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Jonathan Bernis - The Power of The Gospel

Jonathan Bernis - The Power of The Gospel
TOPICS: Gospel

Jonathan Bernis: Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis, joined again with my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Well, if you've been watching this show for some time, you know that we're about sharing the gospel, the good news that Jesus, Yeshua, is the Messiah. Specifically, our ministry's bringing the gospel to the Jew first according to Romans 1:16. You may not know it, but the gospel is not a New Testament concept, it's actually found in the Old Testament. And today, we're gonna take you back to the Hebrew scriptures to help you understand the original, Jewish context of the gospel. Stay tuned because we'll also be providing an opportunity so that you can share the gospel with thousands all over the world. So, Ezra, let's dig into this idea that the gospel is not Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: It's not something that begins in the New Testament. It actually goes back to the Jewish scriptures. We call it, "The Tanakh, the Torah".

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: The prophets, the writings.

Ezra Benjamin: The Old Testament, to use Christian language.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah. I was just gonna say, in fact, the early disciples shared the gospel not out of the New Testament...

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: Because the New Testament hadn't even been written yet.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly, exactly. And so, Jonathan, I think maybe where we should start is some familiar territory. And what I mean by that is the New Testament word for gospel, and maybe we should even define what is the gospel, anyway. And then, let's take that back to where we see the same foundational concept in the Old Testament.

Jonathan Bernis: Good.

Ezra Benjamin: That work for you?

Jonathan Bernis: Well, let's do it.

Ezra Benjamin: Alright, so, in the New Testament which is written primarily in Greek, the word for gospel... What is the gospel? Maybe get a pen, write this down. It's evangelion. And that's a kind of a fancy, maybe hard to memorize word. Evangelion in Greek literally means the proclamation of the good news concerning the Messiah. It's kind of this compound word. Evangelion. The proclamation of the good news concerning the Messiah. And what's interesting to me there is it's not just the good news, it's the proclamation of the good news. So, built into the idea of what is the gospel is speaking forth, proclaiming this good news that Jesus is the Messiah.

Jonathan Bernis: We're gonna talk more about that because that's important. So, we'll come back to that.

Ezra Benjamin: Right. And I'm thinking of a passage in Paul's letters to the Corinthians where he actually defines the gospel. You wanna know, what is the gospel? He says, "This is it. I've passed on to you of first importance what I heard, and it's this that", it says, "Christ Jesus or Yeshua, the Messiah, died for our sins according to the scriptures". Well, what scriptures? As Jonathan, as you said, there were no New Testament scriptures. Paul's saying, "According to the Old Testament, according to the Jewish scriptures". And it goes in that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. So, Paul's saying, "We know according to the Hebrew scriptures, according to what the prophets foresaw, hundreds of years before Jesus would come, that the Messiah would have to die but that he wouldn't stay in the ground". And that also, equally importantly, that his resurrection was witnessed by many in the weeks, in the 40-something days after his resurrection. So, that in a nutshell is the gospel. Right.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah.

Ezra Benjamin: But it's the idea of the proclamation of this good news. That we have a Messiah who's died for our sins and who didn't stay in the grave. And his resurrection is the confirmation of his authority to forgive sins and even to overcome death.

Jonathan Bernis: It's so clear, but so important to point out because so many miss this that, Paul says, "According to the scriptures".

Ezra Benjamin: That's right.

Jonathan Bernis: Not the gospels, but according to the Jewish scriptures.

Ezra Benjamin: That's right.

Jonathan Bernis: It's all in there.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: It's all in there.

Ezra Benjamin: As we say so often, as you say so often, "The gospel is concealed in the Old Testament and revealed in the new".

Jonathan Bernis: Right.

Ezra Benjamin: Jesus isn't coming to invent some new religion, he's coming to fulfil what Moses and the prophets had told Israel they should hope, and expect, and pray for. The days when a redeemer would come from the house of Israel but not just the house of Israel, for all from the nations who would call upon his name.

Jonathan Bernis: So, Ezra, you've given us the Greek...

Ezra Benjamin: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: Gospel.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: You've given us the Greek word. Let's dive into the Hebrew.

Ezra Benjamin: Sure. So, let's turn our attention now back to the Old Testament. And we're in Isaiah 61, Jonathan.

Jonathan Bernis: And we'll put this up so you can see this.

Ezra Benjamin: Many of our viewers today have probably heard this passage, maybe you even quote it in your churches, in your worship services. It's quoted in some songs. But let's look at the context here. This is Isaiah 61 beginning in verse one and it says, "The spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon Me," and a lot of translations, Jonathan, that "Me" is a capital "M", why? Because it's understood that this is the Lord. This isn't Isaiah, this is the Lord speaking through Isaiah. So, the "Me" is the Lord. I believe it's the Messiah. It's Jesus hundreds of years before he comes to earth, okay? So, "The spirit of the Lord is upon Me because the Lord has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor". And we need to stop right there. You remember that phrase? "Proclaim good news". Again, it doesn't just say to bring good news, or to be good news, it's to proclaim good news. And the Hebrew word there is "Besorah". And in Hebrew just like evangelion in the Greek, it's not just good news, it's to proclaim good news. It's a compound word. And the idea there is good news which isn't proclaimed, isn't really that good news at all. It has to be proclaimed.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah, that's such a good point. They go together.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: One is meaningless without the other.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly. And what's interesting here, actually, just a few words before, "The Lord," the father, if you will, "Has anointed Me". The word there, Jonathan is, "Mashiach". It's Messiah. There's an anointing. Messiah in Hebrew literally means, "Anointed one". So, we call Jesus, the Christ, which is a Greek way, Christos, of saying a Hebrew word, "Mashiach," or Messiah and it's literally... Why is Jesus the Messiah? Because he's anointed by the father to proclaim good news.

Jonathan Bernis: That's so good, Ezra. And there's so much in this passage.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: And it is proclaimed by Jesus himself.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: This is great. So, he proclaims it and then he actually demonstrates it in healing, in setting people free.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: This is the gospel.

Ezra Benjamin: There it is.

Jonathan Bernis: In Isaiah.

Ezra Benjamin: And you know, Jonathan, this isn't the only time we see this passage. Jesus actually reads this in a synagogue, we see it in Luke 4. I'll quickly turn there now. But it says, "Jesus went into a synagogue," and remember, Jesus is a Jewish rabbi. He's living in a Jewish culture, in a Jewish, religious context, and so of course he would go, and he would teach and minister in the local synagogues. And it says that, "The scroll of Isaiah was handed to him, and he reads this same passage. 'The spirit of the Lord is upon Me because he's anointed Me, he's Messiahed Me, to proclaim good news to the poor. To proclaim freedom for prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor'". And it says, "And then, he rolled up the scroll and said to them, ‘today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing'". And the whole synagogue is shocked because he's saying, "I'm the anointed one who's come to proclaim good news from God".

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah. Can you imagine though to, he clearly states, "I'm the one that fulfills this".

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: But he does. He proclaims his Messiahship. You know, I wanna go back to 1 Corinthians, which so clearly lays out the gospel...

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: His death.

Ezra Benjamin: Yes.

Jonathan Bernis: His burial, his resurrection.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: The witnesses to his resurrection.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: And you have scriptures in the Old Testament that proclaim in detail. In fact, over 300...

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: That proclaim in detail every aspect of the Messiah's life, where he would be born, beginning in Bethlehem.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: Micah, the book of Micah 5, "He'll be born in Bethlehem". Isaiah 53 which reads like it's right out of the New Testament.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: Right? That he'll give his life as a lamb led to the slaughter.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: And in particular, that it's for his people, his own people.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: That he dies for his own people and God is laid upon him the iniquity of us all.

Ezra Benjamin: "And by his stripes we are healed". And i‘m looking at that passage right now, Jonathan, but it says in Isaiah 53:11, "After he suffered, he'll see the light of life and be satisfied". And David says, "Your holy one, your Messiah, God, will not see decay". In another passage. All of that is what Paul's talking about when he says that, "Jesus rose again from the dead according to the scriptures". It's not a New Testament invention. It's a fulfillment of the Jewish scriptures.

Jonathan Bernis: Even down to the detail, this is what's so amazing to me that he would die between two thieves.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: There's so much detail buried in the tomb of a rich man. It all came to pass. You know, Ezra, I grew up in a Jewish home and I never saw these things...

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: Until I was in college, and it was astounding. Changed my life. Well, the great commission commands us to go out and to proclaim, to share the gospel. An easy and impactful way that you can do this is to become a monthly partner with Jewish Voice. We call these our shalom partners, ambassadors of peace around the world. Learn more right now.

Ezra Benjamin: Romans 1:16 states, "For I'm not ashamed of the Gospel". You and I must not be ashamed to share the Gospel. And it's an honor to be a messenger of Jesus, the Messiah.

Jonathan Bernis: The passage goes on, "Because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes".

Ezra Benjamin: The Jewish people have witnessed the power and faithfulness of God throughout our history. We know him as deliverer, provider, sustainer...

Jonathan Bernis: But sadly, millions of Jewish people around the world don't yet know him as redeemer or Savior.

Ezra Benjamin: Which brings us to the final words of this verse. "The Gospel is the power of salvation to the Jew first, and then to the gentile".

Jonathan Bernis: If you're already a Shalom Partner, I wanna say thank you. Your regular, financial support, and this is critical, your faithfulness, makes it possible for us to respond immediately when God presents a new gospel opportunity.

Ezra Benjamin: Please consider making an extra one-time gift today to meet the needs in Jewish communities around the world in Jesus' name.

Jonathan Bernis: That would be such a blessing to so many around the world. We hope to hear from you today. Here's how.

Jonathan Bernis: Ezra, those clips are really the core of what we do here at Jewish Voice.

Ezra Benjamin: They sure are.

Jonathan Bernis: We transform lives through medical and humanitarian aid, but most importantly proclaiming the gospel to Jewish people around the world.

Ezra Benjamin: That's it.

Jonathan Bernis: That's from the inside out.

Ezra Benjamin: That's right.

Jonathan Bernis: That's how a life is changed.

Ezra Benjamin: It's the heartbeat of this ministry.

Jonathan Bernis: It is.

Ezra Benjamin: And Jonathan, let's focus, let's jump right back into the scriptures if you're good with that. I better you're good with that watching at home. But I wanna focus on what we just said, proclaiming the gospel. Because I'm convicted by it, the more I study the scriptures about it. And this idea that a gospel which is not proclaimed, good news about the Messiah, good news about reconciliation and forgiveness with God, which isn't proclaimed, is actually not a whole gospel at all. And we see that. You know, we've been in Isaiah 61 here, but I'm looking at a passage in Isaiah 52, that we see repeated in Romans. We'll look at that in just a minute. But you know this passage, I bet you do. And it's Isaiah 52:7, it says, "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news," it's that same word, "Besorah," the proclamation of good news from God. "Who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, and who say to Zion, 'your God reigns!'" and again, that idea not just those who have good news inside them or those who write about good news, "How beautiful upon the mountains are those who proclaim good news". Who proclaim salvation to Zion, to all who would hear, but it's specifically here to Zion, representing to the Jewish people.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah. I think, Ezra, that we're living in a day, first of all, this is not talked about enough.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: I think you'll agree with me, this is just not talked about enough and we're living in a day when the gospel, there's a lack of gospel proclamation. And I think there's a number of factors, but there's such a resistance, and I understand what it's like to deal with the fear of sharing your faith. I know what it's like to deal with just the pressure of jumping into... How do you just begin to share the gospel with someone? And it's easier to avoid.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: There's really, it's a spiritual battle, really to do it.

Ezra Benjamin: I think part of it is that we wrongly assume that the response of the hearer depends upon us. And yet, that's not what the scripture say, is it? And I'm thinking about Romans 10 here. Even Romans 1:16, right? "I'm not ashamed of the gospel". Remember, gospel. So, Paul's saying, "I'm not ashamed of the proclamation of the good news of the Messiah because that proclamation, is the power of God onto salvation for all who would believe". And so, it's God's responsibility between that person and himself, their response. It's our responsibility to proclaim.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah. The gospel works, but only when we share it.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: That's the whole point of this.

Ezra Benjamin: Jonathan, Romans 10. I know you teach on this a lot.

Jonathan Bernis: I do.

Ezra Benjamin: Verse 14, "How can they call on the one whom they've not believed in? How can they believe in the one whom they've not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them"? And this whole passage is Paul trying to explain to a predominantly non-Jewish audience about the Jewish people's wide scale rejection of Jesus as the Messiah but he's saying, "How did they even have a chance to believe and call upon the Lord unless someone preaches to them"?

Jonathan Bernis: The whole context here, Ezra, and this is universal.

Ezra Benjamin: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: You apply this to everyone because it's universal principle.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: But in context, he's talking about the Jewish people as you said and he begins in Romans 9 by saying, "I give up my eternity for the salvation of my brethren, the people of Israel". They gave us the law, they gave us the prophets, they gave us the patriarchs. All of these things that the Jewish people brought to the world, to the body, to the church. And then, in Romans 10, he said, "God's not finished with the Jewish people". He hasn't failed. He's sovereign. And then, Romans 10 is dealing with the simplicity of the gospel, that if it's proclaimed as it needs to be to be the gospel, then people will respond. But they can't respond, which takes faith, unless they hear.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: And they can't hear unless one proclaim, and no one will proclaim unless they understood that they're sent. You're sent, every one of us is sent. But the one who is obedient and proclaims the good news will share with people that hear, ultimately will hear a second time 'cause it's mentioned twice because God is preparing their hearts. The gospel works when it's proclaimed.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: They'll believe and confess onto salvation. And then, this principle for, "We hear with the ear. We believe with the heart. We confess with the mouth onto salvation".

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly. And that's exactly what Paul's saying here in Romans 10. And he says, "How can they preach," as you just quoted Jonathan, "Unless they are sent? As it is written," Paul finishes this passage quoting the Hebrew scriptures, "As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'" he's saying the fulfillment of Isaiah 52, is those who would open their mouths and proclaim the good news about the Messiah. That we have a redeemer, and his name is Jesus.

Jonathan Bernis: Very simply also in this same chapter, "Faith cometh by hearing,"

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: "And hearing by the Word of God". The Word of God will not fail. The gospel will not fail. It's just as powerful as it was when it was proclaimed 2000 years ago, and look at the results. Do you wanna see your family saved? Do you wanna see your friends saved? Do you wanna see your community saved? The answer is to put the gospel into action by proclaiming it, and you will be blessed.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: "Blessed are the feet of those who bring the good news".

Ezra Benjamin: Amen. I want my feet to be blessed. And really, this passage has convicted me. Am I opening my mouth? Are we opening our mouths? Are you opening your mouth to declare, to proclaim that good news? And sometimes, like you said, Jonathan, we go, "Well, what if they don't receive it"? What if they do and their life is changed?

Jonathan Bernis: I don't know about you, Ezra, but I'll just say it in front of everyone. I'm convicted right now because I need to proclaim the gospel more.

Ezra Benjamin: We do need to proclaim. You know, we're both saying to each other, "We're convicted," and you know, Lord, help us to open our mouths to make known that mystery of the gospel as Paul says, "That good news which is power from God unto salvation for all who would believe". And the scripture we know says, "First for the Jew," it's this Greek word, "Proton". It doesn't mean like, you're lining people up and the Jewish person is first and the gentile, the non-Jewish person, second. It's that the power of God unto salvation is necessarily first for Israel, why? Because it's the fulfillment of God's promises to Israel. That he expands to include all peoples, tribes, and tongues ‘cause it's too small a thing that he would just save Israel. But the gospel is first for the Jew and also for the gentile, also for the nations. And yet, Jonathan, there's this idea out there even in some Christian circles today that you don't wanna offend the Jewish people with the gospel. That the gospel, in fact isn't first to the Jew, it's not for the Jew.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah. And you're withholding, sadly.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: I say this. You're loving Jewish people unto death.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: I know that's strong, but it's true because the gospel is the only way for salvation. Jesus is the way, the truth, the life, and no one comes to the father except through him. You know, Ezra, I've been a believer 43 years now and I've experienced thousands of Jewish people responding to the gospel and tens of thousands of people in general, and the impact of sharing the gospel at a time when God was moving in a very, unique way. For example, in the former Soviet Union and just about everyone I shared with...

Ezra Benjamin: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: The gospel worked. And I led families, I led extended families. As I was invited into little homes packed with family members, I experienced their response to the gospel. In some cases, the entire household being saved. We've seen villages.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: In Ethiopia, of Jewish people coming to faith, how? By the proclamation of the gospel. We've seen it in Africa. It's time for America.

Ezra Benjamin: Amen.

Jonathan Bernis: I really believe it's time for America. I really believe it's time for your family. I really believe it's time for the people that you've been praying for to be saved, to come into salvation. Don't give up, keep praying. But also, tactfully and led by the Holy Spirit, proclaim the gospel and watch what happens. Ezra and I are going to pray for your needs in just a minute, but we wanna ask you, if you would partner with us monthly to share the gospel? Not only do we share the gospel, but we establish congregations in Jewish communities to fulfil the command, to go and make disciples of all nations. Your support today will help us to train and establish more congregations for discipleship. Please watch and we'll return to pray with you next.

Ezra Benjamin: Romans 1:16 states, "For I'm not ashamed of the Gospel". You and I must not be ashamed to share the Gospel. And it's an honor to be a messenger of Jesus, the Messiah.

Jonathan Bernis: The passage goes on, "Because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes".

Ezra Benjamin: The Jewish people have witnessed the power and faithfulness of God throughout our history. We know him as deliverer, provider, sustainer...

Jonathan Bernis: But sadly, millions of Jewish people around the world don't yet know him as redeemer or Savior.

Ezra Benjamin: Which brings us to the final words of this verse. "The Gospel is the power of salvation to the Jew first, and then to the gentile".

Jonathan Bernis: If you're already a Shalom Partner, I wanna say thank you. Your regular, financial support, and this is critical, your faithfulness, makes it possible for us to respond immediately when God presents a new gospel opportunity.

Ezra Benjamin: Please consider making an extra one-time gift today to meet the needs in Jewish communities around the world in Jesus' name.

Jonathan Bernis: That would be such a blessing to so many around the world. We hope to hear from you today. Here's how.

Jonathan Bernis: We try to make time in every program to pray for your needs and we know how many needs there are. We get your prayer requests by email, by letter. And Ezra, there's some real significant needs out there. People that can't pay their rent right now because of the growing inflation. They're having trouble buying food.

Ezra Benjamin: Sure.

Jonathan Bernis: There's people that are facing terminal illness. Either they're facing it or their spouse or loved one is facing it.

Ezra Benjamin: Another need we hear so often and we wanna join you in prayer about this as well as your other needs today is, people's grief, people's concern over family members who are far from the Lord. Either who have walked away or who have never met the Lord, have never experienced salvation and forgiveness.

Jonathan Bernis: And others that need to hear the gospel, you're praying for their salvation.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: Well, the proclamation of the gospel works. Ezra, will you just take a moment...

Ezra Benjamin: I will.

Jonathan Bernis: We'll join together.

Ezra Benjamin: "Lord, we thank you that your word says, 'salvation belongs to the Lord'. And we thank you, Jesus, that you have the name Yeshua, salvation, which is above every name. And so, we pray, Lord, that you would visit the families, the workplaces, the communities of those watching today, the people in their minds, the people they've carried before your throne in prayer for months and years, decades even, would you visit them and their households with salvation? Release salvation. Release Yeshua. Release forgiveness and redemption. And we pray it in Jesus' name".

Jonathan Bernis: Yes, Lord.

Ezra Benjamin: Amen.

Jonathan Bernis: Thank you for meeting needs today.

Ezra Benjamin: Amen.

Jonathan Bernis: In the wonderful name of Yeshua. If you'd like more information about our ministry, you can log on to You can also send us your prayer requests right on the website. Our team here at Jewish Voice is committed to reading your prayer requests, praying for you by name, because we believe in the power of prayer, and we care about you. More importantly though, God cares about you, and he's watching over you. He asked us also to watch over Israel with him and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem on a daily basis according to Psalm 122. So, we urge you to do that as we close. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The Bible says, "They will prosper who love thee". Until next time, this is Jonathan Bernis and Ezra Benjamin saying, shalom and God bless you.