you know what it is to push the plough put a smile on your face. Because get ready, no joke, no hype, you're about to let go of the plough.

There is a mantle coming your way that will change your life forever more. If that's you, praise like it's already you. I dare you to say I'm about to let go of my plough. I'm about to carry my mantle. I dare you to say hey Ahab, hey Jezebel, hey Baal, ready or not here I, alright, alright, alright, alright. I am convinced that 1 Kings 18:19 even 17 speaks to this very hour. I believe that spiritually speaking we're living the days just like the days of Baal, Ahab and Jezebel. Ahab was a horrible king, he was definitely without a doubt what we would deem in my community in California. Jezebel can say. She was his wife and she was nasty on steroids. No offense Jason. Sorry really I mean no offense. She hated the prophets. She persecuted the preachers. She rejected truth.

Then on the other hand we have Elijah, God's chosen prophet. A man with a mantle. A man with a message. A man with a mission. That Elijah saw Elisha pushing a plough, breaking ground and sowing seeds. When as instructed by God he places his mantle upon him and walks away like a boss. One that would subsequently embody the notion of a greater portion. Let's talk about the mantle. We are living in these days once again. Spiritually speaking the 21st century right now in this official cuckoo for coco puffs season. That's the official name for the past 20 months, cuckoo for coco puffs. In America and around the world we have, there's so much spiritual warfare. You can sense it, man. I mean it's not, it's palpable the amount of warfare.

We have never seen this amount of spiritual, malfeasance. There is warfare. Unbridled warfare. There's warfare against families and homes and legitimate ministries and callings and communities. Against this very nation. It is Ephesians 6:12, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against evil rulers, authorities in the spiritual places, evil spirits". What does this mean? We can't deny there's a spiritual battle going on. The spirit of Jezebel is alive and well. Persecuting, prosecuting and attempting to silence the children of the cross. Jezebel represents the manipulative, sexually coercive, perverse, corrupt cultural spirit. With the intention of killing prophetic voices. If you're prophetic, Jezebel is after you. If you're prophetic, Jezebel is after you. Jezebel wants to silence truth and construct, in order to marginalize the oracles of righteousness and justice. A spirit that exploits the moments in our lives that we are exhausted. That's what Jezebel does.

Notice how when Elijah acted a great battle on mount Carmel, that great confrontation with her husband Ahab it was after that moment that Jezebel said, I'm gon kill that man. And Elijah went into a depression. He was exhausted. Be careful. Make sure your mind, your body, your health in every aspect, make sure you're fresh and you rest. Jezebel tries to penetrate that moment when you're weak. That exhaustive moment. That Jezebelian spirit is alive and well. A spirit that according to the Book of Revelation 2:20, even good Christians may be guilty of unfortunately tolerating. Read the book. You are a great church, you do great things, but this one thing I have against you. You have tolerated the spirit of Jezebel. It's not endorsing, it's tolerating. We are what we tolerate. The spirit of Ahab is alive and well. Robbing love, killing joy, and destroying peace. Spiritually speaking Ahab represents forces with access and authority that attempt us to prompt us to sacrifice truth on the altar of expediency.

According to 1 Kings 16:34, Ahab gave permission for the rebuilding of Jericho. You missed that. Ahab wants, the spirit of Ahab is the spirit that wants to resurrect what God already crucified. You'll get that by tomorrow morning. There are things in your family, in your community, I'm even gon say it, in this nation. There are things, there is an attempt by the spirit of Ahab to resurrect the walls of Jericho. Walls, racially speaking, culturally speaking, that God already dealt with prophetically. Ahab wants to rebuild Jericho in your life, in your family, in your community and in this nation. The spirit of Baal is alive and well. Demanding that truth and children in and out of the womb be sacrificed at the altar of the false. A spirit that comes after our children and our children's children.

Now man I didn't travel this far to talk to you about Ahab, Jezebel or Baal. I'm here to tell you that when they write about our generation, they will not say that was the generation of Jezebel, Ahab or Baal. I'm here to prophetically declare. Let not your heart be troubled. We, I kid you not, are about to see an entire generation of Elijah and Elisha rise up. I don't know you're getting this right now. Listen here's a deep, seminary, Hebrew, accidentally, substantiated phrase, are you ready? Don't drink the Kool-Aid. What does that mean? I don't give a holy hoot what you're seeing on MSNBC or CNN or Univision or ABC or Facebook or Instagram. The most powerful spirit in America and in the world it's not Jezebel, it's not Ahab, it's not Baal.

The most powerful spirit on the planet was, is and forever will be the Spirit of the Living God! Praise like you have that spirit. Shout like you have that spirit. Worship like you have that spirit. Pray like you, act like it, walk like it, live like it. Please tell your neighbor don't drink the kool-aid. Tell your other neighbor don't drink the Kool-Aid. Are we streaming? Are we recording this? Really? This is going public? Okay. This may get us off the platforms right now or subsequently. And that's not my intention so help me. But I just wanna say it. The Spirit of God is more powerful than COVID. Am I allowed to say that? I just did. And I'm not here for controversy.

In my church half is vaccinated and half know they have antibodies. But I still wanna remind you, I said vaccine, oops, I still wanna remind you there's still something more powerful than any vaccine or antibody. The blood! The blood of Jesus is still working! The blood of Jesus is still working! The blood of Jesus is still working! More powerful than the delta variant. More powerful than the united variant. More powerful than the American airlines variant. More powerful than the cheapest variant of all, the southwest variant. That spirit, 1 John 2:27, "You have received a Holy Spirit, he lives within you". The Holy Spirit is not a denomination or network. He's not a moment. He's not a conference. He's not an ideology, a constrict, a Philosophy. The Holy Spirit is not an app that you swipe. The Holy Spirit is the most powerful person and force and influencer on planet earth today. I need to say that because if the mantle, if you're taking any notes good luck with that.

The mantle is the mantle of the spirit. It's the mantle... where's your cameraman at? Camera man listen I come from California with a banjo on my knee. 'Cause I'm from California. And I know y'all this is Tennessee, this a free state. But I come from California. Y'all didn't have, y'all didn't go through what I went through in California. And I'm not again political this is just truth to power. In California I was told of course church was not essential. They shut down the churches. You couldn't have church, you couldn't even spell church. It was illegal. And then they went to the other level, they even said oh by the way you can't have church in your home. Google it. Make sure I'm not making it up. My governor said I couldn't even pray with my family in my own home. He even gave a list: you can't sing, chant, make any expression where words come out of your mouth. Cameraman gimme a tight shot.

Is that your tightest shot? That's what I'm talking baby. That's what I'm talking about. Okay keep that shot there. I just wanna make it clear... There's not an executive order, a Supreme Court decision, a legislative initiative, a law, or a social media canceling campaign that has the power to stop God's Holy Spirit from moving. You can't cancel the Holy Spirit. You can't de-platform the Holy Spirit. You can't stop the Holy Spirit. The White House can't stop him. Congress can't stop him. Facebook cannot stop him. Google cannot stop him. For it is not by might nor by power but by my... Somebody praise like the spirit cannot be stopped. If you believe it shout like you believe it! Praise like you believe it.

High five your neighbor tell them God's spirit cannot be stopped. No tell them like you believe it. Tell them God's spirit cannot be stopped. Tell your other neighbor God's spirit cannot be stopped. I prophesied that your children and your children's children. And your children's, children's children. They will not fall under the influence of Ahab, Jezebel or Baal. Your children and your children's children will be filled with God's precious spirit. I need you please can you shake your neighbor and tell them, it's not just any spirit, it's the same identical spirit. No, no tell your other neighbor, it's not just any spirit, it's the same identical spirit. Not a cousin, not an uncle, not a similar spirit, not even a kindred spirit. But the same spirit that raised Jesus.

Roman 8:11 lives inside of you. Which means what, if we're that spirit Jesus came out of the tomb, you can come out of everything. Oh that spirit, that spirit. Lift up your hands. That spirit is moving in such a way a few weeks ago hit me and talked to me about revivals will not be confined like the old school way. Which was cute and affordable. And it was applicable for its time in history. But this whole thing about my church is having, hey listen the next thing we're about to see, not about a local church having revival. We're about to see entire cities experiencing the glory. You don't even know what that means. You drive into that city, the Shekhinah glory of God will fill your car, fill your life, fill your home. We're about to see what we've never seen before. I know it sounds crazy to some of you. I know it sounds crazy. We're about to see the outpouring of that spirit in such a different way. You're about to see what we call prophetic Starbucks.

So many spirit filled people are going to be in that Starbucks the glory of God will just be on that Starbucks that when you go in there, oh it's fall, and you order your pumpkin spice latte. Right when you're ordering the glory of the risen Christ will descend in that place and the barista will look at you and say, I know you don't know me and I don't know you but I need you to pray for me right about now. Somebody shout like you have that, hey Jezebel, hey Ahab, hey Baal here we come! It's the mantle of the spirit. It's the mantle. That mantle is anointing, it's just the impartation. It's the fullness. It's living in the Spirit empowered life of the finished vicarious, atoning work of Christ. It's not just anything. Where that spirit is present there is power. Acts 1:8, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17, you are driven by that spirit. Galatians 5:16, filled with that spirit not with wine. Ephesians 5:18, you are temple of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 3:16. It's that kind of life. We gon push back on the push back, oh man. Holy Ghost people are about to rise up all over this nation. We gotta hurry here.

Are there any questions? Jason, any questions? You're good? Real quick that was number one. We gotta hurry here. Okay we gotta hurry. Number two, it's the mantle of perseverance. So we do know via the conduit of historical contextualization that this guy here with the exception of the sabbath he would have to wake up everyday push the plough, break the ground, and sow the seed. And he would have to do that on good days and bad days, sunny days and rainy days. On days when the ground was very amicable. And on days where the ground was not cooperating at all whatsoever. He would yet have to push the plough, break the ground and sow the seed. He was a plough pusher. That's why this, it's not a coinkidink that Elijah did not place the mantle on anyone. He wasn't binging on Netflix, he was pushing the plough.

There are people that want the mantle without ever pushing the plough. They don't know what it is to get up every single day and push life's proverbial plough on family and your faith and your health and your relationships on good days and bad days. On sunny days and rainy days. On days where everyone love you and on days when you couldn't even stay in yourself. So I'm here to tell every plough pusher right here, every plough pusher, if you know what it is to push the plough, if you know what it is to push, if you understand the prophetic metaphor. If you understand what it is to push that plough on the best of days and on the worst of days. On days where you were so happy to do it and on days where you wanted to give up. You even tried to give up. If you know what it is to push the plough raise one hand. If you know what it is to push the plough for more than a week and more than a month, you've been doing it for years, raise both hands. If you've been pushing the plough for so long that you and the plough have this awkward relationship.

Here's the word of the Lord. Elisha has never been known as the plough pusher. He pushed it for so many years and yet he is known, univerSally, as the one who inherited Elijah's mantle. And in our world we speak at that double portion anointing. He's the man with the greater portion of anointing because he asked for a greater portion. That's how we, but we don't know him by the plough. Raise your right hand. You will not be defined by what you've been pushing. Let me say that one more time. I sense God. You will not be defined by what you've been pushing. Get ready. You will be defined by the glory you're around to carry in your life and in your... I feel the Lord. Your family will not be defined by the plough. Your children and your children's children will not be defined by the plough. I'm preaching now. You will not be defined by the plough. You will be defined by the mantle of glory that you carry in the name of Jesus.

So here is the word. If you've been pushing to plough, breaking ground and sowing seed here's the word for you. Please raise your right hand. There is a mantle of fresh impartation and anointing like you've never had before coming your way. No joke. There is a heavenly deposit coming your way. There is a shift in your atmosphere coming your way. There are resources at harvest coming your way. I wrote this down. There is unbridled, unparalleled and unprecedented favor coming your way. Oh y'all didn't get that. There is unbridled, unparalleled and unprecedented favor coming your way. There is an awakening coming your way. If you believe that's for you and your house raise one hand. If you believe it's for you and your children and your children's children raise both hands. If you believe that God's about to pour out something upon you that will enable you to glorify him like you've never been able to glorify him before. More people are about to come to Jesus as Lord and Savior through the next chapter of your life. Then all the days of your life be full.

Oh you're not getting this. You're about to see more miracles than ever before. You're about to see more glory than ever before. If this is you raise your hands. Okay, okay we gotta hurry. We gotta hurry. It's that mantle. It's the mantle, that mantle, it's the mantle. Galatians 6:9, "Do not allow yourself to be weary. For planting good seeds for the seeds that are reaping the wonderful harvest you've planted". It's coming. There it is. The mantle of drought, fire and rain. That mantle. That mantle was upon Elijah during the drought, the fire and the rain. It's the drought, fire and rain that's the order, the chronological order. Drought, fire and rain. Y'all need to know this mantle. This impartation will enable you to survive the drought, pray down fire and become the recipient of God's abundant rain. There is a mantle of fresh impartation and anointing like you've never had before coming your way.