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Kenneth Copeland - You Are In Christ Jesus

Kenneth Copeland - You Are In Christ Jesus
TOPICS: Covenant

Kenneth Copeland: Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Greg Stephens.

Greg Stephens: Yes, sir.

Kenneth Copeland: The two covenants are not like this, they're like this. They are like this. This one super seeds this one. Now let me, let me refresh you about what supersede means. You know, I have a tendency to use aviation cause I've been flying almost 60 years and it is an exact, it's an applied science. So it fits the Word. I've never found any place where it didn't. I'm flying, most people have the idea that if my engine quits. They won't do that. If this was an anvil, it would, but it's not it's an airplane. And the airplane knows more about flying than you and I do. The engine quits gravity goes to work. Gravity was there all the times, Sergio. Michelle, the engine superseded the gravity. The engine quit. Get it started again it'll come right back. The New Testament, the second covenant superseded.

Greg Stephens: Cause it didn't replace it. It fulfilled it.

Kenneth Copeland: It fulfilled. That's what I want you to see. Romans chapter 4.

Greg Stephens: Yes, sir.

Kenneth Copeland: Remember promise, promise, promise, promise, promise. God's Word His bond. Verse 16. Now when we get through today, you read that whole fourth chapter of Romans, please. Therefore it is of faith, and I like to put it. Therefore it is of faith so that it might be by grace to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed, not to that only, which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations before him, or actually like unto him whom he believed even God who quickeneth the dead and calleth those things which be not as though they were who against hope, believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations. Now God by covenant says you already are. Now he's in the business of becoming.

Greg Stephens: That's what he's working on.

Kenneth Copeland: That's what he's working on. Hey man, here's where you're turn your rocket on. Who against hope when there was no hope he had hope that he might become the father of many nations according to the covenant. According to what God had already spoken so shall thy seed be, being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb. He staggered not at the promise, the covenant of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith giving glory to God being fully persuaded.

Greg Stephens: Yes sir. Yes, sir.

Kenneth Copeland: Fully persuade. I am fully persuaded glory to God. That's the reason why you can't receive Abraham's promise with Thomas's faith. Thomas only had that faith about five minutes.

Greg Stephens: He realized...

Kenneth Copeland: Oh man, he got realigned big time didn't he?

Greg Stephens: He sure did. You look at this and you start seeing this right here. Everything Abraham did in that covenant. Well, first of all, God approached him with a promise, not a criticism.

Kenneth Copeland: That's right.

Greg Stephens: If he approached him with a promise that developed into a relationship, a friendship that developed then into a covenant and in that covenant was based on, I believe, not just in what he said, but his character and his nature and his ability to do it.

Kenneth Copeland: Yes. Yeah.

Greg Stephens: He has the ability to do this. Now, Sarah...

Kenneth Copeland: He took him at his covenant word.

Greg Stephens: Yes sir. He understood it.

Kenneth Copeland: Now there was no record that anybody had ever been raised from the dead because nobody ever had been raised from the dead.

Greg Stephens: No, no.

Kenneth Copeland: Now he called Enoch away. He didn't die.

Greg Stephens: He was raptured. That's right.

Kenneth Copeland: But he said sacrifice your boy for me.

Greg Stephens: And it was as good as done.

Kenneth Copeland: Yeah.

Greg Stephens: On the road it was done.

Kenneth Copeland: Yeah, sure. And when you look in the faith hall of fame, that 11th chapter and by faith, 17th verse, Abraham when he was tried, offered up Isaac, he that had received.

Greg Stephens: The promises.

Kenneth Copeland: He that was in covenant with God and who cannot lie, offered up his only begotten son. That's key. That's covenant key only begotten son, only begotten son, only begotten son. God is binding himself together so when Jesus said is if there's any way that this cup pass from me, nevertheless, thou will be done. He knew it was coming. He knew it was coming, man. He's got, he's had to bind this. He's got to bind himself to this covenant friend. His covenant brother, his covenant son here. This man has to do this. So God can say, I don't have any way out. I'm forever bound.

Greg Stephens: Jesus knows he's of the seed of Abraham. He knows he's the chosen promised seed of Abraham. He had just proclaimed it to the guys. He knows that he was circumcised on the eighth day. He knows all of these things about himself in the natural and spiritual. And so he knows he's committed as the lamb.

Kenneth Copeland: Oh yeah.

Greg Stephens: And he's subjected himself to become, he subjected his body to become that.

Kenneth Copeland: And he was there.

Greg Stephens: Yes he was.

Kenneth Copeland: When Abraham offered up Isaac.

Greg Stephens: He's the one that cut the covenant and walked between the pieces.

Kenneth Copeland: He's the one that was there.

Greg Stephens: Yes, sir.

Kenneth Copeland: This is right here, the 19th verse. Get this because you can walk in this same place. He accounted him, he accounting that God was able to, he's fully persuaded that God was able to raise him up even from the dead, from whence also he received him in a figure. He saw in the spirit.

Greg Stephens: Yes he did.

Kenneth Copeland: He knew it. And that's the reason with great confidence he said the boy and I are going to go up on the mountain, we'll be back a little while. I am completely convinced he fully intended to kill him because his arm was on him.

Greg Stephens: His arm was coming down.

Kenneth Copeland: And burn him and watch God raised him up out of those ashes. And he's thinking, Oh man.

Greg Stephens: So now here's Jesus in the garden. Putting himself in a remembrance of that. He's fully persuaded. He's making himself fully persuaded that he's going to get raised up too. Cause you did it before, you'll do it again because you are a God and you will not lie.

Kenneth Copeland: There is no way. There's no way I'm not coming out of there.

Greg Stephens: There's no way that Jesus couldn't, he wasn't feeling like that, Oh yes he was.

Kenneth Copeland: Now, here's another thing I want to talk about.

Greg Stephens: His flesh was stirring.

Kenneth Copeland: To us this time span from Abraham and Isaac to the garden of Gethsemane looks this big. But to God, it wasn't about that big.

Greg Stephens: Yeah. A few days.

Kenneth Copeland: Just few days. Because he's spirit and to him a days is thousand years, thousand years a day. And he already knew the answer. We're having to learn it. We have the joy putting it together.

Greg Stephens: Let me tell you who didn't know. Lucifer didn't know.

Kenneth Copeland: No, he didn't. But he thought he had him.

Greg Stephens: He thought he had him.

Kenneth Copeland: He thought he had him.

Greg Stephens: That's why Jesus kept his mouth shut.

Kenneth Copeland: Surely.

Greg Stephens: Didn't go tell him all of that. He revealed it to his disciples. And that goes back even to that temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, he's fulfilling what Israel failed in, in the very beginning before the wedding at Cana. He's baptized in the Jordan, that's where they crossed in the Jordan right there. And he goes out into the wilderness. Yeshua is fulfilling what Yeshua did. Joshua and Jesus is baptized that same place. Remember the waters, if you go back and you read that again, when they cross the Jordan, the waters that says rolled back all the way, didn't part like the Red sea. They rolled back, it rolled back. That's key. Rolled back to Adam. Adam, there's a little town called Adam.

Kenneth Copeland: That's right.

Greg Stephens: And the waters stood up, rolled all the way back. So here's the thing. All of this, that first Adam is rolling all of this back. The second Adam is rolling it all back to that first Adam, when he's getting baptized.

Kenneth Copeland: There's somebody had to name a little town Adam, so, the river could roll back to Adam.

Greg Stephens: It's exactly right. It's there today. It's still there. He leaves there, goes into the mountain. He goes into the mountain and he's tempted...

Kenneth Copeland: Sorry, I knocked your microphone off. I did what you said you were going to do. They can still hear it.

Greg Stephens: They can still hear it. They go into the mountain. He goes into the mountain for 40 days. For 40 years they were in the wilderness. He's in the wilderness for 40 days. Fasting. This is, he has just heard this is my beloved son whom I'm well pleased. First time Lucifer's heard that. Now he's seeing things about this kid. He's watched.

Kenneth Copeland: He heard it in the garden.

Greg Stephens: Yes.

Kenneth Copeland: And he spent thousands of years watching those. You suppose this is him? Lets kill him.

Greg Stephens: And well they did that with Moses and they killed all the babies. And so it's funny that Jesus will fulfill that with Mary and Joseph. They'll go to Egypt when they start killing babies. Just fulfillment of what had happened before with Moses.

Kenneth Copeland: Those babies were actually the first martyrs.

Greg Stephens: Right. Yeah. Yeah.

Kenneth Copeland: That really bothered me. But they were martyred.

Greg Stephens: He gets up into that wilderness. Satan, Lucifer comes to him. And the first thing he says to him, because he is hungry by now. 40 days.

Kenneth Copeland: Starvation has set in.

Greg Stephens: And he says to him, alright, why don't you turn this stone into bread? He's the bread of life. Right? Your father loves you. And he says, if you are, listen, what Lucifer does. If you are the son of God, he didn't, he left out a word beloved. He'll never remind you you're loved, ever. Nobody loves me. And he'll get you in that mindset.

Kenneth Copeland: That's what he does.

Greg Stephens: And so if you are and he hits him with the word it is written. Well, he's quoting Deuteronomy. When he says that. You get back into that second one and Lucifer changes tactics. Okay, you like to quote the word, let's quote the word. It says in Psalm 91, because of who you are he'll give his angels charge over you, less you dash your foot against the stone. Throw your... why don't you be a doer of the word and throw yourself off of here. And let's see that work. You're not a doer of the word, you just like to talk the word. See what he's doing there? And he goes back to Deuteronomy and rebukes him from the word again. The next one he comes to him.

Kenneth Copeland: This is the big one.

Greg Stephens: This is the big one. And what'd he say? He first was the bread, the manna. Moses made bread, let's see you make bread. And then the next one is that next one then is throw yourself off the temple. And then what was the next one?

Kenneth Copeland: Kingdoms and glory.

Greg Stephens: He says to him, if you will worship me, I'll give you all of this. Second Adam.

Kenneth Copeland: For they are mine.

Greg Stephens: Second Adam.

Kenneth Copeland: They've been given to me.

Greg Stephens: And second Adam, you're the one that's supposed to rule this world again. This world's going to come back to you. Okay? Because he knows and the government shall be upon his shoulders from Isaiah 9. All right, you want the kingdoms? I can make that happen without the cross. You won't have to go through all the pain of it. I can make that happen right now. We don't have to wait years. Worship me now and it's yours. He rebuked him again because he's not going. He's going to do it the way it's supposed to be done. The way that it was covenant with Abraham. And this is why he stayed with the word, this why you got to stay with the word of this over in this Romans chapter 4. And you got to realize we are two covenant people that have come together in one body Christ Jesus. Now, and I love this in chapter 5 verse 1, therefore being justified by faith.

Kenneth Copeland: By faith.

Greg Stephens: We have peace with God, our Lord, Jesus Christ. I like to put it this way. I played baseball, I wasn't real good at it, but I tried. Every position on the field has a base. I mean, first base is named after first base that's his. Third base has his base that's his. The catcher has home plate that's his. But if you play second base or shortstop, you don't have your own base. It's called second. But there's times that the shortstop is covering second.

Greg Stephens: You're interchangeable.

Kenneth Copeland: You're interchangeable with one another. You share a base and that's exactly what the two covenants are, sir. We're second base and shortstop. We share the same covenant and that's the Jews and Gentiles. If the ball, if there's a runner on first and the ball is hit to the shortstop side, my responsibility is to cover the base so he can, we can turn down.

Kenneth Copeland: And vice versa.

Greg Stephens: And vice versa.

Kenneth Copeland: Second baseman, shortstop comes in and takes it.

Greg Stephens: And we're working together. A good middle infield, second baseman shortstop. Oh, it's hard to get a hit on. Cause they'll move as one. And that's exactly what he's called us to do to move as one in him, by faith, these covenants.

Kenneth Copeland: We were called without a shadow of a doubt as entering in being grafted. We were called to compliment the Jewish people.

Greg Stephens: Yes, sir.

Kenneth Copeland: Particularly messianic Jews. They're naturally born into something that, that we didn't have unless our parents were knew more about it than mine did. They're raised an Orthodox Jewish family, they know their history. I know so little about my own people. They know all about their people. They know all about it. You're an absolute example of this. You have been in the place where you've been taught by Orthodox Jews, Jewish rabbis and messianic Jewish rabbis.

Greg Stephens: Right. Both.

Kenneth Copeland: So, but to the Orthodox Jewish rabbi, I'm thinking about your good friend that you went to and you said, teach me your book. He said, okay, if you would teach me yours.

Greg Stephens: Because he taught at the university. His favorite book, I said, what is your favorite? And he said, John, I went well, of course it makes sense.

Kenneth Copeland: Yeah. Absolutely. The most Jewish book of the four.

Greg Stephens: Yeah. So we have been, you've got to get this, that you were identified with him that, I said it yesterday at the crucifixion, you were with him, you were him because you were crucified with Christ. Now you have a new ID now. He died for us and I died with him. He was buried for us I was buried with him. He was resurrected for us, I was resurrected with him. So, the prepositions are everything in language. So if I say I walked by a car, what do you see? I walked by a car. Now you may have pictured a different car. I walked by a Corvette when I said that, I don't know what, I don't know what you want, but I walked by a car. I walked with a car. Now I may be in a parade walking, you know, or I'm secret service walking, you know how they walk on the sides of the cars. But I walked, I walked inside the car I got in the car, I walked in the car. It changed. That little "in" changed everything. I don't walk with Christ, I'm in Christ. And once you start to see that, then these covenants come to life.

Kenneth Copeland: The thing you don't get to do is drive.

Greg Stephens: That's correct.

Kenneth Copeland: That's where our problem is. And you let the devil in the back seat he's going to want to drive.

Greg Stephens: That's right. So the theological term for what I'm just talking about right there for salvation is this justification by faith. And that's the way Abraham entered covenant with God. That's the way you and I operate in covenant with God. Now everything I get goes to two words here. Chesed.

Kenneth Copeland: Yes.

Greg Stephens: And grace. That's him toward me, but I read...

Kenneth Copeland: That word Chesed it's just translated mercy. And, and when, like Bartimaeus said received his sight, he shouted out "Son of David". Now he called him Messiah. Jesus said that himself.

Greg Stephens: Absolutely.

Kenneth Copeland: He called him Messiah. Have Chesed on me. Now, the syrophoenician woman, she got his attention with that word Chesed. She called him son of David. Chesed is when the big one is in covenant with the little one and the big mama elephant taking care of the baby elephant. And I'm the baby elephant. And you get too close to me and mama does this, man. You got to back off. That's Chesed.

Greg Stephens: Absolutely. Right.

Kenneth Copeland: And that belongs to us.

Greg Stephens: And that belongs to us all of this first covenant back here, everything in that is fulfilled here and belongs to us as if I was born a seed of Abraham. And all I did was get in Christ to make that happen. But I have to know that. So there's things that we don't walk in and we don't understand because of it. It's a theological term justification by faith is what salvation is.

Kenneth Copeland: And justification again is right standing with God.

Greg Stephens: Righteousness. What this verse talks about. It's an act by where he declares a believing sinner righteous. Now that's legal and nobody can change it.

Kenneth Copeland: That's right.

Greg Stephens: Can't be changed. Listen, it's not a process. It's an act.

Kenneth Copeland: Holiness is a process.

Greg Stephens: Holiness is the process.

Kenneth Copeland: That's where religion has confused the two, that you get saved and then you grow in righteousness. No, you're made the righteousness of God the moment you accept Jesus, and you grow in consecration. You grow in holiness, you grow in faith.

Greg Stephens: And that's being fully persuaded. Abraham changes his behavior or his behavior changes as he grows in this knowledge of this covenant.

Kenneth Copeland: Oh, that's good, man.

Greg Stephens: It's not God's saying, okay, now I want you to change this and change that. He did a lot of things wrong, but it changed because of an understanding of that righteousness. Holiness kicked in because that, his nature, that heavenly nature becomes part of my nature. Wonderful transformation that takes place. And it's a legal...

Kenneth Copeland: Devine nature through the promises.

Greg Stephens: Yes, sir. That's exactly right.

Kenneth Copeland: The covenant promise.

Greg Stephens: I can't enforce the divine nature on you. You'll just rebel. I've learned now that holiness. God, he is a Holy God and Jesus hung between heaven and earth facing a Holy God in my place as a sinner. And we're out of time.

Kenneth Copeland: We're out of time
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