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Rabbi Schneider - God is Your Helper

Rabbi Schneider - God is Your Helper
TOPICS: Rabbi Schneider: Devotions

I want to give you a word right now that I think will help many that are watching and listening. Comes from Isaiah, chapter 41, verse ten. I'm concentrating on a new section of this verse today. Here are God's word. I will strengthen you. Surely I will help you. Some of us are going through a hard time right now.

Some of you are facing a difficult challenge. But I want to encourage you to say, listen, what the Lord says, I will strengthen you. Surely I will help you. Sometimes we face things in life, you and me. We face things in life, and we just feel overwhelmed at times and we don't know how we're going to get through it. So now something hits us and we just feel out of alignment with God. We just feel out of whack and we just don't know how we're going to get over this thing. But the Bible says when we are faithless.

Let me say it again. The scripture says, when we are faithless, Baruch Hashem, he remains faithful. So you are going through a hard time right now? Where? I'm going through a hard time right now. Lose what the Lord says. I will strengthen you. Surely I will help you. Surely I will with uphold you. Surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. You're going to get through that thing. You're going to get over that mountain. Why? Because God is your help.

So today, father of Papa God, we look to you from where our salvation comes. And we thank you, God Almighty. We thank you, Lord Jesus, for being our helper. We love you, Father God. We appreciate you. We don't have words to say. Thank you. We love you. Amen.

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