Kenneth Copeland - What Your Covenant Really Means
Kenneth: Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. Father, we thank you for this, this grand, this wonderful, amazing insight into the covenant of promise, the first covenant, the second covenant, the old covenant, new covenant. And we give you praise and Thanksgiving about what blood covenant means to all of us and insights and ideas and concepts concerning it. And we thank you for opening our eyes to it, sir. We praise you and thank you for it. And we give all the praise and honor to the wonderful name of Jesus. Amen. Glory to God. And once again, for those of you that maybe missed Monday and Tuesday, we've got Greg Stephens, praise God, associate pastor at EMIC and also a professor and instructor in first covenant, praise God in KCBC, and has studied the Hebrew language. This guy reads ancient Hebrew. I mean, this is before it became square topped.
Greg: Pictures. It was picture.
Kenneth: Pictures, yeah. And my goodness, I have a hard time reading the pictures on how to run a washing machine. What happened to words? Why'd you put these stupid pictures down here for?
Greg: Yes sir.
Kenneth: Oh, glory to God. Now, when we closed yesterday, we were over here in the covenants, and having struggled for years over the blessing of Abraham and then the curses. And just struggled with that on why would God's, why, why would the priest of God say the Lord will bring cursing on you? For instance, in Deuteronomy 28:22. Now this is the way, this is the way that Gloria and I and the family stayed free of the flu for so many years is by standing on this right here. The Lord shall smite you with consumption, that's tuberculosis, with fever, inflammation, extreme burning with the sword, with blasting and mildew. Amen. And they'll pursue you to your parish. Well, you have to walk in the covenant to keep that from happening.
Greg: That's right.
Kenneth: Because it's out there and, and I mean the devil is out there and he's coming. He's very persistent. That's the only thing you can say about him other than... Excuse me. So now Greg, take us back in here where we were yesterday concerning this in the 27th, let's... wait a minute. Let me go back and reiterate now from what we read in Dr.Kenyon's Book, as soon as the two men had drunk each other's blood, a priest stepped out and pronounced the most awful curses that Stanley had ever heard. Curses that were to come upon him if he broke the covenant, he entered into covenant. He's, he's trying to get into the interior. He hunting for Dr. Livingstone. And he can't get in there without entering covenant. Well, they, he, when he made covenant with this chieftain, he had a little goat and he lives just about living on this goat milk. And um, and so the exchange of gifts happened.
Greg: Right.
Kenneth: And that King wanted that goat, and he didn't want to turn loose that goat. And, and his interpreter told him, he said, well, that's what he wants and you'll insult him if you don't give it to him. Well, all right. And then the King gave him his big tall staff and spear, wrapped in copper wire. Well, Stanley thought he'd been taken. I mean, he had gave his man his goat. Now he got a stick. But everywhere he went, the people bowed down to him because they realized he, he's the same as the King. He's King's family. That's the reason Satan has to bow his knee when we speak the name of Jesus for we are the King's family.
Greg: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yeah.
Kenneth: That is so powerful.
Greg: What did he tell Moses? Moses, what do you got there? I've got a stick. I stick a work.
Kenneth: Yeah, it'll work.
Greg: Whatever's in your hand. And what did he do? He laid that staff down before Pharaoh. Standing before the superpower of the world, who he grew up with, representing a God that he's never seen, and he's got a stick that stick. And it's going to be same thing when they cross Jordan right after this chapter, what do they have there? They have Aaron's rod that budded. That whole thing is, you know, it's, it's a symbolic thing. That King in Africa knew that, he knew covenant.
Kenneth: Oh yeah. Think about it like this. How can I... you're... Now, you've been in the military, you were in the Air Force.
Greg: Yes sir.
Kenneth: I was in the Army, a general, a field grade officer, calls a corporal in. Well, lets use this, Infantry soldiers we're soldiers in the army of the Lord. Calls him in and he said, now, you go tell Colonel Johnson that I said to move company A and company B, move them over on to the Southeast flank and hold them till he hears from me. Yes, sir. So this corporal goes to the Colonel and gives him that message. And the Colonel said, who said so? General whomever. Oh, okay. You've got a corporal here telling the Colonel what to do because he represents the general.
Greg: That's absolutely right.
Kenneth: So at that moment, that corporal outranks this Colonel, by word. Yeah. Yeah. Now that, let's make this a little bit more graphic. What would happen if the corporal put on a General's uniform?
Greg: Oh, now he's in trouble.
Kenneth: Well, you don't have any way of knowing he's not a general, unless you caught him putting on wrong coat.
Greg: Right.
Kenneth: Because he has a general coat on. In the spirit.
Greg: I see it. I see it.
Kenneth: In the Spirit we have God's armor. We wear his fighting suit. You've dropped that face plate down on that thing. The devil can't tell whether that's God or you. So don't say something stupid and give it away.
Greg: That's right. You remember King Saul tried to give David his armor?
Kenneth: Yeah, he did.
Greg: He didn't, he went with covenant armor. I can't wear that, that belongs to you. But I can wear covenant armor. I'll I need is this little Slingshot. That's all I need because I'm going to kill, I'm to kill that guy.
Kenneth: Cause he doesn't have any covenant, and I do.
Greg: That's good.
Kenneth: Greg, I am completely and totally irrevocably convinced because I heard the Lord say it to me in studying, in studying David Goliath. Now, David knew the book.
Greg: Yes he did.
Kenneth: And um, I am completely convinced when the lion and the bear came after him, I'm completely convinced he had Sampson on his mind.
Greg: Absolutely.
Kenneth: He had Sampson on his mind. The Spirit of God helped him and he'll help me. And I'm not allowing that. I'm not allowing that thing to steal my sheep. And I'll kill it with my bare hands. The anointing of God came on that kid and he just, just tore that lion apart. Amen. But he's so covenant minded. He, he, he's just not afraid of a giant, he's, he knows, he knows covenant people. And he's so covenant aware that even that, that covenant with Jonathan, Jonathan was so big in him. He, he, he just, he's in agony. He said, is there no body left of Jonathan's kin folks that, that I can, that I can exercise covenant with him? This covenant I want to give. I want to be a part, it's tearing him up. That Jonathan was dead, his covenant brother is dead and it's this, I want to give, I've got to help somebody. They said, well, there's one little, one little crippled boy. Mephibosheth down there, Lo-debar. One of those just poverty, just, I mean, just...
Greg: Dry place.
Kenneth: Yeah. And he did. He just sent troops down there to get him, brought him in to sit at his table. Amen.
Greg: Yeah. And he had lame, lame feet because of an accident. That boy had been lied to all his life. Boy, if David finds you, you're dead. And then when they came after him, that's what he thought was going to happen.
Kenneth: Yeah, he did.
Greg: And he, he, he sent him...
Kenneth: Called himself a dog.
Greg: Yes he did. And he set him at his table. Now you and I are sitting at a table and can't nobody see our feet. When he was sitting at the King's table, nobody could see that he had something wrong with his feet. He's sitting at the King's table. When we're setting with, we're seated with God. We are seated with Christ and nobody can see anything in us. Cause I'm seated at the King's table.
Kenneth: That's right. He's prepared a table.
Greg: Before me in the presence of my enemies.
Kenneth: Presence of my enemies.
Greg: Yes sir.
Kenneth: Yes sir.
Greg: Yes sir. Yes sir.
Kenneth: I used to get so thrilled and tickled at Brother Hagin talking about the 23rd Psalm. He said, in the presence of the devil. Yeah, but the devils here, ignore him. Just tell him to get and forget about it. Pull up to the table and eat. He has no place at the table. Praise God.
Greg: Our covenant brother took him out. Made a show of him openly.
Kenneth: Triumphing.
Greg: Triumphing.
Kenneth: And he always causes us to triumph.
Greg: Yes sir.
Kenneth: Cause he's given us the victory.
Greg: Yes sir. Praise God. This is the victory that overcometh the world.
Kenneth: Even our faith.
Greg: Even our faith.
Kenneth: Victory over death.
Greg: Yes sir, victory over death.
Kenneth: Victory over the ground.
Greg: Now you read that you, you stood on that against the flu and in different things. This is why I am convinced you can't. You cannot convince me contrary to this, when you understand covenant, it's the easiest thing in the world to be healed. I mean, it's just so easy. It's the easiest thing in the world of prosper. Because the blessing.
Kenneth: That's right.
Greg: They didn't say amen to the blessing. The blessing was a given to them. They knew that, that they're blessed.
Kenneth: Take us back, take us back.
Greg: Yeah, so when you get back in here, you get back in here and you start reading what they were supposed to do. This is the second reading of the law. Um, or second law in the Greek. That's what Deuteronomy means. And they're, they're rehearsing the covenant that was given to them, they're rehearsing what happened at Mount Sinai, he's divided them into half the Northern mountain and the South, Southern mountain. And the very interesting thing, he puts an alter at the base of the curse mountain. Joshua, this is going to play out in Joshua chapter eight when they get in. This is the instructions from Moses and God's having them do this because they weren't there at Sinai. This is the children and grandchildren maybe of only two people. Joshua and Caleb were there.
Kenneth: Yeah.
Greg: Everybody else has died off because of their unbelief. And so he's, he's going over this with them so that they will know what they need to do and they're not committing themselves to Moses here. They're committing themselves to God. They have followed Moses, but now Moses isn't going to be with them. So now they're going to have to follow God. So they're going to say amen or so be it to the terms of this covenant. And they only say amen to the parts if we get outside of it, this is what will happen to us. Because they haven't ever experienced that before. Their clothes didn't wear out. Their shoes didn't wear out. They were watered out of a rock. They were fed. And so they've walked in the blessing, but now they're having to learn the other side of this when you get over there, I won't be with you. So you're, you're committing yourself to God now, that's what they're doing with the second reading of this law, he's going to divide them into two camps on the mountain with the priest in the middle and they're going to say these things. They're going to pronounce it. Say it. You're going to write it on stone so they can see it. So he's kinda replaying what happened at Sinai with them. And it's going to play out in Joshua chapter eight is when they're going to get it. But I think it's very interesting when you cross the Jordan now it will be different than when your parents came across the Red Sea. This time when the feet of the priest hit the water, then the water's a rollback. So it's a, it's really a type and shadow what's going to happen because Joshua is going to lead them. Now his Hebrew name is not Joshua. It's Yeshua.
Kenneth: Same as Jesus.
Greg: Same as Jesus, means salvation. So salvation is going to take them into their promise land. And when he puts his feet into the water, the water, it says, we'll roll back and it's very clear to tell us in Joshua chapter eight that the waters rolled back to Adam, to Adam. Well, it's a town you can drive town. You can drive now down that road toward Jericho tells you where they crossed by Jericho that the water stood up. It's about 15 miles to Adam, to Adam. Well, it's more than just that. He's rolling this thing all the way back to Adam.
Kenneth: To the garden.
Greg: Because Jesus is going to be baptized in that same spot. Now when they cross, they have to enter the water. The waters will roll back and they're instructed to take stones, take 12 stones and put them in the middle of the river. Then take 12 stones from the other side and put them on the other side in the promised land, we're leaving the wilderness behind now. In your promised land, put 12 stones as a Memorial and they were there that day when Jesus got there, they're still there. And it's a picture. It's a picture of water baptism.
Kenneth: Sure it is.
Greg: The death, burial and resurrection. All 12 tribes down in the bottom of that river all rolled back to Adam. The second Adam is going to come through here and he's going to roll all this all the way back to Adam. We're walking in that blessing now that mankind first heard. If you're in covenant, and this is why you got to stay in covenant. This is why he's reading this to them. And they'll cross over and get over on Jordan, make, make more stones there. And Joshua will play this exactly. He's going to follow the instructions exactly what Moses told him to do. And it will play out on the two mountains when they get into the promise land.
Kenneth: Praise God forevermore.
Greg: And it'll, it'll change the course of...
Kenneth: Now that leads you right straight up to why it was so important for Jesus to be baptized. It was the, the, it's the same symbol that it is now.
Greg: Yes sir.
Kenneth: The death, the burial, and the resurrection.
Greg: So all the tribes were identified with him. So now when Jesus, this is what I believe, he became a high priest after the order of Melchizedek because when he came to be baptized by his cousin John, John's baptism was unto repentance. Jesus didn't need repentance. And John recognized it and said, man, you need to baptize me, not me baptize you. And he goes, no, you got to do this. He's representing all 12 tribes. So now if my son, if I'm the high priest and my son, Matthew is about to become the high priest, we're going to have a transference service. And what's going to happen is he's going to disrobe, he's going to go cleanse himself, baptized mikvah in Hebrew. He's going to baptize himself when he comes out, we're going to anoint him and after we anoint him, I'm going to lay my hands on him. I'm going to say things over him as his father and as the high priest. Now think about when Jesus was in that water, disrobes. He immerses himself. He comes out of that water, Brother Copeland, and what happened? The Holy Spirit anointed him.
Kenneth: He anointed him.
Greg: Right? And then the father...
Kenneth: Spoke over him.
Greg: And that moment I believe Jesus became our high priest because that was about 30 years of age. Now I'm getting way ahead of myself here, but things started changing at the temple involving the scapegoat, and things that signified your sins had been forgiven or rolled back or whatever began to change. And it didn't happen anymore at about 30 A.D In the temple. Because there's a new priest in town.
Kenneth: There's a new priest.
Greg: Yes, sir. After the order of Melchizedek.
Kenneth: Talk about the scarlet cord.
Greg: So there was a Scarlet cord when they would send the scapegoat out. Now here's the interesting thing about the scapegoat. There was two goats and a bull, and it happens not at Passover. It happens at Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, the most Holy day. So the priest will cleanse himself and here we go. He gets ready, he goes, and he takes two goats and a bowl and he takes lots and he cast the lots, rolls the dice for which goat it's going to be. And when that happens, the one that lies on, he kills that one. That's the one the Lord chose. So he kills that one with the bull, mixes their blood of the two together. He goes into the Holy place and offers that up for the people and himself. Now he's going to come out of there and lay his hands on the remaining goat and he's going to speak. He's going to confess all the curse and the sin of the nation onto that goat.
Kenneth: There it is.
Greg: And then he's going to release it into the wilderness. Okay, so when he releases into the wilderness, when it dies, they would hang a Scarlet cord on the temple. When it dies, the cord would turn white. History tells us that around 30 AD. That stopped happening.
Kenneth: It stopped changing color.
Greg: It stopped changing color because there's a new high priest after the order of Melchizedek now on the earth, anointed with God speaking over him, this is my son. It began to change and they, they took notice of it. There were some other changes, but that was the main one. And that scapegoat now see after this, they would send it out in the wilderness. Now what did Jesus do after he was baptized? Went out into the wilderness, and that's the sins and the cursing of the people.
Kenneth: And then when the time came...
Greg: Yes.
Kenneth: He went outside the city.
Greg: Yes.
Kenneth: And was hung on a tree.
Greg: Yes sir. He became the curse.
Kenneth: Yes he did.
Greg: And Galatians three tells us, curse is everyone that hangs on a tree, that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles. Might, because we have to accept it.
Kenneth: We have to receive it.
Greg: Just like we've been offered the covenant of Abraham by Jesus, which is a blessing covenant. Yes. Cause this curse came after that and so the curse, he was doubly cursed in my place. Where man, we're celebrating his resurrection just this next week.
Kenneth: And we're out of time.