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Kenneth Copeland - The Power of His Name

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    Kenneth Copeland - The Power of His Name

    Hello everybody. Glory to God. It's Wednesday and we're excited and we're smiling because of the name. Hallelujah.


    The name that's above every name that's named in heaven, earth and under the earth. Glory to God.

    Glory to God.



    Thank You, Lord Jesus. This ladies and gentlemen is my brother in Christ and he is Dr. Melvin G. Barney Esquire. I like Esquire. He's an Esquire. I'm just a preacher, but he's an Esquire. But he has written this book, Say My Name: The Third Commandment: It's Probably Not What You Think. And it probably wasn't. I guarantee you because it turned into this magnificent revelation of God and his names and then the name of his son. Actually Jesus is the Englishized name. The fifth book of the first covenant. The book of Joshua. That's been Englishized. It's Yahshua. It means savior. And that's his name. Yahshua. Yahshua. Yahshua the Messiah. Thank You, God. That's the name. Now see how I got... See this green tab I got here. I want to go over to the book of Genesis first. And then we're going to ask this renowned attorney what the power of attorney actually is and means. Now in the 17th chapter of Genesis, in the 15th chapter, as all of these, the different things that he did, he entered into the blood covenant and the blood of animals. When Abram was 90 years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram and said unto him, I am El Shaddai. The God that's more than enough. I will make my covenant between me... And notice what he said. I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. Abram fell on his face and God talked with him saying, as for me... Now he had a choice. He had a choice. Behold or look, my covenant is with thee and thou shall be a father of many nations, neither shall thy name anymore be called Abram. But thy name shall be called Abraham for I... For a father of many nations have I made thee, I will make thee exceedingly fruitful. Now entering into covenant with a man. And he comes on down here. You shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin and it shall be a token of the covenant between me and you. The man had to shed blood. He changed his name. He entered into covenant with him. The H, Hashem in Hebrew, the name. Glory to God, he changed his name. And he was that for the rest of his days. He became known as Abraham, the friend of God. He was never called Abram again. Never, never, never. And the blessing of Abraham is all the rest of the way through this book. The name.


    The power of that name. And everywhere he went and he said his name, everybody that heard that Hebrew name, they didn't say too much about this old man because he could buy and sell everybody in the place. And that's why he was rich. He said it back when he was Abram. Went in that battle, the blessing taught him how to train the members of his household and the servants of his household to fight at night. Nobody had ever heard of that before. They owned the night. Well, I came... I'm a veteran in the United States Army and that became... Not while I was in there but later, particularly when night vision came out and then the slogan of the army was two things. We do more before 9 o'clock than most people do all day. And we own the night. So he said... The king says, "Well, we're going to take this ... "No," he said, "I don't even want the string out of your shoe". Never let it be said that any man made Abraham rich, Abram rich, but Almighty God. He said, "I have raised my hand to him". He was in covenant with him back there then, but it was in the blood of animals. He was walking in a covenant then. He said, "I've lifted my hand to him. Never let it be said, any man made Abram rich, but Almighty God".

    Glory to God.

    The name.

    The name.

    And it progressed and progressed until that moment came and God said, "I have made you...

    Father of many nations.

    Well, he had authority to do that. He could make him whatever he wanted.

    Whatever he wanted to.

    But see, he already had the plan. He planned this all the time. He started out with Adam and his name in red and an animal shed blood to give him clothes. So it began there. This is the blessing book. The first word any human ear heard was bless. And he dumped it.

    Glory to God.

    So the Lord had to get... He went to work to get it back. And all the first half of this book is a setup for Jesus. Amen.


    A man. It had to be a man because it was a man with the original authority. It was a man that could have stopped it and didn't. Because the Bible said she turned and gave to him to eat. He was there all the time. He saw it. I'm of the opinion that the love in him for this woman and her uncanny beauty, I mean, God handmade her. And he just couldn't do it. He could have just reached over there and pushed her back and said, you get out of this garden.

    In the name of Jesus.

    He had the opportunity to repent and he blamed it on God. Everything could have been changed right there. But here we are, all of these same thousands of years later and we're still talking about it. Amen.


    But that's the understanding of this book. It's called the Word of God because it is his Word and it's blood backed. And now he changed his name in order that there be a blood connection between the two of them and the name represented it. And every time he said it, he said, I am the father of many nations. Every time he said his name. Every time he said his name. Every time he said his name. Every time he...

    He's sowing that seed.

    Say my name. Every time he said his name, he said it again. He said it again. He said it again. And I'm totally convinced when Isaac was born, that he had said that so much. He said that so much. He said that so much. And God said, sacrifice this boy to me. How can it be a father of many nations? And he said, the boy and I will return.

    That's what he said.

    And in the book of Hebrews, he received him, raised from the dead in a figure. And he raised the knife. You know that Hollywood saying, oh, he's going to get... See him raised up from ashes. But El Shaddai, the God that provides. Jehovah Nissi ... There was a ram stuck in the thicket. He provided.

    And he opened up Abraham's eyes to see.

    Yes, he did.

    That he had already made the provision.

    Yes he did.

    After Abraham walked in obedience.

    Yes. Continue please. Every time I hear that account, it just does something on the inside.

    It does me too.

    Because what it tells us is that God is waiting for us to obey him so that he can open up our eyes to see all of the blessing that he's already made provision for. But we've got to walk in obedience so that he can open up our eyes to see that it's already done. We're walking around blinded to things that God has already done for us, things that he's already made the way for. And it's because of this obedience.

    Of course, Kenneth Hagin, Oral Roberts became my spiritual father. I spent a lot of time with him. But that put me in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And then I met Kenneth E. Hagin and I began to learn faith from him and we became very close also. And he is saying that this is the hardest part. The say part. And he based this, like he based so much on the 11th chapter of Mark, because that's the scripture that got him off of the bed of affliction. And he pointed this out for 20th verse. In the morning as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, master behold the fig tree which you cursed is withered away. Jesus answering saith unto him... He didn't talk about that fig tree. That fig treat was an example. And I remember the first act of any man and woman to meet their own needs without God was to sew fig leaves together. So a fig tree got killed over this thing. Glory to God. Listen to what he said, "Have faith in God or have the faith of God. For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things, which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith". Now Brother Hagin had just over in the church sanctuary next to his home, he just got over there and read the whole book of Mark. And he was just lying there on his back. And the Lord said to him, have you ever noticed that the word "say" in that verse is used three times and the word believe only once?

    Three to one.

    He said, you'll have to teach and preach three times as much on the saying, as you do the believing. He said, my people are missing it in what they're believing. They're missing it in what they're saying. Well, God said it "Light be". Say is throughout the Bible. David said it when he went after Goliath. I come at you in the name of the Lord, God of hosts. So he put the angels to work right then. The name.

    The name.

    The name. So the covenant name... Well look what else he went on to say, therefore I say what things, whoever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them. And when you stand praying, forgive if you have ought against any, that your Father also, which is in heaven, may forgive you your trespasses. I say... And it's a very interesting study in the ministry of Jesus, how he used his words to deliver and to heal. Amen.


    Praise God. Now, unless the Lord has given you another direction, I really would like to get into the power of attorney.

    Yes, sir.

    Let me turn there. It's under the green tab.


    Chapter three, say my name. Your power of attorney. The 15th chapter of the gospel of... According to St. John reads as follows, you did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain. And whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it you. Now remember when he said that, the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th chapters of John's writing were all in the middle of the night, in that last Passover meal that changed heaven and earth. I mean, he's going to the cross. Then in 16:23, he said, whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will do it. He will give it to you. Faith in the name.

    In the name. Praise God and the power of attorney.

    Do it.

    You want me to get there?

    Now, remember Melvin G. Barney, Esquire. That means he is an attorney extraordinaire and an attorney. Remember what his testimony was? An attorney was what he wanted to be. Let me change that. An attorney is what God called him to be. And he wound up a legal preaching pastor in Sacramento, California. Glory to God. Hallelujah. That's where I met him was in Sacramento.

    So we talk about that 15th chapter of John again, where it says you did not choose me, but I chose you.

    That's it, isn't?

    And I appointed you. So we see here that he has an agenda. He says, I chose... You thought you chose me. You thought you came to me. You thought you gave your life to me. But I had an agenda for this. I chose you and I appointed you that you would go and bear fruit. So God's agenda was that we bear fruit. And not only that, he says, and that your fruit should remain. And in order to enable you to bear that fruit, whatever you ask the Father in my name, he'll give it to you because you are determined to bear fruit, which is my agenda. I've assigned you to bear fruit. So what that is, that right there is the conveyance of a power of attorney. And when we define a power of attorney, a power of attorney it amounts to a legal authorization to act on someone else's behalf. And so you may, for example, I know a lot of people have been given the power of attorney to act on someone else's behalf. You may have been given power of attorney to act on your parents' behalf to make medical decisions. You may have been given power of attorney to do business, conduct business affairs on behalf of someone. So power of attorney is just a legally backed authorization to act on someone else's behalf. And the important thing about a power attorney is that it is legally binding, which means when you've been given that authority, whoever it is that you're dealing with in that engagement of that business has to treat you as though you are the person who conveyed the power of attorney to you.

    Now say it again. Now I want this to come over, particularly to our radio and television audience because this goes all over the world. And there's a lot of people that don't literally understand that the authority of a believer. The authority that is invested in us and on us through the name and it's the power of his name. That Abraham believed God and it was accounted unto him as righteousness. Jesus came, went to that cross, went to hell, was born out of hell itself and now we have been made the righteousness of God in him because we believe the name.

    Yes. And the scripture you took us through earlier, because we believe on the name, not in the name, but we believe on the name. It's one thing to believe in the name. That believe...

    Let's go over there in first John.

    Over in first John.

    First John chapter three.

    In verse 23?

    Yes, sir. Let's go up to verse 20. If our hearts condemn us God is greater than our heart and knows all things, beloved if our heart condemns not, then have we confidence toward God or have faith toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him because we keep his commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. This is his commandment. All right class, this is his commandment. That we believe on the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and loved one another as he gave commandment. And I made a little note there in John 13:34 and 35. And we're out of time. I wish you quit doing that. Glory to God.


    C'mon everybody. Hallelujah.

    Hallelujah. Thank you.

    That is so good.
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