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Joseph Prince - Receive All That God Is Supplying You Today

TOPICS: Blessing

Praise the name of Jesus. Are you ready for God's Word? I want to share with you things that God is doing for you right now that you're not, perhaps not even cognizant of but God is doing for you right now. God is doing, as I speak, God is doing. After I speak, God is still doing. Before I spoke just now, God is doing but a lot of people are not aware of this. You know, we are aware of what God has done for us. You know, in your church especially, we preach a lot about the finished work of Christ, amen.

There is the finished work of Christ on the cross that no one can add to, no one can take away from. It is completely complete. It is perfectly perfect. It cannot be added upon, amen, it's a finished work. The finished work of Christ dying for our sins on the cross lays the foundation for man's salvation, but there is also, listen carefully, there is also the unfinished work of Christ and the unfinished work of Christ, like in Acts chapter 1, it begins like this, "These things, O Theophilus," Jesus began or Luke the writer of Acts was writing to a man called Theophilus, the same man he was writing when he wrote his gospel of Luke. He says, "These things Jesus began," both began.

Say, "began". Began means it's not finished yet so there is a part of Jesus's ministry that is still ongoing and it's done by us. These things began Jesus both to do and to preach, so the preaching of the gospel is unfinished, that he leaves it to us. So, the Book of Acts is the unfinished work of Christ, amen, executed by his body, his church, his people, okay? So, I want to share with you right now, not what has been done, but what God is doing so that your faith can be released. Say, "Pastor Prince, but I haven't got a chance to pray today yet". But God is still doing before you pray, while you're praying, and after you pray.

I'm gonna share with you things that has got nothing to do with you as such except for you to believe, amen. You just have to believe that God is doing it now. And you know what it's gonna produce in you? A confident expectation of good as you face the future. First thing that you need to know is that if you are saved, if you put your trust in Christ that you believe Christ was sent by God to be your substitute at the cross, to die for your sins in your place, he became your sin that you might become his righteousness, amen. Once you know that, you know that God has made you righteous.

Now, in this ministry, this is our strong emphasis, y'all know that. But do you know something? That God didn't just make you righteous the moment you accepted Christ and put your trust maybe last month, last ten years, whatever it is. At the point in time you accepted Christ, you put your trust in Christ, you were saved in God's eyes, God imputes righteousness to you, he sees you as righteous, not only that, but constantly God is imputing righteousness to you. Now, I'm gonna prove that to you, okay? We're gonna learn something very simple we learned in English school last time called present tense but in the Greek, there is even a richer expression. Greek has expressions that are amazing. Imperative means it's a command. Indicative means it's a fact, all right?

So, they have all these participles to help us understand the tenses, even the mood, the mood of it and then there's a voice, passive or active voice. All right, Romans 3, "For all have sinned", We all know this verse, we learned it by heart, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". And that's where we stop. But actually because all have sinned and fallen short, all can receive the righteousness because righteousness of God is only given for people who have sinned. So, the Bible says here, all have sinned.

Now, look at the next verse, verse 24 says, "Being justified freely". Say, "Freely". Freely means without a price. You don't have to do anything. The Greek word is Dorian, some people's names, Dorian. Dorian means without a cost, without price on our part, without a cost. Now, it doesn't mean on God's part. God paid a heavy price at a great cost, his beloved Son. But for us, we are being justified freely at no cost. Are you listening? By his grace, that's why I love grace, amen? Through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. This is a righteous foundation. God cannot just presumptuously make sinners righteous. There must be a righteous foundation for a holy God, a thrice holy God, to make sinful men righteous and that foundation is the cross of Jesus Christ where he took our sins, amen.

Now, God is, if I can say it reverently, divinely obliged. God put himself in this position where covenant, by covenant, because of what Christ, Christ took your sins now. If you believe in Christ, God is divinely obliged to impute righteousness to you because Jesus put the whole system, all right, in that way so it becomes covenant, okay, New Covenant. So here, that redemption that's in Christ Jesus give us a solid foundation. Being justified, friend, is present, passive participle. Passive means you are not doing it, God is the one continuously seeing you righteous. God is continuously imputing righteousness to you. Continuously means before you fail, while you fail, after you fail. That doesn't make failure a lifestyle, it kills that failure when you know the truth.

So, even right now, even just now when you fail or whatever on your way to church, you know, you got angry or whatever with your spouse or somebody else on the road and all that and you didn't have time to confess, let me tell you this, right know according to this verse, I'm going by the Word of God, it tells you there's not a time that God is not continuously making you righteous. So, right now, even as I speak, even when bad thoughts go through your mind, amen, if only you know this truth, it would destroy that bad thought because all bad thoughts thrive with this thought, "Oh no, I have sinned. Oh no, man, I don't think I can even pray afterwards. I'm a hypocrite. How can I pray when I have such thoughts about Pastor Prince, you know"?

That's why we need this, the Holy Spirit, God knows that we need to be reminded always that we are continuously being seen, all right, being imputed with righteousness from God based on the finished work of Christ. So, the redemption has been done. The redemption is finished but this justification, all right, is continuously not that it's not complete. God, in other words, God is always seeing you righteous. God is always seeing. I tell you this, my confidence soar in the presence of someone who will never find fault with me, who will always love me unconditionally and best of all, this person is not blind. This person is perfect. No wonder his perfect love cast out all my fears. And how does he do it? Freely. He does not tell you, "You must do this, must do that, then I'll see you like that," Amen? It's all based on the finished work of Christ.

So, you must learn that and that's the reason why Romans 5:17 comes in, "If by one man's offense," that is Adam the first man, "death reigned through the one". That tells us that God's plan never included death for man. God hates death. I said, God hates death. He sent his Son to conquer it and rise from the dead bodily. God hates death and the Bible says death came because of, what? One man's offense, that is Adam. "Much more those who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness".

Two things that characterize Pastor Prince's ministry. If anyone want to criticize why I preach so much on grace because it says it's through abundance of grace and through the gift of righteousness we will reign in life. We will reign in life. I don't know about you, but I like to reign. I like to be above the circumstances, not under. I like to reign over my habit, not my habit reign over me. I like to reign even over sickness. I like to reign over anything but I know that in and of myself, I cannot. I can only do it as I receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, amen, through Jesus Christ then I'll reign in life. But notice the word "receive" there. Again our English word is just receive. Greek language is very rich so in Greek you have not just receive you have this word here.

How do you receive? Present active participle. In other words, because God is continuously imputing righteousness to you, you know what you need to do? You need to always be aware of it, be conscious of it, especially when you fail, and keep on receiving it. When I say receiving it people say, "Well, I don't understand, Pastor Prince, if we are made righteous, I prayed last month to receive Christ, why must I receive again"? It's not receive again. Receive here is the idea of being continuously knowing that what you know just now, God is continuously imputing righteousness to you. You should continuously receive it. If you don't, then even though he's continuously making you righteous, you are not in agreement with him.

In your mind you say that, "I have failed. I feel like a hypocrite," next thing you know, "I don't want to go to church anymore". You know, you see your actions, you're believing a lie. The devil has sold a lie to you. Like I said just now, he'll put the thought in your mind. He used the "I" pronoun. "I am suicidal. I am lonely. Nobody loves me". He doesn't come to you and say, "You are this," he comes and put the personal pronounce, "I". You listening, people?

Now, we go to the next one, next thing that God is doing for you. Philippians 2, "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed," Paul is writing to the Philippians and he says, "As you have always obeyed". He says something very profound here, "Not as in my presence only, but much more in my absence". This is what every parent want. So Paul says, "Hey, you guys obey better when I'm not around". And then he says this, "But now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure".

Doesn't say work for salvation, it says work out for it is God who works in. Work out what God has worked in, amen? Today, God worked in me already the message, now I am working out my salvation. The message is also in the category. Salvation's a very big word, don't forget. Salvation is coming out of me for all of you to rescue, to save, to heal, to deliver, amen? But you see the thing is that it's not work for, it's work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. And y'all know fear and trembling, right? We covered that last week. Fear and trembling is Hebrewism. It's an expression of something, something good that you are in awe of.

So, because of that, work out your salvation with a sense of how good God is because it is God who is working in you. And what is God working in you? Both to will, means God gives you the willingness. I said, "I'm not willing to do that". You know, God can work in you the willingness? And this word, "God works in you" is present active participle. God is always working in you, you just have to be aware of it. He is working. Isn't it wonderful? You know, the focus of traditional Christianity is on work out your salvation, but I think the emphasis should be because, for is because, it is God who is constantly working in you the willingness and not only that, and to do for his good pleasure the performance. To do means the performance, not only he gives the willingness, he gives the performance.

I tell you how good God is, okay? He gives you the desire, he gives you the performance, and then when you perform what he first gave you, he gave you the grace, God rewards you for using the grace that he first gave you. What an amazing God. What a good God. Yeah, give him praise. Come on, church. So, this is our God. It is God that's continuously working in us, working in us, working in us that willingness. And if you notice something that you want to have the desire for, all right, and you know you should exercise but you don't want to exercise, many a times when you exercise without the willingness to exercise, you know usually it falls flat after a one week or two weeks, right, amen?

You can tell God, "God, I need the willingness," and see God working in you that willingness. He probably give you a revelation. That's how God leads, that's how God speaks, and this is the key to holiness. For those who are shouting holiness, holiness, I'm telling you, this is the key. God is continuously working in you the willingness and the performance of his good pleasure, amen?

So, number three, what God is doing in terms of miracles, how many can expect a miracle every day? God wants you to expect a miracle every moment. You can expect a miracle. Where is the scriptural foundation for it? Galatians 3, "Therefore," verse 5, "Therefore God who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does God do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith"? Let's look at the Amplified Bible version of this. "Then, does God who supplies you with His marvelous Holy Spirit and works powerfully and miraculously among you, do so, does God do so on the grounds of your doing what the law demands or because of your believing in and adhering to, and trusting in, and relying on the message that you heard"?

Even the message you're hearing right now, as you hear, God supplies you the spirit. As you hear, God is working powerfully and miraculously in your life, and that's why we have testimonies of people with this kind of results, you know, they hear my message, even though I'm not there physically, but their lives are transformed. They're healed in their bodies. And now real quick go back to the New King James. "He who supplies" is present active participle. God is constantly supplying you the spirit and not only that, and works miracles among you.

By the way, among you can also be in you, all right? Greek scholars say it can go both ways. "Works miracles" is also present active participle. God is constantly working miracles in you, among you, in your family, in you, among you, that means it happens in you and it happens around you, and that's why whenever you step into a restaurant that doesn't have many people or, ladies, you step into a boutique, all of a sudden it fills up, why? Because of you. God is constantly working miracles of provision, blessing, and favor in you and around you.

So, that's why it says, "Does God do it by the works of the law"? Even though it's present active, constantly supplying, constantly working, continuously working, continuously supplying, does he do it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith? It works by the hearing of faith. So, even though God is doing it, you gotta believe it, be conscious of it, amen? Now, because of time, I'm gonna bring this to a close with the last verse and the last verse is got to do with supply and finances, okay? I'm gonna share with you something that you might never have heard it this way before.

How many have heard the verse, "He who sow bountifully shall reap bountifully, he who sows sparingly shall reap sparingly, and God loves a cheerful giver"? All that is true but many a times it leaves you there and then it says, "And God is able," in the next verse. Okay, show them all the verses, if possible, all the verses before this. All right, "This I say he who sow sparingly, all right, will reap sparingly. He who sow bountifully will reap bountifully. Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; God loves a cheerful giver". And all this is good, but all this must be born out of revelation.

Let me show you what's gonna happen. All right, after verse 7 is verse 8, "And God is able to make all grace abound towards you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every good work". The problem is this, because of this verse, "And God is able to make". Is that present tense, past tense, or future tense? It is future tense, "God is able to". Is it a reality or a potential? Potential. God is able to.

Now, some people say, you know when you talk to someone you tell them, "Do you believe God heals"? "God is able to". That's still not the kind of faith God wants. Do you believe God can supply you? "God is able to". It's still in the realm of potential, not yet realized. So, I purposely left this verse with its italics. Can you see the "is"? Now, "is" is there to help you understand but in this case, when "is able to," it puts it in the future tense, "is able to".

We all know God is able to and also it leaves you the impression that if you're a cheerful giver, then God is able to make all grace. But let me show you the Greek. It's gonna blow your mind. Ready? Remove the "to" and let me show you the word "able". The word "able" is from the word "dynamite" literally in English, dunamis. This word here is dynato from dunamis, dynato. God is dynamiting. "Okay, then the what about the tense, pastor, is it also present"? Yes, it's present active indicative.

So, I can challenge any Greek scholar to look it up and the word "able" is in the present active indicative. Indicative means it's a fact that God is right now, not able to, that means what? Present means what? Present active means what? God is now enabling, God is now powering, God is now continuously enabling all grace. Let me give you the version right now, all right? "And God is enabling all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) towards you in abundance that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work".

Even now as I speak, God is enabling, God is powering all grace. Even as I speak right now, God is doing it. He's not going to do it, he has not done it one time in the past, he is continuously doing it. God is enabling all grace. When you know that, then the verse before that says, "God loves a cheerful giver," why? Because you know God is always supplying, God is always multiplying favor to you and you are so full, it makes you a cheerful giver. The grace comes first, the grace comes first. Grace opens our hearts and this is chapter 9. Before chapter 9 is chapter 8, all right?

"That's deep, Pastor Prince". Yes. Look at chapter 8, what happened. "You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich". And there's no way, no way anyone can use this spiritually. He became rich, became poor spiritually. You know, the whole context in chapter 8 and chapter 9 is talking about money, talking about giving, talking about material things so he's talking about Jesus on the cross he became poor. The only time he became poor is on the cross.