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Kenneth Copeland - Let the Mind of Christ Be In You

Kenneth Copeland - Let the Mind of Christ Be In You

Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. And of course, by now you know Professor Greg, what's your name?

Greg Stephens.

Yeah. Amen. Praise God. And our wonderfully smiling class here this morning, welcome. And I don't know what time of day it is where you are, but it's morning here. And so we praise God for it. Father, we thank You. We are so blessed. You have blessed us with the blessing of Abraham, and You've given us the ability to preach and teach and heal like Jesus all over the world. And we praise You for it, and we thank You for it in Jesus' name. Amen. So now, let's open our Bibles once again to the book of Philippians, and we'll go back to, I like what Brother Hagin used to say, this is our golden text.

Golden text, that's right.

That's where we started. So, chapter two, "if there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels of mercies, fulfill ye my joy, that you be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord and of one mind. Let nothing be done in strife or vain glory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let..." let, you have to make a decision to do this. And the first time or two I saw this, I thought, well, yeah, how can I have to let my mind do that? Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Doesn't the scripture say we have the mind of Christ?

Yes, we do.


"...who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with him". We're letting this mind be in us. "...who thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made of himself no reputation, took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death". Oh my God, "...even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also highly exalted him and given him his name, which is above every name that is named, that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow of names in heaven, names in earth and names under the earth. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God". To glorify the Father. Hallelujah. Now, if you can't find authority in that, then maybe you need to go back to reading class. He highly exalted him and gave him his name, which is above every name that is named, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow of things in heaven, things in earth, and things under the earth. And every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God, the Father.

That's right. Brother Copeland, the only other person that ever experienced that, what all that's being described as right there, says covenant words. The only other person that ever experienced that was Adam. He experienced it before he ate of the tree. And so all of this right here is the second Adam came. This was not available to David, although even David was a man after God's own heart. Wasn't available to Abraham, who was a friend of God. Wasn't available to any of those Hebrew chapter 11, heroes of faith. But it's been made available to us now because Jesus paid that penalty and then said, "You messed up with the authority the first time. I think I'll keep a little of it back this time". He didn't do that.

No, no, no, no, no.

No, he said, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and earth. I give it back to you". Because see, God originally had said that. He made man the steward of this planet, thereby limiting himself to work through man. And so this is why the scripture says, "A body thou hast prepared for me". He had to literally become a servant. He had to lay aside. He'll forever be in a body. He's not like the Father. He's not like the Holy Spirit. He's forever in a physical... It's glorified now. It's glorified after the resurrection, after he took his blood to heaven on the mercy seat. But he will forever be in a physical body. He still bears the marks of the crucifixion. We'll see that. It's the only man-made thing in heaven. And it's in his body. And we'll see it.

And it's astonishing to me to try to put my mind around that. He said, "Handle me. A spirit has not flesh and bone as you see me have". No blood. What was flowing through his veins? The glory of God. The glory of God. All of that is in the book of Hebrews.

That's right.

Praise God.

Hebrews chapter 11, those people by faith looking forward to what we have freely received. Most believers, Brother Copeland, I hate saying this, they just live, they don't have an in him reality. And they live below. You're seated with him. You're part of his body. And so he said, that's why he says, "Let this mind be in you". You're going to have to renew your thinking to the way he sees you, not the way you see you, or the way preachers have defined you, or the way Big Mom and Aunt Lulu said you were, you know, you're going to have to, you're going to have to say what he said.

Both of us learned from Brother Hagin.

Yes, we did. That you go through the "in him, in whom, by whom, in the letters, in whom we have by him". And that's who we are. Those letters are orders. Like when you were in the military, you were cut orders.

Oh yeah.

All of these epistles, that's my orders for the age...

I looked at my orders. It was cut for Governor's Island, New York.

There you go.

And so..

You knew where you were going.

I knew exactly where I was going.

And if you didn't show up there.

Well, and with a 10 day in route delay.

That's right.

Now we've been given orders. These, what these epistles are, it's what these letters are. But we also in our orders, tell us where our destination is at the end of the book in revelation. We're seated with him, even though we live in a broken world right now, but we're seated with him in heavenly places positionally. And we know how this whole thing ends. It's on our orders.

Yes, it is. And we're in a... we're in a delay route, transition right now. And that's all it is. We're in the traveling season. You had 10 days to report to that place. Well, we have a set amount of time that the father knows for us to report. And he's not going to be late Brother Copeland.

No, no, no.

And so every time you say, "I'm one day closer", you're putting a demand on those orders.

Yes, sir.

By faith.

And that's every day.

Yes, sir.

Every day.

And you're reminding him by doing that. Let this mind be in you. He promised. And you're reminding him... there's coming a day. You won't be in pain anymore, darling. There's coming a day that you'll have a glorified body. That's the hope of our covenant.

Now, "Even as it is meet or right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart inasmuch as both in my bonds and in the defense and in the confirmation of the gospel, you are all partakers of my grace", while I receive it. It's a partner letter.

That's right. And chapter two, let nothing be done through strife or vain glory. That's a killer. That's a blessing blocker. You go over to the book of James and find out about strife. Where there is...

Envy and strife.

...strife, there is confusion and every evil work. And I just thank my God forevermore for Gloria Jean. We have never, ever had any strife. And she said, "What's the use of doing that"? Never any strife ever.

It's hard to fight with somebody who won't fight with you.

Oh, no. Praise God. Not too long ago. The room called the garden room in our home. And we were in there. And of course, watching the Victory Channel. And I don't remember what I said. But I remember she didn't like it much. She got up, walked out of the room. She came back, said, "I started to get mad, decided to wouldn't". That's it. I decided, I decided, I wouldn't.

You know what she was doing, let this mind be in you. Jesus, even though he was reviled, opened not his mouth. And reviled back. He didn't say anything back to any of the people that were accusing him, falsely accusing him, besmirching his reputation, because he knows what would have happened. Had he done that in that moment, the angels were, I literally believe they were just leaning forward. Say the word, we're coming. And he wouldn't do it.

He wouldn't do it.

Because he knew what he needed to do. He knew his assignment.

Don't you know I could have called 10,000 angels? He could have. He chose not to.

Chose not to.

They ministered to him in the garden.

Right. And ministered to him after he was baptized by John in the river, goes into the wilderness. Satan joins him, meets him and says, "Command..." He's trying to get him to command authority. Command the stones. Command this. Command that. Jesus wouldn't, wouldn't play the game with him. Well, the minute the angels ministered to him there as well. So we need to get that in our system that let this mind be in you, that you have angelic assistance to minister to you.

Now, think about six weeks, 40 days without any food. Six weeks.

And he's in the Judean wilderness. It's a harsh climate.

Then he hungered. Well, starvation had set in. And then the devil says, "Command these stones to be... if you be the Son of God, command these stones to be made bread". Man doesn't live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

Now the children of Israel in the wilderness failed that one. They cried out, they wanted bread and they got manna. And then they cried out against the manna. They wanted something else. Jesus passed what they failed in the wilderness. He's fulfilling what they failed at.


All three of those temptations were what they were tempted with and they failed. And so the Prince of peace, the root of Jesse, the Son of David passed it for him. And I said, he passed it for us too. Amen. And that's a beautiful thing. And this is why you've got to let this mind be in you. And who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God, took on the form of a servant. Well, I realized when I became a pastor, I became a servant of the great Shepherd. That's who he is. It's his church. It's not mine. I learned to pray this, Lord, I need to talk to you about one of your sheep because I didn't make it my problem. It's his church.

That's good.

Those are his sheep. Now think about that moment when Jesus said, "On this rock, the rock of revelation, I'll build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it". Who do you say that I am, Simon Barjona?

Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And you are a rock. Peter, first and second, Peter, not Simon Barjona.

No. He's different now.

He became the big fisherman of men. And from that time on, he was the apostle.

Here's what happens. Brother Copeland, when you get in his presence, when you get in the presence of Jesus and you tell him who he is, he'll tell you who you are. He'll tell you your destiny. That's what happened to Peter right then. When he got in his presence, he said, no, but flesh and blood didn't reveal this to you. My Father revealed this to you. Then Jesus gave him his destiny right then. And that's the way this thing works. Separate Barnabas and Saul for the work that I've called them. They were in the Spirit when that happened. John was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and he heard a sound that he hadn't heard in 60 years behind him. He turned to see this thing. It was Jesus in his glorified form. So it's when you're in his presence that your destiny is revealed. That's what happened with you. That's when victory dropped in you. Is there any healing in victory? Is there any salvation in victory? You were in his presence, and that's what happened. And that's what always happens. You identify who he is, he'll identify who you are in him. And if he has to change some characteristics, even your name, he'll change it because he did it. He's done that before. He did it with Abram and Sarah, and he's the same yesterday, today, and forever. And he wants the church. Matter of fact, the planet groans to see the sons of God be made manifest. The planet itself is groaning when we see all of this, and they say, "Well, this is global warming and climate change". I said, no, this is the earth groaning to see somebody walk in authority. That's what it is. The earth wants to see the sons of God walk in this mind and this authority.

Praise God. Thank You, Jesus.

I want you to talk about this. Let's go to the book of Genesis.


The sovereignty of God. Well, he is a sovereign God.


Well, whatever happens must have been God will because you know he is a sovereign God. That's a lie from hell. You need to study. In the beginning, God, well, now just wait a minute. In the beginning, El, God, El-ohim, plural.


Elohim, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In Hebrew, it's Bereshit Bara Elohim Et Hashemayim Eretz. In the beginning, God created. But it's more than one.

Yes. So now, and now between that verse and verse two is an eon So now, and now between that verse and verse two is an eon of time because the fossil record doesn't lie. There were not dinosaurs on the ark. But they once were here. That's another lesson.

Here in chapter nine, God blessed Noah and his sons and said, "Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth".

And he said, "I'll put my rainbow in the sky".

Yeah. Covenant symbol.

And there shall be night and day, seasons of the year. It's in the book. That's climate change. Now, I'm 88 years old. I've seen a lot of climate change. I did not have to have a government grant to figure out that it's hot in the summertime and it's cold in the wintertime. And somewhere in between. That is not a great revelation. And all the big windmills that freeze up in the winter and atrocious to look at will not change that fact. It will continue. It will continue until the resurrection.

As long as the earth remains.

As long as the earth remains.

There will be seed time and harvest. That's the seasons. He gave seasons for us to be able to tell time by. Jesus will preach that, Brother Copeland. He'll say, "You look at the sky and you know that this season is here". And so they're asking him about the time of his return. And he points to.

Let me point out something. I'm not out for just going wild. I think to be conservative over this planet is a good thing to do.

We were commanded to.

And to watch over it, take care of it and do our part. The exhaust emissions and that kind of thing. That was huge. Let me tell you how I know. I preached in Beijing, China. And we flew the Citation X to Tokyo. And there we switched to an American train. They were flight safety trained. Spoke perfect English. And English is the aviation language of the world. And they picked us up. And the young woman was the stewardess aboard that airplane. But it was clear. There were no clouds, but the smog, you could not see for it. It smelled bad. So we were on instrument rules on a clear day.

My goodness. Because China didn't care. And we're out of time. We'll be back in just a moment.
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