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Rabbi Schneider - Warfare into God's Grace

Rabbi Schneider - Warfare into God's Grace
TOPICS: Rabbi Schneider: Devotions, Freedom

Romans 6:14 says this: "Sin shall not be master over you".

You know, for a lot of people, sin is an antiquated word, a word that they associate with the age of dinosaurs. But, beloved, sin and the power of it is as real today as it has ever been. Sin is the emanation of the spirit of darkness having dominion over people's life. God has given us power to transcend and overcome the power of sin.

Paul said "sin shall not be master over you". We shouldn't be overwhelmed by anger. We shouldn't be overwhelmed by fear. Instead, we should be disgusted with these things. And as we continue to cling to God, He transforms our weakness into His strength. And in so doing, we rise up in the ascension of Jesus and overcome Satan, demons, darkness, and the power of sin.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. God has called us to freedom. And as you warfare into God's grace, beloved, you'll overcome and experience the freedom Yeshua purchased for you.
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