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Peter Tan-Chi - When Life Seems Unfair, Focus on God

Peter Tan-Chi - When Life Seems Unfair, Focus on God
TOPICS: Songs of Hope

Hello everyone! We just finished our week of fasting and prayer. I pray that I believe you have a closer relationship with God. I am also sure that during this period of fasting and prayer, many unexpected things have happened. Let us praise God for giving us the privilege of praying for our country, family and world. Today, I want to share with you something very important and very close to my heart. Because sooner or later we all go through something like this. The world is unfair and you think it is unfair. My topic today is "When Life Seems Unfair, Focus on God".

What does it mean that life doesn't seem fair? These are our basic belief systems. "When bad things happen to bad people, it doesn't matter. Good things have to happen to good people". That's what we expect. However, when bad things happen to good people, that becomes a problem. What's worse is when good things happen to bad people. How did that happen? The reality is there are a lot of things in life that I don't always understand, that don't always make sense. This doesn't seem fair. For example, this man named Walter Lauf, this man was responsible for the murder of a quarter of a million Jews. He invented the gas chamber.

Even though he was arrested, he still escaped. Eventually he escaped to South America. He was never brought to justice. Even though they had a warrant out for his arrest. This doesn't seem fair. Someone murdered a quarter of a million people and was free for the rest of his life. Let's talk about something closer to the Philippines and us. When Senator Ninoy Aquino was assassinated I remember, we were all shocked. How could such a thing happen in broad daylight with media coverage? Sadly, to this day, it is not known who murdered former Senator Ninoy Aquino. This is something we all struggle with. Where is God? This isn't fair.

I remember a good friend of mine started having problems after he came to know Jesus Christ. His wife left him. Then slowly his business started to have problems. So when he asked me, "What is God doing"? I can honestly tell you, I didn't know the answer at that time. But I told him, "I know God loves you. I know God is good. But now, I don't know why". Years later, believe it or not, his business recovered. Many years later, more than twenty years later, his wife returned to him. This seems unfair and we don't always know why Psalm 73 tells us that the psalmist had a similar experience. The author is Asaph.

Asaph was a musician who was appointed by King David to be in charge of the musical worship department of the temple. He said this, "God has been kind to the pure in heart in Israel! As for me, my foot almost stumbled; my foot almost slipped. I see the wicked and the arrogant enjoying peace, and I feel resentful". You understand his problem? He begins by saying, "God is good. God is really good to the pure in heart"! This is basic theology. "God is good to the kind and the pure". But there is a problem, "I almost lost my footing" When it comes to "I almost lost my trust in God" What happened? I feel resentful when I see the wicked and the arrogant enjoying peace. His eyes are focused on people, especially evildoers. "They seem to be thriving," he said. What's wrong?

Today I want to share with you three main principles that you will learn in Psalm 73. When life seems unfair, focus on God. Check Your Points, Verses 1-15. Adjust your perspective, verses 16-22. Develop an eternal perspective. So what do we do? let us start. The poet now says that his views got him into trouble. Why? Look what he said, "They died without pain; their strength was strong. They did not suffer like others, nor did they suffer disaster like others". What the poet is saying is that these people seem to have no problems and no pain. Not only was there no pain, they did not suffer, nor did they suffer like others. Pride is like a chain around their necks; violence is like a garment covering their bodies.

Most importantly they are proud people. They were showing off their pride, they were boasting. Their eyes bulge from their fatness; they receive more than they desire. He's describing now, "I have a hard time understanding God's justice, these people don't seem to have a problem". He goes on to describe them, but you notice I underlined the words, "They, they, theirs, theirs, theirs". His eyes were focused on the people. Pay attention to the next section. They ridicule others and speak oppressively out of spite; they speak in a conceited way. Their mouths blaspheme heaven; their tongues slander the whole earth.

What is the poet saying? These people not only prosper, but they boast. Look at the gist of what they say. What are they talking about? They mock God. Their mouths, they spoke many ungodly things. Notice, so God's people come here and drink up the cup full of bitter water. They say, "How can God know? Has the Most High any knowledge"? In other words, these verses describe how the psalmist views ungodly people. They boast. They are showing their pride. Notice what he says, "These are the wicked; as they always enjoy ease, their wealth increases". Do you understand now why he was jealous? In fact, it had such an impact on him that he said, "I cleansed my heart in vain, washed my hands in vain".

I don't know if you have experienced this. Sometimes you ask yourself, "Is it worth it? Is following Jesus Christ worth it? Is following Jesus worth it? I don't compromise. I don't cheat. I pay my taxes right. I'm faithful to my wife. But I look at my life, I was hurt, I had a lot of problems. They didn't follow God, they were corrupt, they cheated, but everything seemed fine". That's the problem with Asaph in Psalm 73. He said, "I have purified my heart in vain, washed my hands in vain to show my innocence". Is it worth it? "I am in trouble all day long; I am punished every morning". The wicked man not only thrives, he says, "There is something wrong with me". I look at my life, and I still have something wrong today.

Notice he said, "If I say, I will say this, I will deal treacherously against your sons". He found himself. He said "If I keep saying these things, I will betray my testimony and your testimony Lord! If I keep saying these things, then, what has he done? This is the wonder of God's grace". You gotta check on you His perspective was based on what he saw. Now, is that right? Secondly, you need to adjust your perspective. Zoo. They were asked to describe an elephant. Well, it was amazing. The first blind man caught the elephant by its tail. The elephant must be a rope. The second blind man touched the side of the elephant. He said, "No, no, no. The elephant is a wall".

Then the third blind man touched the elephant's leg. He said, "Ah! The elephant is the tree". The fourth one touched his ears and they were moving. He said: "The elephant is a fan". "The next one touched the trunk of the elephant". He said: "Ah! The elephant is a big snake. The last one touched the ivory". He said: "The elephant is the spear". Many times, we look at life and don't see the whole picture, and we jump to conclusions. Our opinions must be consistent with the facts. I remember going Over in the Middle East. I noticed one day I was looking at the reverse side of the carpet, and I told the owner, "Why isn't the color of your carpet so bright"? He said, "Sir, you are looking at the wrong side".

This is the wrong side. Many times when we look at life, we look at it from this side of heaven, and we should look at it from the other side. Perspective is crucial. Sometimes your life is a mess. You don't It's like a puzzle. You don't know what's going on, but one day when it all comes together you realize, "Wow! The puzzle pieces may be things we don't understand now, but one day we will fully understand them". That's why Psalm 73 is about when life seems unfair, when it doesn't make sense to you, what do you do? You Check your perspective. Many times, our perspective is wrong. Then you have to adjust your perspective.

Do you remember the T.E.A principle of thinking about your emotions? Emotions influence your actions. What you think affects how you think. It affects how you act. What about changing your mind? You have to adjust your perspective. For example, this is the key verse in Psalm 73. "I thought about how I could understand this, but I saw that it was hard for me to understand it. Sanctuary, ponder their end". What does it mean? The author said, When I was thinking about it, I was troubled. I didn't understand, and it was hard to see. Then something happened. He entered the sanctuary of God. Another word is worship. Another word Was focused on God. What happened when he entered into worshiping God? The Bible tells us, "Consider their end".

You see, your perspective may be very narrow and may be very short-term. But God helps us just as He helped Asaph. God helps him see the big picture not just of what happened but what will happen in the future. Many times, our Perspectives are so temporary. We need to learn to look at the long term and see the eternal. So, when we talk about perspective, We need to learn to see things from a big perspective, God's perspective. That's why you need to adjust. What does it mean when you go into the sanctuary of God? Guess what happens? In any place of worship, start studying God's revelation, God's Word. It's important that when we study God's Word, we have perspective, you will have perspective.

Many of us are reading the Bible, fasting, and praying these days, and I believe that God has revealed Himself to you, for God will help. We think rightly. Only the grace of God changes our perspective. What happens when you worship? You focus on God, His promises, His greatness. That's it. Then he saw the big picture. What was the big picture? How desolate they became in a blink of an eye. God told him, "Have you seen the wicked prosper"? And God said, "Look, because suddenly, we don't know when, but righteousness, judgment follows".

The Bible tells us, "They are in a dangerous place today". Wicked man, you who do not walk with God, you are standing on slippery ground. The destination will be destruction, and how desolate they will become in an instant. How sudden. How sudden? Look at what the psalmist said, "Man As one who wakes from sleep looks upon a dream; so Lord, when one wakes up, one will despise their image". The psalmist said, "God, you now allow the wicked to continue".

The Bible tells us that it is God's patience, God's grace that allows sinners to continue living, but His desire is for them to repent. Therefore, it says here, "Lord, when you wake up and the day comes, when you take action, you will also despise their image. There will be judgment. Therefore, my heart is sour and my heart is stabbed". He is saying, when he He was in pain when he couldn't understand God. He didn't know what was happening. "I was pierced and I was in pain". "Because I don't understand why God, a good God, would let evil people continue".

Then he said, I am so ignorant and like an animal to you. Do you know what he is saying? When you are with God, you begin to adjust your perspective, even your perspective on yourself. He saw to himself. He said: I behave like an animal. I behave foolishly. Friends, many times you and I cannot see ourselves, but when we enter God's presence and spend time meditating, God will let you see Him. point of view and then you start to see yourself. As you're reading Psalm 73, you'll notice that the personal pronouns are changing. Part one, probably from 1.

Go to verses 12 and 13, you'll find 12 times the personal pronouns "they, them, them" and he's focusing on others, and then the next section of personal pronouns is about "me, me, me" and he's focusing on himself, He feels sorry, and then the next part of the psalm is about "you" and when his perspective changes, he starts changing the personal pronouns to "you" and finally, "you and me," which is a great way to remind ourselves that when you put When you focus on people, circumstances, it affects your perspective.

When you focus on yourself, it affects your perspective. But when you focus on God, like the Psalm, you begin to realize that your Perspectives change, that's God and you. What do we do when life seems unfair? Check our perspective and align it with God's. Why is it so important to develop an eternal perspective. perspective? Because our concepts of right and wrong, good and bad, what is fair and what is unfair, our concepts of what is important and what is not important must be consistent with God and truth, we don't take the time to stop and examine. How we see things. We don't take the time to look at how we see things.

May I suggest? In this world, you only have the following. Main point of view. First, from God's point of view, what He says. Or from the world's point of view, the world's philosophy. A lot of times, you don't take that. Time to think. That's why I love this quote from Oswald Chambers: "The reality of death has an amazing power to change a person's desires, because death deeply affected his outlook on life". Let me repeat that. According to Oswald Chambers, the reality of death has an amazing power to adjust, change, and correct what we want and what we desire because death profoundly affects His outlook on life, his perspective. You'll notice that young people and mature people have different perspectives.

My wife and I were just talking this morning about how we've lost a lot of people. I have two brothers, two sisters. Losing my sister-in-law, losing my brother-in-law, death is a reality. When you think about the reality of death, your values ​​change. That's what the poet said: "My perspective is no longer just temporary. I started to see the bigger picture". Jesus gave us a surprising reality about perspective. He talked about some people who will fight over money. Some people will see materialism as the most important thing. This is what He was talking about in Luke 12. "He spoke to them in parables".

The parable was that the background was people, and they were fighting for their property. He said, "There was a rich man who had a good harvest and thought in his heart". What should I do if I have no place to store my produce? "Then he said, 'This is what I will do: I will tear down my barn and build a bigger one, and there I will store all my food and property.'" From a worldly perspective, the man is smart. Do you know why? His perspective, he's thinking about the future. He's saying, "Hey! I need to expand". You see there's nothing wrong with that. This land is rich in crops. He thought in his mind: "What should I do if I have no place to store my produce? I will build a bigger one. This is what I'm going to do".

In other words, your perspective affects your behavior. There's just a problem. According to this story, this guy's perspective isn't big enough. According to this story, this guy's perspective isn't big enough. Look! "And then said to my soul: Soul, you have many treasures stored up that can be used for many years. Just eat, drink and be happy in peace and ease"! Isn't this the wish of every businessman you know? They wish to get to the point of retirement. Eat, drink, and be merry. They think of retirement, they think of the future. What's wrong?

There's nothing wrong with that, it's just that this view is too narrow, it's not broad enough, Not wide enough. Do you know why? You are only thinking about your future. This is what God is saying. "But God said to him: O foolish man, you need your soul tonight? Whose will be the things you have prepared"? In other words, be careful! Suddenly, sometimes death will come suddenly, without warning, and " your soul will be required tonight". Now the question is, "What you have prepared, to whom shall it belong"?

You see, perspective is important. Why do we spend so much time ignoring eternity? Ignoring things that are more important. Why? I don't blame the world. Can I tell you why? It's their perspective. That's what they know, that's what they believe. But I feel bad for so-called Christians. You know life on earth is not over. So, when we behave badly, we do. Be ashamed. So, when we behave badly, we feel ashamed. This is exactly what Jesus means, "You are an ignorant man". Don't be jealous of the ungodly when things are not right in this world. Don't be jealous. Why? Our perspective must be eternal. This is what God wants us to develop. The same is true for anyone who is not rich in God's sight. God wants us to be rich, but not in this world. It is okay to be rich in this world, but God says, "I want you to have treasure in heaven".

You know I'm reminded of a true story. This man was a billionaire. When he died, he left everything to his wife. The wife fell in love with a driver and they got married. The driver said to his wife, "Over the years, I thought I was serving your husband. I thought I was working for your husband. I had no idea it was actually your husband working for me". Perspective. How much can you carry? Wicked men, what's their future? Notice, Psalmist, his perspective changes. This is what he says, "I am with you always; you hold my right hand. You shall guide me with your precepts, and you will receive me into glory".

Notice, he realizes for the first time, after seeing the big picture, "I am with you always". He realizes that God is with him. "I am with you always". God's presence, you see, when you As you worship God, your perspective changes. God then says, "Take my right hand. God, you will guide me". Not just God's presence, not just God's protection. But God's guidance. And most importantly, look what He said, "He will receive me into glory". He saw the picture of eternity. "After this life, you will receive me into glory".

Have you ever thought about the glorious future of God's people? Has your perspective changed? There is nothing wrong with enjoying the things of this world. I praise God. God has blessed us. You look at the trees, you look at the grass, you Look at nature. Praise God, it's a beautiful world. Yes, life has its problems. But the world is beautiful, the flowers, the trees, the birds, the animals. But God says there is something better.. Our eternal future, glory. Do you know how glorious this is? As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him".

Notice, the eyes have never seen the most beautiful things in the world, not as good as what God has prepared for us. Ears have not heard the most beautiful music, the most beautiful words. Ears have not heard the most beautiful music, the most beautiful words. The most beautiful things are not as good as what God has prepared. Ears have not heard that the most beautiful music, the most beautiful words, the most beautiful things are not as good as what God has prepared. What the human mind has never thought of. No matter how big your imagination is. You can imagine the most beautiful things in heaven, and you will experience the most amazing adventures.

The Bible says this is nothing compared to what God has given you and me. Let me share with you a few passages from the Bible about our future so you can have this eternal perspective. Notice, glory, "He will dwell with us". God Himself will be with us. What else? The Bible tells us that "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. It's amazing". There will be no more death, no more mourning, no more crying. Can you imagine a place where there will be no more death, no more mourning, no more crying, No more pain? A glorious future is promised to you.

This is what the Bible says, He who sits on the throne, says the King of kings and Lord of lords, I make all things new! Everything is new. No matter what happens to you. Mistake, your past life. God is saying, I will make everything new! Take heed, you must write, for these words are trustworthy and true. He's saying, I promise, this is going to happen. God is saying, "You have a glorious future". What is your view of eternity? About God? If you keep reading the Bible.

In Revelation 21 the Bible describes the place where we will live. The walls are made of jasper. These are gems. Cities are built of pure gold. This describes how wonderful our future is. Maybe the writer doesn't know how to describe it. So, how would you describe the most beautiful place? In other words, it's a beautiful place. If you continue reading. The Bible tells us that the most beautiful thing is God's presence. The Bible says, I have not seen a temple in the city, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.

So, the Bible is very clear about God's presence. The scripture also says, The city does not need the sun or the moon to illuminate it; for the glory of God illuminates it. But please pay attention to the conditions. There is a condition for entering that glorious future. The condition is that no one who is unclean, nor anyone who does abominations and lies, shall enter the city; only those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life shall enter. The Bible tells us that when you come to Jesus, your name is written in the book of life. There is no more curse in that place. There, Jesus will be with us. I love this, there's the throne of God and the Lamb in the city, and His servants are going to serve Him, and people ask me what's going to happen.

The Bible tells us that you will see His face. Intimacy with God. Not only that, there is no more night. There is no night. what else? They will not use lamps or sunlight, for the Lord God will give them light, and they will reign forever and ever. The most amazing thing is that you and I will be kings with Jesus forever. No wonder, when Dwight Lyman Moody, a man of God, was dying, he said this: "This is my victory, this is my coronation! How glorious"! "I saw the earth Retreat, heaven is open, God is calling me". I have seen many of God's people die. The latest one is my sister-in-law. Before she died, she said to my brother, "Here comes the angel. Jesus is waiting for me".

Another person who died well was John Wesley. This is what John Wesley said: "The best thing is that God is with us. The best thing is that God is with us". You know, Psalm 73 tells us that He will receive us in glory. God's people, they died well. Those who do not know God die miserably. If you have this view, you will not be jealous of the ungodly. Notice how he ends. He said, "Who do I have in heaven but you? And I have no one on earth besides you. My flesh and my heart are failing; God is the strength of my heart and my blessing for all eternity".

Notice that as his perspective was adjusted, he experienced intimacy with God. "Your presence, your protection, your guidance, and my safety, you will lead me to glory". He concluded, "Who do I have in heaven but you"? In other words, no matter how beautiful heaven is, to him, the most precious thing in heaven is Jesus Himself, the man of God. "Besides you, I have no one on earth that I love". Not even the earth can compare to God. That's the point, my friend. I pray that you open your eyes and see that everything we have in this world is temporary. Everything in this world has nothing to do with God and Jesus Nothing compared to that. The Love of my soul, the one who died for us.

The Bible tells us that God is the strength of my heart and my blessing forever. This is an amazing fact. At the end of your life, the only thing you have is God. God is our blessing. I promise you, everything will be left behind. Your money, your stocks, your real estate and investments, your car. Everything in the world will be left behind, except God. Is this your point? He declares this. Finally, he says, whoever turns away from you will perish; therefore, everyone who forsakes you and commits adultery will be destroyed. His first conclusion is, contrast, Those who do not know God will surely perish.

Then contrast, It is good for me to draw near to God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may declare all your works. Let me explain these two words to you. What does that mean when He says, "Perish" does not just mean that you cease to exist. In 2 Thessalonians, the Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus will appear from heaven in blazing fire with His powerful angels to repay those who do not know God and those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. One day justice will be served. What will happen when Jesus returns? The Bible is very clear. The Lord Jesus appears from heaven with His powerful angels in flaming fire.

This is the Day of Judgment. He who does not know God and does not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. "There will be judgment on those who do not know God and those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus". The Bible is very clear. What kind of retribution? The Bible is very clear. The Bible says that they will be punished, which is eternal destruction. Away from the presence of the Lord and the glory of His power. The word "eternal destruction" does not mean the cessation of activity. It does not mean that you feel nothing. The meaning of "punishment" is: You lose your happiness. This word is also used to describe the torn wine skin.

You lose your happiness. You don't lose consciousness. You lose your happiness. You know why you lost it. Because you're away from the presence of the Lord and the glory of His power. Being away from the glory of His power is the worst thing you can ever experience.. The loss of happiness. On the other hand, this is what the Lord has come to be glorified in His saints. You see, God and His people will be marvelously glorified in that day. That day. (And you believed our testimony to you.)

My message to you today is the same, wherever you are, I want you to realize that when the world seems unfair, let go. Easy. You focus on God. Why? Because many times, our perspective is wrong. When you focus on God, you develop an eternal perspective. When your perspective changes, you can honestly say, "It is good for me to draw near to God;" This is the perspective "I have made the Lord my refuge" in God. A sense of security. Why? It's God's point of view.

Your perspective will change. Your emotions will change. Behavior changes. What behavior? I notice something about people who know God, people who are close to God, you know what they do about God, they claim everything about Him.. You know my joy, my pleasure, my pleasure, is to speak of the Lord as my friends, if things don't make sense, if life doesn't seem fair, you focus on God, who is our supreme good.If God has spoken to you today and you want to experience His goodness, His presence, I want you to pray a simple prayer to ask God to change your perspective and to pray for Him to help you. Something like this:

Lord Jesus, can you adjust my perspective? I wanted to meet you. Lord Jesus, I know what really matters to you is who you are and that you died on the cross for my sins. So, we invite you now, Lord. I ask you to be my Lord and Savior. Lord, come into my life. Come into my heart so that my thoughts, my perspective changes. I accept your gift of forgiveness. I accept your glorious promises. Your promise of eternal life. Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.