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Michael Youssef - Our God Always Wins - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Our God Always Wins - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Our God Always Wins - Part 3
I know it’s not gonna come as a surprise to most of you to know that in the West, right now, in this moment in which we’re living in the 21st century, in the West, we have a Babylonian revival of sorts that’s taking place right across the Western [...]
Michael Youssef - Our God Always Wins - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Our God Always Wins - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Our God Always Wins - Part 2
I know that whenever any of us individually, and I can speak for myself, goes through crushing circumstances, we feel that our minds really play havoc on us. Our imagination runs wild, and our hearts sometimes get unglued, for there’s no doubt that [...]
Michael Youssef - Our God Always Wins - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Our God Always Wins - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Our God Always Wins - Part 1
There can be absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind that we are going through a global upheaval. Globally and nationally, we are experiencing something that we have never seen in our lifetime. I won’t say in history, but I cannot be that certain, so [...]
Michael Youssef - Joseph, A Man of Character
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Michael Youssef - Joseph, A Man of Character
Michael Youssef - Joseph, A Man of Character
Blessed Christmas season. You know, we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ because he came from heaven to save us and redeem us. And what a privilege for us to know him as Savior and Lord. He said to Thomas, he said, you believe in me [...]
Michael Youssef - What Does Jesus Think About Christmas?
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Michael Youssef - What Does Jesus Think About Christmas?
Michael Youssef - What Does Jesus Think About Christmas?
Blessed Christmas, the birth of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. And you just heard from the children the meaning of Christmas. You know, people form their ideas about Christmas from many different places. But what Jesus said about Christmas, how [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 4
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 4
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 4
I think most of us can testify, I know I can, that the times of discouragement and the times of disappointment and the times when we get down in the dumps are the times when we have taken our eyes off of Jesus. I have. In fact, I remember back when [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 3
Hindsight is the ability to see things clearly after they happen, to see things clearly after they happen. Now, it's the opposite of foresight, because foresight is the ability to see things before they happen. Just about all of us are good at [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 2
Have you ever experienced, or witnessed somebody else experience, something that you immediately stopped and said, "This is totally and truly unfair. This is pure injustice. This is a blatant lie". What compounds the problem is that [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 1
Perhaps I have not seen this level of discouragement among God's people, and I know there's a lot to be discouraged about. Continuous discouragement can sap your energy. Continuous discouragement causes loss of hope. Continuous [...]
Michael Youssef - Sufficient in All Circumstances
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Michael Youssef - Sufficient in All Circumstances
Michael Youssef - Sufficient in All Circumstances
The year was 1900. The city was Galveston, Texas. And that year, that storm that devastated Galveston nearly destroyed the whole city. Soon afterward, the city fathers sought the help of a very prominent and brilliant design engineer. They asked him [...]
Michael Youssef - Confess and Be Free
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Michael Youssef - Confess and Be Free
Michael Youssef - Confess and Be Free
Perhaps more than any time in my lifetime, I'm hearing more and more the statement, "victim's mentality". So many individuals and so many groups are claimed to be victimized. The problem with trivializing victimhood, is that real [...]
Michael Youssef - The God Who Sees
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Michael Youssef - The God Who Sees
Michael Youssef - The God Who Sees
There was a Roman emperor by the name of Arcadius, probably less known than most emperors. He was a weak man and he was totally controlled by his wicked wife. It's almost like the Jezebel-Ahab situation. They were in the late 300s. His wife [...]
Michael Youssef - The Self Worth We Need
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Michael Youssef - The Self Worth We Need
Michael Youssef - The Self Worth We Need
Back in the days of the Communist rule in East Germany, some of us have lived that history. The younger generation probably read about it in history book, but we lived it. During the terrible years when the Communists were in control of East Germany [...]
Michael Youssef - When God Says "NO"
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Michael Youssef - When God Says "NO"
Michael Youssef - When God Says "NO"
Everything in us, everything that we have learned, everything that the world tells us, everything we've been taught, is not to be poor in spirit. Feeling helpless or hopeless or unworthy, feeling totally empty is not what is going to make you a [...]
Michael Youssef - Never Out of God's Sight
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Michael Youssef - Never Out of God's Sight
Michael Youssef - Never Out of God's Sight
There are times in all of our lives when sin and pride and self-sufficiency brings us brokenness. There are times in all of our lives when our stubbornness and the stiff-neckedness bring about brokenness in our life. And when that brokenness comes [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouragement from Discouragement
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Michael Youssef - Encouragement from Discouragement
Michael Youssef - Encouragement from Discouragement
A man was convinced that he has an inferiority complex problem, and he went to see a psychiatrist. And he told the psychiatrist, "I suffer from an inferiority complex". So the psychiatrist examined him very thoroughly, very thoughtfully, [...]
Michael Youssef - Trusting God
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Michael Youssef - Trusting God
Michael Youssef - Trusting God
Today, I don't think you need to be a prophet to recognize that we live in hazardous times. We are watching with our own eyes how good is called evil and evil is called good, how the righteous is scorned and the wicked is praised. We're [...]
Michael Youssef - Lessons from a Cave
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Michael Youssef - Lessons from a Cave
Michael Youssef - Lessons from a Cave
Today, I'm gonna show you proof, evidence of David's emerging from the cave of Adullam turned into a prayer closet. He emerges, giving us evidence, giving us proof that in that prayer closet, in that cave of Adullam, David began to develop [...]
Michael Youssef - Peace Beyond Reason
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Michael Youssef - Peace Beyond Reason
Michael Youssef - Peace Beyond Reason
We're going to see today how David turned his cave into a prayer closet. But the truth is, I lived long enough, I talked to enough people, whether we're in the church or outside of the church, to learn that there are some people who [...]
Michael Youssef - Where the Arrows Land
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Michael Youssef - Where the Arrows Land
Michael Youssef - Where the Arrows Land
Sir Francis Drake was a great world explorer. He sailed around the world several times. And right after his fifth voyage around the world, he got caught, or his ship got caught, in a severe storm at the River Thames when he was almost home. His [...]
Michael Youssef - Closer Than a Brother
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Michael Youssef - Closer Than a Brother
Michael Youssef - Closer Than a Brother
Everything I read of late indicates that we live in a time when genuine friendship, becoming rare. The level of loneliness has been so on the increase, and social media that's supposed to help us is making it worse. True, lasting loyalty and [...]
Michael Youssef - Soldiers for the Living God
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Michael Youssef - Soldiers for the Living God
Michael Youssef - Soldiers for the Living God
I want to tell you something very important. Listen to me very carefully, there is no such thing as a fearless person. The only difference that you find is between those who take counsel of their fears and those who refuse to do so, the only [...]
Michael Youssef - A Matter of the Heart
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Michael Youssef - A Matter of the Heart
Michael Youssef - A Matter of the Heart
Wendell Willkie was a friend of President Roosevelt, that is Franklin Delano Roosevelt. And he came to him one day in the Oval Office, and he said, "Mr. President, can I ask you a question"? He said, "Sure". He said, "Why do [...]
Michael Youssef - Seek the Peace of the City
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Michael Youssef - Seek the Peace of the City
Michael Youssef - Seek the Peace of the City
So many people are saying, "This is not the same America I knew". Others say, "I hardly recognize my country anymore". Whatever happened to us, certainly this is not the America as envisaged by the founding fathers. The founding [...]
Michael Youssef - Hope Mexico Celebration (TV Special)
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Michael Youssef - Hope Mexico Celebration (TV Special)
Michael Youssef - Hope Mexico Celebration (TV Special)
Hello, Veracruz. So wonderful to be with you. It's a great honor and a privilege to be with you. And I came all this way not to bring you a word from me but from Jesus. And Jesus said you must be born again. And Jesus said those words to one of [...]
Michael Youssef - What Ever Happened to Hell?
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Michael Youssef - What Ever Happened to Hell?
Michael Youssef - What Ever Happened to Hell?
The subject of hell is not a very popular subject in many pulpits today. As a matter of fact, not long ago, I read well over 50% of pastors said that they would never preach on hell throughout their ministry. So much so today, the majority of [...]
Michael Youssef - The Return of Christ
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Michael Youssef - The Return of Christ
Michael Youssef - The Return of Christ
Our Lord Jesus Christ tells us there's a great deal of difference between waiting and watching. In fact, he makes this very clear distinction between waiting and watching in both Matthew 24 and 25. It's known as the Olivet Discourse. There [...]
Michael Youssef - On Earth As It Is In Heaven
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Michael Youssef - On Earth As It Is In Heaven
Michael Youssef - On Earth As It Is In Heaven
You know, we often see the world out of focus, right? We see the world as indecipherable. And we think if we need more light or if we need more power or we need more money or we need more faith or we need more of this and more of that, but beloved, [...]
Michael Youssef - The New Heaven and The New Earth
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Michael Youssef - The New Heaven and The New Earth
Michael Youssef - The New Heaven and The New Earth
Today, I'm gonna start by asking a question. What are the four chapters in the Bible where Satan and his works, nonexistent, they're not there, totally, completely absent, four chapters. Well, if you answered the first two chapters of [...]
Michael Youssef - The 3 Heavens
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Michael Youssef - The 3 Heavens
Michael Youssef - The 3 Heavens
Most Christians, I'm talking about Christian believers, I'm not talking about people outside, I'm sure some of those too, but don't really think about heaven much. It's not something you've been thinking about all day, [...]
Michael Youssef - Who Is Going to Heaven?
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Michael Youssef - Who Is Going to Heaven?
Michael Youssef - Who Is Going to Heaven?
I want you to turn with me to John chapter 3. Keep it open in front of you. Jesus told this religious man who came to him by the name of Nicodemus. What Jesus said to Nicodemus leaves us in no doubt whatsoever as to the answer to the question, [...]
Michael Youssef - The 9 Blessings of Heaven
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Michael Youssef - The 9 Blessings of Heaven
Michael Youssef - The 9 Blessings of Heaven
A producer wanted to produce a series about heaven and hell. And so, the first in the series, they were interviewing a clergyman from England and they asked him the question, "How do you know that there is a heaven and there is a hell"? [...]
Michael Youssef - The 10 Benefits of Heaven
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Michael Youssef - The 10 Benefits of Heaven
Michael Youssef - The 10 Benefits of Heaven
The one thing that those who love Jesus must always, always, always remind themselves, and literally every waking moment, not just on occasions, every waking moment, that this planet is not our home. That we are eagerly awaiting the coming of our [...]
Michael Youssef - Heaven Awaits - TV Special
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Michael Youssef - Heaven Awaits - TV Special
Michael Youssef - Heaven Awaits - TV Special
Jane Robelot : There are so many misconceptions about what it is, but we do know, because the Bible tells us, that heaven is real. And I know, Dr. Michael Youssef, that aside from talking about Jesus, your favorite thing to talk about is heaven. [...]
Michael Youssef - The 8 Beautiful Facets of Heaven
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Michael Youssef - The 8 Beautiful Facets of Heaven
Michael Youssef - The 8 Beautiful Facets of Heaven
I don't have three points to talk about the beauty of heaven. No, I have eight, and that is actually condensing from what could have been many. So, fasten your seatbelt as we go on this amazing journey to look at these eight facets of the [...]
Michael Youssef - The Joys of Heaven
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Michael Youssef - The Joys of Heaven
Michael Youssef - The Joys of Heaven
How come there are very few believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who are studying, examining, learning, and preparing, for they will be living forever? Very few Christian believers make any serious preparation for heaven, where they're gonna be [...]
Michael Youssef - Palm Sunday, Discerning the Times
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Michael Youssef - Palm Sunday, Discerning the Times
Michael Youssef - Palm Sunday, Discerning the Times
Now, if you'll turn with me to Luke chapter 19, beginning at verse 28 to 44, I'm gonna show you the relevance to Palm Sunday. I can tell you, from my heart, on this Palm Sunday more than any other Palm Sunday in my lifetime, the words of [...]
Michael Youssef - We Preach Christ
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Michael Youssef - We Preach Christ
Michael Youssef - We Preach Christ
I thought long and hard about what message should I bring. I sought the Lord with all my heart, and I sensed the Spirit of God saying, "Go back to the foundational message," a message upon which this church, "Leading The Way," [...]
Michael Youssef - Leading The Way in Egypt
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Michael Youssef - Leading The Way in Egypt
Michael Youssef - Leading The Way in Egypt
I am so honored to be here back in Cairo. And I'm gonna tell you something that is the absolute truth, and my wife knows this. I've been around the world about 76 times. I have been, I have preached everywhere in the world, but there is a [...]
Michael Youssef - God's Holiness
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Michael Youssef - God's Holiness
Michael Youssef - God's Holiness
Conformity and peer pressure is one of the great challenges, not only among young people but adults as well. If a young student in school dares to be different, he or she would risk being alienated, and bullied, and even worse. Many parents in our [...]
Michael Youssef - God's Sovereignty
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Michael Youssef - God's Sovereignty
Michael Youssef - God's Sovereignty
How do you get to know anyone? How do you get to know a person? The only way you know anything about any person is what that person says about himself or herself, right? The only way anyone knows something about you is not through what others say [...]
Michael Youssef - Hope Ireland Celebration, Dublin
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Michael Youssef - Hope Ireland Celebration, Dublin
Michael Youssef - Hope Ireland Celebration, Dublin
I came across the pond on my steam for one reason, and that is to tell you that every one of us must be born again. Every person at the sound of my voice must be born again. That's what Jesus said. I don't make the stuff up. Born again is [...]
Michael Youssef - Whose Disciple? - Part 4
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Michael Youssef - Whose Disciple? - Part 4
Michael Youssef - Whose Disciple? - Part 4
Now, to the younger generation might not know this, but when we were young you remember we used to play that game "Spinning the Top". And we competed on seeing which top would spin longest, and we compared top sizes and shapes. And then we [...]
Michael Youssef - Whose Disciple? - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Whose Disciple? - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Whose Disciple? - Part 3
The Caesars who ruled Rome with an iron fist, abused power. In Palestine, the Roman soldiers perfected the use and the abuse of power. And yet, our Lord himself who was conscious of the abuse of power all around him at that time, he gave his [...]
Michael Youssef - Whose Disciple? - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Whose Disciple? - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Whose Disciple? - Part 2
Marketing in the business world is a great endeavor. People need to be informed about good products and the benefits of those products. But there are many, sadly, who dishonestly advertise. In our society, it's all become about numbers now, and [...]
Michael Youssef - Whose Disciple? - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Whose Disciple? - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Whose Disciple? - Part 1
Hello, my friends, I'm gonna start a short series of messages, "Whose Disciple"? Because right now, at least in my lifetime, we're seeing so many people of followers of great gurus and great celebrity pastors, and they are [...]
Michael Youssef - Facing the Future with Confidence
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Michael Youssef - Facing the Future with Confidence
Michael Youssef - Facing the Future with Confidence
You know, every New Year, these fortunetellers, that's really what I call them, future-predictors, they come out of the woodworks, every year. And through the years I've really tracked some of them and I gotta tell you that at least, and I [...]
Michael Youssef - The Armor of God
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Michael Youssef - The Armor of God
Michael Youssef - The Armor of God
In the last message we saw how, when Satan kept on coming at Jesus in the wilderness, tempting him and tempting him and tempting him again, our Lord defeated him over and over and over by the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. One of that [...]
Michael Youssef - The Three Temptations
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Michael Youssef - The Three Temptations
Michael Youssef - The Three Temptations
You know, during World War II, after the collapse of France, Hitler and the Nazis were eyeing the coast of England and thinking of invading the mainland of England, channel the coast. There are some books and movies made on this. But when Hitler [...]
Michael Youssef - Be Vigilant
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Michael Youssef - Be Vigilant
Michael Youssef - Be Vigilant
Please open your Bibles to 1 Peter 5:8 and 9. You can read with me. "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, stand firm in the faith, because you know that [...]
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