Kenneth Copeland - Speak What You Want to Come to Pass
Father, we thank you for today. We give you praise and we honor you. We look for and are receiving revelation from heaven, words that move heaven on the earth. And we give you the praise and the honor and the glory. Lord, Jesus. And it's in your name that we pray and we believe we receive it and thank you for it. Amen.
Glory to God. Give the Lord a praise. And we want to welcome, we want to welcome all of you this morning. We're right here in class at Kenneth Copeland Bible college and having a wonderful time and sometime you need to come join us here. Praise God. It's a good place to be. Let's open our Bibles again this morning to the Romans chapter 4. We're talking about God, the covenant, and the contradiction under the fundamental heading of faith calls things that be not as though they were. And as I said yesterday, that's really difficult to a person's mind, until you learn that, that's the way faith operates. Faith does not call things the way they are. If you call things the way they are, they stay the way they are. You can't call the cat and hope to get the dog.
I remember, Oh my special friend Charles Capps, bless his heart, he's in heaven. Oh, we flew airplanes together. We just taught faith together and had him and had a lot of fun. And I'm telling you, Charles had a way of doing it and he went through this whole scenario. Here dog, come dog, here puppy, and here dog. I would say, what's the matter with you? Well, I'm calling my dog. I said, well, your dog's right there at your feet. Yeah, I know. What's the matter with you? Well, I'm trying to get the cat to come. That's how confusing this is to people that have not been taught. How can I say I'm healed, when it's obvious I'm not. Whatever that is you're referring to, is not the truth. It's fact. You keep saying the truth and it'll change the facts. You keep calling things that be not as though they were. I call my body healed. I call my body well, I call my debts paid. I am debt free now.
And the moment you made the decision to be debt free from that moment forward, God saw you debt-free. He has a covenant with you. Debt is under the curse. I first saw it, um, you know, 53 years ago, owe no man anything but to love him. Well actually that's, that's an all encompassing word. And you can't build any revelation on one verse. Don't even try. But when you begin to study it, I began to see that in the curse of the law, you'll lend to none, you'll borrow from many, lend to none. You'd be the head and not the tail. In the blessing of Abraham, you'll lend to many and borrow from none. You will be the head and not the tail. The borrower is connected by covenant to the lender. And we're talking about covenant here, right? God is a covenant keeping God.
And I went to the Lord, this, you know, number of years ago, I said, Lord, I don't understand this. You're perfectly, I mean you believe in doctors. Come on, if it hadn't been for doctors, most of the Christians would've died. Now, his best, the top of the line is to believe you receive because of the covenant you have with God. But Hey, how many times did Jesus lay hands on people? I mean, laying on of hands. I mean, God loves you so much. He got all kinds of different ways to get you well. Amen. Get you healed.
Now there's a difference between being healed and being well. When you're well, you don't get sick. I've been well a long, long time. The last flu symptoms I had were, Oh man, I don't know, four or five ago at the ministers conference, which is in January. And I'd say that, I don't know, four-five and that this, all the symptoms of it came. I was sitting right on the front row and um, I had, uh, let's see, I forgotten. I think maybe it was night one, Jerry, because he was the last speaker is probably Dennis Burke. Anyway, and all of a sudden I started having chills. I started hurting behind my eyes. So I just smile. You can't do that to me. You can't put that on me. And you know you can't put it on me and I'm sitting there doing this. Thank you Jesus. You can't put that on me satan.
I'm not saying it loud enough anybody can hear me. What am I doing? I'm calling things that be not as though they were, but I'm coming against the contradictory evidence. All the evidence is there. All the evidence is there. If I said, Oh no man. Oh no, not now. Not now. Not right in the first day of this minister's conference. Oh no. Oh God, no. There were some staff members that did that and were in the bed for two weeks. It lasted on me about 15 minutes and gone. Amen. That ought to get a bigger amen. Hallelujah.
And I hadn't been sick in so long. It's, you know, so anyway, don't go into that and don't, don't, don't you misunderstand me. I'm not bragging on myself. I'm considering Jesus who gave himself, I consider him, I consider him the author and the finisher of my faith. I consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself. I consider him less I get weary and faint in my mind. I consider him like Abraham of old, he considered not his own body now dead, neither the deadness of Sarah's womb. Glory to God, but only that which God had promised in his covenant. Ooh, I done preached me happy. Glory to God. Thank you. Hallelujah. Praise God. I don't have any idea where I was. Who cares? Glory to God. I don't. God, the covenant, and the contradiction. Calling things that be not as though they were.
Now when when God said, I am the all mighty God, I am El Shaddai. I am the I am the breasty one. I am the all and all God. I'm the too much God. I'm the all sufficient God. Now I'm going to ask you something. Who is God? He is whoever he says he is. Ah, he can do whatever he said he can do. He will do whatever he says he will do in that covenant right there. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Now I'm going to take my Liberty with El Shaddai. All right. In order to impact your thinking and in order to grow your, uh, your understanding and your sense of the God that dwells on the inside of you. To be calm and to develop a God in me now consciousness. I'm conscious of the God. The El Shaddai, God. The almighty God, the everything I need God, the creator of heaven and earth God, the God of gods. Hallelujah. And he's right in here, Bubba. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus. Woo! Yeah, oh yeah. Praise God. Hallelujah.
Who is God? He's who he says he is. He knew what he says he can do. He will do what he says he will do. I am El Shaddai God. All right, John the 14th chapter. That's in the new Testament, isn't it? Yeah. Glory to God. You can't shout over that your woods wet. With verse one. Now I'm taking my Liberty here with, with El Shaddai. All right. Let not your heart be troubled, You believe in El Shaddai, believe also in me. So who is Jesus? Who is Jesus? Let not your heart be trouble. Don't let it.
Oh, Brother Copeland, I'm trying not to. He never told you to try, he said, don't do it. Well I can't do it. If you say so. No, considering your body. You're considering the contradictory evidence. You've got your body on your mind. You have your mind on your mind. Get your eyes off yourself. Consider him. It's really... Consider, what does it mean to consider? It means to focus on that. You got all this other stuff. Get your heart and mind on that. Get your heart and mind on Jesus.
Turn with me to the book of Hebrews chapter 12 well, I'll tell you what, we'll read from the third chapter first since we're using that word and we need to analyze this verse anyway. Chapter three verse one, Wherefore, Holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling. Consider Abraham considered not his own body now dead, but only that which God had promised. He only considered his covenant with God, not the contradictory evidence in his physical body or the body of his wife. Consider the apostle or the one God sent and high priest, the administrator of our profession. Same word translated confession, the anointed Jesus. Amen, the anointed Jesus.
Now the 12th chapter, consider him faithful. He goes on to say he's faithful. Now the 12th chapter, wherefore seeing we also are encompassed about was so great a cloud of witnesses. Let us lay aside every weight and the sand was does so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher, the word finishers developer, the author and the developer of our faith who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest you be wearied and faint in your mind.
This is the way like Abraham, you become fully persuaded the the foundation of being fully persuaded is blood, blood, blood covenant. There's blood between us, the first covenant blood ever shed, not considering in the in the garden of Eden, but I'm talking about covenant with man. Mankind through Abraham. What's circumcision? Now look at the nature of that Mark of the covenant. God did that in a way that it could not be held in pride before other people. The only way you could tell that Abraham was in covenant with God. You couldn't keep him from succeeding. He was a success whatever he did, and and, and, and study his life.
Look at his life it said God's said, and told him about the circumcision and Abraham went and did it. He told him to go over here and Abraham went and did it. He told him to do this and Abraham went and did it. You see it? I mean, whatever God told him to do, he went and did it. Now, what made him so fully persuaded because he had a blood covenant with the El Shaddai God. He was persuaded. Now I'm going to show you something that'll knock your hat in the Creek. 11th chapter of the book of Hebrews. Oh Jesus, verse 17. Are you there? Thanks Tim.
By faith, Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac and he that had received the promises, now you know what promise he's talking about, the covenant glory to God. That it had with all mighty God El Shaddai. Offered up is only begotten Son, of whom it was said that in Isaac shall thy seed be accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the dead, from which also he received him in a figure. He saw it in the spirit man. He wasn't a bit afraid about that. He in fact he, I think the man was a little bit disappointed because he fully intended to kill him, burn him, and watch God raise him up from those ashes. He was fully persuaded that God was not only good, but he was able to do what he had done. And there's no record of him ever raising anybody from the dead at that point, but his covenant partner believed it was because he had a promise.
I don't care how he does it, but bless God he got to do it. He has to do it. He has to do it. When Jesus said to that fig tree, nine words, no man eat fruit of you again hereafter forever, turned around and walked off. He didn't care how it happened. He don't care if lightning hits it and burns it down, not his business. He said the father that's within me, he does the works. I'm just a man anointed of God, and I said it. Ain't nobody ever gonna eat of that thing again, turned around and walked off. He didn't pay any more attention to it. Whosoever shall say this what his response, Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea. Nine words, same number of words that he said to the fig tree.
Now let me ask you something, which is the larger; a mountain or a fig tree? Neither! Greater works than these shall you do because I go to my father. Put your stamp on that sister. Glory to God. Whoo. That went widescreen, glory. What was it Tim? Thank you. Glory be to Jesus forevermore. Hallelujah. Well, this book's pregnant isn't it? With your life in the name of Jesus. So Jesus is El Shaddai's representative in the earth. Praise God. Now who are you? We'll talk about it tomorrow.