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Rabbi Schneider - Going After God

Rabbi Schneider - Going After God
TOPICS: Rabbi Schneider: Devotions

We say that this is what we want, but let me ask a question. Does your lifestyle line up with the fact that your goal in life is union with God?

Let's examine our lives for a second. How many of you will not watch anything on television that offends God? We can't entertain ourselves with the things that nailed Jesus to the cross. If you really are going after God. If unity with Him is really your goal. We've got to get serious about it.

Now, maybe there's some that are here this afternoon, you're feeling a purifying fire, and God's got a gift for you. I want you to lift your hands with me? Receive a gift from the Lord. This afternoon for you. He's creating in you a clean heart and renewing your joy.
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