Kenneth Copeland - What Jesus Did At The Covenant Meal
Kenneth Copeland: Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast.
Thank you Father. We are, so we are just caught up really in the glory in this studio, the insights that you've granted us and the covenant meal also known as the last supper, that covenant meal and its deepest meanings that we're learning from professor Stephens and his study of Hebrew and his, his teaching of the Old Testament at Kenneth Copeland Bible college. Well, we thank you Father in Jesus name. Amen.
Kenneth Copeland: You know, you were talking last week about the way they were in that room. It's night, middle of the night. And there's no chairs in there.
Greg Stephens: No, probably not. No, no.
Kenneth Copeland: They're there they're...
Greg Stephens: Reclining on cushions is the tradition.
Kenneth Copeland: Yeah, certainly not at a table the way that the Gentile-ized idea that was with Jesus in the middle that just didn't happen. And John is, and you were saying last week that he's reclining on, well the book says that he's reclining on him. And I didn't think about it until this morning when Cher was putting my makeup on before the broadcast. And like I said last week I take communion a lot. And Greg, I didn't, I didn't realize it until this morning. Now you were talking about John being there at right there on...
Greg Stephens: Would have probably been on his right side. Because at one point during the Seder meal, you lean to your left. And so this way we'd be close to each other, you would actually lean up against me.
Kenneth Copeland: And that's what he did.
Greg Stephens: That's what he did.
Kenneth Copeland: When I had really thought about that part. In fact, I knew he was there leaning on him, but I didn't know those kinds details. Cause it had dawned on me this morning when I take communion I'm usually sitting there at my study or maybe another room in my home, and I close my eyes on purpose because I place myself in my mind in that setting. Now isn't this amazing? I didn't do this on purpose. I would close my eyes and I have the communion element in my hand, particularly want to have the cup of the blood. And Greg, I can see it right now. He's not standing up. I didn't realize that John was right there, but I'm looking just a little bit up at him. Like I am, you now. From that side,
Greg Stephens: Your spirit pictured this.
Kenneth Copeland: Yeah, it pictured it. And of course the Spirit of God in me knows just exactly what it looks like, He was there. He was there.
Greg Stephens: Absolutely was there.
Kenneth Copeland: He was there in the flesh. And he was there on the inside of Jesus. He was there on Jesus cause he'd been baptized and all this.
Greg Stephens: And now he's in you.
Kenneth Copeland: Now he's in me, the same spirit.
Greg Stephens: And so when you consciously wanted to put yourself in that place, he placed you right...
Kenneth Copeland: Right there.
Greg Stephens: The disciple whom the Lord loved.
Kenneth Copeland: I'm telling you it's... when I see it in my mind, it was right here. So I would actually be leaning up against John. I didn't realize that till this morning, man.
Greg Stephens: Absolutely right. And then Judas was probably to the left on that night because of the way something is described, Peter will try to get John's attention. So if you don't mind, let me just show you from John chapter 12, we'll look at a couple of details cause Jesus is going to do something different. He's transitioning, he's revealing what the Seder is about. He's transitioning them into this new covenant.
Kenneth Copeland: Now let me, let me show you this. This is why it is so important to know the details from a man that is a student of the Hebrew language. He's still studying the Hebrew language. And he has, he has worked with and studied with rabbis going all the way back to when he was pastoring in San Diego. And when he had a very close friend that, correct me if I don't say this right. But Greg called his rabbi friend and said, teach me your book. And the rabbi said, okay, if you'll teach me your book, I'll teach you my book. Ah, come on, man. Yes. And that's, that's what just thrust you into this study.
Greg Stephens: Come let us reason together. And I've learned they have a different style, rabbinic teachings different. And that we'll do what we're doing right here. That's what makes this program what it is, is you come let us reason together. Look man, this verse, I see this and I see this. That's what they do.
Kenneth Copeland: Yeah, and they've been doing it for thousands of years,t they ought to know something about it.
Greg Stephens: Absolutely right.
Kenneth Copeland: Glory to God.
Greg Stephens: Amen. Amen.
Kenneth Copeland: I would love to be able to quote the Bible, well they can quote those first five books.
Greg Stephens: Yes they can. The best of the best can. Yes. You bet. You bet. Anyway.
Kenneth Copeland: Alright, sir.
Greg Stephens: John chapter 12, I'm setting this up for what's about to happen here. This is also what happened in Mark chapter 11, and getting into this Jesus, they've come through the streets with him. He's already said my hour has come because the Gentiles believed in him. Verse 42 is interesting. Nevertheless, among the chief rulers also many believed on him.
Kenneth Copeland: Yes.
Greg Stephens: Now, this goes what you said, I think it was yesterday or Monday, I don't know now, about the difference between the name.
Kenneth Copeland: Oh yeah.
Greg Stephens: Profess of the name or just the Messiah.
Kenneth Copeland: That was yesterday.
Greg Stephens: Look at this. Nevertheless among the chief rulers and also many believed on him, but because of the Pharisees, they did not confess him.
Kenneth Copeland: There it is.
Greg Stephens: Less they should be put out of the synagogue. So they never confessed him as Lord. His, you know, they believed, but they didn't confess.
Kenneth Copeland: Nevertheless. Okay. If you got a nevertheless, let's back up. Verse 39, therefore they could not believe because that Isaiah said again, he have blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, that they should not see with their eyes nor understand where their heart and be converted less I should heal them. These things Isaiah said when he saw his glory and spake of him, nevertheless, among the chief rulers, also many believed on him. They did it anyway. Nevertheless, they did it anyway. But because of the Pharisees, they didn't want to get kicked out of church.
Greg Stephens: That's right. They wouldn't confess him as Lord. They believed, but they wouldn't con... He's the guy, but I'm not going to confess him as Lord. Cause I didn't want to lose their status. Verse 43:4. They love the praise of men more than praise of God.
Kenneth Copeland: I would put Nicodemus in that category.
Greg Stephens: Absolutely. Absolutely. I would too. Absolutely. I would too, because he came to him at night. Now Jesus, if you follow these things, he's going to teach about light and darkness, abiding in the light, abiding in the darkness. And we get over here to now chapter 13, Jesus knew that his hour was come in verse one and you see on down, here's what I want to get to. In verse 4 it says, that he riseth from supper, laid aside his garments, took his tallit prayer shawl off. And took a towel and girded himself. After that, he poured water into a basin. Now that goes back to Cana of Galilee, right there, very first miracle here we are. He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with a towel where with he was girded, he came, we know the story. He comes to Peter. Peter says, you're not going to do that to me, that's not going to happen. I'm not going to allow that. And he says, if I don't wash you, you have no part in me. Now, what is he doing? He's fulfilling, everything Jesus does is fulfillment. As he said, I didn't come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it.
Kenneth Copeland: Everything.
Greg Stephens: Leviticus chapter 8, you got your Bible. Here we go. Leviticus chapter 8 says this, verse two, take Aaron and his sons with him and the garments. Remember he laid his garment, and the garment and the anointing oil and a bull for the sin offering, and two Rams and a basket of unleavened bread, and gather out all the congregation together unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. Now the Chumash will tell you that it's not all of the people.
Kenneth Copeland: Explain to them what the Chumash is.
Greg Stephens: It's the commentaries on the Bible, the first five books there. They will say that that's the leaders, the rulers, the heads of the tribes. Well, that's who he just said, some of them believed on him. Okay. And Moses did as the Lord commanded him, verse 4, and the assembly was gathered together under the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. Moses said, and then the congregation, this is the thing which the Lord commanded to be done. And Moses brought Aaron and his sons and washed them with water. So now this is exactly what Jesus is doing. This is the second washing of Passover of the Seder meal, but he's not washing hands, he starts with their feet here. And he goes on and explains this. This is very interesting. Simon Peter, let me get back here to John chapter 13.
Kenneth Copeland: And if you go back, if you go back when he's in the home of a guy that really he's not showing Jesus any courtesy at all. And this woman washes his feet with her tears. And the guy said, yeah you do realize who she is. He said you didn't wash my feet.
Greg Stephens: And another one, another one will anoint his head.
Kenneth Copeland: Yep.
Greg Stephens: And that's exactly what he did with Aaron, his feet and his head. And so now these are two women that do this for Jesus. He says it's for my burial. I had a guy, a funny story on that. I had a guy say to me short after I was here, our sons played ball together. He said, Oh, you work over there for Copeland. I thought, well, here we go. And hearing that tone, I know what. And he looked at my boots and I had some Caiman, you know, cowboy boots on Caiman alligator cowboy boots on. And he says, well, I guess you're a Copeland right now, I'm seeing you're wearing those. And he says, it won't be long you'll be driving a Mercedes. And a little Keith Moore came onto me. If you say so, if you say so. That's exactly what happened with Judas. Judas got upset about that person breaking that. So we can start to see a transition happening.
Kenneth Copeland: That spirit of Judas. Now Keith Moore really enjoys, it's not the only kind of shoes he wears, but he enjoys alligator shoes. Of course they're caiman. And there was this particular company that Phyllis ordered them online. She had looked everywhere and found those beautiful shoes that he wears. And so she was ordering the shoes there and had bought several pair. Well, he wanted a different color I think it was, anyways, she'd call in the order. And he said, I'm sorry, I can't sell you those shoes. She said, why? Cause you're Keith Moore's wife. Why? And you're, something like this, you're deceiving the body of Christ on that prosperity thing. And I'm not going to be a part of it and I'm not going to send you those shoes. Now what was it Brother Hagin said, that's ignorance gone to seed.
Greg Stephens: That's totally true.
Kenneth Copeland: No, that stupidity gone to seed. It is from, well, your traditions make the Word of God no effect.
Greg Stephens: No effect.
Kenneth Copeland: That's dangerous. When a person thinks that way and judged Keith Moore, never seen him, doesn't have any idea of what he preached, but he judged him.
Greg Stephens: Yeah. That's true.
Kenneth Copeland: That is very dangerous. And it is the spirit of Judas.
Greg Stephens: Yes, sir. That's exactly what that is.
Kenneth Copeland: Either today or tomorrow I'm going to say some things about Judas.
Greg Stephens: Let me just show you something right here with this. Oh, by the way, I'm driving a Mercedes. Exactly what that guy said. If you say so that's why I told him, because I was trying to think how to answer it. And I heard Keith Moore, and I just heard Keith Moore say well, if you say so. You know, and I said, if you say...
Kenneth Copeland: You know what, that's a pretty good idea, Jesus I want to thank you for a Mercedes. You talk about shutting somebody down and...
Greg Stephens: I never thought of it until you said it, but since you said it, yeah.
Kenneth Copeland: Hey, thank you brother. I long for that, man. There was a guy one time just put you down in the same vein and how dangerous it is. James Robinson, evangelical Baptist. Well, he wasn't supposed to like me because you know of his group. And this guy didn't know that James and I are very, very close. So they're having a group of ministers, or ministers conference whatever it was. And this guy walked up to James and just started in on me. And so James says, excuse me, just a moment please. And he took the guy by the hand he said, this brother has Brother Copeland on his heart and he's going to lead us in prayer. Oh yes, bless Brother Copeland. But that's the way that needs to be dealt with.
Greg Stephens: That's how you deal with that.
Kenneth Copeland: That is a shove off, it has to do with money and prosperity. It is the spirit of Judas. It should be given to the poor. Now people quote that like Jesus said it, it is Judas that said that.
Greg Stephens: Judas said it. That's what that man said to me. Some people don't make enough money in a month for the shoes you're wearing on your feet.
Kenneth Copeland: Well, if they'd pay attention to what Brother Copeland preachers, they could be making that...
Greg Stephens: Absolutely true.
Kenneth Copeland: -every hour.
Greg Stephens: You can line me up with you any day. I'll take it, amen. So he goes on here. Peter says, well, man, my God wash all of me. Let's go wash all of me. Jesus says to him, he that is washed, John 13 verse 10, needeth not saved to wash his feet, but is clean every width. Now let me let, here it is, and you are clean, but not all. Verse 11, for he knew who should betray him. Therefore he said, you're not all clean. He's talking, now think of what just happened. We just had a Passover Seder. He's identified himself with the cup. He begins to do something totally different. He's doing a priestly. He's moving into his priestly ministries is what he's doing. And he's doing what Moses did with Aaron. He is anointing ministers of this new covenant. Because in chapter 17, since the Holy Spirit, in chapter 17, he says, I'm praying for not just you, but the ones will believe from your words. So he's, what he's doing is he's got an ordination service happening. He's anointing them as priest of this new covenant, right then before he goes to the cross. And he says...
Kenneth Copeland: They don't have any idea that they're the apostle of the lamb.
Greg Stephens: Not yet.
Kenneth Copeland: They are equal in status to the 12 tribe heads.
Greg Stephens: Yes, of Israel.
Kenneth Copeland: He is that old covenant. They were the type of what's just happening right now. And he then though the apostles of the lamb, 12 and 12.
Greg Stephens: Yes, sir.
Kenneth Copeland: That's got to raise your antennas straight up, brother. 12 and 12.
Greg Stephens: Listen to what he says here in verse 13, you call me master and Lord. And you say, well for and so is in italics in King James. For I am.
Kenneth Copeland: I am.
Greg Stephens: If I, then your Lord and master have washed your feet, you also to wash one another's feet. He's not telling us that we should have foot washing services. You can, if you want to, he's telling you, you're going to ordain other ministers of this covenant. This is how you're going to do it. Now they mess it up in the book of Acts, they're going to roll dice to figure out who replaces Judas. This is not the pattern He's shown them. If you go over, what is it Acts 13 it says, as they ministered unto the Lord, the Holy Ghost said separate Barnabas and Saul for the work in which I called them. They laid hands on doing exactly this. This is the way it was done. This is how you...
Kenneth Copeland: There are people that...
Greg Stephens: You were made a prophet.
Kenneth Copeland: There are people that say that the apostle Paul should have been that, no, he didn't qualify because Peter said to be qualified, to be one of us, you had to be there from the beginning all the way to the end. You had to be a witness to the entire operation.
Greg Stephens: Now look at this right here. Verse 18. Jesus is speaking. He says, I speak not of you all, I know whom I've chosen, but that the scripture may be fulfilled. Now he says something very, very interesting. He that eat the bread with me. Now, this, this phrase right here has lifted up his heel against me. Now I tell you before it come, before tomorrow comes, I want to tell you so that your faith isn't shaken when it comes to pass, that you may believe I am. What is that whole phrase has lifted up his heel against me. Well, now Jesus is fulfilling everything that goes all the way back to Genesis three the promise about bruise his heel.
Kenneth Copeland: Yes it does.
Greg Stephens: But it goes to something else. Let me show you the verse. You ready? Psalm 41 verse 9. David's writing. Yay my own familiar friend in whom I trusted, which did eat my bread has lifted up his heel against me.
Kenneth Copeland: Dear Lord, Jesus.
Greg Stephens: Jesus is quoting David. Here's the thing, David is talking about his friend, his closest counselor in his court. And that man will betray David and go into Absalom's rebellion with Absalom. And he's going to die by hanging himself. That's exactly what Judas, will happen with Judas in just a few short hours.
Kenneth Copeland: Greg, I had never seen that. Thank you, sir. That's just outstanding.
Greg Stephens: Judas is not from the North. In David's time, why does that tie to David? In David's time, he's a type of the Messiah. He's the King. In David's time, after David, after his son Solomon, the kingdom will split North and South. And the South will be called Judah. That's Judas's name. Will be Judah and Israel. Jesus will preach over and over and over I haven't come except for the lost sheep of Israel. His whole ministry is in the North, not in the South. He lives in the North. He lives in the tribe of Benjamin is where Jesus' ministry headquarters are. Judah is the only one... we're out of time, and we'll have to pick that up in the morning.
Kenneth Copeland: Don't you forget where you are.