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Kenneth Copeland - The Priestly Blessing

Kenneth Copeland - The Priestly Blessing
TOPICS: Blessing

— Welcome everybody to the "Believer's Voice of Victory" broadcast. Are you having as much fun as we're all having here? It is so wonderful. The wonders of the absolute uncanny accuracy of this book from Genesis one to the very last word of the book of Revelation.

— He watches over his Word to perform it.

— To perform it.

— Yes sir. Amen, praise God.

— I'm telling you, next week, come on man, next week Christmas. Jesus was born exactly on time, exactly in the place right away. Let's open here to the book of Acts. I'll let the apostle Paul say it. He can say it better than I can. I just... The covenant is just all over this thing. His name wasn't Paul. It was Saul.

— That's right.

— God changed his name.

— Yes he did.

— The covenant name change.

— That's right.

— Just like with Abraham. Just like with Jacob.

— Yes, Peter.

— If you look at Jacob's life real quick, I know you wanna get to Acts, Jacob, the first thing we see here, he steals his Brother's birthright though that whole thing his Brother sells it off. It's a picture of Adam selling off his birthright. And the law of the firstborn is most important in all the way through except till we get to there and it switches. So the second Adam can come like Jacob, the second Adam can come and get the entire birthright back.

— Then what does his name become?

— His name becomes Israel.

— When you first see him, it's the ladder, you talked about it earlier this week. And it's at nighttime. And that's when he's leaving his blessing. He's leaving his promised land. For 20 years he'll hide from his Brother. He's leaving. When he wrestles with God, Paniel means face of God in Hebrew, it's daytime. When he comes back into his blessing it's daytime, the light is shining on him. He left in darkness and he comes back with THE BLESSING and his name is Israel. And Israel means God fights.

— Yes.

— So, God fights.

— Oh man, this book. We're going to get to heaven and study this thing from now on. Cause we're gonna go to the archives and we're gonna see all the rest of what was going on, all this time that what God was seeing. Of course, he sees the whole earth, all the...

— His eyes go to and fro through all of earth looking.

— Seeking, seeking. I need to be strong to somebody. Is there anybody in anybody? Hey, Kenneth, here.

— Like David, he's looking for somebody in that house to bless. I'm open.

— I'm open.

— It's like when I was playing football. I'm open, I'm open, throw it to me.

— I'm a receiver.

— Yes sir. I like it. Acts chapter 17, if you're there. Now, the apostle Paul is preaching there and he's talking about the unknown God. They had a stage at Mars Hill. And they had a statue to the unknown God. And he's talking about the unknown God, because he knows him. And look at that 26th verse, Greg. Verse 25, "neither is worshiped with men's hands, as though he needed anything, seeing he gives to all life and breath, and all things. And has made of one blood all nations". Boy, that gets rid of your racism, right there, "Have made of all nations of men one blood for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation. That they should seek the Lord". And look at that 28th verse. "In him we live, move and have our being".

— Yes sir.

— Now, he determined the bounds of our habitation.

— I love it.

— I was born on the sixth day of December in Lubbock, Texas. I wasn't born on the fifth. I wasn't born on the seventh. I was born on the sixth, right where I was supposed to be. And six weeks later we moved to Abilene, Texas, and that's where I was raised. And it was right on time, right where I should be.

— Yes, yes sir. None of us are an accident. It's all part of the plan that he has for your life. I know the thoughts I think toward you.

— And they're good.

— They're good.

— They're not evil and they're for prosperity.

— And this is why the American Holocaust is such a bad thing. Abortion.

— Oh God.

— It's interrupting the plan, that he had for those people.

— We've said this before, but I have to say it again. There are no descendants of Abel.

— None. This is why his blood cried out.

— There are none, zero. Think of the blood line that's been interrupted. The American Holocaust. Greg, I thought they were saying 16 million. No, it was 60. And I had to go, I knew that, but I had to go back and correct myself 'cause I would slip up and say that I think I did it on the broadcast or something. But 60 million people that we know of. The American Holocaust. And thank God it's about over.

— Yes, sir. And if you've had an abortion we're in no ways condemning you...

— Oh, absolutely not. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, that's not the idea at all. That little fellow is waiting on you. You accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, and that little fellow is waiting on you and get to raise him. Or him or her.

— Amen.

— Hallelujah, glory to God.

— Praise God.

— But, this is all to point toward that fact that with God there are no accidents. I have to go back to the fact, the reason why my hair is still dark brown, and why I have a head full of it, is because I started talking to it back there when I first found out. And I started speaking to it and talking to it. And I said, I lay my faith claim on exactly the number of hair that I had on my head when I turned 30 years old in 1966, and stepped over into the perfect will of God. Now, I claim the same number of hair I had on my head then, I claim it for now. Then I stand in front of that mirror and I say, grow, dark brown, no gray. Do grow dark brown, thick be.

— So what happened to me?

— Well, you forgot.

— I can tell you what happened. I can tell you exactly what happened to me. In my line, in my family and our DNA, one side of the family are balding, really balding. And the other side of our family, they turn white very early. And I used to say it, Brother, I didn't know anything about Word of faith or your confession or what you'd says. Little Pentecostal Holiness kid. I used to say, well I'd rather it turn white than turn loose. I said it all the time. Guess, in my twenties, it started turning white. It did exactly what I said.

— In your 20s it started?

— Yes sir. My late twenties is when I first started noticing. And we painted it for a long time, just did things. And then one day, got a bad batch of it, burned my head and I had to stop painting it. And so here it is, just the way it's supposed to be. But I said that over myself all the time. It's exactly what I said. It didn't turn loose. It turned white.

— One of our partners years ago lost all of her hair. And it was more, if I remember right, it was more than just a chemotherapy treatment. They told her she would never have hair again. She said, yes, I will. They said woman, there's no way you'll ever have hair again. She said, Lord, I want this to be a remarkable statement to those people. She said, I not only want hair, I want a lot of it, and I want it to be absolutely snow white where it is just gorgeous. And under the wig she was wearing, she could see the little sprigs of it. And in case she talked to it, it came back in this gorgeous, beautiful... It wasn't just white, it was supernatural hair. And they just gasp when they took that wig off and there it was. And it just kept growing and just flow.

— Praise God. He gives you the desires of your heart.

— Right here.

— And it's tied to your mouth.

— Believe it in your heart and say it with your mouth.

— This is exactly why, Brother Copeland, we've been talking about we're leading up to Christmas and John the Baptist's father, the angel had to shut his mouth. He's a priest, carries responsibility. If you're gonna represent the Father in an anointed office of a priest or a pastor, it costs Moses. Moses' temper cost him. He misrepresented God. He's supposed to strike the rock the first time as a picture of Jesus. He's supposed to speak to it the second time. Meaning a symbol for them, after Jesus will be crucified, you won't have to crucify him again. Now, you'll just speak the Word, and he'll do it. And he didn't do it. He represented him wrong in his anger and it cost him. Wasn't able to go in the promised land. So John's father is a priest, if we can, let's get into this priestly blessing. The angel will silence him. The first, it's the first account of an angel in the New Testament. And it's dealing with John's father. The priest is to bless in the name of the Lord. Do you understand this blessing? The Lord bless you, and keep you, show his favor upon you, His face may shine upon you. That whole blessing and give you peace. Those words were written by the Father. And given, this is how you're going to do it. I don't want you just get up there saying something, like, well bless your little heart, nothing like that. I want, this is how it's gonna be. God had always done THE BLESSING in the covenants up until this time of Moses, when he's got Aaron in there. Now, he's going to give these anointed men, the priests, you're gonna bless. And you're gonna do it for me. Even though he said, you're gonna do it, this is how you're gonna do it. So, the priest is to bless in the name of the Lord, he's to prepare the sacrifices, he's supposed to attend the incense, he's supposed to keep it burning at all time. And that's when the angel approached him. Right then, right there. You got something.

— No.

— If you read over in Luke, concerning Elizabeth. In Luke chapter one. This will help you understand what you're supposed to do when you're a pastor. Wait, where am I going? I'm going to Luke. It's on this side of Acts. Luke and then John. Luke chapter one verse number six talks about...

— "They were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless".

— That's it.

— Now, that's what God told Abram, when he changed his name to Abraham.

— That's exactly it.

— You walk up... Well the King James says it perfect. You walk up right at blameless before me.

— And look at the verse 13. "But the angel said unto him, fear not Zacharias, for thy prayer is heard, and thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John". So they had prayed for a child. The prayer is heard. She's prayed for it at least. Very similar to Abraham and Sarah.

— It is, isn't it?

— It's a type and shadow of the seed of Abraham, because he's about to be born right behind him. And so, you see the connectors? All of these things connect with each other. So, he doesn't laugh, but he doesn't fully believe. Now, the laughter in her was the same thing. It was unbelievable. Angel has no time, cause we're on a time deadline here. He has no time for Zacharias to become fully persuaded.

— That's right.

— Like Abraham did. I need you to shut up. Angels won't negotiate with you. Now, when that happened, that was, I believe that was the Lord Jesus Christ that was dealing with Abraham. Why did Sarah laugh? But an angel doesn't have that discretion. That's why the scripture says, provoke him not.

— Cause he has orders and he's gonna get it done the second it needs to be done. And he's gonna...

— John has to be born. It has to happen while you're here. John has to...

— God's Word is in him?

— Yes. This one that will come from the cousin has to be born exactly on time. We're on a time deadline. The only thing I can do is shut your mouth.

— Cause you can't have what you say. No, I don't have time for him to be fully persuaded. By now, he should have grown in the things of the Lord. So he can't grade on the curve and he had to shut his mouth. Cause I always wondered, Lord, why did you have to shut his mouth? Cause I can't, that angel can't grade on the curve, and we're on a time deadline. 'Cause prophecies from the time of Daniel are in place.

— Some how he lost his hearing at the same time.

— Yes he did. Yes he did. So what happened, he silenced him, and that was in the new Testament, by the way. So this blessing is to be said by the priest. Now THE BLESSING of the Lord that's to be said by the priest is not just a closing prayer. It's a blessing. And it's a holy thing to this day to the Jewish people. It's a holy thing. The priest is not the same as a prophet, got to understand that. The priest and the prophet, they can be, but is not the same. The priest blesses. He represents the people. He represents the Father before the people and represents the people through the Father. That's Moses's role is. Before Mount Sinai, there's very little mention of priest prior to that. But after Mount Sinai, we've now instituted a priesthood. We had some, before that. We had Melchizedek, who was a king priest like Jesus. And we had Jethro. Now, Melchizedek, he's not from a tribe. Cause this is before the tribes of Israel. So, here's the thing you gotta remember, every priest was a Levite, but not every Levite was a priest.

— Oh, that's good.

— It's true. A priest is a descendant of Aaron or a Levite. No, the priests are from Aaron. But Moses is a Levite, but he's not a priest. So, now David will do things in his time that only a priest should do, but he did it out of faith and God allowed it because he's operated by faith. So the priest are charged with ministering unto the Lord first and foremost. Their second focus is on the people. Moses is a Levite, but he's not a priest. He's a prophet. So he's been given special revelation by God. Like you can see in Genesis 33, that God placed him in the rock, in the cleft of the rock, passed by him and had mercy on him. And I told you, mentioned just a second ago, that how he tried to strike the rock, he messed it up, but he's operating as a prophet, not as a priest.

— He had to set though. He had to be the pattern for 120 years.

— Yes, sir.

— And then God used that as the normal life of man.

— You'll find things with priests, their primary function is to bless. It's to minister to the Lord, to make sure that the showbread table is stocked, that the altar is there, that the candles, the lamps were burning, the oil is done, to minister all of that, the house of the Lord. That's their primary focus.

— It was a job, a work. It was hard.

— It was. And there was only one high priest. And the rest of them just worked and they rotated in and out of that. That's where you can see pastors and associate pastors and all things. But their primary function was to bless. I can't find, I've been looking at it in scripture and trying to find where a priest ever was cursing, were a priest ever... That was usually, I mean, not cursing, maybe it's not the right word. I would, strong rebuke. That usually fell to the the line of the prophet to declare what the Lord wants and to straighten things out.

— But actually the prophet, his role primarily was to give the people something to say. The priest then took what the prophet said and acted on it. But the prophet spoke and the people were supposed to say that. They didn't have a personal revelation. Like we can have today. And they didn't have this. They couldn't go back, well, I'm supposed to do this. No, this wasn't there. So, the prophet gave the people words to say and they were supposed to stay with that.

— Now, God is so detailed with the priest and this is why the priest handled the house of God. The prophet would go out to the battlefield, to other things. The priest was in the house of God. And so I kind of liken him to pastors, a little bit. Very interesting thing. The Father gives a specific instructions about how they're supposed to dress, what they're supposed to look like. Linen garments. That's the middle East. And this specifically says, so that you don't sweat. So you would have this turban on your head, they wore these white linen garments and they were not supposed to sweat. Meaning the priesthood is not supposed to be a place of toil. And boy, I'm telling you, I've been in pastoring this group of people, Brother Copeland, they're just wearing me out, I've just never worked so hard on my life. Well, you're not doing it by the Spirit. You're not offering the priesthood by the Spirit. You're you're operating out of flesh.

— Leroy Thompson, our great friend from Baton Rouge. He called it a sweatless anointing. And that's what it was. A sweatless anointing.

— So you're to be, your head is to be rounded, wrapped in that. And the Bible specifically says, so that you don't sweat. Meaning this, your head's cool. A pastor, a priest should have a cool head about em.

— All the time.

— All the time. And then it says, not to be too crude here, your loins wrapped in this way. Meaning your passions are in control as well, when you stand before the Lord clean spotless. If they got soiled, they had to change and put on a whole new linen garment and be unsoiled and undefiled. Jesus, who is a priest after the order of Melchizedek, will tell the churches, I see your garment, and I have this one thing against you. You have soiled your garment. He didn't say you're not wearing the garment anymore. You're still his family, but you've soiled that garment. And so this is the way we're supposed to be the high priest, is to dress totally differently. It's called the "Raising of the Hands", is what it's called. And the high priest will do his hands like this, the letter Shin, part of God's name, and he'll hold them up above them. And THE BLESSING is done during synagogue services, it's done in Jewish homes. And you say, wait, I thought only priests did this. Abraham was the priest of his house and his family, to teach them and to bless them. And so, here's what you do. You pick it up and you say the Lord. The phrase, the Lord there is Yad He Vav He. That's Jesus.

— That's Jesus.

— That's Jehovah. A redemptive name of God, which is the attributes of love and mercy. Well, first thing you do is you put your tallit on, you cover your head. You don't have it just around your shoulders. You cover your head. When you do it, it's holy. Elohim is not used because of that is the name of justice. It's Jehovah. And the Lord bless you. That word bless is Berakah. It's a material. It means a material blessing and the spiritual blessing. It's not just a spiritual blessing, it's a material blessing over you. John will echo this, "beloved I wish above all things that you will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers". There's an ancient saying that goes like this, the Sages is say it, if there's no flour in the house, there's no Torah. So if you can't eat, there's no worry about... The Torah will provide the food as well for your house and all of these things. So it's a spiritual blessing and material blessing. And he will keep you, Shamar, this is the name. God is the securer of THE BLESSING on your life. He will keep you, Brother Copeland. Who can take me from that? He will keep you. He will allow it with no sorrow added to it.

— Berakah. We're out of time.

— And we're out of time. We'll finish THE BLESSING.

— We'll finish it tomorrow.
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