Peter Tan-Chi - Blessed to Bless
Greetings to you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. What a joy it is that we gather together to worship the Lord this Sunday! What a joy it is that we gather together to worship the Lord this Sunday! We listen to the Word of God and my prayer is that you will be blessed and let's get started! Do you know your purpose? Do you know what your life purpose is? Why is that important? Knowing your purpose in life will help you get direction. It will help you prioritize. It will help you examine your life. It will help you make choices. But the truth is, many people don't really know the purpose of their existence. Like a sailboat in the ocean, without direction they just go with the flow.
For some, they haven't thought about it. For some, they create their own purpose. What's the question? The question is: Purpose determines your actions, your behavior, your priorities. Let me give you an example of the importance of understanding purpose. There was a mother who had three wonderful sons, and they became very, very successful in their On her mother's birthday, they decided to surprise their mother with beautiful gifts. The first son, gave his mother a great Mercedes. The second son, gave his mother a yacht. The third son, gave his mother a yacht. An amazing bird that could recite 100 Bible verses and sing 100 songs.
A week later, they were having dinner together. They were trying to find out what their mother's favorite gift was. So, they were trying to ask questions. Mother said this car was great. But you know I have a lot of cars and yachts, which is great, but at my age, how often do I use the yacht? My favorite is the bird. It tastes great. I like What went wrong? The mother has no idea that the purpose of the bird is to provide her with enjoyment for the rest of her life. Because the bird can sing, the bird can remember verses. What's the point? The point is, if you don't know the purpose of your life a lot of the time, you won't maximize your reason for existing and the worst thing is, you can abuse your life just like what happened to that bird, the mother cooked it and she missed it of what this bird can do for her life.
So, how do you know your purpose? You will know your purpose, if you ask the designer today, as we read Psalm 67, I'm happy to tell you that God tells us His heart, God tells us His purpose, God tells us, you and me How to Participate in His Purpose for Your Life Psalm 67. Let's start reading! May God have mercy on us, bless us, and shine his face on us, so that the world may know your ways and all nations may know your salvation. May the nations praise you, O God! May all nations praise you! May all the nations rejoice and shout for joy, for You will judge all nations with justice and guide all the nations of the world. May the nations praise You, O God! May all nations praise you! The earth has yielded its crops; God, our God, will bless us. God will bless us; all the ends of the earth must fear Him!
Seven amazing verses that tell us about God's heart, His purposes for you, and how we can get involved. Let's get started! Psalm 67 has the following main outline. The first part is God's blessing. God's purpose is for us to experience His blessing. God wants to bless us. The second part of Psalm 67 is to tell us the purpose of blessing. The purpose of blessing is not just for us, it is also To bless others, the last part of Psalm 67 is telling us that this blessing is not just for us, it is not just for other people, but for the whole world so that the whole world can bless God and worship God.
So, my friends, What is God's purpose for your life and for my life? This month is our missions month and it's also our anniversary month and I praise God for the timing because I want to remind us, what is God's purpose for us? What is God's purpose for CCF Church? Can I ask you what God's purpose is for us? God's purpose for us is to honor God and to develop committed followers of Christ so that we can also develop committed followers of Christ. What is God's purpose? We are to honor Him and honor Him. How do we honor Him? Raising committed followers of Christ enables them to also grow committed followers of Christ.
In other words, when we teach people not just about Jesus, but give them a deeper understanding of Jesus that makes them followers of Jesus, they will experience God. The purpose for their lives is to honor Him, to glorify Him and our title today is we kick off our mission month blessed to bless. Psalm 67 tells us about the heart of God, His purpose, to bless us and make us a blessing. Blessed to bless it starts by saying God have mercy on us and bless us and make his face shine on us. The word Selah means think about it. Think about this prayer. It is a very biblical prayer written in the Psalms to guide us, Get to Know the Heart of God It says first of all, God has mercy on us and all our blessings begin with God's grace. We don't deserve it. What does grace mean? Something we don't deserve. We can't get God's blessing. It comes from Him.
Next, He asked for a blessing. God bless us Wow! Grace, something we don't deserve. Now Lord, you bless us and then He added something, "make your face shine upon us". What does that mean? This is a prayer for intimacy. This prayer, Make your face to shine upon us, is very biblical. This is what God taught Moses to pray. This prayer is found in Numbers Chapter 6, verses 22-26. Let's read this together. The Lord spoke to Moses. Say: This is what you are to say to them: The LORD bless you and protect you. The LORD makes his face shine on you and be gracious to you. What does this prayer mean? The LORD lifts up his face to you and gives you peace.
What does this prayer mean? This is a petition for God's favor. This is a petition for God's smile. When my kids were growing up, they would usually look at me, look at me, and I would smile back. And when I smiled, they were happy. They know I'm happy and that's what this prayer is. Let your face shine upon us. What God is saying is: I want you to find ways to please me. Let your face shine on us. How do you use this word? How did Moses understand this? Moses also prayed for the same idea of intimacy with God, of experiencing God's presence because that prayer, let your face shine upon us, the presence of God, the favor of God is in Exodus 33 verses 13-15, the Bible is It goes like this: If now I have found favor in your sight, this is how Moses prayed to the LORD, please show me your ways so that I can know you. You see, for what purpose did he want to get close to God? that you may find favor in your eyes.
Notice the word "favor" in your eyes. He wants to please God. The Lord answered and said: My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. I love this saying, My presence God says, My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. The thought of this prayer, let your face To enlighten us we are asking for God's blessing, God's favor, God's intimacy in Psalm 4, look at how these phrases are used. Many people say: Who can show us what good? Lift up your face, O LORD, and enlighten us. Notice that expression: Lift up your face, and enlighten us. You make my heart rejoicing more than those who reap abundant grain and new wine. I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, the Lord makes me dwell in safety.
So what is the meaning of that prayer? It's asking for God's blessing. God's blessing is His presence. It's His intimacy. The Bible says, You make my heart happy. The Bible is clear. Our joy comes from God's presence, closeness to the Lord and then comes our security. I will lie down and sleep in safety, because you alone, the Lord, make me dwell in safety.
So the first thing I want you to understand is God's purpose for you and me is that we experience His blessings, and His blessings are grace. His blessings are truly Himself, so you will experience His intimacy. The purpose of prayer is for us to live lives that please God. You And I both want to see the smile of God in our lives and I worry that a lot of us want to be like people, you like to make other people happy but can I tell you something? If the world is happy, but God is equally happy in your life, what's the use? What good is it if you focus on pleasing everyone but not on pleasing God?
So this prayer is important and our goal is to smile, to see the smile on God's face - to please Him. So, God wants to bless you and He says, this is the blessing I want for you. Next, notice, blessed. What is the purpose? He said: So that your ways may be known to the world, and your salvation may be known to all nations. The purpose of blessing is not just for us, but to bless others so that your ways may be known to the world and your salvation may be known to all nations. This is what we need to understand. When God blesses us, He wants us to bless others. How do we bless others? The greatest blessing is God Himself. Help others know Him The greatest blessing is God Himself. Help others know Him so that your ways may be known to the world. How do you bless people? Teach them who God is, teach them His ways.
Notice, all nations learn about your salvation. The greatest blessing is really the gospel, God's salvation. Notice the circle of blessing? God's will, you must understand, is for you to experience His blessings. He Wants to Bless You What can you learn from God? His blessings are not just for us to bless others not just other people, His blessings are for the whole world and they will know Him and I want you to see the heart of God as we become God-centered during Mission Month and Anniversary Month, and Rather than being human-centered it is very important to look at the heart of God, as early as Genesis 12.
Let's read this together. God promised Abraham that I would make you into a great nation. I will bless you, and make your name great, and you will bless others. I will bless those who bless you, and those who curse you, I will curse all the families of the earth because of you. To be blessed is God's promise to Abraham. God spontaneously made this wonderful promise without anyone forcing him. You must understand the heart of God. Seven promises made by God. I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and make you blessed. Because your name is great, you will also bless others. I will bless those who bless you. I will curse those who curse you. Finally, all the families on earth will be blessed through you. How did this happen?
In Abraham, all families in the world will be blessed. The Bible tells us that this is the message of the gospel, announced as early as Genesis. Why do I say this? Let us see its fulfillment and since the Bible foretells it, God will justify the Gentiles by faith. This word will justify the Gentiles by faith and declare them not guilty. This is the word of salvation, declaring you not guilty by faith. This is the word of salvation, which declares that by faith you are sinless and through you all nations will be blessed. You see the message of the gospel is preached in this simple term - because of you all the families of the world will be blessed.
The message of the gospel is How was it spread? Because of Christ Jesus, the focus is on Abraham's descendants. This is called the blessing of Abraham. Because Christ Jesus can come to the Gentiles so that we may receive the promise of the Holy Spirit through faith. This gospel message is part of God's plan. God wanted to use Abraham. God said, I will bless you. But Abraham, this blessing is not just for you. You have to bless others. How do we bless others? Through Jesus Christ we come to know the salvation of God. Notice how this is expanded upon by Jesus Himself. Jesus tells us in Matthew 28. This is our foundational scripture. This is why CCF Church exists. Remember, God tells us that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, and I will be with you always, even to the end of the age. I just want to emphasize this. Sentence: Teach them to obey everything I commanded you. Why should we teach them? Because our purpose is to make disciples. Go and make disciples of all nations. How do you make disciples? You make disciples, and when you teach them, teach them to obey all that I have commanded you, says God. If you remember Psalm 67, He says, Know your ways. How can a man know the Lord of your ways? What about the road? How do people know God's salvation? You're going to teach them, that's our mission, connect them to Jesus, make them know Jesus, and they're going to be His followers for what purpose?
May the nations praise you, O God! May all nations praise you! You notice, what is God's purpose? Ultimately, God's purpose is not just to bless us. His purpose is not just for us to bless others, but to bless others with the most important blessing of all. This is knowing God and knowing God's salvation. For what purpose? So that the people will praise You. Have you noticed? Praise You? It is God-centered Everything we do is for the glory of God. He repeated, May all nations praise you! Friends, someone once shared this with me you can't pass on to someone else what you don't have if you yourselves, if we ourselves don't praise God if we're not interested in God how can we help others get excited about God?
So, there's a lot of depth to this purpose of God that we're blessed with, but not just for ourselves. We want to bless others. The greatest blessing to them is to know God. How to follow Him - His salvation. Why? So they can experience the joy of worshiping and praising God. The biggest stumbling block to sharing the gospel. Can you guess what it is? Many times as Christians, we have not forgotten how to truly live a Christian life. For example, John Stott said: "…the greatest obstacle to evangelism in the world today is the failure of the church to reflect the saving power of God in her own life. Work provides evidence".
Someone once said that the greatest attraction to Jesus was, can you guess what it was? The Christian Life We are the greatest attraction and the greatest stumbling block. Guess what? Christians too? In other words, the way we live speaks volumes. Are we drawing people to Jesus? When they look at us, do they see our happiness? Can they see Christ in us? Or the other way around? People would be surprised to ask is that man a Christian? So the question is: are we a blessing? Do we bring people to Jesus? That is God's will. It will guide you through the choices you make. How will this impact your life? For me, I ask myself, does everything I do bring glory to the Lord? I look at my family life - does my family life bring glory to God? Will the way I speak and the way I treat my children make them understand? Will it bring glory to God?
When you run your business, when we run ours, does that bring glory to God? Will others be drawn to Jesus? This is important. The purpose of life is to bring glory and honor to the Lord. If we separate ourselves from God's people, we cannot experience the blessings of God. His blessings will not spread from us to the nations unless we are strong as the church. What is he saying?He's talking about the power of God's people, understand His purpose, and if you notice the prayers are all in the plural, God bless us and make His face shine on us, so that the world may know that it's all in the plural. Can I tell you why? Because the church is God's invention. God created his church, the body of Christ, his people, so that we might move together and give honor and glory to the Lord.
Beware, or you will become a lone Christian. A lone Christian. It is the person who does not know the importance of the responsibility of serving alongside others in the Christian life. Why? Because they are self-sufficient I have noticed that some Christians, they have not been properly discipled and they like to keep to themselves, they think that me and Jesus are enough I don't need a church, I don't need to be committed to a group of believers instead if If you look at the early church, what do you notice? The early church understood that they lived together and paid attention to what they were doing. They broke bread in small groups in the temple and at home with one accord every day, held each other accountable, ate together with joy and honesty, and paid attention to, together, with the heart. Praise God with joy and sincerity, and experience the joy of the Lord together.
My prayer is that you will be committed to the mission of Christ. For the mission of the CCF church, because we are partners, I have learned to appreciate the body of Christ. I have learned to appreciate the CCF church. Because this is God's call to work together, not alone, to fulfill His mission. Let me ask you a question. Are you committed to the mission of Christ? Are you committed to being a partner with CCF in fulfilling God's mission? I want you to listen to a story about one of our members. His names are Mark and Lawley. How they understand that we are blessed to bless others. Mark lost his job, but he is not despairing. He is not discouraged. Why? His joy is in the Lord. He didn't leave the community of believers. They were together, they served God together. Let's hear his story.
Praise God for Mark and Lawley! Remind us that when we experience the joy of the Lord, when we experience the abundance of God, He will be the one to bless us, and He will help us to be the ones to bless. Remember, blessing is for the purpose of blessing others. May all nations be happy and shout for joy; For you will judge all peoples with justice and guide all the kingdoms of the world. This scripture tells us why we should be happy. The gospel includes the second coming of Jesus. That is good news. Jesus came the first time as the Savior. He will come the second time as the Savior. Judge. This fact is part of the good news. The Bible tells us: Let all the nations rejoice and shout for joy. Why? For His coming "You will judge all peoples and guide all the kingdoms of the earth with justice".
He's saying that Jesus is going to be King of kings, to be the judge. Some people are going to be unhappy when Jesus comes. Why? Because they don't know Him. Some of us will be very happy. Why should you be happy? The Bible reminds us that when Jesus returns, this is what will happen. People among the nations will say, "The Lord reigns"! He is coming to reign. "He will judge them all with justice".
The word justice is underlined today. People are complaining - there is no justice, there is corruption, there is impunity for the criminals. I have good news for you, there will be justice one day. That's why verse 11 tells us, "Let heaven rejoice and let the earth rejoice"! Why? Because He's coming, He's coming, He's coming the second time, He's coming to judge, He's coming the first time to be the Savior, and the second time to be the Judge, He's going to judge the world with righteousness, He's going to judge all peoples with His faithfulness, God will be My question to you, fair judge, is this: Are you excited about the second coming? The truth is, some of us don't get excited. Can I tell you why? The Bible describes two groups of people: one, they were excited about His coming and two, they were not. Why? This has to do with the gospel message. What do I mean?
Let's identify the first group of people - those who are unhappy. In Revelation 20, the Bible describes the final judgment. When Jesus returns, He will judge. This is the final judgment. Verse 11, the great white throne and the seat. Attention above, who was present? From his presence heaven and earth have fled, and there is no more place to be seen. These people are not ready for the judgment of the Lord. Why? Because while they were alive on earth they made fun of Jesus, mocked Jesus, and never took Him seriously. The Bible says they tried to escape the judgment but they couldn't escape verse 12. And I saw the dead, both great and small, not Famous people, rich people, not-so-rich people of all kinds... all stood before the throne.
The books were opened. Did you notice the plural? The files were opened and another volume was opened, which is the Book of Life. We have two books: Ordinary book and book of life. The dead were judged according to their deeds according to what was written in these books. You know, many people tell me they want justice. I will tell you something. God is just and you will get justice on the day of judgment. The judgment for me, on the day of judgment, I don't seek justice. I ask for mercy, I seek grace but God will give everyone justice and everyone will get a just judgment based on their actions.
So what's the bad news? Death and Hades - The word Hades is another Greek word that refers to the place of the dead. Sheol also delivered up the dead who were in it, and they were judged. They were judged each one according to their works. Death and Sheol were also cast into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death. The Bible says that the lake of fire, hell, is in the future tense. When you die today, you are in a place called Hades, a place of the dead. But one day, this place will be in Sent to Hell on the Day of Judgment which is the second death, the Lake of Fire. If someone's name is not written in the book of life, he is thrown into the lake of fire. If I don't know Jesus, if I don't have the assurance of forgiveness, honestly, I won't be happy.
So, the purpose of missions is to share with people that they will Be ready to meet the Lord. Those who are ready, the Bible tells us to rejoice because your names are written in heaven. You can be happy. Do you know why? Because you are sure that both kinds of people, those who are ready, will be happy and those who are not. Do you know who will be the judge? I have good news for you. According to the Bible, the judge will be none other than It's Jesus and that's why you can be happy 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 I charge you: I speak of Christ Jesus before God and before Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, God has appointed Jesus to judge the living and the dead In John 5, Jesus tells us that all judgment was given to Him and that Jesus is our judge.
The Bible tells us, notice, that Jesus will judge the living and the dead by His appearing and His kingdom. So that's why the gospel, our mission, what is God's purpose for us? Bless us to bless others so that they hear the gospel. It's our mission, it's God's mission, let's prepare people so they can welcome the Lord with joy. Let's end with Psalm 67. It repeats, May the nations praise you, O God! May all nations praise you! Notice the repetition? Let them worship you, let them praise you because the gospel is God-centered, not man-centered and has produced God - our God who wants to bless us. When God blesses us, it's not just spiritual. Spiritual blessings. This is a physical blessing.
When God blesses us, the whole world knows Him even the earth will change and it will be blessed but I want to remind you that God blesses us, not only spiritually but also physically God wants to bless us; Let all the ends of the earth fear Him! Note, the ultimate goal of missions is worship - to fear Him in all the ends of the earth! But notice how personal this message is? Our God, notice, very personal. God is our God and we belong to God's people. My God is your God, our God What will He do? God will use us, God will bless us. For what purpose? All in all, notice that this is a global scope, not just the Philippines. That's why we have a program called Go Viral. We are intentional about God expanding our reach today, when COVID-19 is in lockdown, but the Word of God Not locked. Ministry is set free! Why? This is global, "Fear Him, all the ends of the earth"!
Over the next few Sundays, we'll be covering more about Go Viral, an initiative of God asking us to train our people on how to put this Bringing blessings to other parts of the world. Mission is the method, worship is the ultimate goal, making the world fear Him, respect Him, and worship Him. Do you know what the Bible is saying? Our mission is the method, worship is the end. Our problem is that we are people-centered. We make the gospel man-centered We talk about God dying for us, We talk about God forgiving us Everything is man-centered While this is true, it is only partially true, God died for us, God forgives our sins but We also have a higher purpose – we will be with Him. But not just with Him. So we will honor Him, we will glorify Him, know Him, and worship Him.
For example, Philippians chapter 2 verses 10-11 tells us that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. Every tongue confesses Jesus Christ as Lord to the glory of God the Father. You have two choices. You can confess Jesus immediately as your Lord wherever you are. Sooner or later, every knee will bow. No matter what your religious beliefs are, every knee will bow. BEND THE KNEE.
Today you have a choice: Fall down now, or fall down one day I suggest that today is your time to surrender to Him because it will affect your eternity The Bible tells us to confess with our tongues that Jesus Christ is Lord Two persons Jesus Christ today is your Lord, and those who don't know Jesus maybe you know Him, but Jesus is not your Lord maybe you've been at CCF for a while, you've heard about Jesus but you've never really surrendered to Him, surrendered your life and you've never really publicly acknowledged that He is your Lord, He is your Master. Your life does not reflect the Lordship of Jesus. Your schedule, the way you spend your money, the way you spend your time, your life.
Nothing you do reflects His purpose. Maybe it's because you haven't been discipled or He's not your Master. You don't take His purpose seriously. But I'm going to tell you something. To me, it's My privilege to be a part of God's amazing purpose Did you know God doesn't need us? But He has given us the opportunity to partner with Him. What an honor it is that God has blessed us! So we are to bless others so that we can bless the whole world with a message of salvation so that they can worship Him and be satisfied my friends and you see in Revelation chapter 7 it's going to happen whether you participate in it or not because God's sovereign will, God's will God's power is at work today I want to be a part of God's mission and purpose I pray that this month you will sign up and commit to the goals and vision of CCF We give you a channel to respond, You will learn more.
After that, I watched and saw that there were so many people that no one could count them. Did you notice? You can't count it. It's from every nation, kindred, people, and language. In other words, this will fulfill the heart of God, God's mission will be accomplished one day, with or without your participation. I encourage all of us to join in. God's wonderful will it is an honor and it will bring you great joy the Bible tells us they will stand before God and they will worship Him note they will stand before the throne and the Lamb Jesus is clothed in white, holding palm branches in his hands and shouting loudly, Worship God, May salvation be to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!
You'll notice something, God created us to worship. We're going to worship, creation, or we worship the Creator. We're going to worship matter, or we're going to worship God. One day, the Bible is clear, we will all bow before Him. WORSHIP HIM Can I tell you why you automatically, you who belong to Him, you want to worship Him? You have that experience, when you see God's creation, the moon, the stars, the sunset, the sunrise, the mountains, you say, wow! You're so in awe why? Because of God's creation, let alone one day when you stand in front of God, the Creator? You will be more fascinated, you will be in awe, you will be amazed. Will you be amazed by His beauty? The perfection of His character. You will fall down and worship Him.
You see the goal of missions, which according to John Piper is the joy of the nations in the power of God. To function, you must experience your own joy in the Lord. If I'm not here Joy in the Lord, If I wasn't close to Christ, it would be hard for me to share it with others. Let me end with a wonderful true story of a man named Robert Reed. Robert Reed was a man you would never expect God to With his people let me tell you why Robert Reed, if you see his hands, they're twisted and if you see his feet, they're twisted. He can't walk, he can't brush his teeth, he can't eat by himself, he can't bathe by himself, why? Robert Reed had cerebral palsy but he did not allow his limitations to stop him from participating in God's purpose and mission for his life. He was able to finish high school. Not only did he finish high school, he graduated from college. He became a teacher.
Now notice, he has trouble speaking a complete sentence. Why? Cerebral palsy However, he developed into a missionary and he went to Lisbon. What did he do there? Learning a language What does he do every day? He went to the park to distribute the Gospels. He met a restaurant owner who provided him with food every day. He learned Portuguese. Over the course of six years, he led 70 people to Jesus. One of the girls was named Rosa, who later became his wife. If you ask him to talk, you'll never hear him say I feel sorry for myself. Why? Robert Reed was a man full of joy. Do you know what he said? I have all the joy I need and my friends, that's something we all need to learn. God's blessings, no matter what they are, are the greatest blessings for us to experience Him so we can share them with others so they can What is the greatest blessing we can give others by experiencing Him? It's about sharing the gospel.
The biggest challenge in getting them to know Jesus is ourselves if you don't find joy in the Lord. If you don't experience the joy of contentment, the contentment of who God is, why would you share this with others? What's the problem now? The problem is never God, the problem is us. Our challenge is there are many substitutes, there are many false gods. What do I mean? Have you ever heard of this? "That's my idol"! This celebrity, this athlete, is my idol. The Bible tells us that's dangerous, because there's only one person. That's our idol, and that's God Himself.
Now, what's the alternative? Many times it's money, relationships, positions, careers that we think will make us happy and we're surrounded by substitutes. But the truth is, only Jesus can satisfy us. Before you know it, you and I can both be guilty of idolatry unless We put it aside and you will never experience the joy of God. Why? Because there's a lot of competition, a lot of distractions. So my question to you today is: Is Jesus your number one priority? Do you find satisfaction in Jesus? If not, I'd like to help you.
Is it possible that all you have is religion and no relationship with Jesus? Or maybe you have a relationship with Jesus? But somehow you were diverted? Busyness, Substitutes, Activities, Materialism, Career, Relationships Today, I want you to come to God. Be honest because God wants you to be ready. God wants you to experience His joy. Most importantly, share that joy with others. But you can't do that effectively if you don't experience the joy of the Lord yourself if that is your desire, to experience all that God has for you I want you to surrender your life. Tell Jesus: Lord! Lord, you are my Master Lord surrender your plans, your ambitions, your substitutes. Be honest with Him Let us Pray!
Lord Jesus, I admit my need God and I want to be honest. I don't always find my full joy, my satisfaction in You. Many times, I rely on people, I rely on material things, I rely on circumstances to get my joy Lord, I'm going to surrender to it all. Surrender to my idolatry. Surrender to my false gods. Surrender to my false joy. Lord, I'm going to stop lying to myself and give it all to you. Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart, change my heart I accept your gift of forgiveness, I accept your gift of eternal life and above all, Lord, I come to you. I crown you and I surrender to you as my King and my Lord Thank you for the privilege of knowing you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.