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Matt Hagee - The God We Ignore
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Matt Hagee - The God We Ignore
Matt Hagee - The God We Ignore
The reason that I choose the title for this message, "The God that We Ignore," is because when you begin to discuss the Holy Spirit in churches today, you typically get one of two responses. When you say, "We're going to teach [...]
Matt Hagee - The God of Hope
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Matt Hagee - The God of Hope
Matt Hagee - The God of Hope
Whenever you mention the word "Apocalypse," people often envision dooms day scenarios. They see mushroom clouds over cities. They see scenes of disaster like your in-laws moving in with you. You see this topic of the end times and the [...]
Matt Hagee - The Gift You Cannot Forget
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Matt Hagee - The Gift You Cannot Forget
Matt Hagee - The Gift You Cannot Forget
We begin a brand-new sermon series entitled "Glory to God in the highest". This message, as simple as it sounds and as familiar as it seems, is something that we often forget to do because of all of the distractions that we see in the [...]
Matt Hagee - The Choice Is Yours
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Matt Hagee - The Choice Is Yours
Matt Hagee - The Choice Is Yours
We have a choice to make. We cannot decide not to decide. The graphic shows an individual at the crossroads. One path leads to blessing and the other path leads to curses. What you have to understand is that when you come to the crossroad and you [...]
Matt Hagee - The Buried Treasure of Bethlehem
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Matt Hagee - The Buried Treasure of Bethlehem
Matt Hagee - The Buried Treasure of Bethlehem
We often sell ourselves short when we say to each other simple clichés, like, "Jesus is the reason for the season". Now, I'm not shaming anybody who's used it because it works at this time of year. But the reality of it is, is [...]
Matt Hagee - The Broken Borders of Marriage
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Matt Hagee - The Broken Borders of Marriage
Matt Hagee - The Broken Borders of Marriage
The reason that the biblical borders of marriage are broken is because individuals, men and women, have refused to take the responsibility that is upon them to maintain a healthy marriage. It's not that we don't know what to do: it's [...]
Matt Hagee - The Borders of Salvation
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Matt Hagee - The Borders of Salvation
Matt Hagee - The Borders of Salvation
A border is a blessing. Say that with me: "A border is a blessing". And the reason that a border is a blessing is because without a border, you have no idea where the good starts and the bad stops. You see whenever it comes to this topic [...]
Matt Hagee - The Blessing of a Border
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Matt Hagee - The Blessing of a Border
Matt Hagee - The Blessing of a Border
You see when it comes to border control, one of the problems is that people immediately want to say, "Well it's a politically-driven problem," "It's driven by bad policies," "It's driven by poor decisions in [...]
Matt Hagee - The Best You Have To Give
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Matt Hagee - The Best You Have To Give
Matt Hagee - The Best You Have To Give
Let's read Galatians 6:7 and 9 together. If you're there, say, amen. The Bible says, "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will, of the flesh, reap [...]
Matt Hagee - The Awesome Power of the Anointing
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Matt Hagee - The Awesome Power of the Anointing
Matt Hagee - The Awesome Power of the Anointing
When you read the Bible, you see through the pages concerning the topic of the anointing that, first and foremost, the anointing is God's idea. It's not something that was put together by a group of preachers and teachers who decided that [...]
Matt Hagee - The Attitude of Praise
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Matt Hagee - The Attitude of Praise
Matt Hagee - The Attitude of Praise
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to Psalms 34, as this morning, we conclude the sermon series "What a way to live" with this message, "The Attitude of Praise". We've considered worship as being the most important thing [...]
Matt Hagee - That's Never Been Done Before
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Matt Hagee - That's Never Been Done Before
Matt Hagee - That's Never Been Done Before
We're going to be talking about Noah and the flood. It's a Bible story that most people are familiar with in some context. But most of the time they simply overlook it as a thing that you tell your children about whenever they ask how [...]
Matt Hagee - Take A Closer Look
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Matt Hagee - Take A Closer Look
Matt Hagee - Take A Closer Look
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to Psalm 8:1 through 6, as this morning we begin a new sermon series entitled "Unseen realities" with this first message "Take a closer look". There are real things that are happening all [...]
Matt Hagee - So Where Did He Go?
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Matt Hagee - So Where Did He Go?
Matt Hagee - So Where Did He Go?
This is what the Bible says in 1 Samuel 3:1. If you're there, say, amen. "Now the boy Samuel ministered to the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was rare in those days". Say that with me, "And the word of the Lord was [...]
Matt Hagee - Seasons of Thanksgiving
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Matt Hagee - Seasons of Thanksgiving
Matt Hagee - Seasons of Thanksgiving
What is it about the most powerful principles in life? What is it about those simple statements that have the ability to change everything in your dynamic? Why is it that whenever you hear them, they are much easier said than done? Have you ever [...]
Matt Hagee - Outnumbered
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Matt Hagee - Outnumbered
Matt Hagee - Outnumbered
Today I want you to know that you are living in a world filled with good news if Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior. Because if he is your Lord and Savior, you have your problems outnumbered. You and Jesus Christ make a majority, based on what the [...]
Matt Hagee - One Day at a Time
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Matt Hagee - One Day at a Time
Matt Hagee - One Day at a Time
My goal for you, as your pastor, is for you to live the 3:20 life. Now there's a lot of people that like to tag lots of numbers onto your life, so before you get worried about what is the 3:20 life, I want to show you where it comes from in [...]
Matt Hagee - Oh The Blood
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Matt Hagee - Oh The Blood
Matt Hagee - Oh The Blood
We're going to be discussing the topic of the most powerful substance in all of the earth, and all of the heavens above, and the worlds beneath. This is not a matter of question or debate. This is an indisputable fact, because this one [...]
Matt Hagee - Labor of Love, Part 2
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Matt Hagee - Labor of Love, Part 2
Matt Hagee - Labor of Love, Part 2
Every day is something that you should celebrate with the person that God has given you, your husband, your wife, in the covenant love of holy matrimony. Every day you should demonstrate to them that they are a priceless treasure. Every day you [...]
Matt Hagee - Labor of Love, Part 1
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Matt Hagee - Labor of Love, Part 1
Matt Hagee - Labor of Love, Part 1
The Bible is a book of signs and wonders. And when God did miracles through his son Jesus Christ here on earth, what it did was it made cynical people into saints. The doubters, who saw Lazarus come out of a grave, no longer doubted that Jesus [...]
Matt Hagee - It's Time to Be the Man
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Matt Hagee - It's Time to Be the Man
Matt Hagee - It's Time to Be the Man
Micah 6:8 gives us instructions about what God wants from men. I love the fact that the verse begins with, "You, o man". Why? Because the world that we live in and the society that we're in today is trying to erase facts with [...]
Matt Hagee - It's About Time
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Matt Hagee - It's About Time
Matt Hagee - It's About Time
If you brought your Bibles, would you turn them to the book of Haggai 1:2 through 5, as this morning, we begin a new sermon series on the topic of time. What is it about time that keeps everybody so distracted? Our world is filled with messages and [...]
Matt Hagee - I Spy
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Matt Hagee - I Spy
Matt Hagee - I Spy
Whether you know it or not, you're playing "I Spy" right now. You've been doing it since you got up and got dressed this morning, because "I Spy" has to do with perspective, how you see. And each and every one of us [...]
Matt Hagee - I Love It When God Shows Up
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Matt Hagee - I Love It When God Shows Up
Matt Hagee - I Love It When God Shows Up
When you read 1 Samuel 3:1, 1 Samuel 3:21, you notice that there is a connection in the relationship between God and his word. For example, in verse 1, it says, "The word of the Lord was rare, and there was no widespread revelation". In [...]
Matt Hagee - I Believe In You
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Matt Hagee - I Believe In You
Matt Hagee - I Believe In You
I believe God has a plan for you today. I believe that that plan is far greater than anything you've ever known in the past. I believe that every breath you breathe, you breathe with purpose, because his providential plan is coming to pass. [...]
Matt Hagee - How To Hypnotize A Generation
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Matt Hagee - How To Hypnotize A Generation
Matt Hagee - How To Hypnotize A Generation
The Bible says, in a number of places, that certain things are going to happen when we get to the end times. For example, Paul in his letter to Timothy. In the second letter, he says, "Know this: that in the end times, perilous times will come, [...]
Matt Hagee - How Free Do You Want To Be
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Matt Hagee - How Free Do You Want To Be
Matt Hagee - How Free Do You Want To Be
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to the book of John 8:32, as this morning, we consider what the Bible has to say about the topic of freedom, and ask the question, how badly do you want to be free? How free do you want to be? Freedom is [...]
Matt Hagee - How Fast Can The Dominoes Fall
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Matt Hagee - How Fast Can The Dominoes Fall
Matt Hagee - How Fast Can The Dominoes Fall
We're going to see from God's word today just how relevant this ancient text is with the modern things you get to read every morning. Let's read Luke 21:25 and following. If you're there, say, amen. "And there will be signs [...]
Matt Hagee - Headline News
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Matt Hagee - Headline News
Matt Hagee - Headline News
Today, we're discussing "Headline News" because headlines are these stories that drown out every other story that's being told in the week, in the month, in the year. When you look at the headlines of newspapers, sometimes they [...]
Matt Hagee - Growing Pains
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Matt Hagee - Growing Pains
Matt Hagee - Growing Pains
The Bible speaks constantly about the cleansing of the Word of God. It begins in Exodus 30. In Exodus 30, God tells Moses that in the tabernacle where the people of Israel were going to meet with God: that he should build a bronze laver. And this [...]
Matt Hagee - Great Expectations
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Matt Hagee - Great Expectations
Matt Hagee - Great Expectations
If we're going to receive the unexpected, overwhelming, beyond what we could ask, think, or imagine goodness of God in our tomorrows, we're going to have to willingly let go of what we're holding onto today, and take a leap of faith [...]
Matt Hagee - Follow The Signs
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Matt Hagee - Follow The Signs
Matt Hagee - Follow The Signs
Today, I want to show you in the scripture how to follow the signs so that you can walk the path of righteousness and be willing and obedient, and receive the blessings of God. That's the message of Deuteronomy 6. Deuteronomy 6 tells us very [...]
Matt Hagee - First Things First
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Matt Hagee - First Things First
Matt Hagee - First Things First
Matthew 16:24 is one of the places where you turn in scripture, and when you read the words, many people oftentimes say, "Well pastor, I just don't understand. I don't understand how if you try to save your life, you're going to [...]
Matt Hagee - Expect The Unexpected
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Matt Hagee - Expect The Unexpected
Matt Hagee - Expect The Unexpected
Whenever it comes to the things that you are expecting in your life, most of the time you begin your expectations based on the depth of your relationship. For example, when you meet a stranger, you have very few expectations of that stranger or from [...]
Matt Hagee - Everyone Has To Grow
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Matt Hagee - Everyone Has To Grow
Matt Hagee - Everyone Has To Grow
John 15:1 through 17 have a conversation that in order to understand it, we have to go where Jesus was and see what he was looking at. That's why we've reconstructed our version of a Cornerstone vineyard here. When Jesus said, "I am [...]
Matt Hagee - Enough Is Enough
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Matt Hagee - Enough Is Enough
Matt Hagee - Enough Is Enough
When you choose to follow Christ, deny your will, and serve him, you don't have to follow him very long before you find yourself in a conflict. If anyone has ever told you that a Christian life is absent of struggle, they lied. The Christian [...]
Matt Hagee - Diet And Exercise
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Matt Hagee - Diet And Exercise
Matt Hagee - Diet And Exercise
Psalm 78 is a very difficult passage to navigate, because there's not a lot of good news in it. Most of the time when we open up the Bible, and we want to be encouraged, we like to be encouraged with things that tell us what we want to hear. [...]
Matt Hagee - Daily Bread or Deadly Bread?
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Matt Hagee - Daily Bread or Deadly Bread?
Matt Hagee - Daily Bread or Deadly Bread?
There are many people in this sanctuary, watching over television, watching online this morning. And you crave the freedom, and the liberty, and the joy, and the deliverance of the relationship that you have with Jesus Christ. But right behind that [...]
Matt Hagee - Cut It Out
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Matt Hagee - Cut It Out
Matt Hagee - Cut It Out
God's not interested in your attitude: he's interested in your potential. And so he builds your life upon his word. And none of us are free from pruning. Every branch, he either picks it up or he prunes it, because what he's [...]
Matt Hagee - Come And Take It
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Matt Hagee - Come And Take It
Matt Hagee - Come And Take It
We begin a topic entitled "Come and Take It". How many of you were born and raised in the great state of Texas? How many of you got here just as soon as you could, by God's grace? Here in Texas, the word "Come and take it" [...]
Matt Hagee - Blood, Sweat and Tears
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Matt Hagee - Blood, Sweat and Tears
Matt Hagee - Blood, Sweat and Tears
I want to take you to a place where blood, sweat and tears came together, not to do just another common and ordinary thing, but to do an extraordinary thing. Today we turn and we look at Jesus Christ, the author and the finisher of our faith, who [...]
Matt Hagee - Are You Starving To Death?
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Matt Hagee - Are You Starving To Death?
Matt Hagee - Are You Starving To Death?
We're going to be discussing the difference between what you want and what you need. How many of you know that there is usually a very real distinction between what you want and what you need? You want blue bell. You need broccoli. You want [...]
Matt Hagee - Are You Curable?
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Matt Hagee - Are You Curable?
Matt Hagee - Are You Curable?
Are you curable? Jesus said it this way: "Whoever hears these words and does them, he is like a wise man... Whoever hears these words and does not do them, he is like a foolish man". One of the challenges with this verse is not that [...]
Matt Hagee - A Nation On It's Knees
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Matt Hagee - A Nation On Its Knees
Matt Hagee - A Nation On Its Knees
Israel, for generations, recognized that it was God who had created them: that it was God who had sustained them: that it was God who delivered them from Egypt: that it was God who brought them through the wilderness: that it was God that gave them [...]
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