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Joseph Prince - Access His Blessings By His Blood

TOPICS: Blessing, Blood of Jesus

We are forgiven eternally. In the same chapter 9 of Hebrews, it talks about eternal inheritance. It talks about eternal redemption. Present tense, where is Jesus? He's there at the Father's right hand. Why is he there? Why is he there? For us. He represents us before God. When God looks at you today, God doesn't look at you to judge you. God looks at Jesus to judge you. God sees him shining and God says, "As he is, so are you". He's not going to put away any sin in your life ever again. So, why is he there? Why is he praying for you? Why is he interceding? He's there, listen carefully, there's a verse that says, "If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous". Doesn't say, all right, that you pray and then he forgives. In fact, he's telling you the fact that you still sin and all that, he's there. He's there because the subject of sin is closed. God loved you. God didn't send an angel. He sent his Son.

Now, I want to give you three appearances of Christ very quickly and then this, you must understand these three appearances because many Christians are so jumbled up, all right, they're confused and they're confound the three appearances. They're not sure. Many believers are still afraid of the judgment seat of Christ, amen? Like I said, just tell them, "Are you there in your glorified body or not"? The one who's judging you, Jesus, right, is he your righteousness or not, amen? It's called the bema seat of Christ. So, don't worry about that, praise God.

Now, let's go to Hebrews 9, are you ready? "And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, without the shedding of blood there is no remission". So, even in the Old Testament after Moses built the tabernacle, amen, and the scroll of the book of the law, you know what he did? He sprinkled the book with the blood. He sprinkled the furnitures with the blood. Actually, all our creative design that we have shown you, our illustration, you know, our animation and all that, the pictures of the furniture, don't have stains of blood, but the real tabernacle when you go inside you'll find that menorah, the lampstand has stains of blood. You look at the altar of incense, stains of blood. You look at the laver, stains of blood because the Bible says Moses sprinkled with blood all the furnitures of the temple.

Isn't it amazing that when we worship God and all that, we are already sprinkled with blood, amen? We offer God through the blood. Everything becomes perfect through the blood. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission. Now the word "remission" is forgiveness. Show them the NASB, New American Standard Bible. "Without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness". So, God ordained blood and blood is the life of the flesh. Look here at Leviticus 17, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood". Say, "The life of the flesh is in the blood". So, your life is in the blood. If you let your blood go, all right, in a constant flow, you will die. The Bible says the life of flesh and the blood. You want to see if it's a healthy life? Check in the blood. That's why you have blood tests. The blood work will tell you, all right, whether you have this condition or that condition, right? Huh, right?

Back to this, the three appearances. I'm not even there yet. All right, the first appearance. Drop down, verse 23, "Therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things in the heavens should be purified with these, the things of the heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these". I used to wonder why, it says that if the tabernacle on earth, the tabernacle of Moses, was cleansed and purified by blood. I said just now that the blood is the life of flesh, right? Didn't I say that? Do you know that the word "blessing," how many want more blessings? Okay Lord, look at the people who want it, lah? How many want more blessings?

Okay, just let you know that the old English, the word "blessing" come from an old English and the old English is blood sian like Asian, all right? Blood, blood sian, blood sian. You hear the word "blood". It's an old English blessing. It's from an old English word blood sian, marked by blood, consecrated by blood. You can check it out. Yeah, you always like to do it now, right? You don't believe me, check it out. Do it now fast again, and then they look up again. All right, so it is the word "blood" is there. Just let you know the word "blood" is there. All right, the etymology of the word "blessing". So, we use the word "blessing," we forget blessing comes only through the blood. Jesus shed his blood. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness, there is no cleansing, okay?

So, but why should heaven, why should the real heaven where God is, all right, why should heaven be purified with better sacrifices? If the tabernacle of Moses was purified with the blood of bulls and goats, why should heaven be purified with the blood of Jesus? Better sacrifice, why? I used to ask the Lord that question again, you know, many years ago and I remember in that meeting place that I used to meet, which is the Rock Auditorium, all right, back there in Suntec. After I asked the Lord this question, usually he will not answer me then and there, sometimes he does. Sometimes a few days pass before he answers me. I remember praying for people in the front. After service, I think it was midweek service or whatever, I was about to turn to go away and I heard God speak this to me, "Because the place where Satan stood is defiled".

Whoa, there was a time that Satan could stand before God and accuse you and me. Now, this is not you and me. The Old Testament saints, there was a place where Satan stood before God. When all the angels come before God, Satan can come and bring an accusation against one of God's servants. And I'm thinking to myself, how come God allow that, how come? Because it was the place of Adam. God gave Adam that place and Adam gave him that place. Are you listening? That's why when the ark of the covenant, when the priest on the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, the high priest, which is Aaron, he'll go in before the ark of the covenant, the two cherubim, and he will sprinkle blood once on the mercy seat. As far as God is concerned, Jesus's sacrifice once has done it, amen?

His blood has put away all our sins and in the presence of God in front, he's sprinkles blood seven times, seven times, he sprinkles blood, seven times. And why? Seven is perfect. And who stands before God? All of us today. So, in heaven today, amen, that place that gives us access to God, Jesus sprinkled his blood. We have immediate access to God, and access that in the Old Testament, even all Israel cannot go in and among the priests, among the Levites, only the priests can go in. No, among the priests, only the priest can go in the first part, the holy place, but only the high priest can go in the Holy of Holies, which is today our dwelling place. Today, it is our place. We are there.

Okay, we are all there. We have immediate access to God because the blood of Jesus has torn the veil. And the more you are there today, the more healthier you become, stronger you become, the more living, it's a new and living way. The word "new" in the Greek is freshly killed like a sacrifice freshly killed. The word "new" is freshly slain or freshly killed, by a freshly slain and living way. In the Old Testament, you find when God gives instructions from Mount Sinai through Moses or to Aaron, he will say, "Don't always come near, lest you die. Be prepared for this when you come, lest you die. All right, make sure you do this, do this, do this, lest you die".

The lest you die, lest you die, lest he die, lest he die, lest you die, it's always there, you know, because of the dangers of not being prepared because the sacrifices is not the blood of Jesus. They're just blood of bulls and goats. So, with holy trepidation and fear, the high priest on Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, goes in once and doesn't even talk. He let the blood talk. Remember the first occurrence, the law of first mention of blood it says blood has a voice. When Cain killed Abel, his blood was shed, God says to Cain later on, "The voice of your brother's blood cries to me from the ground".

So, the law of first mention, any subject mentioned for the first time, there is something for us to learn. Blood mentioned the first time says it has a voice. Even in criminal investigation, if a thief, or a rapist, or a murderer, got scratched or the lady scratched, you know, under her fingernail, there's some blood, they will test the blood. The blood has a voice. Are you listening? God ordained it to be like that. And the Bible says in Hebrews 12, same book of Hebrews, it says in Hebrews 12, the blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel. The blood of Abel, when his brother killed him, even though he's dead physically, his blood cries, "Vengeance, vengeance, vengeance on my murderer". But the blood of Jesus cries, "Mercy, mercy, forgiveness, forgiveness, blessings". Blood sian, amen? Are you listening, people?

So, it says Jesus went there. He sprinkled the blood. So today, you cannot read the Book of Job and say, "Job, Satan went to God". Satan has no more access to God today. He cannot stand down there because the blood seven times sprinkled is for you and I. He cannot stand there, okay? Three appearances, really fast in three minutes? Okay go back. All right, the first one, "Christ has not entered the holy places made with human hands," okay, "which are the copies of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us". So, the first appearance you must understand is that present tense, where is Jesus? He's there at the Father's right hand. Why is he there? Why is he there? For us. He's there to appear for us.

I said, he's there to appear for us. But this word "appear". I'm gonna show you three words "appear" that in your English Bible they appear as appear, all right? But in the Greek, these three appearances are three different Greek words, and it's very interesting. The first one here, what Jesus is doing for us is the word emphanizo, emphanizo, all right? Look up Vine's study of words. Vine will tell you the em is like a prefix that intensify the phanizo. Phanizo is shine. So, it's the intensified shining forth. He appears there shining for us. Remember the high priest's garments? In other words, he represents us before God. When God looks at you today, God doesn't look at you to judge you. God looks at Jesus to judge you. God sees him shining and God says, "As he is, so are you".

Listen, I want to tell you something that will blow your mind. He's not going to put away any sin in your life ever again. So, why is he there? Why is he praying for you? Why is he interceding? He's there, listen carefully, there's a verse that says, "If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous". Doesn't say, all right, that you pray and then he forgives. In fact, he's telling you the fact that you still sin and all that, he's there. He's there because the subject of sin is closed. He dealt with it once and for all and that brings us to the next appearance, all right, verse 25. "Not that He should offer Himself often, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood of another... He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world".

It's in contrast with the priest, they must enter every year with the blood of bulls, why? Because the blood of bulls is not sufficient. But Jesus entered once, why? His blood is more than enough, amen? His blood is eternal. He offered himself by the eternal spirit, amen? So, we are forgiven eternally. In the same chapter 9 of Hebrews, it talks about eternal inheritance. It talks about eternal redemption. Are you listening, amen? He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world. "But now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared", second appearance, "to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself".

Now he goes back to the past. Just now presently, what is he doing? He's in heaven appearing there for us. How does he appear? Shining, amen? And that's how he appear. He presents you before God. I said, that's how he presents you before God. So, once in the end of the ages, he was manifested. He appeared. The word "appeared" here is phaneroo. Phaneroo is another word that means manifested. He was manifested. Listen, look up here. To say he was manifested means, what? He didn't come for the first time as a baby. No, he preexisted with the Father. He was ever the Son with the Father. By him, the Father created all things, but he was manifested as a baby take upon human body, all right, for what purpose? To die for us. So once in the end of the ages, he has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

Now listen, did he put it away or not? Did he so perfectly put it away? Talk to me, people. Did he put it away or not? Don't insult him, all right? Did he put it away or not? So, the subject of sin is closed. God loved you. God didn't send an angel. He sent his Son. His Son is also God. He preexisted with God, the triune God, amen? Are you with me so far? Okay, we've come to the end. All right, verse 27, "And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment". Now listen carefully, when was man appointed to die? When God made Adam? No, when Adam sinned, a sentence passed from God's mouth, right? That's when God appointed man to die, all right, okay?

Now, you think after death it's over, you think after death it's over? No, it's only the beginning. After that the judgment. So people think they get by, "You know, Pastor Prince, you know, this guy got by. You know, wah, the court let this guy go. You know, this guy, you know, they did all kind of bad things". Listen, there is a judgment even after death. Death is only the beginning. There's a second death, after that, the judgment. Now listen carefully, "And as so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him", so, Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. It's a contrast. To those who eagerly wait for him, the word "eagerly wait," again, every Christian falls in this category. Every true born-again Christian falls in this category: of people who are waiting for him. All believers are waiting for him. All wives wait for their husbands varying degrees, but they wait, amen? "Apart from sin, for salvation".

Those who eagerly wait for him, he'll appear a second time. The third last appearance, appearance, appear. And this one is optanomai in the Greek. Opto, optics, optical, ophthalmologist, right? That means he'll appear before the eyes, whoa! He's not returning, listen, he's not returning in the Spirit realm like some people say in clouds odd and all that. He's returning visibly. You have the optical vision of him, all right? Now, listen, a second time he will appear. He appeared the first time to put away sin. Second time apart from sin for salvation. Salvation here is our bodies. Don't think of salvation always saved from hell. Salvation here is our bodies. Are you listening? When he comes again, he's coming for our salvation.

Show them Philippians real quick. Philippians says what? That our citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly wait. Same Greek word, optanomai, for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to his glorious body. We'll be young forever, healthy forever, never sick again, amen? We will appear, disappear, you know, transcend time and space, yet we are matter like Jesus can touch him and feel. No blood, all right, but body of flesh and bones, amen? But we'll transcend by the speed of light, praise God. We'll be transformed and conformed to his glorious body according to the working by which he's able even to subdue all things to himself.

Back again to the last verse. "He will appear a second time apart from sin". So, apart from sin, what is that? Nothing to say to sin. When Jesus come again a lot of people think, "Oh, when Jesus comes again, he's gonna look out for the backsliders, you know, deal with the Christians that are". You know what apart from sin means? Nothing to do with sin, our sin. In future he's gonna come and deal with the world, but look at this. Look at the New Living Translation. I like the New Living, it brings it across. "He will come again, not to deal with our sins". Take that in for a while, "Not to deal with our sins". He will come again not to deal with our sins. He appeared to put away sin. As far as he's concerned, it's done. He so effectually put away sin from the sight of a holy God, when God looks at you and I today, it's not that we are perfect in our behavior, in our flesh, but God sees no sin on you. When Jesus comes again, it's not to deal with our sins, all right, but to bring salvation and we know that salvation here is our bodies.

"Pastor Prince, I believe that some Christians are going through the great tribulation". Show them 1 Thessalonians real quick, 1 Thessalonians. 1 Thessalonians look at the last part here, "To wait for his Son from heaven". We are called to wait for his Son from heaven. We are not called to die, ah? I said, we're not called to die. We are called to wait for his Son from heaven whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. The great tribulation is the day of God's wrath. It's known at the day of the Lord, the day of God's wrath, the day of Jacob's trouble, the time of Jacob's trouble. It is not for you and I. Jesus delivers us from the wrath to come.

"Pastor Prince, why preach about all this Second Coming and all that"? Because 1 John says, real quick 1 John. It says, "Now we are the children of God". Look at this, we know that when he is revealed, we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is. And everyone, pastors, leaders, listen, why preach on the Rapture? "Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as He is pure". There'll be purity in the church when the Rapture has been preaches, okay, the coming of the Lord for his bride.

And we close with John 14. The first time Jesus mentioned the Rapture or for coming for us is in John 14. John 14 is the upper room discourse. Many people, they expound on Sermon on the Mount and no problem. The Sermon on the Mount is preached to Israel, the kingdom in mind. The principles still apply for us Christians but entire church truths is actually in the Last Supper in the upper room. He shared about the Holy Spirit coming. He shared about the ministry of the Holy Spirit, a new commandment, which is our life, loving one another. This is our nature, amen? He talks about asking for his name. "Up till now, you have asked nothing in my name".

So, all the church truths are actually embodied in the upper room discourse. I don't know why they don't call it sermon on another mount. To me, it's not that there's place for, they have their place, but this is more for you and I today. And here for the first time he says, "Let not your heart be troubled". I'll close with this. "You believe in God, believe also in Me. In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am, there you may be also". Give him praise, amen?