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Michael Youssef - How Do I Share The Truth With a Christian Living a Questionable Lifestyle?

Michael Youssef - How Do I Share The Truth With a Christian Living a Questionable Lifestyle?

I think this is a great question because we all have people like that. We know people who say, "I'm a Christian," but their life says otherwise. Jesus said something that is absolutely, I found it, it is the truth because Jesus said it, but it is true even in practical life, "By their fruit you shall know them".

So, no matter... A tree can say, "Well, I am a fig tree," but it's not producing figs, or, "I am an orange tree," but there is no oranges. And so, it is by the fruit of the tree that you know what kind of a tree it is, and it is the same thing with believers. If they say they are believers in Jesus, well, prove it. How do you prove it? By your commitment, your love for him, your obedience to him.

In fact, Jesus said, "If you are my disciple, if you love me, you're going to love my commandments. You're going to obey my commandments. You are going to abide in me". And so, it doesn't matter what people claim. James said, "You can claim anything you want to, but in the end, it is your life, it is the fruit in your life that's going to prove it".
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